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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. Sorry for continuing the off-topic, but are there any details available for that? Change-log only mentions change to explosives not returning proper part.
  2. krzychuzokecia

    Masked Civilians

    Innocent people are dying in masses in war zones all around the world... ...and yet, we are still playing a wargame, happily calling artillery strikes at enemy positions hidden among civilian buildings. I assume that also includes you, or maybe you're here just for the Ylands, I dunno. Also, I'm not sure where EO was disrespectful to the victims of COVID-19. Is just mentioning the disease, in non-serious video game/entertainment context, enough to be disrespectful? What about other diseases and their victims, depicted in countless other games/movies/books/art?
  3. krzychuzokecia

    Future plans to continue "The legacy"

    Operator Drewski vid is pure, unsubstantiated clickety-clickbait. Based on one small paragraph which he blown out of proportions. The best way to have a sneak peek behind the courtains is to check that "Careers>Job postitions" at the very top of this page. Currently it shows 2 open positions for Enfusion programmers (so it applies to both DayZ and A4), and 10 open positions for "unannounced project". Also 2 positions for their art sweatshop studio in Thailand. From that we can speculate that game is very, very early in development, and it's minimum a year before they will be able to show anything which is not concept art. Even more BIS themselves said: In essence that means company is preparing for a long time of no big announcements and hard work. Also Mr Youtube Personality is wrong when he says that Vigor is a "small" project for BIS - currently there are 10 job openings for that project only, equal to the number of positions open for "unannounced project". As for the "20 years of Bohemia" vid... it's one of those corporate identity "oorah" things, which are not even aimed at customers (us), but employees. Heck, in making that "we're so great" image of the company, authors of the video made a mistake when talking about the history of OFP - claiming that game development took only two years (1999-2001), when in fact it was in development since 1997 (with first public announcement in 1998). I guess BIS marketing guys and accountants don't play video games! ...and on the topic of accountants and marketing - I'm seeing huge focus in that vid on multi-platform games, DLCs, and "game copies sold". Seems to me that BIS matured as a game developer, and just like AAA corporations in this industry, is now focusing on "delivering product", instead of "making art". Naturally, video narrator says that they don't want to "pump out" as many games as possible, and have passion of original games... But that's what every Todd Howard says during his favorite promotional event. And let's be honest: Argo, Ylands and Vigor are all cheap rip offs of other, profitable games. On the other hand several original ideas/projects that BI had in last decade were left to rot. BIS is dead, long live (new) BIS?
  4. @reyhard Just wondering, but is this RVMAT issue with custom textures connected to the issue of Virtual Arsenal targets not showing damage?
  5. krzychuzokecia

    Arma 3 Apex: Old Man Feedback

    It's all great conspiracy, but apparently my PC is not in on it, as my Dr Drabek constantly reminds me not to give him that (quote) chloroquine crap.
  6. krzychuzokecia

    Krzy's Hunting Mod

    I know almost nothing about DayZ, but from my understanding it's haram. If bear is part of DayZ Standalone, it's a no-go. If it's part of DayZ Mod for A2 - then licence allows to use it in Arma 2 only. Edit: I was wrong, it's possible to use DayZ Mod content in Arma, but apparently Mod doesn't contain any new wildlife (only A2 vanilla cows and sheep). @froggyluv
  7. krzychuzokecia

    Krzy's Hunting Mod

    Well, there are wild boars from A2, ported by Cervantes and EO. However, as admitted by authors themselves, it's far from perfect. Fortunately the source files are available, and sometime this year I'm planning to take a look at it. But not now - my OFP projects take priority, A3 modding is for fun.
  8. krzychuzokecia

    Operation Autumn Forge

    IIRC there was one released on this very forum, few years back. Someone simply cut all the detail LODs but the last, to use it in some sort of RTS mission. But I can't find it anymore.
  9. krzychuzokecia

    Operation Autumn Forge

    Since April Fool's is over, we can talk seriously now. Yes, infantry models are taken straight from BIS fire-geo LOD. As you can see, it's quite big when compared to regular visible LOD. That's why best PvP players often turn their detail settings to lowest values - not only it helps with performance, but allows you to see better actual unit boundaries. However, in the future of this project, I'm planning to add some more detail to the models - both infantry, and vehicles. In it's current form it's just a joke, not to be taken seriously (though idea of "retro-styled OFP" has some merit).
  10. krzychuzokecia

    Contact Expansion Livonia Feedback

    With Jets DLC content and features, such as fast airplanes, reworked sensors and increased radar ranges etc. even maps like Chernarus or Livonia can become seemingly small very fast. Granted not every mission use jets, but sensors/weapon range upgrades are also applicable for ground vehicles.
  11. krzychuzokecia

    Vilas addons in A3 w.i.p.

