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Everything posted by Belbo

  1. Nope, it's an array. That's how hiddenSelectionsTextures[] work. For reference, this is the U_B_CombatUniform_mcam's original entry: hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\data\suitpack_soldier_blufor_co.paa"}; It does all work - the class is properly overwritten and is listed in the config viewer with the right texture path, but the texture is still not shown. #edit: alright. Configuring a uniform is not enough, you have to create a soldier to bring your uniform texture in the game: https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:config:stiltman-retexturing-tutorial#uniforms
  2. class cfgWeapons { class U_B_CombatUniform_mcam; class adv_retex_u_CombatUniform_wdl: U_B_CombatUniform_mcam { displayName = "Combat Fatigues (Woodland)"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"a3\characters_f\BLUFOR\Data\clothing_wdl_co.paa"}; }; }; ... creates a duplicate of U_B_CombatUniform_mcam with the right classname but without applying the "a3\characters_f\BLUFOR\Data\clothing_wdl_co.paa"-texture. Any idea, why?
  3. Yeah, really informative title... The problem I'm having right now is that I try to convert an unnested array in the format [STRING, NUMBER, STRING, NUMBER, STRING, NUMBER, ...] into a nested array in which every string gets paired with a number into an array, like so: [ [STRING, NUMBER], [STRING, NUMBER], [STRING, NUMBER], ... ] I suppose there might be already a perfectly fine solutino for this, but I'm currently not able to find it.
  4. @Tankbuster The return value is right, but not the parameters. I'm looking specifically for something that turns ["string1",1,"string2",2,"string3",3] into [["string1",1],["string2",2],["string3",3]] or rather simply [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] into [[a,b],[c,d],[e,f],[g,h]] @gc8 That works like a charm, thank you!
  5. Most of the code hasn't changed. Ever since the medical rewrite was started, the medical system has seen very little attention.
  6. What would be a probable ETA for this to hit dev/stable branch?
  7. Belbo


    Updated to version 1.5.2: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_Medical/releases/download/1.5.2/adv_aceCPR.zip ADDED: setting to enable AED usage only in medical facilities/medical vehicles/both/all.
  8. Belbo


    That should be no problem. For now I would just tie it to the ace_medical_useLocation_PAK setting or maybe even create a setting for that.
  9. Belbo

    Grabbing Console Output

    Have you gotten a solution? If so, you should post it here.
  10. Belbo

    Ace 3 / Progressbar

    _target is not defined in the code for ace_common_fnc_progressBar, because you don't set it up in the arguments. https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/addons/common/functions/fnc_progressBar.sqf [10, [_target], { params ["_target"]; // FIND POSITION & DIRECTION private _pos = getPos _target; private _dir = direction _target; // DELETE UNIT & CREATE BODYBAG deleteVehicle _target; private _bodyBag = createVehicle ["ACE_bodyBagObject", _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _bodybag setDir _dir; // HANDLE CRS ["BodyBag"] call iV_fnc_numbersCRS; }, {hint localize "STR_iV_Canceled"}, ""] call ace_common_fnc_progressBar;
  11. https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/addons/medical/functions/fnc_adjustPainLevel.sqf This function does exactly that.
  12. These are the only two things that relate to CPR in it's current state. inReviveState can be triggered by various reasons (damage, bloodVolume < 30, heartRate < 30, just from the top of my head), but there's no point in doing CPR unless patient is in reviveState or cardiacArrest.
  13. There's no sure way aside from getVariable: _target getVariable "ace_medical_inCardiacArrest"; _target getVariable "ace_medical_inReviveState"; Usually inReviveState correlates with a missing pulse - but not always.
  14. In that case, I'd recommend a function like this: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_MissionTemplate/blob/master/adv_missiontemplate.altis/functions/AI/fn_setSide.sqf Just call this before you group them to the player: [[h1, h2, h3, h4], side player] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fn_setSide.sqf";
  15. There is no way to get someone out of the reviveState with CPR right now. You might have treated people that weren't in reviveState. If a patient is in reviveState you can do whatever you want, increase, decrease the blood volume, set their heart rate to 5000, but it won't do any difference.
  16. Belbo


    That sounds by far the most reasonable explanation. I'd be grateful if you could try to recreate the problem and look into the specific factors that correlate to frequency of this behaviour occurring.
  17. Please, don't push. It's against the forum guidelines. You got your question answered already anyways: The current implementation of ACE CPR (which is the function posted by computer - that's the code used in ace 3.12.2) only allows addition to the revive timer of -15 to +5 seconds if the patient is in reviveState. Thus you can't ever get a patient out of the reviveState without PAK. You have to do CPR as long as the patient is in reviveState (and still he can die during the process). Only if the patient is in cardiac arrest and not in the revive state (for example because of medication) you can stabilize a patient with regular CPR. Or, in other words: ACE CPR hasn't really got a usable function in its current state, at least the way most people set up their ace_medical settings. Hence the reason for creating and using mods like mine. You could ask the server owners to implement ADV - ACE CPR additionally to ACE.
  18. Belbo


    That might be. In that case probably the curator only toggles their unconscious-state without resetting their inRevive-state. Thus the revive timer still ticks down and kills them off somehow. That sounds like a problem that has to be a general ace problem then. Ask your curator to not do that (it's not good behaviour anyway). Another possible cause might be that ace_medical_preventInstaDeath is set to false and patients simply die from some other kind of damage source during treatment. Waking up during wound treatment would suggest that the unconscious player is not (yet) in reviveState anyway. You can't wake up during reviveState at all - unless someone fiddles manually (or via script) with the unconscious-state. What are your settings for ace_medical_maxReviveTime and adv_aceCPR_maxTime?
  19. Could it be that they're setCaptive for your hostage script? In that case: {_x setCaptive false} forEach [h1, h2, h3, h4];
  20. Have you given the radio sounds the right names (have to be the ones from the original folders) and have you created the wavs in the right length and in 44.1kHz? I made a couple of sounds myself and noticed that the sampling frequency had to be exactly 44.1kHz. By the way, my radio-sounds are still only in C:\Program Files\TeamSpeak 3 Client\config\plugins\radio-sounds
  21. Belbo


    That sounds indeed strange. There could be multiple reasons for that - none of which I hope have anything to do with ADV - ACE CPR. It depends on your ace settings, your mission scripts (ace spectator has to be called specifically, it's not automatically active) and your mods. All I can say for sure is, that this problem is not a common occurrence that has been reported to me before in any way. What I can offer is: Try to recreate the problem with somebody, get both of your rpts and export your ace³ settings to a file, put those three files in your mission folder, send me your mission folder. That way I could have a look at what might be the cause for that.
  22. That's what I wrote: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_MissionTemplate/blob/master/adv_missiontemplate.altis/functions/AI/fn_spawnConvoy.sqf Works for air vehicles too. All I needed was a convoy of vehicles that transports infantry groups to a specified target and unloads them there. Works pretty well.
  23. initPlayerLocal.sqf initServer.sqf is, according to its name, for the server, not for the client.
  24. Something that just came to my mind: Have you considered a collaboration between you and aliascartoons, to up the ante on the different anomalies? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=34040 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33731 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33687 The two of you could probably get a whole lot of anomalies in the game.
  25. disableInput is erratic in MP. You have to circumvent the problems of disableInput like this: https://github.com/Pergor/ADV_MissionTemplate/blob/master/adv_missiontemplate.altis/functions/client/fn_disableInput.sqf Otherwise players might end up not having their Inputs reenabled.