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Everything posted by jakeplissken

  1. jakeplissken

    List of all hidden texture inits

    What is the p3d path of the helmet please? Thanks.
  2. jakeplissken

    How far a shot can go in Arma 3? :\

    I tried this in the editor with scripting. A Lynx APDS round would not go further than 4.2 KM. This was holding a lot over the target. Aiming high in the air made the round not go as far. So 4 KM is the maximum distance you could fire practically. Unless you used scripting to somehow increase the velocity of the round and then send it further, but I am not sure it is practical.
  3. jakeplissken

    findEmptyPosition buggy

    I use this, it is to create a random center point for an occupied area, but it works well. _gamelogic = CENTER; _towns = nearestLocations [getPosATL _gamelogic, ["NameVillage","NameCity","NameCityCapital"], 25000]; _RandomTownPosition = position (_towns select (floor (random (count _towns)))); _m = createMarker [format ["mrk%1",random 100000],_RandomTownPosition]; _m setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _m setMarkerSize [900,900]; _m setMarkerBrush "BDiagonal"; _m setMarkerAlpha 0.5; _m setMarkerColor "ColorEAST"; _pos = getMarkerPos _m; _randPos = [_pos , 0, 600, 12, 0, 0.3, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; This code works very well to find an empty pos for a radio tower or a vehicle. Just place a gamelogic named CENTER and then run this code to find a position. Give this a go.
  4. Hello. I am wondering how to create a custom Arma 3 loading splash screen. I mean the one that shows when the game is first loading. The graphics are in ui_f_data.pbo, but I cannot find the config entry for this. I extracted the files for Alive mod that has a custom screen, but the code was obfuscated. I just want to use a custom screen for my mod to make it stand out, but I came up empty searching of Google, as I could only find results for making custom mission splash screens. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. Actually, this code works, but sometimes it flickers back and forth from vanilla textures to the custom config. class RscStandardDisplay; class RscControlsGroup; class RscPicture; class RscPictureKeepAspect; class RscDisplayStart: RscStandardDisplay { class controls { class LoadingStart: RscControlsGroup { class controls { class Logo: RscPictureKeepAspect { access = 1; text = "va\ui\arma3_beta_splash_va.paa"; onLoad = ""; }; class Noise: RscPicture { //access = 1; text = "va\ui\c_eb_overview_ca.paa"; onLoad = ""; }; }; }; }; }; But this is a starting point. Defining va as the root addon folder. I wish there was code in the Arma 3 samples that would help with this. The Star Wars mod has custom splash graphics. I should see how they did it.
  6. jakeplissken

    Need help making a faction

    This is what I am using in one of my projects. This creates a new BLUFOR faction. And one new group for it. class CfgFactionClasses { class BLU_R_F { displayName = "NATO (Recon)."; flag = "\a3\Data_f\Flags\flag_nato_co.paa"; icon = "\a3\Data_f\cfgFactionClasses_BLU_ca.paa"; priority = 3; side = 1; dlc="va"; }; }; class CfgGroups { class WEST { class BLU_R_F { name = "NATO Recon"; class Infantry { name = "Infantry"; class BRF_InfRecon { name = "Recon Squad"; side = 1; dlc = "va"; faction = "BLU_R_F"; icon = "va\ui\logo.paa"; rarityGroup = 0.3; class Unit0 { side = 1; vehicle = "B_recon_TL_F"; rank = SERGEANT; position[] = {0, 0, 0}; }; class Unit1 { side = 1; vehicle = "B_recon_M_F"; rank = CORPORAL; position[] = {5, -5, 0}; }; class Unit2 { side = 1; vehicle = "B_recon_medic_F"; rank = PRIVATE; position[] = {-5, -5, 0}; }; class Unit3 { side = 1; vehicle = "B_recon_LAT_F"; rank = CORPORAL; position[] = {10, -10, 0}; }; class Unit4 { side = 1; vehicle = "B_recon_JTAC_F"; rank = PRIVATE; position[] = {-10, -10, 0}; }; class Unit5 { side = 1; vehicle = "B_recon_exp_F"; rank = PRIVATE; position[] = {15, -15, 0}; }; }; }; }; }; }; Give this a try.
  7. jakeplissken

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Here you go. For me that is 12:00 AM. So I will just go to bed and update in the morning while I do other things. http://www.securitronlinux.com/arma3/jets.jpg
  8. jakeplissken

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Shows as 17th of May for me. Will unlock in 3 hours. http://store.steampowered.com/app/601670/Arma_3_Jets/
  9. I am making a new mod and I wish to load images from the PBO file, and call them with the config.cpp. This is my CfgPatches. class CfgPatches { class armastuff { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {""}; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F","A3_Data_F", "A3_Anims_F", "A3_UI_F","A3_Map_Altis","A3_Weapons_F"}; version = "2017-02-15"; fileName = "Arma 3 Changes."; author = "Corporal Kerry"; mail = "johncartwright302@dodo.com.au"; }; }; I am confused about what path I should use to call the images. Is it \armastuff\ui\logo.paa or something else? I can never get this to work. Even though the mod icons work, with the mod.cpp. Doing something like adding new graphics to the game never works for me. Any help would be appreciated. This is the only thing I am having problems with. Thanks.
  10. jakeplissken

    Mod images path. This is confusing.

