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[Early Preview] 3D Editor

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Quick noobish question, I just want to know how do I import my csv file into the standard 2d editor? I'm having problems making it work, am I suposed to just open it like any other mission file? Coz when I do, I have an error saying "Warning: File is read only!" ? Or maybe I should do it some other way?

Currently there is no direct way to import the exported data to an .sqm (mission) file.

This is only for those of you, who need the position and direction data for manual use (maybe insert the data manual into the .sqm file).

This (very important) feature will be available later in the development process.

Again... it's an early preview... currently not a ready to use solution, more a basic tool.

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Great tool and a great work that you did i just imaginate how powerful this will be with the possibility to add triggers and init's .

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Thanks ZeroG! I looked into your work and it looks very nice!

I assume it is ok to load the ZGM_Arma3_TerrainEditorObjects.pbo and then use the FreeDee interface?

Also: Schöne Grüße nach Hamburg aus Hannover;) Ich hoffe die Sturmflut macht euch nich allzu schwer zu schaffen!

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Thanks ZeroG! I looked into your work and it looks very nice!

I assume it is ok to load the ZGM_Arma3_TerrainEditorObjects.pbo and then use the FreeDee interface?

Also: Schöne Grüße nach Hamburg aus Hannover;) Ich hoffe die Sturmflut macht euch nich allzu schwer zu schaffen!

Of course :o You can make your own customized addon from it if you please, its just a config. Storm and flood did not have the predicted impact.

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Could someone tell me how i can get a map i have created in the 3d ed into the 2d one?

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Hey very handy tool! I just have one problem, I know ATM it does not support exporting to the mission but how would I manually enter these into my mission? I have the .csv file and can open it up with NP++ and it shows all my objects plus their coords in the worldspace.

Thanks in advance,


Edit: I tried manually inputting the data to the .sqm but when I went in the editor, nothing was there and nothing in game either. I followed the format with the other data within the .sqm.. I guess I messed up somewhere but because I made a giant FOB it would take forever to find the error.. I will just wait till exporting to .sqm is available.

Edited by OV3RJ0RD

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i'm working on a sqm import/export addon for arma2net. It will need some time but i will work on as fast as i can. It will be released in steps. First export, than import.

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When I load ChernarusPlus (from DayZ) into ArmA 3, I see a "3D Editor" button at the island picker. But 2D appears. Anyway, is there hope for a native 3d editor?

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Very cool addon i've been using it with @A3MP having fun set dressing on Zargabad can't wait until I can export my work into 2D editor easily.

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Hi All.

I Made a little tool to convert csv File to mission.sqm

You can now join the new mission.sqm file with your own mission.

Some error message but it works !!!

GitHUB Source : https://github.com/ChristopheTdn/FSF-FreeDee_CSV_To_SQM

Executable : http://server.clan-fsf.fr/fsftools/FSF_3DedExporter.rar

It need DOT NET library...

Edited by GToF

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Hey RedPhoenix,

Just wondering if you found a fix? I am having the same issue with crashes.

I've turned all other mods off and installed the redist etc.



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I Made a little tool to convert csv File to mission.sqm

Was looking for a quick way to do the reverse - i.e. convert object placement data from an already existing mission file into .csv for easier editing. Is anybody aware of a method?

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Hi all,

I have nearly finished my arma2net sqm importer/exporter.

The importer is finished and the exporter needs only some methods. Both is in testing with the editor so please be patient we are working as fast as we can.

If the tests are successful i will release the imprter/exporter (may be on github or devheaven) so anyone can use it for other projects, but there are some documentations needed for understanding the sqm file class structure.


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