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Everything posted by p_siddy

  1. p_siddy

    [WIP] Terrain - Woe Betide, UK

    Thats brilliant! So Thurrock, Basildump and Saaaafend feature? Look forward to MOABing them haha. What shoothouse and range are you referring too?
  2. p_siddy

    [WIP] Terrain - Woe Betide, UK

    Looks really good! You say its inspired by East London, does that include Essex as well? Woe-on-Sea meant to be Southend-on-Sea? lol
  3. p_siddy

    AF Large Civilian Ship

    @ArmaFiend How you getting on with this mod? I looked at doing something like this a long time ago and never realised someone had given it a crack. Looks really nice and had a play this evening. Should be a really good for mission makers if you can get the AI to play nicely. One small detail I noticed when walking round was a lack of door hinges. Seems a pointless detail but being able to see or not see hinges let's you know if the door is inward or outward opening. Just a little touch that would go down a treat for making CQB ops a more precise and less guess work as to whether you're about to open a door onto the team. Again, nice work! Hoping you havent shelved it else i might have to download blender and give it a go at last.
  4. p_siddy

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Going to be CBRN related
  5. p_siddy

    ArmedForces:UK Vehicles

    looking very nice MikePhoenix. Looking forward to seeing how the Scimitar turns out.
  6. p_siddy

    Arma3 Videos

    Shameless plug of my channel. Any Views/Subs greatly appreciated. Strictly Arma 3 content from the largest British based unit. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5CvS5TLjMZEi6UbxOcU2iQ?view_as=subscriber
  7. Shameless plug of my own YouTube Channel. Any views/subs appreciated. We've been using this mod for a fair while now and really enjoy using it. Great work.
  8. Its done when its done mate! Drop us a message on FB or something with updated TS details and I'll jump on.
  9. I saved up all my Christmas joy for this release :) Going to sit here patiently pressing 'F5' into the new year :)
  10. Each update looks better than the last. Great work!
  11. This release is the one I've anticipated most since time began. And even if you feel you may let us down, know this.. you will never let me down more than my beloved Arsenal FC (one for the football [soccer] fans).
  12. Hyped to get a look around this place!
  13. Looks very picturesc. Well done. There will be no touch and go's on that runway though.. haha
  14. That's okay, no need to apologise. 4 helipads is okay. I'm sure the ranges and open spaces will be suitable for training CAS in anyway.. and as you say, a carrier will suffice for an airfield.
  15. Will there be a proper air field and also training areas for CAS training etc
  16. This looks promising and is long awaited! I will be waiting eagerly for its release! Good work!
  17. Nice! Look forward to seeing that too :)
  18. Is the As350 new or is that a previous release. OPVs look really nice. Good job.
  19. p_siddy

    Release: Satellite mod

    Nice work. I look forward to testing this out.
  20. Congrats on another release. Looking forward to getting on later and having a look at the NH90 in particular. Good work!
  21. My Birthday and Christmas are both in December Rock.. thanks for the early gift though:) In all seriousness though.. I know we discussed a long time ago how much of a pain in the arse getting the animations for the ammo feed would be. Especially in the Lynx/Wildcat configuration with the box behind the Co-Pilot seat. Why not just fuck the ejection chute and box off as it serves no purpose in Arma other than looking pretty and just whack the ammo box in it's place and keep a simple animation for the ammo? The work/time it will save you far outweighs it looking true to life in every aircraft. I know you're a perfectionist but this is a game after all.
  22. This is who I told you about Rock.
  23. I thought it could be the same as what you'd posted. Albeit it doesn't seem to roll in the editor as you state on your bug report. At least for me it doesn't.