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Found 9 results

  1. Magic radar is dead, long live the feature-creep! As a part of the Jets DLC 'platform upgrade' (ie the free features available to everyone that owns Arma 3), we're releasing an early, rough version of our revisited take on electronic warfare. Part of Arma that was admittedly experiencing some red chains and needed a buff. With the upcoming Jets DLC (and thanks to your feedback) we now have a chance to overhaul big chunks of the target detection and tracking mechanics. Before we go any further, I recommend you to reset your keybinds to the A3 or Apex preset (and dump all the hours you've spent customizing them) - otherwise you'll see a lot of missing strings and unnecessary action menu entries. ;) Let's split it into three parts: mechanics, UI and assets. Target Detection & Tacking The separation of various sensor types and unification of configuration. Sensors can detect targets by Infra-red or Visible spectrum, by active radar or passive radar detection (RWR), by Laser or NV spots and there also can be a sensor for tracking small targets like individual soldiers. Common properties are ranges, angles, how well the sensors detect targets against ground or sky background, how high the target needs to be or how fast it needs to move to be detected. Some of the sensors have unique properties: IR needs the target vehicle to have actually heated up (not just engine on/off) Radar can be switched off (by default: CTRL + R) AI switches the Radar ON in Aware and Combat And Passive radar or RWR detects those that didn't do so :) Targets can now vary in their signatures too. Terrain, route planning, vehicle selection, careful radar usage now makes a big difference. More details about this will be soon available on wiki, in samples, and via an OPREP. The same system can be used for both missile seekers (ammo sensors) and vehicles. So far, we've configured only part of our vehicle ORBAT. Sensor Display & Symbology Current symbology version Prev.version The old magical radar slash compass* slash RWR is gone. It has been replaced by a brand-new synthetic Sensor Display (or Tactical Awareness or Tactical Situation Display if you wish). Yes, it's in the UI. Again, no nice display on modelled MFDs. But no unicorns either. It falls under another novelty - the Custom Info - where you'll find how to open and switch to the Sensor Display. What can be displayed: Where the targets are What type of targets What is their allegiance** Where are the threats What are the ranges of your sensors What you have assigned, marked and what is the type of marked target** And if you happen to have the radar and it's switched on then you can also see target's speed, altitude ASL and distance * Lack of compass means no functionality for relative turrets' directions. We'll bring it back via other means ASAP. ** The target type on Sensor display allowed us to remove the name tag from mark and lock symbols in 3D. Together with it - and this has a major gameplay impact - is gone the automatic red coloring of enemies. Assets -to be updated- What it can't do, what's still heavily in progress, where we need your feedback Balancing - it's rough and quite random atm. A big one where we need your playtesting and feedback. We won't push it into Main Branch anytime soon - expect at least 2 months of public testing and balancing. Enemy confirmation - you've probably noticed the enemy symbology. That's for confirmed enemies only. What's that? We plan to add scripts that you could utilize to have entities confirmed as enemies by any way you find useful. Symbology - something we're still uncertain about. Would you like the old squares vs. triangles better? Internal tests show us that the one available now in Dev Branch may be quite unintuitive. We need your feedback here. Target Recognition - currently the sensor recognizes the target almost immediately. We had ideas about delays or variable recognition distances based on the sensor. Kudos to our modders and community for feedback, shared knowledge and endless inspiration (heya, mando missile :)) And one special nod to airwarriors.com. Documentation: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Sensors
  2. Title explains, what I try to achieve - thing like this. Shooting straight ahead seems to work (tested with code from BI CAS module used for planes, also works with forceWeaponFire), worse with targeting at ground targets - here I encountered few issues. Heli ignores/will not change direction/pitch/aiming at doWatch/doTarget with or without target reveal (apllied to the heli, heli's gunner and/or driver), target may be allied or hostile unit, whatever. It doesn't even turn minigun turret at the target. Ignores also setFormDir. Said CAS module uses also spawned laser target object. But as soon I spawn it, heli starts to spin around: BTW Similar thing happens after using BIS_fnc_fire (action "UseMagazine" way), but some shots are fired then. Also doSuppressiveFire seems not work with the heli (pity, would be optimal for my need). If applied with position or object, heli will not shoot at it, instead will start doing flybys, like in normal attack pattern until reach some position or indefinitely. I would like to avoid using enforced ways, like setDir, addTorque or setVelocityTransformation, rather to base on AI than fighting with it. Still it may be unavoidable, since to shoot from fixed weaponry at ground level target, heli needs to dive a bit, which without invisible "helping hand" means flying forward (could be countered with setVelocity). Anyway, tested setVelocityTransformation, with partial success. This code: makes the heli turning in right direction, but the turn is too wide (why?). This from the other hand does the trick: but faster, than in 2 seconds and after few more seconds heli starts very rapidly change its vector, like crazy (why?). I have no experience with setVelocityTransformation, so I might misuse it somehow. (_gun/v1 is the heli, _tPos) - target position. I would appreciate any insight.
