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Everything posted by driftingnitro

  1. driftingnitro

    properly end mission on all clients

    I recommend using RemoteExecCall instead. And you can target a side if you want one side to win and the other to fail. [<params1>, <params2>] remoteExecCall ["someScriptCommand", targets, JIP]; ["End1", true, true] remoteExecCall ["BIS_FNC_EndMission", west, false]; // victory Untested but you should be able to figure it out.
  2. A couple nice fellas helping me with an addon version. I'll put it on workshop too once it's ready.
  3. I haven't messed with addons or zeus modules but I'm up for a challenge. I'm in between projects right now though so probably not immediately soon. Thanks for the help too! I was actually visiting this thread to edit the original post with a link to armaholic too!
  4. That's exactly what it does and you can change it to be whatever you like. I was working on some more complicated algorithms using polynomials, where it would get bigger, more opaque, and more red the lower it was. I was concerned about performance however considering It would calculate for each player. I could probably release this alternative (potentially broken with large player counts) script if you'd like.
  5. I'm working on a mission that doesn't have re-spawns and designed for quick firefights. My intention is to design a mission for a dedicated server with the following: If all Blufor (players) are killed, failure If time runs out, failure If all Opfor units are killed, victory Notify all players (even dead) when there is one player remaining Notify all players (even dead) when there is one enemy remaining have the same number of units and type of unit on the enemy side, i.e. 1 autorifleman blufor and 1 autorifleman opfor (shown in the initServer.sqf is already working) My experience with multiplayer scripting is limited and I'm struggling to understand why it works in local hosted multiplayer (as the host alone) but not on dedicated servers, issues include: After starting the operation using the action (see flowgraph) the LastMan.sqf will start running immediately, even with 2 blufor players Server, after starting the operation using the action, will stop updating unit positions and AI will not react. All players except yourself are running in place, coupled with sudden spikes in framerate loss when initially activated and unable to kill enemies. Enemies don't react to being shot or standing directly in front of them even. this problem isn't present on the locally hosted Possibly an issue of the server ending the mission locally but not for clients (just a guess)? Mission must still be working enough to continue the countdown timer, mission fails properly when timer reaches zero Maybe I should be getting rid of triggers entirely? But it always seemed like they synced across multiplayer better Using the trigger and (count Thislist < 2) is that when all remaining players enter one vehicle, it counts as one unit and starts the trigger Tried using setting the triggers to server only and using Bis_fnc_MP but led to the mission immediately ending upon starting the operation action Code Flowgraph Mission Source https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B85GbOCq33caWlhHNW1KcENzV00/view?usp=sharing Thanks for the help on this issue
  6. driftingnitro

    Hide Vehicle Interiors and Cockpits?

    I haven't heard of people hiding the cockpit, I imagine you could do so by creating a mod, or creating a camera in front of the nose. I don't know of a scripting solution for this problem.
  7. driftingnitro


    Looking forward to whatever you put out, still my favorite humvee mod.
  8. driftingnitro

    HMS Proteus

    I was thinking about that too but I didn't know if one of my mods was making it visible like CUP or RHS.
  9. driftingnitro


    Perfect, exactly what I needed. Thank you.
  10. Is there a better way to make respawn loadouts besides doing them one by one in the CFGRespawnInventory in the Description.ext like they show in the example here >> https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn http://pastebin.com/WP3RMGz9 This is the way I've done only ONE of these loadouts but this is so tedious that there has to be a better way. I see this function https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory but this only adds and removes pre-defined inventories from the CfgRespawnInventory in the Descrption.ext.
  11. driftingnitro


    I don't see how these scripts are relevant to my issue. Maybe if my issue was related to the mods but it's about the custom respawn inventories.
  12. driftingnitro


    I don't know if you looked at the pastebin, when you have 5 or 6 different types of "Magazines" each with at least 4x. And I need to do this for 12+ loadouts, it's getting to be a bit grating. If Arsenal could export to THIS format that would be useful, but as far as I know it just exports a bunch of "this addMagazine "blah";" stuff. The tedious'ness comes from having to match up the number of magazines with how many times you copy paste it. There is no _unit addMagazines ["rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag_No_Tracer",12]; or for "_i" from 1 to 8 do {_unit addItemToUniform "ACE_packingBandage";}; like they have in Arsenal. That's also if having to copy 25+ classnames for each loadout wasn't tedious enough.
  13. driftingnitro

    HMS Proteus

    I believe if you replace the classname of it with a diffrent object in the SQM you can move it and rotate it in Eden, but I haven't tried it.
  14. driftingnitro


    Definately great to be seeing this mod making progress again. I'm glad you are keeping it up to date. I have on suggestion though that would really help out mission makers immensely. Can you add the possibility to filter "add objects to zeus" by faction. So we can add/remove all scenery and building objects, or add all opfor to zeus. This would help immensely with having to play catch up with the 50m radius trying to accurately add specific units.
  15. driftingnitro

    Merging missions in 3DEN

    I recommend copying in sections instead of all at once. I think the problem is the volume of objects in the clipboard that you're copying.
  16. Original code thanks to Rodeostar42 on Armaholic I'm trying to restrict all players to first person even when in the passenger seat of a vehicle. I think I remember finding scripts that check for conditions if you're in the turret seat but that's always been for specific vehicles. Is there a way to modify the script to recognize when a player is in a passenger seat of a vehicle and not a copilot, gunner, driver/pilot, and commander seat? I'm trying to keep it to this one file if possible, and not having to pull information from the config on seat indexes. if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; if( (difficultyOption "thirdPersonView")isEqualTo 1) then { while {true} do { waitUntil {cameraView == "EXTERNAL" || cameraView == "GROUP"}; if (((vehicle player) == player)) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; titleText ["", "BLACK FADED"]; sleep 1; titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 1]; }; if (((vehicle player)isKindOf "LandVehicle")) then { }; if (( vehicle player) isKindOf "Helicopter") then { }; if ((vehicle player) isKindOf "Plane") then { }; if (((vehicle player)isKindOf "Ship")) then { }; }; }; };
  17. driftingnitro

    Helicopter problems?

    The Blackhawk must be inheriting something from the ghosthawk that's causing the same thing. What a weird bug though, I haven't been able to replicate.
  18. driftingnitro

    Helicopter problems?

    No, this sounds very weird, maybe your waypoint is in the air or something is setting the flyinheight.
  19. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    Well I'll just have to stick to the if statement since it can't be bypassed and appears to be the fastest. If anyone reads this later feel free to say how mouse and joystick event handlers work maybe.
  20. driftingnitro

    FlyInHeight doesnt work right

    I'm pretty sure flyinheight won't go below 40 m no matter what you do.
  21. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn For using complete vanilla, scroll down to MenuPosition. you'll want to add a respawn template to the description .ext, and it will automatically recognize new respawn points placed in zeus. You could probably even temporarily give a person zeus at the start to place the respawn point down, and then gets the position of that point and spawns structures and vehicles relative to is. I'm rambling again, MCC probably does it better.
  22. driftingnitro

    Editing units with Zeus

    And on a side note, you have to be the admin if it's a dedicated server. Or use an addon like MCC.
  23. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    Well I don't know how but I recorded both instances and 4 times out of 5 the event handler had 3rd person for 2 frames longer. one of them had the same length of time.
  24. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    Testing the mission event handler versus the loop, it's slightly slower at switching the player back to first person. Still trying to see if there is a way to set an event handler for joystick and mouse buttons.
  25. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    Just an immersion choice, a compromise. Boats don't really obscure someone's vision as much. It's the same reason why I'm trying to make it work for passengers of a vehicle.