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Everything posted by driftingnitro

  1. Latest V1.3: MOD THREAD MOD VERSION WORKSHOP ARMAHOLIC This script enables Curators to see the Frames-per-second of each individual client when playing in multiplayer, or yourself when in SP. Allowing the Zeus to identify if there is a widespread framerate problem, or if a few select users are experiencing issues. Comments in the code explain how to modify it if you want to change the 'Warning text' threshold which by default is 20fps. Pasting this code into the initPlayerLocal.sqf of any mission should work without a problem.Given Arma 3 is now in 64 bit it's the perfect opportunity for players to test their performance in multiplayer coop games with large scale combat. Find out who's computer is the beefiest when playing with your unit, or be able to identify which player's computers are having trouble keeping up with all the action on screen. A great tool for mission makers looking to maintain an optimized experience for their players when monitoring their progress in Zeus. DISCLAIMER: The script version is out of date and does not have all the features of the mod. The mod only needs to be downloaded client side and I recommend you use it instead. If you still wish to use the script, or simply see how it runs, it is here at your disposal. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Paste the following into the initPlayerLocal.sqf file// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////Script Written by DriftingNitro////////////// //////////Help from Commy2, Dedmen, and Dscha//////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Spawns a thread that will loop for each player and // //output their FPS to the server to be read by the zeus// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [] spawn { while {true} do { player setVariable ["DNI_PlayerFPS", floor diag_fps, true]; sleep 0.1; }; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Waits until curators are initalized in order to check// //if player is zeus to run the fps scripts // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// waitUntil { private _hasCurators = (count allcurators) > 0; private _hasInitializedCurators = (count (call BIS_fnc_listCuratorPlayers)) > 0; private _curatorsInitialized = !_hasCurators || _hasInitializedCurators; ((time > 2) || _curatorsInitialized) }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //If player is a curator it will run the script and each/ //player will have their FPS appear beneath them // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (player in (call bis_fnc_listcuratorplayers)) then { addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { { _distance = position curatorCamera distance _x; //if zeus camera is farther than 1200 meters away from the targets the text will not display if (_distance < 1200) then { _playerFPS = _x getVariable ["DNI_PlayerFPS",50]; //if the FPS is below 20 it turns red and becomes more visible for zeus to see so they are aware if (_playerFPS <20) then { drawIcon3D [ "",//Path to image displayed near text [1,0,0,0.7],//color of the text using RGBA position _x,//position of the text _x referring to the player in 'allPlayers' 1,//Width 2,//height from position, below 0,//angle format["%1 FPS: %2", name _x, str _playerFPS],//text to be displayed 0,//shadow on text, 0=none,1=shadow,2=outline 0.05,//text size "PuristaMedium",//text font "center"//align text left, right, or center ]; } //if the FPS is above 20 text is smaller and less visible as to not conern zeus as much else { drawIcon3D [ "",//Path to image displayed near text [1,1,1,0.3],//color of the text using RGBA position _x,//position of the text _x referring to the player in 'allPlayers' 1,//Width 2,//height from position, below 0,//angle format["%1 FPS: %2", name _x, str _playerFPS],//text to be displayed 0,//shadow on text, 0=none,1=shadow,2=outline 0.03,//text size "PuristaMedium",//text font "center"//align text left, right, or center ]; }; }; } forEach allPlayers; //Here is the array of units you wish to display the FPS text for, it can be //changed to be an array of specific units or players if you wish }]; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////End FPS Script////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. Script Version This mod enables Curators to see the Frames-per-second of each individual client when playing in multiplayer. Allowing the Zeus to identify if there is a widespread framerate problem, or if a few select users are experiencing issues. Comments in the code explain how to modify it if you want to change the 'Warning text' threshold which by default is 20fps.Given Arma 3 is now in 64 bit it's the perfect opportunity for players to test their performance in multiplayer coop games with large scale combat. Find out who's computer is the beefiest when playing with your unit, or be able to identify which player's computers are having trouble keeping up with all the action. A great tool for mission makers looking to maintain an optimized experience for their players when monitoring their progress in Zeus. Workshop Google Drive Armaholic
  3. 1.21 - Added .bikey in the mod directory, move to your server's "Keys" folder. 1.22 - Added .bikey to the "keys" folder. (A bit rusty, forgot some protocol) 1.3 - Added ability for admins who log in to see FPS as well by request of(Only logged in admins, not voted admins) - Added keybinding option to toggle visibility of framerates. Bind a key to: Custom Controls > Action 12 (Known bug, only works as Player or Zeus. Not spectator or splendid cam) - Updated .bisign - Backend work for future configuration options - Changed the mod's logo
  4. driftingnitro

    Client's FPS, Displayed for Zeus

    1.21 - Added .bikey in the mod directory, move to your server's "Keys" folder. 1.22 - Added .bikey to the "keys" folder. (A bit rusty, forgot some protocol) 1.3 - Added ability for admins who log in to see FPS as well by request of(Only logged in admins, not voted admins) - Added keybinding option to toggle visibility of framerates. Bind a key to: Custom Controls > Action 12 (Known bug, only works as Player or Zeus. Not spectator or splendid cam) - Updated .bisign - Backend work for future configuration options - Changed the mod's logo Pushed these changes last night and this morning.
  5. driftingnitro

