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Everything posted by xyberviri

  1. xyberviri

    Arma 3 Server monetization

    Sequisha that was already stated already that greedy people had to ask for your permission first.
  2. xyberviri

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    In Arma 2 i always thought that double tap W was my "push harder" key, the normal "run" speed is just a sprint, its not like your actually running. The main problem there is no way to understand objects in a video game unless we are specifically told. Imagine if there was no sound , you just simply started taking damage and had no clue why, just because you couldn't hear the dude behind you shooting you in the back. Now imagine if there is no way to "feel" how encumbered you are when you load up all your equipment. Then get pissed because your tired for no apparent reason. its pretty simple, if the devs are going to have a system that enforces some rules, the players need to know about the rules.
  3. what up with the motion sickness cam
  4. Most of this is covered in https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server
  5. you should read post 118 pretty much sums it up even think about things like TF2, serious that game has a stupid amount of hats that people pay for
  6. Maybe the solution is to allow content developers to LICENSE the engine and make their own stuff, give them the tools to lock their content specific to their "game" and let them release it with a cut.. Along with a tool set so they can use non crap tools.(did you know that BI can export p3ds from Maya with a handy plugin, oh yeah but not for us, common modding community nope nope nope, were not worthy) I can pay 20.00/mo and get full source access to the unreal engine for a 5% royalty, i can pay 9.00/mo and get cryengine access with no royalties no source though, I can pay 75.00/mo and get full access to unity pro no royalties no source. Torque3d is under MIT license and you can download the full source and dont have to pay anything I could honestly care less about the "content" in arma 3, let alone most of the games i play, it has to be a really good game for me to not look at the engine.... i dont see "Arma 3" i see "Real Virtuality 4". Sure, keep arma the way it is... make modders take donations thats fine.... what will end up happening is those content developers are going to hone their skills in arma, prototype with arma, then when they figure out what exactly they want to do they are going to say.... bye bye arma, im taking my content to an engine were i can actually profit. Thats exactly what everyone i know with an ounce of talent has been doing, mods will always be mods, eventually you get tired of just being a modder, you get tired of un appreciative end users and you eventually you will get tired of BI making money off of your content. think Half Life 2->Garry's mod->Rust I hope that every content author slowly realizes that they can actually put their skills to use and leaves this place to go make their own games in another engine. Once you realize that arma is perfect to prototype your idea, you refine it and then leave... (just please don't make anything with zombies... seriously tired of zombies) make room for more modders to make new content, its like the circle of life for gamers for those that are in the same tone heres some engines that have a better license for content authors at a reasonable price: http://www.garagegames.com/products/torque-3d https://www.unrealengine.com/custom-licensing http://cryengine.com/get-cryengine https://store.unity3d.com/
  7. Does this work with stored procedures, when using the original dayzmod bliss hive the issue with call999, other than sql injection, was if you issues a stored procedures it would blow up with a 2014 error on the 2nd call, which is caused by bliss not checking to see if another record exists via the dll. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17115919/mysql-commands-out-of-sync-error-c-connector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6826139/connector-c-mysql-error-code-2014-sqlstate-hy000-and-commands-out-of-sync http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12903481/2nd-call-to-stored-procedure-gives-error-2014 http://opendayz.net/threads/bliss-saving-newly-created-vehicles-to-the-db-almost.7341/
  8. use format instead _somevalue=1; _marker= format["veh%1",_somevalue]; //this is == to "veh1" _pos = getMarkerPos _marker; if(_pos select 0 == 0) exitWith{}; //almost no marker is ever created at 0,0,0 //if we get this far we have a valid marker.
  9. All companies get intellectual property protect including weapons manufactures and vehicle makers. The Kamaz is a real company that makes trucks out of russia so BI can't use the name in game. Just like they can't include products that have specific manufacturers names on them. The reasons are those IP owners don't want their IP looking like crap in a game compared to the real life counter part because it might damage the image in some way, they also frown upon companies making money off of their image when they haven't been paid a licensing fee.
  10. because that should have been typed as : nul = [object, 1, [pos1], [pos2]] execVM "light.sqf";
  11. I really love how anything advance requires hacky variables set on logics or markers. BI really needs to give use the ability to create objects via script.... que dead horse.... the way VBS does, at least in vbs you can create classes via script.
  12. you can it just takes a little more work to retexture units that are spawned in after the mission has started.
  13. xyberviri

