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Everything posted by fn_Quiksilver

  1. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    Updated to 1.3.1 Stability & Maintenance, Stringtable.xml - [ADDED] Stringtable.xml (WIP) - [TWEAKED] Server Restart on-screen indicator now displays community logo/flag - [TWEAKED] Revive - System variables can be adjusted from description.ext. - [TWEAKED] Revive - First aid kit will only be consumed upon successful revive - [TWEAKED] Revive - Unconscious players Medikit (in backpack) can be used, if Medikit is required for revive. - [FIXED] Occasionally unable to Release when dragging soldiers. - [FIXED] CAS jet could blow up on spawn for players when using Transport Points -based CAS system. - [FIXED] Script error when adding Sniper to weekly whitelist - [FIXED] Removed debug variables that slipped into stable build. "QS_fnc_AIHandleUnit" , "QS_fnc_AIGroupEventEnemyDetected" - [FIXED] "QS_fnc_AIHandleGroup" Script error line 1079 - [FIXED] "QS_fnc_AIHandleUnit" Too many units were attempting suppressive fire in combat (affects performance & FPS) - [FIXED] Enemy jets had duplicate missile countermeasure system (too hard to kill). - [REMOVED] Some unused files in "code\functions" Notes: - Stringtable.xml and language translations are work in progress and should be considered only an initial implementation.
  2. i got a chuckle out of that snippet ... "disable animal behaviour on the man"
  3. this does not apply to vehicles in aware/combat mode once they enter aware/combat, they ignore limitspeed It has continuous effect and AI will not break through the speed limitation until one is contacted, engaged or regrouped. you can do some interesting things with AI driving by removing the group/combat/AI overhead .. delete the driver unit and replace him with an Agent driver
  4. fn_Quiksilver

    doTarget for Artillery doesn't work

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/doArtilleryFire Mortar doArtilleryFire [position _itemTarget, "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells", 3];
  5. _vehicle = vehicle player; private _floatVal = _vehicle getVariable ['TAG_canFloat',-1]; if (_floatVal isEqualTo -1) then { _floatVal = getNumber (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _vehicle) >> 'canFloat'); _vehicle setVariable ['TAG_canFloat',_floatVal]; }; private _canFloat = _floatVal > 0; systemchat str _canFloat;
  6. fn_Quiksilver

