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About somesangheili

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    Staff Sergeant


  • Interests
    Arma 3, music, piano, nature, animals, cute Sangheili

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    Sangheili females, music, animals/nature

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  1. somesangheili

    List of all hidden texture inits

    Hello, I am back. It's been a while. Anyway, I have found a hidden texture for 'Guerilla Smocks' or "U_BG_Guerilla3_1". This was the original skin and uniform for the FIA AT rifleman, before they added 'Guerilla Apparel' or "U_BG_Guerrilla_6_1" in IIRC the Bootcamp Update. With the 'Farmer Outfit', the following skins change the glove and pants colour. Also, I will update the main post with all the new textures you guys have found.
  2. Mods: OPTRE, OPTRE First Contact
  3. Mod: Operation: Trebuchet First Contact
  4. somesangheili

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    What the deal with the wooden/brick houses with chimneys not having any fireplaces? Could we at least get a placeable fireplace object?
  5. somesangheili

    List of all hidden texture inits

    this addHeadgear "H_BandMask_demon"; Here's an untextured helmet model not used in the game. Doesn't have any armour values. Works well with Gendarmerie/tactical police, imo http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/266105270676679513/305CA3CDFF57D34E92C459246539FA906901AD35/ And here's some extra unused stuff this addHeadgear "H_TurbanO_blk"; this addHeadgear "H_Shemag_tan";
  6. https://www.reddit.com/r/OperationTrebuchet/You will find the classlist on the right. I don't know what you mean in your first question
  7. somesangheili

    Halo 3 Marine and Bravo-Kilos

    Really sorry to bring this up, but are you going to do any work on Drakedaeron's Sangheili later? It would be cool if you like tweaked your Brute animations to make them suitable for the Sangheili.
  8. somesangheili

    Arma 3 Aegis

    So will this be adding everything that was scrapped in Arma 3's pre-alpha? And will those 2011 skins be replacing the vanilla ones?
  9. somesangheili

    Arma 3 Science Fiction Map

    Hey Variable, have you thought about messing around the the skybox of this terrain? Eg. changing the colour of the sky, making the moon larger, making new star constellations for night. I think those things would make this terrain much more authentic. Btw, nice looking map. I can't wait to colonise it with Sangheili!
  10. somesangheili

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    That ADS time still needs to be toned down a lot. For example, in Squad it takes about 1 and a half seconds to aim down the sights of an RPG-7. I think that is pretty reasonable
  11. somesangheili

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    Haha, well that tower was 10x10 crates. The first level was what took the longest. After that I just copied and pasted it on top of itself, then I copied and pasted that on top of itself, and so on.
  12. somesangheili

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    Yeah, it's quite weird with Raider 1 having the same voice protocol as Staff Sgt Adams...and with the end game showcase, your character's scripted dialog is a different voice to your radio protocol. So yeah, I think these American voices should definitely come with new radio protocols
  13. somesangheili

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    https://feedback.bistudio.com/T117864 This has been reported sooo many times, even before these bugs made it to stable. Oh well, hopefully the more people report it, the more likely they'll fix it...