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    DayZ on A3 is still dayz
  14. xyberviri

    Internet going down when Playing ARMA 2

    For the sake of testing you could just bypass the router and connect your pc directly, then if it doesn't occur reconnect the router and try it again, If it happens with out the router you should start checking other things.
  15. xyberviri

    Heli Rubber banding

    first off: Multilayer, Single player, Passenger or Pilot? Is it specific to a showcase or a specific mission? can you create a mission in the editor and then place a heli and does the issue occur here? in multiplayer when im a passenger i always rubber band when the pilot has high ping
  16. xyberviri

    Dynamic #includes

    I told you how to help him, you define a variable using the #define preprocessor command.... in description.ext you put something to this nature at the bottom of it class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; #include "subfolder\somefilea.hpp"; #include "subfolder\somefileb.hpp"; #include "subfolder\somefilec.hpp"; }; in somefilea.hpp #ifdef ENABLE_SOUNDFILEA class wolf1 { // how the sound is referred to in the editor (e.g. trigger effects) name = "my_wolf_sound"; // filename, volume, pitch sound[] = {"fx\wolf1.ogg", 1, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; #endif somefileb.hpp would be slightly diffrent at the top but mostly the same #ifdef ENABLE_SOUNDFILEB at the top of init.sqf you put: #DEFINE ENABLE_SOUNDFILEA #DEFINE ENABLE_SOUNDFILEB #DEFINE ENABLE_SOUNDFILEC If your curious to see a working implementation of this download R3F logistics system http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9285
  17. xyberviri

    Dynamic #includes

    You can try using defines and then check to see if it is defined. #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG #include "debug.sqf" #endif http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/PreProcessor_Commands
  18. I think you were tring to do something along these lines,if init.sqf waitUntil {time > 3}; if(isServer) then { _null = [] execVM "spawn.sqf"; }; spawn.sqf diag_log "Script has been executed"; _tempGroup = createGroup WEST; _counter = 0; _unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA"; _marker = "bluefor"; for "_i" from 0 to 10 do { _x = floor(random 25); _y = floor(random 50); _xx = floor(random 50); switch (_x) do { case 1: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 2: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 3: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 4: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 5: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 6: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 7: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 8: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 9: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 10: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 11: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 12: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 13: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 14: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 15: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 16: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 17: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 18: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 19: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 20: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 21: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 22: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 23: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; case 24: {_unittype = "USMC_Soldier_AA";_marker = "bluefor";}; }; diag_log format["counter: %1",_i]; _unit = _tempGroup createUnit [_unittype, [(getMarkerPos _marker select 0) + _y,(getMarkerPos _marker select 1)+_xx,0], [], 0, "FORM"]; };
  19. xyberviri

    Forcing a script to stop?

    You can force a script to stop by using terminate somerandomloop = [] spawn { while {true} do { hintsilent format["Time: %1",time]; sleep 1; }; }; terminate somerandomloop;
  20. xyberviri

    Will Arma 3 Have Better Medical Equipment Like ACE2?