    Missile guidance libary

    very cool system 🙂
  7. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    Updated to 1.3.0 Content update: AI Overhaul, Feature Implementation, Primary Objective improvements, Code optimisation This is quite a massive update. Key areas of focus were Headless Client implementation, AI Overhaul, changes to AO objective spawning, and a number of other new features. - [ADDED] Headless Client. - [ADDED] AI Behaviour Overhaul (Patrols, suppressive fire, frag & smoke use, etc). - [ADDED] Accuracy Leaderboard (both sniper and regular). - [ADDED] (Classic Mode) Enemy can respawn in towns. - [ADDED] (Server Option) Hit marker audio cue when you hit an enemy with an appropriate weapon. - [ADDED] Friendly-fire indicator when you hit a friendly. - [ADDED] Destroyer (Ship) functional helicopter hangar (roll helicopters in/out of hangar). - [ADDED] Player parachute deployment. - [ADDED] Player Suppression Effects (when being shot from unseen direction), including optional toggle. - [ADDED] Illumination Flares. - [ADDED] Craters (Artillery & Mortar). - [ADDED] (Server Option) Group waypoint. Subordinates can see their group leaders [Shift]+[Click] waypoint on the map. - [ADDED] Zeus can create a scripted mission. (See notes below). - [TWEAKED] General scripting optimisations (significant). - [TWEAKED] Leaderboard data structure & network overhaul (significant optimisation). - [TWEAKED] (Classic Mode) Objectives can now spawn in towns. - [TWEAKED] Enemy helicopter reinforcements now slightly more survivable. - [TWEAKED] Enemy killed in "CAR"/"AIR"/"PARACHUTE" class vehicles will no longer be deleted, instead they will fall out of the vehicle. - [TWEAKED] Enemy have fewer .50 Cal HMG assets at lower player count (replaced with 7.62mm). - [TWEAKED] Overhauled Zeus AI suppressive fire (Numpad 6). - [TWEAKED] Enemy CAS bombs can now be detected by nearby friendly radar-equipped assets (and automatically warn ground elements). - [TWEAKED] Smoke countermeasures more effective against enemy CAS bombs. - [TWEAKED] Vehicles which can re-arm other vehicles, now attract more enemy attention. - [TWEAKED] (Classic and Sector Control Modes) GPS Jammer now affects whole AO. - [TWEAKED] Replaced enemy priority anti-air battery targets with Tigris. - [TWEAKED] If "dynamic restart" parameter is used, server will not restart during Defend missions (Classic & Insurgency). - [TWEAKED] Added realistic AAA defense props to Destroyer ship. - [TWEAKED] Added AI-compatible helipad to Destroyer ship to facilitate AI helicopter landings. - [TWEAKED] Enemy have fewer advanced AT missile specialists in AO. - [TWEAKED] Server will inform player when they have been added to whitelist for leaderboards performance. - [TWEAKED] Removed scripted Medevac AO task (players can still call for medevac). - [TWEAKED] Added FPS indicator for Zeus spawning when server FPS is low. - [TWEAKED] Terrain radio towers removed at mission start when gamemode has radio towers as objectives. - [TWEAKED] HMG towers now use CSAT gunners instead of LDF. - [TWEAKED] Added a few props to Kavala mission. - [TWEAKED] (Classic) Enemy Commander now able to call in Fire Support (even outside the AO) on receiving intel. - [TWEAKED] (Classic) Enemy Commander "beret collector" leaderboard. Take his hat! - [TWEAKED] (Classic) Enemy Commander has a little extra health. - [TWEAKED] Enemy recon units get their black helmets back. - [TWEAKED] Players are now able to access the upper deck on the USS Liberty Destroyer (Ship). - [TWEAKED] Vehicles which carry Vehicle-Ammo will have a harder time remaining stealthy. - [TWEAKED] Framework now uses new dedicated .vars file for saving persistent mission data. - [TWEAKED] Player-created landmines should not despawn. - [TWEAKED] Fuel consumption module. - [TWEAKED] Zeus can now give waypoints to non-local groups (limited functionality for network reasons). - [TWEAKED] (Classic) Added statistics data for AOs: average duration + average player count by AO location. - [TWEAKED] Added some new national flag Insignia patches to Area-51. - [FIXED] Weekly leaderboard was not correctly adding top performers to weekly whitelist. - [FIXED] Random vehicles in AO could spawn inside other mission-placed compositions. - [FIXED] Player respawning on a Ship could fall below geometry into water (can still occur occasionally). - [FIXED] Animals were gathering on beaches instead of further inland. - [FIXED] Enemy were not throwing smokes/frags when they should have been (still WIP). - [FIXED] Enemy Viper teams could spawn under rocks. - [FIXED] Player could be reported for friendly-fire by Robocop on server connection. - [FIXED] 'Help IDAP' side mission could glitch out and medical supplies end up underwater and unretrievable. - [FIXED] Server FPS marker was disappearing for admins. - [FIXED] Some objectives could spawn on top of each other - [FIXED] Player could fire a weapon while captive/invincible/incapacitated. - [FIXED] Night illumination fires should no longer despawn before AO+Defend is complete - [KNOWN BUG] Enemy helicopter can stop moving when given a fire mission. - [KNOWN BUG] AI medics jump out to revive nearby players even when in Crew seats. Change Notes: - 4+ headless clients are supported. They must be on same local network as Server to achieve improved session performance. - New AO statistics available with: (missionProfileNamespace getvariable 'QS_statistics_classic_aoDuration'). You will be able to see which AOs are too easy/hard and adjust accordingly (dynamic AI skill). - Commander only currently able to call in Mortars for Fire Support. Future plans for many exotic types of fire support. - I removed the enemy patrols starting in "safe" mode, now they start in "aware" mode. - Enemies respawning in towns can only do so in buildings already occupied by enemy. - Zeus can create a scripted Capture task. Simply spawn a "Fugitive" class civilian and remote control him. Spawn him in "Gitmo" prison for orange jump suit. There are plans for future script-assist Zeus missions.
  8. fn_Quiksilver

    Missions in Mission Mental Lock

    whenever i get the mental block, i go back and do some easy smaller tasks to improve existing content
  9. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    - Were you playing as a player at the time (rather than say, as zeus) - Was the radio tower inside the red AO zone? The tower is set to indestructible until players on foot enter the area, to prevent players in vehicles/aircraft from "lone wolfing" the objective, but other than that, there should not be an issue
  10. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    hey, there is nothing in the parameter file for that unfortunately. Currently it operates as: - Very Fast nighttimes (15x speed) - Faster daytimes (2x speed) - Slower dawns & dusks (0.5x speed) you can adjust those values here https://github.com/auQuiksilver/Apex-Framework/blob/master/Apex_framework.terrain/code/functions/fn_core.sqf#L708-L710 Will look into adding time controls to parameter file
  11. If its PvE and all players are on same team then you don't need to worry about group side _list = (allPlayers inAreaArray [_position,_radius,_radius,0,FALSE]) - [player]; If there are players on multiple sides and you're trying to filter down for the players side _list = ((allPlayers inAreaArray [_position,_radius,_radius,0,FALSE]) - [player]) select {(side (group _x)) isEqualTo playerSide};
  12. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    Mission update 1.3.0 inbound. Currently in RC Branch, about 2 weeks out from dropping. Focus of 1.3.0 has been Headless Client, advanced AI Combat Behaviours, Mission Objective tweaks and general development.
  13. fn_Quiksilver

