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CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

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Well, I'm going to be buying a new system before any new games. I still havn't got ArmA II OA.

I seriously get like 10 FPS playing even DR. (settings=800x600 res, all low settings)

It sucks, Pentium 4 is getting too old. lol

And you were criticizing ArmA2 AI with such CPU ? I do understand now :rolleyes:

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Try as I might, I couldn't find it... although I remember reading it not that long ago. I only found a reference to that interview in one short article on Tiscali Games saying the interview was published on the PC Gamer website in 2005.

Is this what you're looking for?

Here is a recap of the May 8, 2003 OFP2 first details and Marek Spanel's interview.


Codemasters today revieled that Operation Flashpoint 2, the sequel to the international acclaimed military action simulator, will feature different theaters of combat set in enviornments across Southeast Asia, Central Europe, and Africa. The game's mission-based campains will take gamers through fictional conflicts based upon authentic events during the years around 1970. In development at Bohemia Interactive Studio, Operation Flashpoint 2 will be published by Codemasters late in 2004.

Set to advance and expand the groundbreaking squad-based gameplay of the original, Operation Flashpoint 2 will set a new standard in its real portrayal of conflict situations where, for the player and his squad, everything happens for real.

Marek Spanel, the Project Leader for Operation Flashpoint at Bohemia Interactive studios said,

"We want to create a game set in realistic theaters not tied to any single historic event. The theaters selected for Operation Flashpoint 2 will provide a great variety of combat enviornments and draw players into a thoroughly believeable experience in which every element of tactical combat is important."

It's also revealed that an important part of the campain will focus on events from the Vietnam War in the late 60's when US forces in South Vietnam numbered over half a million. Missions will see players in solo action, commanding a squad, driving vehicles, or taking to the air in authentic 'copters and planes. Weapons, military, and civilians are being accurately modeled from periof military data.

Marek Spanel's Interview:


How many people joined BIS to work on OFP2? When did BIS actually start to work on OFP2? Is OFP2 the only game you are developing now? Will you provide the same high quality support as OFP?

Marek Spanel:

The team was growing all the time. At the beginning in 1997, only Ondrej (Suma) was a full time team member, and then the dev team for OFP grew continuously up to 12 full time developers in 2001. The team was growing after release of OFP and the current OFP2 counts over 25 people (including small teams based in Austraila).


Have you changed your way of working and your goals you wish to achieve considering your previous developing experiences? Could you explain how?

Marek Spanel:

We're a much bigger company now and we have to change many aspects of our work. We had to improve our internal communication and organization, and - believe it or not - we had to write down some rules for everyone to follow. Still we avoid paperwork as much as we can, we use electronic means for almost every aspect of our work, and we concentrate on the real work, not on meetings and reports.


It's not a secret that OFP was a blockbuster because of it's warfare realism that no other game can challenge. Do you plan to continue in this way and make OFP2 even more realistic? Have you hired additional technical advisors?

Marek Spanel:

We want to make OFP2 more realistic and also more fun for gamers. We continue to cooperate with various people and we will continue to listen to feedback from our valuable community to make the game as good as possible. OFP2 will be more customizable, for example by further extending the choices players can make between Cadet and Veteran mode.


Have you started working on a brand new engine or are you using an evolution of the original OFP engine (which was an evolution of Poseidon's One?) Can you give examples of what will change between the OFP engine and the OFP2 engine? Will it be possible to see underwater; will map streaming allow you to create bigger maps? Are you going to implement Direct X 9 features?

Marek Spanel:

The graphical part of the engine is a relatively small part of what makesthe game. I would describe the engine more as a compex interaction between graphics, audio, AI, physics, network communication, and user interface components. Anyway, OFP2 will be a new generation of the same engine and it does mean we will reuse a lot of work done all ready if it suits our purpose. The engine archtecture is being redesigned completely so in some aspects, it's really a new more powerful engine that surpasses the original Flashpoint engine in many areas. Generally, we don't see any real limitations to using the original Flashpoint engine code and it's very complex architecture that can hardly be implemented from scratch without adding two more years to the development cycle. We mainly optimize and improve everything we have but we're still able to reuse a lot of the existing code. Significantly larger maps will be definitely possible - we hope that the size of the map will not really be limited any more than by the map designer's goals and skills. Better simulation of water is also something we take seriously for OFP2. And yes, we are going to implement DX9 features in the engine and we really like pixel and vertex shaders and we're going to use it in the engine extensively.