    i hope the BI doesn't implement any of what ACE has by default in Arma, Not that i don't like ACE, its just some times i want to actually "play" Arma for entertainment. I think the mil-sim groups take this "GAME" waaaay to seriously, last time i checked Arma3 was being sold as a military sandbox not a simulator. Even VBS2 isn't sold as a simulator, its also a sandbox. They want this: http://products.bisimulations.com/products/vbs2/overview They just dont want the price...... That sounds like 99% of all the things that those realism groups want; Either they don't know it or are too cheap to buy it, So instead they come here and complain that Arma isn't real enough. In real life when you get shot in the head no amount of bandaging, morphine or gauze would stop your brains from pouring out.... well enough gauze might but that wouldn't make you any less dead.... if by some means you did not die and the medic did manage to stop the bleeding you would have to be transported out of the zone for medical attention..... then if you manage to survive you would be a turnip for a couple of months not minutes. No where close to the amount of time a person has to wait to be revived. We can easily make the game ultra realistic in one simply step: hardware ban anyone that dies ever.... that way you only have 1 life, just like in real life.....
  21. Arma doesn't have what ever VBS has that allows for Carriers that are fully functional(including compartments that are below the water line). The issue with arma is that ships behave like boats no matter what size they are, the larger the ship the more obvious its is, at least at the current time. BI has already stated a bunch of times that Arma is a Infantry game and people keep wanting to add navy and air force to the game which it really isn't designed for. That's why the majority of the air vehicles are large slow moving Chinook style choppers and slow boats that you launch in after the carrier has already shown up and is in place.
  22. xyberviri

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Does it really matter what side has what? mission designers add VAB and that lets you pick and choose what weapons you want to use, it doesn't matter what side they are from.. Almost no one plays any of the missions where you are forced to use a predefined load out and most of them are now giving you the choice of what to load out with. Mission designers would be stupid to do those types of missions if they want the random population to join their server. Then you add in the fact that some people insist on being snipers but have almost no aim what so ever, you have the guy that only brings c4, that one guy that only wants to carry rockets and pistol ammo. The only way any game would ever be balanced is if everyone was forced into the same unit with the same loadout, on the same hardware, on a lan(and everyone was a clone of the same person).
  23. xyberviri

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    I think the true question is "Is Arma 3 a video game?" because half of the community seems to want VBS with out paying for it. The game doesn't have to be authentic to anything, its a game, the mere fact that a gun, ship or tank resembles a real life counter part is only gravy. So long as its believable i think is more important, Do the tanks have hover pads? do we have rocket back packs? do we have jump jets on boots that have some unlimited fuel supply with almost no weight to support its functionality. no because you wouldn't believe in any of that junk. I wish people would focus on the game engine instead of the game content, right now is the time to make sure functionality exists instead of content. would you rather have accurate simulation of the helicopters or do you want 1 more helicopter that is basically a different color? The devs can change stuff in the game engine now, after this is over they are going to shift the team over to ToM or DayZSA and we will be on maintenance. At that point the community will start curing out content(the devs can't compete with the community on content production, but they can give us better tools and a better engine to put that content in.)
  24. xyberviri

    ArmADev Eclipse Plugin

    just installed this in the latest version of Eclipse Kepler, I had some issue with Juno, indigo was my favorite because the color scheme easier on my eyes.
  25. xyberviri

    Symbolic Links in PBO Files

    i would recommend you use github, create a repository for your Main branch, the one that goes on the server, these files should be what we pull in order to put into the pbo file and launch on the server, then: Have each user create an account on github and clone your repository. Set each of those users to contributor for your repository each time they want to make a change they should create a fork of their main branch, make changes and test in that sub branch(on their own machine). once their feature is working they should go to your repository and submit a pull request from your repository and pull their sub branch into your main branch, as a contributor they can do a automatic merge. once they have merge their sub branch into your main, they then go back to their repository and submit a pull request for your main branch into their main which will now make their main branch updated with the current master. That sounds like allot of work and is a pain in the butt, but honestly once you get in the habbit you have accountability if bob added a feature that breaks the server. you can see where what code was changed and by whom. Personally i use Eclipse with EGit and the ArmaDev plugin, http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?124120-ArmADev-Eclipse-Plugin http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ (standard download 32bit or 64bit depending on your system)