  3. TGP Simple Cockpit Slew Control the Camera Pilot cameras, AI gunner turrets, and connected UAV turrets can be controlled from the cockpit view via simple controls: Hold key and use mouse to slew. Keybind to slew camera to HMD target or Waypoint (Shift-click, Group, or ACE MicroDAGR). Toggle stabilization. Keys for Turret zoom Vision mode can be changed with Panel Mode or Vision Mode (Vehicle) HOTAS Compatible Keybinds Take Control - avoid having the scroll menu change Collision Lights CCIP Track Track unguided bomb CCIP (roughly). Calculations are a bit off, most accurate at 35-40 degree pitch up loft/toss trajectory. For other bombing profiles, use Gun Elevation Up/Down to adjust camera. Pilot Camera Zoom control is being requested on the Feature Tracker GitHub Steam Workshop
  4. Here comes another platform feature for Tanks DLC to have fun with :) Our passionate programmers have added an option to switch the fire modes when using missile launchers, bombs, etc. And more importantly, added few different ways in which the missile can reach its target. In short - you can now switch the missile's flight from a simple direct trajectory to one that better utilizes the tank's weaker armour - e.g. the notorious Top attack. We'll try to add more info as the time flies and as the features get utilized more by the game's assets. As well as we'll update the documentation so you can try out what's under the black box. Titan AT PCML Documentation: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Missile_flight_profiles
  5. Pretty simple question...is it possible for submunitions to retain the lock / tracking of their parent? Example: a beam-riding missile splits into a number of clusters which continue to be guided by the launcher? I've set up my test submunitions using the same settings as the parent but it doesn't look like they are being affected by the operator's movements at present. If it can't be done with this method...anybody got experience with alternative solutions? Cheers, Law
  6. So I've recently discovered the missile flight profile system and I was wondering if there's any way to dynamically switch between flight profiles. Specifically, I want to make a missile go back into LOAL mode and try to reacquire a target lock after it lost its first lock. While I'm here, I figured I might ask a couple questions as well: Is there any way to force a missile to lock onto something, or force it to lose its lock? Is there any way to find a vehicle that is locking another one or vice versa? Ie, if player A in his Shikra locks player B in his Wipeout, can I get player A's target (the Wipeout) or get player B's attacker (the Shikra)? EDIT: It looks like missiles, when given the autoSeekTarget property, automatically go back into LOAL mode after losing a lock. Now I'm having an issue where after passing a target, an air-to-air missile turns completely around (presumably looking for the target it missed). Is there any way to disable looking for last-known positions? I'd like the missile to just fly straight after missing a target, but still lock onto anything beyond its target or that wanders into its sensor range.
  7. So as the title states I'm curious what you all think about efficiency/optimizations when it comes to writing a lengthy script/mod for a mission. My current scripted mod is AC-C4I (Air Craft Command, Contol, Computers, Communications, & Intelligence). It has to do with sensors and targeting. The scripts have a lot of "waitUntil" commands for locking the targeting camera to screenToWorld amongst other functions. What would be the most efficient way to write this/integrate it into a mission. I can write the whole thing in one file and "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers" on init. I can create a CfgFunctions.hpp and add it to the description.ext, or I could make it an FSM. I'd love to hear from you guys. Thanks.
  8. when i playing in wasteland servers mostly playing in independ team. so they are free from others. so when we use something with radar other independ vehicles are green on radar. they sees them friendly targets but they are not. and R key dont select them i must use T key on them with real vision. i mean manuel targeting. is there a way select friendly targets on radar ? like selecting enemies.
  9. TGP_Addon_by_Masnooper_v1.1.0_for_ArmA3_(version>=1.54) This is an addon file that: - Adds a TGP System (Targeting Pod) to most of good planes available. - It has a monitor!!! :D oh! and a PiP via * button (use Numpad's "." (Dot) to change view) - Can track moving targets, even soldiers. - Can lock on buildings, ground and whatever else. - * FLIR Thermal Night vision and etc... - ** Key binding - Different zoom levels even for PiP mode. Good for scouting and lasing and peeping * Some Features Requires ArmA3 Minimum v1.54 ** Key binding system via CBA3 Thanks to: Lala14 & Tajin for the script (Base idea by Kimi_UY) Change log: v1.1.0 (Latest Version) = Added support of RHS:AFRF Tu-95MS = Added support of CUP Su-34 = Added support of Pook Flanker Pack: Su-27, Su-30 and Su-30M = Added support of Pook Bomber Pack: Su-24, Tu-16, Tu-22 and Tu-95 = Added support of Firewill A-10A, A-10C, F-14A, F-14B = Updated support of CUP F-35B How to use: Known issues: = Sometimes you may fail to to open the monitor even after turning the TGP on. In that case, just turn it off and back on again. If failed, restart ArmA3 = Some performance problems Please Do Not Upload/Host This File Anywhere Else. Thank You. File Size < 1MB Download links: Community Base addons A3