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Everything posted by pierremgi

  1. Downgraded NVIDIA driver with some success... or chance. B.I. motto could be: "Nobody is shielded from a piece of luck!"
  2. pierremgi

    Server randomly kicking people when VerifySignatures = 2

    Contrary to what launcher lets imagine, there is no server available if B.E. is disabled.
  3. pierremgi

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Today, Arma 3 is just unplayable on any server, without mod but CUP. Several memory crashes, or FPS drops to 4 after windows restart. pings are as usual... NVIDIA driver 365.10. Downgraded to NVIDIA 364.72. Much better! Disregard. Today, the lag is coming back! 10 minutes and 2FPS.... That means CTRL ALT SUPPR. close Arma, go to play elsewhere at the end.
  4. This becomes a usual issue, with or without addons on many servers! I'm sure you can't avoid that if you're playing sometimes in MP.
  5. Yep, "enemy" friendly jets also, for a long time.
  6. Hi, There are some powerful commands like nearestObjects which are ruined by the poor classification of the cfgVehicles. I'm aware of the different "strata" of added objects since Arma 1. But, there is probably something to do, here. Why? Because, say you want to find the nearest house from player. You'll say: use nearestBuilding player... but 2 problems here: 1 - all houses in non BI maps like Unsung mod are not found. (But it's not BI so we don't care!) 2- all added houses (BI) with editor are not found. More problematic coming from BI. Then, let's go with nearestObjects [player,["house"],300]; or even (position player) nearestObject "house"; wow, here you have plenty of weird things like land Marks or runway edge lights! With such command, you need to filter the "houses" to get something consistent, because in the real world a runway edge light is more a "lamp" than a "house". This command, as many others, has interest if its result is updated,I mean "on each framed" or in a loop. If you need to filter it with something like: ((nearestObjects [player,["house"],300]) select {count([_x] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions) > 0}) select 0; you are starting to kill FPS. Even if there is something smarter than that. So, a house is a house is a house. This ticket comes after another one where I underlined a logic is a kind of "man" instead of a "game logic" or "logic" as it should be. One more thing to filter... And an old post where I asked why, in the same Helicopters DLC, there is a difference in classification between containers for Huron and containers for Taru.. Since then, I lost the trace of Taru's ones.
  7. pierremgi

    Steam Workshop Addons

    I wrote some bad appreciations on Launcher in the past, but I'm here to underline the great improvements and the reliability of this tool. Of course, the best way is to use in Steam workshop add-ons each time you can because they are automatically updated. We have to quit the launcher for that, when add-on are updated while launcher is open. It's a little pain. Launcher manages dependencies and that works fine, according to Authors declarations. Some mods are updated on ArmaHolic before Steam, despite of the difficulty to share them on ArmaHolic. So, we have to point at a local folder in the launcher. And that works but the updates can't be guessed! Same for playWith6. What is put in local folder, is local!
  8. No problem so far and often tested for my add-on tuning.
  9. It can only get fixed if you share your logs/rpts. or not. It seems there are plenty of error reported due to CUP mod.
  10. Excellent idea. And by the way, make this command fully workable in MP (I mean when an object is attached to another, all players must have the same result. Today, if a player attaches something on a building door (Stratis military offices), other ones see the object on ground).
  11. Crash or FPS drop to 4 with plenty of lines like this: 11:40:20 Virtual memory total 4095 MB (4294836224 B) 11:40:20 Virtual memory free 137 MB (144117760 B) 11:40:20 Physical memory free 660 MB (692903936 B) 11:40:20 Page file free 2104 MB (2207010816 B) 11:40:20 Process working set 2008 MB (2106466304 B) 11:40:20 Process page file used 3533 MB (3705430016 B) 11:40:20 Longest free VM region: 14876672 B 11:40:20 VM busy 4150784000 B (reserved 202584064 B, committed 3948199936 B, mapped 135528448 B), free 144052224 B 11:40:20 Small mapped regions: 23, size 98304 B
  12. KK, open editor. No matter the map. Place 3 or 4 playable units. Place a trigger, no dimension. Unconditional means you delete 'this' in condition field. This will fire the trigger without condition, at start of the mission, but I guess you know that! In the on act field of this trigger: addMissionEventHandler ["teamSwitch",{hint "blah blah"}] or if you prefer, disregard the trigger and write this code in debug console.
  13. No chance to "createSimpleObject" directly checking an option case in the 3DEN object attributes? I mean this could be handy to have this functionality in editor.
  14. If we are talking about the mission, It takes less time to place 4 playable units on Stratis or Altis, write in console or add an unconditional trigger with: addMissionEventHandler ["teamSwitch",{hint "blah blah"}] - result 0% working or onTeamSwitch { hint "blah blah"} - result 100% working for this basic situation. 2D or 3D editor. If we are talking about my post #5, it's an add-on which works (except keydown EH when saving/resuming a mission but it's another problem). I just had to loop the onTeamSwitch, I don't know why. pbo is already on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=673533220 .
  15. pierremgi