    Finding TOTALLY empty position

    When you start testing your position finding system, this spot on Tanoa is very good for testing. Returns as a nice position in most "safe pos" systems, but for spawning objects and compositions it is quite treacherous use "nearEntities" command to check for nearby moving entities, such as people and vehicles.
  14. fn_Quiksilver

    Suggestions for Bohemia

    Regarding your third point, I think i can speak to that. there is a "skipLobby" parameter built into arma and also built into their server/gamemode. It is disabled due to an old but persistent arma bug where a lobby slot can become corrupted for a time, and no player will be able to connect. The experience is "Im stuck on Receiving Data". You bypass that bug by simply selecting a different slot. The skipLobby parameter forces the player into the first available slot to autojoin them into the server. If that is the bugged slot, then no player will be able to join the server as they will all get forced into the bugged slot and "stuck on receiving data". https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#skipLobby Look, even just today: That is why very few servers use skipLobby, as it removes ability to change slot Regarding your second point, This functionality is already in the game, @killzone_kid can elaborate further. It is disabled due to security vulnerabilities I think. Imagine a cheater forcing you to join a server
  15. I usually do something like this private _max_positions = 10; // how many positions we want _min_radius = 500; // minimum distance from another position private _pos = [0,0,0]; private _registered_positions = [_pos]; _max_positions = 3 + 1; // 1 is the [0,0,0] we remove at the end _timeout = diag_ticktime + 30; // timeout to exit the loop after 30 seconds for '_i' from 0 to 1 step 0 do { // infinite loop until positions are found or timeout triggers // test a position _pos = [........] call bis_fnc_randompos; // position conditions if ( ((_registered_positions findIf {((_x distance2D _pos) < _min_radius)}) isEqualTo -1) ) then { _registered_positions pushback _pos; }; // exit conditions if ( ((count _registered_positions) isEqualTo _max_positions) || {(diag_tickTime > _timeout)} ) exitWith {}; }; _registered_positions deleteAt 0; if (diag_tickTime > _timeout) exitWith { // timed out, failed to find enough positions }; _registered_positions theres nothing wrong with a placeholder position in an array, you could try without it and see what happens too.
  16. fn_Quiksilver

    Mission Feedback

    hey ill give it a play having mods will cut down the number of players. for mission design i'd suggest to do initial design in vanilla in possible and then once you find something that you and others like, bring in the mods
  17. the vehicle AI driving was left in a broken state around 2016/2017
  18. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    Another necessary hotfix. only causes issues when recruitable AI are used The fix is applied here, to make the change yourself before I update the default files https://github.com/auQuiksilver/Apex-Framework/commit/ca0432cb83e02f4ca4f0464291b77699815e84ab
  19. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    Small but critical script error in 1.2.0 , it will appear in the RPT log. The fix is here: change the || to && https://github.com/auQuiksilver/Apex-Framework/commit/708d47a020f8b99c61c9e12793957f7a8377dc67 https://github.com/auQuiksilver/Apex-Framework/blob/708d47a020f8b99c61c9e12793957f7a8377dc67/Apex_framework.terrain/code/functions/fn_core.sqf#L377 Will publish to the packed PBO versions today
  20. fn_Quiksilver

    ARMA3 - useful knowledge

    you can check for AI that are not in combat and not moving, despite having waypoints. if they not moving then use line detection for overhead objects. if the object has "rock" in the model name then set the bot up, and save that position to server profile as a "problem spot". over time you'll have a short list of problem areas to not spawn stuff in
  21. fn_Quiksilver

    ARMA3 - useful knowledge

    there are many many ... to kick it off, a small one: if you are having trouble with AI spawning inside rocks, use this function on spawned units. _unit setVehiclePosition [(getPosASL _unit),[],10,'NONE']; it will put them ontop of the rock instead of under. careful not to use this on units placed in buildings, as it will put them on the roof! so it would look like this: _unit = (creategroup west) createUnit ['b_soldier_f',<spawn position>,[],0,'NONE']; // maybe spawned inside a rock _unit setVehiclePosition [(getPosASL _unit),[],0,'NONE']; // will set them ontop of the rock ..... One other. If you want to nerf thermals in your mission, use "setDate" to change the month to december (winter). terrain is colder so contrast will be so high that it is not useful.
  22. fn_Quiksilver