Will you modify or improve the netcode? Can you confirm that people will be able to join multiplayer games that have alreay started?

Marek Spanel:

We're all the time working on improving the netcode. It's a long-term effort and We're going to continue at it. We work on stability and performance features. One particular thing is to introduce voice over the net in the socket netcode. It's also possible we would dismiss DirectPlay netcode completely. Yes, we would like to introduce the ability for player s to join mp games in progress (optional depending on the design of each mission and depending on the server admin settings.)


Do you plan to release tools to convert unofficial add-on from OFP at the time OFP2 is released or later?

Marek Spanel:

We would like to work with the community to have OFP add ons converted to OFP2 as soon as possible. Idealy, at the time of release for OFP2, or just a couple of weeks after it.


Can you give us the top five countries where OFP was the most sold?

Marek Spanel:

It's hard to say but the top three in terms of units installed (which does not directly reflect revenues, or copies sold in those countries) would probably be Germany, the United States, and Russia.


Concerning the game itself we have some detailed questions. Could you give us the most important news, changes or differences between OFP and OFP2?

Marek Spanel:

Better look and feel to the game - more detailed vehicle and soldier models, more realistic terrain and vegitation. It has the same core gameplay as in the original OFP - do not fix what is not broken there - with a more polished and user friendly interface plus some additional gameplay elements and options. Improved add-on handling with easier add-on handling and installation. An interesting single player campain. Even more interesting than OFP, if that is possible. More versitile vehicle structure. Multiple gunner positions, possibly to use any weapon system with any vehicle type when creating add-ons. Improve mission editing and scripting capabilities. Well-rounded, flawless multiplayer support.


Are you going to implement a new weather system, like snow falling, sand storms, or other weather effects? Could the wind increase or change its direction during the game affecting bullet trajectory?

Marek Spanel:

The wind in OFP already changes - just watch the waving flag to see this affect - but it does not influence bullets at all. It's more of a design decision if it's good to let the wind affect bullets. I personally like the idea, but I can't confirm that it's going to be implemented.


One of the most asked about questions is which era/conflict will be featured in the new game. Is it right that it could have several eras portrayed? Can you say a little bit about the story line? Would it be possible to see screenshots of your work in progress?

Marek Spanel:

I can't tell you anything about the storyline at the moment, but we're going to announce more details at E3. I can't give you any screenshots. I expect some first screenshots to be released sometime in the summer this year.


Concerning armor, do you plan to add several armor valuse to the sides of a tank, so that the rear armor is more vulnerable than the frontal? Will range and deflection angle be implemented? This would totally change the gameplay between armored vehicles and anti-tank infantry.

Marek Spanel:

We think different armor values are already partially implemented in OFP. We would like to make it so that the differences in armor between various parts of the vehicles are more significant and realistic. As for range and deflection, we currently have no plans to implement this. While we understand it might be a nice feature, we consider it be more of a 'cherry on the cake' feature, and we still see other parts of the cake which are more important and need to be done first. It's unlikely we will have the time to go into such detail regarding the armored vehicles.


As a lot of harcore fans asked it, will the tanks, choppers and airplanes use a more realistic and complicated interface and physics than OFP, or are you going to keep the same balance between realism and playability? Is it going to be possible to have multiple weapons positions in the same vehicle (like the commander's machine gun on tanks?)

Marek Spanel:

Multiple gunner positions are in our plans. We're trying different changes and improvements in design of gameplay with tanks, choppers, and airplanes, but generally we are happy with the style of the original so the balance will probably be pretty much the same. The main idea with more men in the vehicles such as in real life is controversial but we believe it is a part of realism so that we will probably keep it in the game. We would focus more on improvements to our AI crews and polish control and simulations models.


Will it be possible to use knives and bayonets, and to use other hand to hand weapons?

Marek Spanel:

Hand to hand combat is definitely on our list but I can't confirm any specific features.