    I finally got it working, now I have a custom Arma 3 logo on startup. class RscStandardDisplay; class RscControlsGroup; class RscPicture; class RscPictureKeepAspect; class RscDisplayStart: RscStandardDisplay { class controls { class LoadingStart: RscControlsGroup { class controls { class Logo: RscPictureKeepAspect { access = 1; text = "va\ui\arma3_beta_splash_va.paa"; onLoad = ""; }; }; }; }; }; My path turned out to be different from yours, but it works nonetheless. Thanks for your help.
  11. RE, this issue, I just wish I could load custom graphics from the mod folder in a PBO, but this does not seem to work. How do I specify the path of the images? This is really confusing. I cannot make my own graphics and load them into the mod as a custom game logo. Very annoying.
  12. Can not change his GUID. Just need to ban them. Maybe an admin on the server to watch over it.
  13. I solved it. This config works. class RscStandardDisplay; class RscControlsGroup; class RscPicture; class RscPictureKeepAspect; class RscDisplayStart: RscStandardDisplay { class controls { class LoadingStart: RscControlsGroup { class controls { class Logo: RscPictureKeepAspect { text = "\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\RscTitles\SplashArma3\arma3_lite_splash_ca.paa"; onLoad = ""; }; }; }; }; }; This was easy after all.
  14. Actually, this is my latest config. I solved the dependencies. class RscDisplayStart: RscStandardDisplay { class RscControlsGroup; class RscPictureKeepAspect; class controls { delete Text; delete Progress; delete Progress2; class LoadingStart: RscControlsGroup { idc=2310; x="0 * safezoneW + safezoneX"; y="0 * safezoneH + safezoneY"; w="1 * safezoneW"; h="1 * safezoneH"; class controls { class Black: RscText { idc=1000; x="0 * safezoneW"; y="0 * safezoneH"; w="1 * safezoneW"; h="1 * safezoneH"; colorBackground[]={0,0,0,1}; }; class Noise: RscPicture { idc=1201; text="\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\RscTitles\SplashArma3\arma3_splashNoise_ca.paa"; x="0 * safezoneW"; y="0 * safezoneH"; w="1 * safezoneW"; h="1 * safezoneH"; }; class Logo: RscPictureKeepAspect { idc=1200; text="\A3\Ui_f\data\igui\rsctitles\splasharma3\arma3_lite_splash_ca.paa"; x="0.25 * safezoneW"; y="0.3125 * safezoneH"; w="0.5 * safezoneW"; h="0.25 * safezoneH"; onLoad="if (isClass (configfile >> 'CfgPatches' >> 'A3_Map_Tanoabuka')) then {(_this select 0) ctrlsettext '\A3\Ui_f\data\igui\rsctitles\splasharma3\arma3_lite_splash_ca.paa';};"; }; }; }; }; }; This config will load without errors, but it will not change the loading picture, it still says Arma 3 APEX. Am I changing the wrong section? Thanks. Or am I not able to overwrite this section.
  15. I am adding a new 40mm grenade ammo type to my mod, but this will not show up in the arsenal, and using scripting does not allow me to add this to a character either. class CfgAmmo { // Brighter flares for 40mm, mortars and starter pistol. access = 1; class FlareCore; class GrenadeBase; class GrenadeCore; class FlareBase: FlareCore { timeToLive = 80; brightness = 450; intensity = 1000000; }; class F_40mm_White: FlareBase { timeToLive = 80; brightness = 450; intensity = 1000000; }; class F_40mm_Red: FlareBase { timeToLive = 80; brightness = 450; intensity = 1000000; smokeColor[] = {0.8438,0.1383,0.1353,1}; }; class Flare_82mm_AMOS_White: FlareCore { timeToLive = 90; brightness = 980; intensity = 1000000; }; class F_Signal_Green: FlareBase { brightness = 80; intensity = 1000000; }; class G_40mm_HE: GrenadeBase { explosionForceCoef = 999; // 9 hit = 5550; // 150 }; class G_40mm_HEAT: GrenadeBase { explosionForceCoef = 9; // 9 hit = 350; // 350 explosionEffects = "ExploAmmoExplosionPlaneCAS"; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class Default; class CA_Magazine; class 1Rnd_HEAT_Grenade_shell : CA_Magazine { scope = 2; count = 1; ammo = "G_40mm_HEAT"; descriptionShort = "Type: HEAT Grenade Round<br />Caliber: 40 mm<br />Rounds: 1<br />Used in: EGLM, 3GL"; displayName = "40 mm HEAT Grenade Round"; displayNameShort = "HEAT Grenade"; author = "Corporal Kerry"; }; }; Is there something I am missing to get this working. I just want to inherit from the main 40mm grenade type and create a new grenade type. Thanks. I have a new character in my mod, should I add the ammo to him to allow it to work?
  16. jakeplissken

    Adding new 40mm grenade ammo.

