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Everything posted by zagor64bz

  1. I don't think he meant climbing the rope/ladder. probably he meant HOIST him up...basically the reverse of rappelling down.
  2. Nah man...22 months is about right..average I would say. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 PS: I've had a similar issue, HERE, and was solved slightly differently: Just to recap... I had this working with a trigger: -variable name: trig01 -activation OPFOR -not present -condition: this or { (count thisList) <= (thisTrigger getVariable ["minAliveUnitsNumber", 0]) } On Act:- whatever you need to exec. In the init.sqf: _unitsNumber = { !(isPlayer _x) and { (side _x) == opfor } and { _x inArea trg01 } } count allUnits; trg01 setVariable ["minAliveUnitsNumber", ceil (0.2 * _unitsNumber)];
  3. Awesome...but just to be clear..how?
  4. REALLY looking forward to this!!!!
  5. zagor64bz

    Make all DLC Maps Free

    ...also, you know what they say: no pain, no gain. Wanna play cool new content? Showed that 20 bucks out and play. Can't afford it right now? Sit and watch until you can...a coupled trip less to McD and you have it. After all, the pricing are MORE THAN AFFORDABLE.
  6. zagor64bz

    Advanced Jets

    Not in Arma..not for me, anyway. Yap, that would be awesome @Corbin Meador....if you like clicking so much..LOL. On a serious note, WSO could fit just right in, clickable cockpit...mmmm...I'm also glad there's not that in Arma. Flying in Arma is more "casual"..not arcade-ish like BF5 but not even like DCS. I like the way it is... At most, an OPTIONAL little more "realistic" start-up procedure could do. Zagor out.
  7. zagor64bz

