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Everything posted by Bamse

  1. It did not; https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/pull/4694
  2. Not yet, but Armaholic will most probably update soon. Meanwhile I downloaded from SW and just copied the pbo's to a "proper" location and to our repo. On my drive I found the files under ~Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\498740884\addons\
  3. Bamse

    Enhanced Visuals

    Thanks for bringing the NVG visuals back :D After playing with your addons for quite some time you quickly realize how boring the the vanilla superduper-NVGs are. Thanks for the release!
  4. This looks outstanding. Good job!
  5. Just to make it clear, I'm very much not part of the ACE3 team. This was a small inhouse patch made for the team I'm playing with ... nothing more :)
  6. @Devastator_cm I'm sorry man, but I really don't get it. Ofc an important base mod such as CBA will affect other mods if there are bugs. I don't have a doubt in my mind that ANY mod team tries their best to release a version without "game breaking bugs", but having a organization behind it that can guarantee a 110% error free product and/or a support staff that can rectify any errors at the leisure of the users is just not even a remotely feasible idea for a non-profit hobby project. If you have a service that is so important (meanwhile remembering this is a computer game) that any downtime results in a series of forum posts along with gripe you probably should't run the absolutely latest versions without testing it thoroughly first and even less using a service that automatically updates the mods for you. This goes for ANY mission maker, server owner or product user of any kind _especially_ when you knowingly base your work off another mod so you don't need to do a lot of the work yourself. Altho in a bigger scale, but would you run windows update with automatic updates turned on on a mission critical server for your company? (hint: if you answer yes you are incorrect ;]) You claim mutual respect so there must be some kind of balance to your argument but currently it's just a whole lot of demands :) I see where you're coming from, but the perspective is very very narrow.
  7. No. At the moment there is no chance of CPR giving you your pulse back, you absolutely 100% need a PAK. The CPR function have a 40% chance of giving you a heart rate of 40 again, but the medical loop sets all heart rate under 60 to 0 again if I understand the code correctly. CPR also takes about 15 seconds to complete and gives you a random value between 0-20 seconds back on the revive timer so there's a big chance that doing CPR won't give you back the seconds it took to perform it ... altho it will slow the timer down :) We made a small inhouse patch for 3.8.0 to change the CPR to give value a higher base heart rate (61 to be on the safe side) and got CPR to work nicely but couldn't figure out how to do a proper standalone patch with all the macroing going on in ACE3, so we left it as a test and went no further. I do suspect this will get fixed in the rewrite :)
  8. @major_shepard ACRE2 is now updated and requires TS3.1. I haven't gotten home to try it out yet, but I suspect the plugin installation path now will need some changing in the plugin-installer in A3S. https://github.com/IDI-Systems/acre2/releases/tag/v2.4.0.942 https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/193813-advanced-combat-radio-environment-2-acre2/?page=11#comment-3152597
  9. Thanks for the new release, will try it out on Thursday on our groups' next game :) Question regarding the new client side options tho. I'm assuming that module based mission settings override what the client does in the options in red? Or is it just a mirror of the server settings so that a client can see what settings are in use?
  10. Bamse

    Enhanced Movement

    Snipes: Just saying. If you are a player and want a mod that is public server friendly AND tweakable so everyone can have their own set of rules what should be possible to do and not to do .... I'm afraid you're a bit off the mark. Isn't the basics kinda opposite, that everyone has the same rules to abide by?
  11. Damn, looks really really good. I absolutely adore the mix of open plains and fields but being undulating and hilly at the same time (as opposed to Altis' very very VERY flat plains) so there's visual cover and lots of places for surprises. Great attentions to detail and I'm very much looking forward to testing it.
  12. try adding scopeArsenal = 2; to the config
  13. @major_shepard The new TS3-version made some changes that will probably affect the TFAR/ACRE-plugin installer. None of the radio mods have updated their stuff to suit TS 3.1 yet, but for when they do; here's some info from another thread:
  14. Bamse

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    With a bit of tinkering (as in selecting the correct pbo's) around you can mix DS and JSRS (and ES) as it always has been. I use the new version of DS for all the included weapon sounds and explosions but JSRS for environmental sounds, vehicles etc etc. It's a treat to say the least :)
  15. damn, I've been using the old version daily up until now. Very excited to try the new version! <3
  16. Bamse

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    My OCD-sense is tingling. Docter. The brand is Docter :)
  17. Bamse

    Forums Upgrade

    Indeed, login issue is fixed. gj! :)
  18. Bamse

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    Loading terrain data uses RAM, not loading AI. AI will mostly use CPU and what you are seeing is likely a core or two going 100% and the rest isn't doing as much. Switch to the performance tap, click cpu, right click the graph and show logical processors. There you'll have a better view on whats going on CPU wise.
  19. Bamse

    Forums Upgrade

    Pretty sure they are aware after 4 pages filled with the same report, and the maintenance announced up top is specifically aimed to rectify this ;)
  20. Bamse

    Forums Upgrade

    Vasily: maintenance hasn't even begun yet.
  21. Bamse

    Targeting improvements

    Purdy much, yep :) Nicely done step in the right direction. <3
  22. Bamse

    Targeting improvements

    Only had the option to take a few screenshots. Visuals of CCIP are the same as before, its just that it's not visible outside the defined HMD-box. Crappy screenshots taken from crappy work computer from within the A-164: http://imgur.com/a/wYIC6
  23. Oh, lol. That is very very true. Did I just create a shitstorm? fuck me >_<
  24. Question regarding Adv. Ballistics and ACE3 Scopes: We're looking at enabling advanced ballistics and implementing that on a sniper team in a mission. We tried it and it works great. We do however also have integrated marksmen in the squads (think along the lines of an SPR/Mk12 and it like the bigger sniper rifles are using high powered optics) and do not want Adv. Ballistics or the scope adjustments to apply to them. Think of it like a stepping stone of difficulty of sorts. Is this possible? Is there some variable I can apply to a unit or mission variable I can set to disable scopes and/or adv. ballistics to certain units and/or scopes?