Concerning the AI, could you give us osme examples of what will change? I.e. will soldiers be affected by supression fire? Will they try and find cover?

Marek Spanel:

We want to rework the AI system to allow more scripting and designer control. It's too early to give you any specific details.


Some people asked about animals. To create guard dogs to improve immersions during Spec Ops missions for instance. Would you take this into consideration?

Marek Spanel:

We would like to introduce animals into OFP2, that's all I can tell you now.


Are you going to change damage effects on houses and bridges?

Marek Spanel:

We're trying to change this aspect of the game but I can't confirm how exactly we're going to deal with it as it's a very complex problem and it's still early in the progress of development.


Could you tell us a little more about commanding large squads and the featured strategic options as it's written in OPF2's description.

Marek Spanel:

OFP has always allowed for the commanding of large squads and I can't confirm there's anything new about it in OFP2.


And, last question. Do you plan with Codemasters to make a 'classic' and also a 'collector's edition' of OFP2 with nice goodies inside for big OFP fans?

Marek Spanel:

I think it's a good idea. We would really like to create a special collector's edition of OFP2, but it depends also on Codemasters. Anyway, it's too early to tell you anything about it.


Thank you very much for the nice interview!

EDIT: It doesn't talk about Vietnam. It must be another. Sorry

Edited by Von_Paulus

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Will it be possible to use knives and bayonets, and to use other hand to hand weapons?

Marek Spanel:

Hand to hand combat is definitely on our list but I can't confirm any specific features.

Arrrglll....sadly it wasn't really on the list...:confused_o: It was simply taken away from OFP...

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Well, I'm going to be buying a new system before any new games. I still havn't got ArmA II OA.

I seriously get like 10 FPS playing even DR. (settings=800x600 res, all low settings)

It sucks, Pentium 4 is getting too old. lol

Now everything comes into place: You can't really play A2 (DR is still much friendlier to components), not any other game, the reason you are always on CM forums :)

Anyways, just so you know, A2 AI is dependant on CPU power. That CPU of yours can't handle all the needed cycles...

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moar game2 pics

















































The mosque from some of the last pics looks familiar :D

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still amazes me looking back and seeing how much things have changed

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That looks like it was around the half-way mark moving from the OFP:E engine to the ArmA engine.

I really wish that "Flashpoint 1.5" saw the light of day on the PC. :(

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Wow, all those screens and units actually look like an extremely early (pre-ArmA engine) version of Arma2. It's even all the same assets, like the Osprey.

Osprey, BTR, UH-1, the assault rifles, MTVR trucks. Pretty much everything from those screenshots is used in ArmA2, just polished to be up-to-date with todays graphics.

I love the truly dynamic destruction in this picture. Too bad it was never included :(

And that quoted line in the black part of that page :D

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That is because they are, there was alot of confusion when Armed Assault came out after seeing the scans of the MTVR, Osprey and so on, the most interesting thing is the timeline between them all, Game2 screenshots were being shown before arma images and later compared to eachother when misconceptions rolled around..here's some proof, have a look at the dates. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8749





I remember it because the publisher wasnt too pleased with the community making scans and later there was a HUGE outcry on the screenshots such as this http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics3/ArmA_Progress_11.jpg which BIS later came in and said specificly the screenshots were outdated http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9618

By comparison when Arma2 rolled around we saw substantially less 'early development' imagery than what we saw around the timeline of Armed Assault.

Some assets made it into Arma1 like the humvee but I wonder why others did not.

Edited by NodUnit

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Now everything comes into place: You can't really play A2 (DR is still much friendlier to components), not any other game, the reason you are always on CM forums :)

Anyways, just so you know, A2 AI is dependant on CPU power. That CPU of yours can't handle all the needed cycles...

Go back a load of pages and thats exacly what I said, my CPU isn't good enough.

And yes, I really can't. lol

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Go back a load of pages and thats exacly what I said, my CPU isn't good enough.

And yes, I really can't. lol

But then how can you say that the arma2 AI is worse than DR AI? As you have a cpu below the minimum requirements you cant know.

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Lol, guy over there says he'd gladly pay £30-40 in addition to the game in order to get the mission editor...