    BIS_fnc_setTask problems

    No problem so far, except when all players are dead (or more exactly incapacitated) at the same time. This could lead to a "mission failed" but i didn't script that and I lost tasks in this case. I think a similar problem occurs also on BI mission like "End Game". Sometimes you lose the 3rd level of task when players are dead. Probably a problem for assigning tasks in case of null player.
  16. Spawning a code is just an habit, using trigger or console with bunch of local variables. Sometimes, guys on armaHolic ask for a code and I don't need to create an init.sqf for testing it. I admit this is not useful here! Of course I tested directly EH, with no more success. That doesn't seem to make difference.
  17. No joy. Exactly the same results In 2D editor, Arma 3 + BI DLC, no mod, 4 playable units and nothing else but the trigger. 0 = [] spawn {onTeamSwitch { hint "blah blah"}}; in an unconditional trigger works. 0 = [] spawn {addMissionEventHandler ["teamSwitch",{hint "blah blah"}]} doesn't work. On an other level: I had to stay with the "old" onTeamSwitch version for my addon (on Steam now). But, with several and diverse EHs (all working fine), I had to loop this one! I guess it's mad and poorly written, but this didn't work before (or just one time): [] spawn { while {!isMultiplayer} do { onTeamSwitch { if (isnil "keys") then {keys = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["keyDown", "_this call TP_keys"]}; _from enableAI "TEAMSWITCH"; // seems to be mandatory for a better AI behavior after switch call MGI_fnc_addingActions; // don't run if no loop! }; sleep 1; }}; Other EHs , like draw3D, fired, firedNear,... are far more easier and reliable. I'm looking also a way to recover my displayAddEventHandler "keyDown" (in a sqf called by the config.cpp) when resuming a mission (exit and resume or load a saved one). I don't know what is the engine's behavior, but all goes well (draw3D and else) except this EH "keydown".
  18. pierremgi

    3rd person script addAction

    A sleep command at the end of an sqf is useless.
  19. Yes. I tried also in a SP mission with no success. I'm looking for an explanation on my side.
  20. If you could do something for that: At least make Headless client as a "logic" instead of "man": https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190256-headless-clients-strange-men/
  21. I had some similar problems with "verify signature" until I unchecked it after someone advice.
  22. Hi, Just tuning my addon for displaying icons on units, I discovered some characteristics of the headless clients. I was surprised to meet "them", applying icons on units! First of all, they are a kind of "man", Yes! And not a kind of "logic" as they are supposed to be in regard of the 3den classification... But they are a kind of "headlessClient_F" that's comforting somewhere. Headless clients are invisible but return "false" for isObjectHidden cursorObject ... You can even collide on them! You can't shoot at them, neither bullets nor grenades explosives, but they die with a cursorObject setdamage 1. (I don't know what the behavior could be on mission flow). Very strange men.
  23. pierremgi

    1.58 error with the editor

    You should verify the integrity of game cache from Steam interface, right click Arma3 settings, local files...
  24. pierremgi

    Third Person View and veteran difficulty

    Difficulty is probably one of the hardest thing to tune and you'll never content everybody, just because you are playing with the "I" of A.I. If I'm right, you can preset general AI skills on server or choose a level in SP. You can modify hard-coded levels into a custom one with absolutely no visibility for the player on what the admin chose. You have the next layer in scripts, with setSkill, which override I presume, the difficulty settings from cfgDifficultyPresets. Not saying addons modifying some AI's behavior. The remaining problem, with all that stuff, is that a standard player can't have an idea on what is the difficulty on server he clicks. I think the old system allowing to customize each level was a nonsense! Just a facility to refer at some presets for lazy guys who disliked to browse all the parameters. A level is a level. I regret the missing of Elite. For better consistency with the old scripts custom shouldn't replace this level (3) but should be added (-1 or 4). Now, levels are levels and one custom level is just fine with all the remarks above for the servers. Furthermore, for addon scriptwriters, there is a lack of command able to return, from server, a general level for the server, a kindof serverSkill command from 0 to 1 issued by general "AIskill" (the same as in game setting). An array with the second important param "precision" could be a must.
  25. With a difficulty level, 0 (recruit) to 2 (veteran), or even 3 (elite) in old version, it's possible to know what is the server setting. Even if, there was no sorting with that for the servers lists, some scripts can adapt displays or settings along with a knowable, recognizable value. Now, we can bet on the generalization of "custom" settings, which all will return 3 without any idea if the AIs are more skilled than veteran, or less than a recruit... For a player, it's not a problem, in 99.99% of cases, he will continue to discover the difficulty while gaming. For scriptwriters, modders, it could be interesting to have a command returning at least the AIskill of the server (not the local one, of course!) Thanks