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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    I'll load up the mission and double check, pretty sure it was either a MIM104 or MIM23. OK, good to know about the Laser Icon. I can explain that to my unit members when I can get their lazy asses in to test with me.
  2. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    You da man! Is it intentional that some sites/radars etc. come up as a Laser Target Icon on radar? Is this for differentiation or perhaps a bug? Testing some on a full mod build for my unit last night, and it seems like some EWS sites show up as Laser Designation icons. I had an OpFor EWS that was placed in EDEN show as the laser target on radar. And, still having the Zeus issue with mission in progress spawning of sites. I have found a workaround (adding the spawned AA Crewman to each vehicle/gun/launcher manually) for the meantime. It's not a huge issue for me at this point and I don't want you to stress over finding the issue that is preventing the script from assigning these crewmen like it should. Do keep up the great work!
  3. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    BluFor changed sides on me when I tested last night. I'll try to get some vid for you.
  4. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    The special scripted site behavior only applies to sites you generate with the site spawned in Eden right now. You can place your own items down to make a site, but it will use standard Arma AI behaviors. If you use Eden to place your radars, you can designate them as datalink items so that they will send info to anything designated as a data receiver. Most of the launchers have a much longer range for acquisition and firing than vanilla units regardless of the site spawned scripts
  5. So, I have been looking forward to this for a while. I really would like to include some PLA forces in a campaign with my unit at some point. There are some issues however. As I posted over on Steam. Aircraft need TGP views. There is no way to target their Air To Ground weaponry without a TGP view or CCIP. The TGP view that shows up is centered in the middle of the aircraft upper fuselage behind the cockpit on the J10 and -20. The Dual seater attack plane has the TGP behind the front seat. All TGP views are locked in place and cannot be moved. Also, you cannot access manned aircraft from Zeus. You can only place Empty aircraft. Further, there are no separate PLA pilots for planes or helicopters. I dig the 64 KM active radars on the planes though. That is awesome!
  6. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Dude, you rock! I'll be doing a little more testing with the new update in vanilla Arma, then making a test map for my unit with all our mods. With the above indication that Firewill's F16 and most likely other airframes working well with your pack, this may bring some much needed challenges to our pilots :D Big maps here we come!
  7. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Standard TGP view should work for LGBs. CTRL+RMB for me. Or you know, bound to my HOTAS key. Was obviously thinking of the C and not the A. Disregard.
  8. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Not a bug. If you kill the main radar in the site, it will cause the site to despawn after a random length of time. I thought I noticed the flak ammo going off early.
  9. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Pook, you mention uploading the PLA SAM pack to Steam, buuuuut I think you might have not hit publish? I'm not seeing it anywhere on Steam. I know, I know, it's in the extras folder along with CUP, but just wondering if it was indeed pushed to Steam?
  10. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    I was having these Masts pop up on the small connector to a Peninsula on Altis at this location with the actual placement of both EWS at the following. Making a triangle between the points.
  11. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    So, attempting to make a test mission to place on my server. When I place an ESW for each side, it is spawning one element at the location, then spawning all remaining assets at a location several kilometers away. It is also placing the remaining assets for BOTH BLUFOR and OPFOR at the same location. This results in one of the random spawned ADF guys shooting their opposite. I went back into the mission and removed the ESW sites. Saved and Exported mission. Re-uploaded to my server. Now when I attempt to join the mission it is telling me I am missing deleted content "pook_sam_base" I'm an idiot and missed that you updated that file already. Just needed to update it on server it seems. Still broken it seems... Any clues?
  12. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yeah, sorry about that. Meant the Hellfires, not the Mavericks. Was getting the question relayed via voice and not text. Doesn't help that I'm stuck at work and can't look myself.
  13. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Can we get a listing of the new AGM65 types and sensors? We can't seem to find any documentation for the M or N designations. It would be nice to know what sensors and ranges we need for them on different platforms.
  14. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Pook, have you ever looked at the Instant View Distance mod? Mainly used for Single player gaming, it lets you set custom view distances that can be changed in game. You can set them out to like 100 KM if you have the horsepower. I run it when testing Air ops on the Jets DLC maps and run at like 30-50 KM View distance. As far as the Passive ARM detection from an Active source. I do believe that BIS set the Active radars detection capability as double the range of the Radar detection range. So if it is a BIS configured radar for 16 KM, the most it would be seen by a passive sensor is 32 KM. You'd have to configure radars to detect at greater than 16 KM to be seen past that 32 KM range. I know it can be done, but it's all config work. Firewill had some radar on his Tomcat working out past 100 KM so his AIM 154 Phoenix missiles would target properly.
  15. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    There is a map based on the Kidal, Mali region of Africa. I believe it is 60Km x 60Km, with one large city in the middle with an Airfield. Not super large, but large enough to build a base in both corners and have teams try to take them out. It is 60 x 60 I too have played with the Jets DLC maps. While great for Air to Air, they leave quite a bit desired for ground pounders that like their details. As they are updated I hope to put them to use with my unit for long range operations. Strike, infiltration, pure Air ops etc.
  16. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Thanks man, I appreciate the response. Already have it downloaded and ready to test when I get home from work ;) As soon as you have it up on Steam I'll prod some of my unit's pilots to download so we can test for issues in an MP environment. I really want to build a PvP map on Kidal or another LARGE map centered around knocking out the enemy base that is protected by your SAM systems.
  17. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    HCPookie, I think this has been answered before, and I just forgot. Do you have any plans to put the SAM pack up on Steam for community download and updating on your end? I can get it and have no problem installing the mod, but our unit is moving to a Steam Workshop mods only stance. Either way, good to see this new update coming out! Keep up your great work on this and PLA!
  18. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Can't. Wait. :D Now about that PLA stuff?
  19. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Long Range Radar is in the game right now. You just have to configure it for your plane with a mod. Firewill tested 100+ KM radar ranges and lock on's with his AIM 154 Phoenix off a Tomcat and had it working. The JETS DLC included the ability for modders to configure whatever radar distances they want to bring into the game. You just have to know what you're doing with adjusting the Radar MFD screen to show beyond 16 KM, and setting your radar to detect at longer ranges.
  20. That's how it worked for me when I tried to use it in multiplayer. It worked on a Virtual private server from a Host company when we used it like that. The only issue was that the Altimeter's included in LEAP didn't work correctly on the server for individuals. All players spawned into the SAME aircraft.
  21. ski2060

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Neeed more seeeeeds... getting 5 KB sec download :p I'll give my thoughts after I finish downloading a map in like 2 days :p
  22. I can't get updater to run. It keeps giving me an error and D/C'ing me . Anyone else having issues with it? It keeps telling me App 107410 App is state 0x206 after update job.
  23. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    If there is a way to keep the BVR scripts and maybe make them optional when mission building that would be great. There are some maps out there that are a good enough size to utilize the BVR ranges.
  24. So, I saw that ACE introduced Dynamic Pylon functionality in a recent patch. I was attempting to use this functionality last night but could not access any pylons on a Firewill F-16 or A-10 with an Ammo HEMTT nearby. Is this function reserved for vanilla aircraft only? Is there anything my unit would need to enable when placing ACE modules down on a mission template? Thanks for your help.
  25. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Actually, Pookie has mentioned that the new version will be up on Steam when it comes out, IIRC. He, along with quite a few other mod authors, had issues with the Steam Terms of Use for mod submission. Those were clarified/changed a while back. The most up to date version is in the first post of this thread. 4.3 is it. There looks to be significant updates and improvements using the new JETS sensor systems coming in the next update, so you would probably be best served waiting for it.