Well now we have more proof of why CM think they can get away with such actions. Largely it's because - they can, their fanbase like to be ripped off.


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Lol, guy over there says he'd gladly pay £30-40 in addition to the game in order to get the mission editor...

Well now we have more proof of why CM think they can get away with such actions. Largely it's because - they can, their fanbase like to be ripped off.


This was obvious the second the editor 'was' excluded from retail game. Roll on, sheep. :cc:

P.S. I have nothing against the Crown and the subjects of UK, but seeing the US vs UK backlash back in May-June of this year - the time of BP Royal fuck up in the GoM, I can only wonder: does the fanbase act in such a way because Codemasters are a UK company? Poor pensioners. :icon_eek:

Edited by Iroquois Pliskin

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This was obvious the second the editor 'was' excluded from retail game. Roll on, sheep. :cc:

P.S. I have nothing against the Crown and the subjects of UK, but seeing the US vs UK backlash back in May-June of this year - the time of BP Royal fuck up in the GoM, I can only wonder: does the fanbase act in such a way because Codemasters are a UK company? Poor pensioners. :icon_eek:

Maybe CM could ask Haliburton to cement the deal eh?

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I think the odd levels of respect CM appear to have are indeed because they're one of the few remaining UK game companies, or perhaps the only one remaining. None of their games have been anything better than mediocre since OFP.

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I think the odd levels of respect CM appear to have are indeed because they're one of the few remaining UK game companies, or perhaps the only one remaining. None of their games have been anything better than mediocre since OFP.

Nope, they are own by India now :p

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Nope, they are own by India now :p

Were own by some indian company until not long ago. I think even the idians have left the failboat


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Were own by some indian company until not long ago. I think even the idians have left the failboat


I knew that Reliance Big Entertainment ( the indian company ) had bought a 50% stake in Codeshafters earlier on in the year because they were reportedly short of money due to ( but not limited to ) several unperforming games, like FPDR for instance. I hadn't heard of that stake being sold on to anyone else though.

I can't see that RR ( which is Codeshafters new console driven, 10 hour gameplay, scripted fps with a certain amount of dynamic secops to try an leverage some replayability so they can get the DLC cash cow out ( they hope ) ) is going to do that well with other due out major fps titles to compete with.

Edited by Janxy

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I can't see that RR ( which is Codeshafters new console driven, 10 hour gameplay, scripted fps with a certain amount of dynamic secops to try an leverage some replayability so they can get the DLC cash cow out ( they hope ) ) is going to do that well with other due out major fps titles to compete with.

Indeed. Since RR will not have any third party content, the game will have to survive entirely on its own merit. But then again, who honestly thinks ConsoleMuppets are aiming for any kind of longevity? All they need to do is hype that shit up to rake in as many sales as possible, then keep the DLCs coming, and keep pointing to all the shiny polish so that people don't notice that their weirdly shaped chocolate muffin is really a turd.

Either that or they'll just drop support for it altogether after a few months, like last time.

Edited by MadDogX

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Unless the multiplayer is up to COD/HALO standards, as it's the only remaining thing that may add longevity to the game, it will be 90% dead a month after it's release, with the same passengers clinging to their sinking ship on their forums despite the captain having probably already abandoned it along with the other shipmates and sane passengers.

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Indeed. Since RR will not have any third party content, the game will have to survive entirely on its own merit. But then again, who honestly thinks ConsoleMuppets are aiming for any kind of longevity? All they need to do is hype that shit up to rake in as many sales as possible, then keep the DLCs coming, and keep pointing to all the shiny polish so that people don't notice that their weirdly shaped chocolate muffin is really a turd.

Either that or they'll just drop support for it altogether after a few months, like last time.

Hyping a game by announcing theres no features we wanted in it? Hmmm.....

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Hyping a game by announcing theres no features we wanted in it? Hmmm.....

We?? You mean, you and half a dozen of guys in the CM's forum, that want a ME, and a lot of other things that you already can find in ArmA's series. Don't you see who are they targeting? They are looking, the console, CoD and BF players.

They aren't going anymore for the OFP fan base.

Wake up, Ben.

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