    Thanks. I do not need to add it to the 3GL. This is meant as a new 40mm grenade that any standard launcher can use, but will not work as a metal storm stacked round.
  17. Hello. I am trying to add the watch to the map screen, like VBS2. I have added the watch code to the map class, but it does not work. class RscDisplayMainMap { class objects { class Compass : RscObject { selectionArrow = ""; x = 5.96; xBack = 0.6; y = 7.925; yBack = 0.5; z = 0.2; zBack = 0.1; enableZoom = 1; direction[] = {1, 0, 0}; up[] = {0, 1, 0}; scale = 0.76; }; // Watch on map? class Watch : RscObject { // position[] = {4.06,1.047,0.2}; direction[] = {1,0,0}; scale = "1 * 1.15 * (SafeZoneW Min SafeZoneH)"; up[] = {0,1,0}; }; // Fin. }; Is there something I am missing? There must be a way to do this. And what is the notepad entry? Could I possibly use this as well? Then I could have a map screen just like VBS2. The watch entry shows up, but I cannot see it on the map. These configs are so confusing. Any help would be appreciated. I have everything else working in my mod, but this is got me stumped.
  18. jakeplissken

    Flares = Useless?

    And they can just use guns within 2KM and nothing can stop that. Especially with the radar on top.
  19. jakeplissken

    Removing stanima?

    Just put this in the initPlayerLocal.sqf. player setCustomAimCoef 0.35; player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0.75; player enablestamina false; And this in the onPlayerRespawn.sqf file. player setCustomAimCoef 0.35; player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0.75; player enablestamina false; This will take care of it.
  20. I solved it. I tried a model from the Arma 3 samples and I got it to work. You need to properly specify the mission path. //spawn the lamp. _posnew17 = getpos oil2; _sol19 = createSimpleObject [(str missionConfigFile select [0, count str missionConfigFile - 15]) + "media\Test_lamp_01_off_F.p3d", _posnew17]; _sol19 setPos [_posnew17 select 0, _posnew17 select 1, 4.0]; This worked for me testing from EDEN. You just need to tweak the height of the object specified here. _sol19 setPos [_posnew17 select 0, _posnew17 select 1, 4.0]; Give this a shot, it should work fine.
  21. You cannot damage objects spawned with createsimpleobject, that is impossible.
  22. Do it like this, but supply the full path to the p3d model in the mission folder. //spawn thing.. _posnew4 = getpos junk9; _sol5 = createSimpleObject ["myFolder\myObject.p3d", _posnew4]; _sol5 setPos [_posnew4 select 0, _posnew4 select 1, 1.0]; This code might work. Name an object "junk9" where you want to spawn it. If you could send me the object I could try and debug this for you.
  23. Hello. I am using this code to create a marker on the map that tells players of the location to capture. This does work for some towns, but for Molos it prints Delfinaki. _loc = text nearestLocation [getPos man1, "NameVillage"]; _marker28 = createMarker ["Objective.", position player ]; _marker28 setMarkerPos [14697.7,13000.5,53.9098]; _marker28 setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker28 setMarkerColor "Default"; _marker28 setMarkerType "flag_NATO"; _marker28 setMarkerText format ["Seize: %1", _loc]; I tried this, but got an error, something about it being an array and not an object. _loc = text nearestLocation [getPos man1, ["NameVillage","NameCity","NameCityCapital"]]; _marker28 = createMarker ["Objective.", position player ]; _marker28 setMarkerPos [14697.7,13000.5,53.9098]; _marker28 setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker28 setMarkerColor "Default"; _marker28 setMarkerType "flag_NATO"; _marker28 setMarkerText format ["Seize: %1", _loc]; Everything else is working except this code. I guess I am missing something simple. Thanks for any help you can give me. Is there a way to put the multiple options into this,
  24. This code will work in initPlayerServer.sqf while{alive radio}do{ playSound3D ["A3\Missions_F_EPA\data\music\fallout.ogg", radio, false, getPos radio]; sleep 114; }; I have used this and it works a treat. This actually comes from the radio.
  25. I mean, this works perfectly. _posnew10 = getpos junk9; _sol4 = createSimpleObject ["a3\air_f_beta\Heli_Transport_02\Main_Rotor_center_F.p3d", _posnew10]; _sol4 setPos [_posnew10 select 0, _posnew10 select 1, 0.4]; But the code in the OP will not.