    Client's FPS, Displayed for Zeus

    What tools do you use, I might be able to configure it for alternate mission monitoring systems.
  6. driftingnitro

    Client's FPS, Displayed for Zeus

    Updated 1.2 - Added MCC compatability - Zeus check now waits for Zeus interface every 5 seconds before activating - Zeus can be assigned any time after mission start
  7. Updated 1.2 - Added MCC compatability - Zeus check now waits for Zeus interface every 5 seconds before activating - Zeus can be assigned any time after mission start
  8. Are you talking about remote controlling units? I don't think that's an issue with this mod. Glad to hear the fix is working though, thanks for testing it.
  9. I don't know quite how to make it a toggle using a module yet, but I am going to have it run some kind of check so it can be enabled if not zeus right at the beginning of the mission.
  10. I'm pretty sure it's binarized and configured for the profile namespace unless someone else found a way to do it.
  11. They are simply physical blocks that are used as featureless, flat surfaces. Some information about them includes that if they are rotated on their sides they can't be walked on, so their orientation must be facing the sky. They do however work as walls in any orientation.
  12. Correlation does mean causation. I think you would need some pretty compelling evidence that the update caused it instead of the ram simply failing at an inconvenient time.
  13. Like Midnighters said use removeExec, since switchmove only has local effect Any script with this 'EL' means that the effects of the script will only occur to where the command is called. So anything with that it's a good idea to have the server run it in remoteExec: <params> remoteExec ["someScriptCommand", targets, JIP]; <params> = the parameter that the script needs "someScriptCommand" = your command, must be in quotes targets = JIP = runs for every player that joins after the mission started, True, to not do that, false "Animation_classname" remoteExec ["switchMove", 0, True];
  14. driftingnitro

    Client's FPS, Displayed for Zeus

    Excellent, I appreciate the QA work.
  15. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_CeWozXIsKMSXFqTGZsZlpfQzQ Here is the first release for the mod version, should work with any private server and will enable for players that join in-progress as well. Untested scenarios include any scenarios involving more than one Zeus. I only tested this with a single zeus but it should work with more than one. So with that I'm going to look up how to release it on the steam workshop. Also including random logo I made in 10 minutes.
  16. driftingnitro

    Fixed Wing Flight Model (dev branch)

    Rejoice, an informative comparison of what's on devBranch versus my hacked together version and it's not too bad. I think most people can work with this.
  17. driftingnitro

    Jets - HUD improvements

    It wouldn't be ace combat without 98 missiles, unlimited fuel, and pull 12 Gs. I think having altitude, airspeed, and other info on the HMD is neat (in fact in terms of damage simulation you could hide that information when your avionics get damaged just like in the hmd) but I wanted to make sure people don't go for scrapping a lot of the hud as is because it's in two places. If first person should be use primarily to aim (which is fine) then there needs to be an easier way other than constantly pressing the button to change views, orient your view facing forward, line it up, and then fire. For infantry it's easy because one button to aim does all of that.
  18. driftingnitro

    Jets - HUD improvements

    While I think the HUD upgrades are excellent all around, I don't think removing anything from non helmet display is a good idea, especially for people who want to fly around like this https://i.imgur.com/y0ZZaw0.gifv which is in just about every flight game.
  19. driftingnitro

    1 FPS after 64 bit update

    The only time I ever had the issue was when my intel graphics was running it instead of my dedicated graphics, but you said you already made a profile for that.
  20. driftingnitro

    Fixed Wing Flight Model (dev branch)

    Fixed it just for you fam http://i.imgur.com/y0ZZaw0.gifv _cam = "camera" camcreate (getpos player); _cam switchCamera "internal"; _cam setdir getDir (vehicle player); _cam attachto [vehicle player, [0,-15,4],"camera"];
  21. driftingnitro

    Fixed Wing Flight Model (dev branch)

    Wait, are you saying this made a fixed camera for the jet? EDIT: I found this from KillzoneKid https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/switchCamera cam = "Land_HandyCam_F" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; cam hideObject true; cam attachTo [player, [0,0,10]]; cam setVectorUp [0,0.99,0.01]; cam switchCamera "Internal"; findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown", { if (_this select 1 == 0) then { player forceWeaponFire [currentMuzzle player, currentWeaponMode player]; }; false }]; findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { if (_this select 1 in actionKeys "ReloadMagazine") then { reload player; }; false }]; EDIT 2: Holy shit this is everything I ever wanted if it just... ya know... worked. http://i.imgur.com/Ke4oJXF.gifv
  22. driftingnitro

    Fixed Wing Flight Model (dev branch)

    Does this mean I can play Ace Combat in my Arma now?
  23. driftingnitro

    Need some editing help

    Extended map info is a difficulty setting on the server or host that's preventing you from seeing your self or anyone else's icon. You can add icons using some scripts, look around for blufor tracking scripts. Also Arma has built in control points you can look up how to use, a few modules synced to a trigger should get you going pretty quick but there are guides on how to do it that explain it better than I can. You can set a trigger to create a task when it's captured.