    Language of the AI

    never mind...
  8. Not your fault man. It's the infamous "invisible forum bug". if you copy-paste your snippet (the first one you wrote) into the "code" tab you'll see plenty of RED DOTS which will trow errors once used in any script.... Try..you'll see. @VHFluffy I suggest you verify EVERY script you copy in the forum by copy-paste it in the code box on the reply field. You'll be surprised how many time scripts don't work because of unwanted "red-dots". Cheers. EDIT: even the second one has the dots.....HAHAHAHAHA...damn little bugs...
  9. Glad it worked in SP....as far as MP goes, sorry mate, cannot help ya there. MP is a whole new world for me....
  10. Yap..... player addAction ["Heal Tail Rotor", "vehicle player setHitPointDamage ['hitVRotor', 0]"]; player addAction ["Heal Engine", "vehicle player setHitPointDamage ['hitEngine', 0]"]; player addAction ["Break Engine", "vehicle player setHitPointDamage ['hitEngine', 1]"]; player addAction ["Break Tail Rotor", "vehicle player setHitPointDamage ['hitVRotor', 1]"]; player removeAction DCON_Eject In your OP you asked how to RESPAWN the choppa with the above addAction...so I figured you already have that in his init. Enjoy!!
  11. I do have it... it's running the OS, unfortunately... time for an upgrade then..lol ps: thanks for the link..VERY useful. Zagor out.
  12. Hey guys, any way to have EOS spawn BOATS only in some marker area? Even further, about AIR units, any way to spawn JETS? Basically, I'm creating a mission where the player is a jet/heli pilot tasked to clear sectors of the map from hostiles (mostly vehicles and few foot patrols). I would like to have him engage surface targets, like boats. Plus would be nice if sometimes random JETS will CAP the markers. Is possible? Cheers, Zagor. EDIT: nevermind... some small test run cleared that for me: In the unit pools, insert Jet classnames together with or instead of helis, and jets will spawn. Also, IfSurfaceisWater will take care of boats....
  13. Don't worry man, we ALL walked there..in the shadow's valley of scripts usage... In the respawn module, look for " Expression" field: write : (_this select 0) execVM "add_action.sqf"; Open notepad++ or any text editor and copy-paste your script: player addAction ["Heal Tail Rotor", "vehicle player setHitPointDamage ['hitVRotor', 0]"]; player addAction ["Heal Engine", "vehicle player setHitPointDamage ['hitEngine', 0]"]; player addAction ["Break Engine", "vehicle player setHitPointDamage ['hitEngine', 1]"]; player addAction ["Break Tail Rotor", "vehicle player setHitPointDamage ['hitVRotor', 1]"]; player removeAction DCON_Eject save as: add_action.sqf in your mission folder (note: be sure to choose "all type" under the save prompt). If it is not already there, move the file "add_action.sqf" in the mission folder, and you're done.
  14. I see....TBH, I never had any major issue while playing with my rig, averaging a 50/60 fps...but I do recognize 8GB is a bit low for Arma. I'll upgrade the ram asap...32 should do then?
  15. THAT WOULD BE A DREAM!!!! There was an old game, Delta Force: Black hawk down, where you could get the AI team to stack up and enter the room and clear it "Delta-style" LOL. That will do as well.. Keep up the awesome work Leopard20...you're getting there...
  16. Quite a few, so I have to try pure vanilla... (so obviously I will try no mods...) DDR4 8 GB (DRAM Frequency 1197.1 MHz) i-5 CPU @ 2.80 GHz nope Actually one of the TAC_OPS official campaign missions... Couldn't tell you exactly, but it starts recently.. the last few days I'll say...
  17. Are you using the respawn module or script to respawn the heli? Also, I'm a little confused here. The subject of your add action is the player and not the heli, so why you need the heli to have the add action running? You could add that to the player. Anyway, if you're using the module, the way I would handle it is this: in the expression field of the module: (_this select 0) execVM "add_action.sqf" add_action.sqf player addAction ["Heal Tail Rotor", "vehicle player setHitPointDamage ['hitVRotor', 0]"]; player addAction ["Heal Engine", "vehicle player setHitPointDamage ['hitEngine', 0]"]; player addAction ["Break Engine", "vehicle player setHitPointDamage ['hitEngine', 1]"]; player addAction ["Break Tail Rotor", "vehicle player setHitPointDamage ['hitVRotor', 1]"]; player removeAction DCON_Eject So anytime the heli respawn it runs the add action script.....
  18. That is funny because lately, it happens to me as well sporadically..and NOT using to your mod. I thought something was wrong with my rig (which is pretty new..) but now it tells me I have to dig somewhere else then...
  19. Thanks, bud. Actually, a very easy thing to do indeed... For anyone coming here for an answer: _dynamicAirport1 = "DynamicAirport_01_F" createVehicle position this;//// put this on the carrier init CAP landAt _dynamicAirport1;///this also in the init, where CAP is the plane variable name Ps: it did work actually... if (speed vehicle player >= 100) then { _forwardY = velocityModelSpace vehicle player select 1; vehicle player setVelocityModelSpace [0, _forwardY *.98, 0]; };
  20. I'm gonna use that for simulating an arrest-wire on the carrier when you land planes without tailhook.....thanks, man!!! ps: this will do, right? if (speed CAS_plane > 80) then { _forwardY = velocityModelSpace CAS_plane select 1; CAS_plane setVelocityModelSpace [0, _forwardY *.98, 0]; // decelerate incrementally };
  21. zagor64bz

    Use Map Flags To Teleport To A Position

    Thanks mate! I'm just a noob learning things...
  22. zagor64bz

    Use Map Flags To Teleport To A Position

    That's a "simple" add-action with a little script to move the men on deck. Put this on an object (in my case was an SDV) this addAction ["<t size='1.5' shadow='2' color='#ff9900'>BACK TO SHIP</t>", "Scripts\back_to_ship.sqf"]; back_to_ship.sqf: [0, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder; sleep 1; TitleText ["","BLACK FADED"]; sleep 2; {_x setposASL [26357.365 + random [-10,0,10],17786.236 + random [-10,0,10],22.5]} forEach units group player; group player setBehaviour "CARELESS"; TitleText ["","BLACK IN",3]; [1, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder; Note the random pos needed to avoid units spawning on each other..
  23. zagor64bz

    Use Map Flags To Teleport To A Position

    You can also use the Strategic map for other uses..not just for tasks...