    [SP/COOP] Random Infantry Skirmish

    hey i played some of this on Tanoa. very cool setup, cleared the town then went around a corner and enemy on static HMG was waiting. looks good and no bugs
  23. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    Updated to 1.2.0 Maintenance update, bug fixes and gameplay tweaks with some moderate optimisation First update after some time away. Areas of focus are key bug fixes, script optimisations, and gameplay ergonomics tweaks. Next update will be focused on mission/gamemode/AI improvements. - [ADDED] (Options Menu) Option to hide 3D group hexagons. - [ADDED] (Options Menu) Option to hide extended system chat messages (battleye chat spam). - [ADDED] AI Medics now have more advanced behaviour (Both player-controlled and Zeus-spawned). - [ADDED] Ability for passengers & other pilots to Take Control of a helicopter mid-air, when the pilot disconnects from server with passengers on-board. - [ADDED] Increased Helicopter survivability on taking critical damage. - [TWEAKED] Smoke countermeasures now work much better. - [TWEAKED] Dramatically reduced probability of T-140 Angara spawning at all missions (due to its superior active protection system) - [TWEAKED] Dramatically reduced enemy drone spawn frequency at defend missions. - [TWEAKED] Upgraded our main position-finding functions - [TWEAKED] Small optimisation, applied new "isNotEqualTo" command across most frequently CPU-evaluated functions. - [TWEAKED] Small optimisation to network bandwidth of map marker updates - [TWEAKED] Small optimisation, replacing "compile preprocessfilelinenumbers" with "compilescript" - [TWEAKED] Improved weapon sway with heavy weapons (MMG & Sniper) when player is standing/crouched and weapon is stabilized but not formally deployed - [TWEAKED] 1 less enemy sniper team in AOs (if player count is < 25) - [TWEAKED] Players will now get incapacitated when on the deck of a ship, instead of killed - [TWEAKED] Enemy vehicles with camo net can now be Reported/Confirmed, it just takes longer - [TWEAKED] Group leaders can report enemy vehicles to the map if their group size is 4+ (fireteam and above), but not create Fire support tasks like JTAC - [TWEAKED] Group leaders of groups 4+ players, can see map enemies at much further distances - [TWEAKED] Improving & Optimising player damage effects feedback (screen post-processing effects) - [TWEAKED] Reduced skill accuracy of AI spawned by Zeus. - [TWEAKED] Enemy UAVs at low-player-count times no longer carry bombs. - [TWEAKED] Enemy plane countermeasures less effective against shoulder-fired AA (to promote infantry gameplay) - [TWEAKED] Big UI optimisations to map icons, gps and squad radar. - [TWEAKED] Vehicle crew display now shows the player role icon. - [TWEAKED] Some FOB respawn tickets are retained from old FOB when new FOB is created. - [TWEAKED] Robocop hit detection was re-factored & optimised, plus better detection of vehicle ramming. - [TWEAKED] Robocop now logs recent events to server profile - [TWEAKED] AI saboteurs now more use a dead-man switch (enemy units which plant explosives on player vehicles) - [TWEAKED] Helicopters have armor upgrade package - [FIXED] Fog on Tanoa was higher than intended. - [FIXED] Enemy helicopters at AO could disobey orders and hover in place for several minutes. - [FIXED] Players can now correctly get in Helicopters at base in official version. - [FIXED] Trophy APS system did not work against missiles fired by Zeus-spawned units. - [FIXED] Uniform MP bug where some players appeared naked to others (but not themselves). - [FIXED] Whitelisted slots did not work correctly - [FIXED] Static weapons (mortars, HMG) could not be mounted by the small flatbed truck - [FIXED] Small ammo/revive crates were not spawning on Altis main base, the collision detection range was too wide. - [FIXED] Boats were not spawning at north dock (Kalithea) - [FIXED] Role Selection Menu button was not available in Escape/Pause menu, even when set in parameters. Also recorded a Setup Guide video:
  24. fn_Quiksilver

    [COOP6] Gendarmerie: GCRF

    hey, did a small recorded playthrough of it. did not get far, i tried 🙂
  25. fn_Quiksilver

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    And another small command request: "nearSimpleObjects" we already have these: nearEntities nearestBuilding nearestMines nearestObject nearestObjects nearestTerrainObjects nearObjects nearObjectsReady nearRoads nearSupplies but no simple way to detect nearby simple objects without iterating through big array of simple objects and checking distance