    As @drebin052 noted, mass in Geo LOD and mass in config are two different things. The one in Geo LOD is your "real mass in kg", the one in config is an artificial value, sort of encumberance factor. As for your problem - are you sure the class name is okay? It should be WeaponSlotsInfo, not WeaponsUnitInfo.
  12. krzychuzokecia

    Cold War Rearmed III

    Welcome back! Arma is in dire need of some old-school Yanks vs Soviet action! And to think that just on Monday I started working on my own "CUP in the 80s" thing - guess it's time to find some new project lol! Out of curiosity: isn't CSLA part of Creator DLC program? I remember their photos from BIS Creator Bootcamp event. I guess you should know, being Creator yourself. ;) (yeah, yeah, you all probably signed NDAs, and black helicopters are after me!)
  13. krzychuzokecia

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Remington R11 has some small issues: magazine is not visible in first person iron sights default and max zoom seems too low (especially when compared with M110 or ACR) reload animation looks weirdly convoluted - almost like OFP infamous let's hide the gun from player's perspective and do a magic hand wave - maybe that's a design choice but again, M110 reload anim is much simpler. +1 on adding "vz." to Czech guns. Apart from that, new guns are a blast!
  14. krzychuzokecia

    Vilas addons in A3 w.i.p.

    I'm perfectly aware what CWL-1 is. In my example there's one class for gun with laser (class MyCoolWeapon), and one class for optic with laser (class MyCoolOptic). Issue is that while I'm 99% sure MyCoolWeapon will work, I have no idea if MyCoolOptic will do too, as I don't have any A3 optic model laying around for tests. Logic dictates that adding memory points to optic model, and then adding class Pointer to optic's class ItemInfo should be enough. But unfortunately BIS is BIS, and logic never worked in Bohemia land!
  15. krzychuzokecia

    Vilas addons in A3 w.i.p.

    As for lasers integrated in weapons/optics wouldn't something like that work? class MyCoolWeapon: Rifle { yadda="yadda"; class Pointer { irLaserPos="laser pos"; irLaserEnd="laser dir"; irDistance=5; }; }; class MyCoolOptic: ItemCore { yadda="yadda-yadda"; class ItemInfo: InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F { moreyadda=true; class OpticsModes {}; class Pointer { irLaserPos="laser pos"; irLaserEnd="laser dir"; irDistance=5; }; }; }; I know that CUP got working integrated flashlight in their MP5, so having integrated laser in weapon shouldn't be out of realm of possibility. But when it comes to lasers integrated in optics, I have a feeling that most important values are in class ItemInfo. In case of vanilla laser it's inheriting from class InventoryFlashLightItem_Base_F (optics inherit from InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F). Unfortunately I couldn't find that class content anywhere (only blank entry in weapons_f/acc). Naturally you need memory points in the model set up.
  16. krzychuzokecia

    Vilas addons in A3 w.i.p.

    Maybe try switching minValue and maxValue in weapon's class CfgModels.legs?
  17. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Thanks @barccy! I assume that's Sanctuary's BIS+CAVS config?
  18. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Not really an addon request, but I'm wondering if anyone has backups of CAVS website or any other files which emerged from that project? Unfortunately Wayback Machine doesn't seem to have that website saved.
  19. krzychuzokecia

    Arma 3 Apex: Old Man Feedback

    Common bug for everyone. Reloading the game seems to solve it. At least before scenario update (I haven't had time yet, to play Old Man after update).
  20. krzychuzokecia

    Vilas addons in A3 w.i.p.

    Gordon is right on this. Heck, it's easy to test if you have weapon and optic from separate addonmakers, but both of them used CBA Joint Rails. You can equip optic from Mr A on gun by Mr B, and then easily drop it on the ground. Again - it's the same mechanic as in OFP, where game would create specific weaponHolder on the fly when gun was dropped (or you could even script it), but it was also possible to have weaponHolders as editor-placeable objects (but hardly anyone ever did it - I've seen it in two addons, one of which was mine :P ). If you're still having problems with that, maybe you could post fragment of the config?
  21. krzychuzokecia

    Extended Effects

    It's not a problem, simply not all vehicles were replaced.
  22. krzychuzokecia

    European Politics Thread.

    Probably the simplest explanation of the reasons behind European integration I've ever seen. Now, it may be not the perfect explanation (I'd wager that economical reasons for integration were as much important as political ones, if not more), but it perfectly captures the state of mind of many early integration advocates. For what it's worth: as a pacifist at heart, I'm all for worldwide cooperation against the war. But it's evident that integration as seen in Europe - based on first creating common economic sphere, and then trying to find common ideology - quickly turns into a new kind of liberal fascism, where everyone who doesn't want to fit in the ideological mold (created by elites detached from the masses) falls a victim of legal economic terror. With traditional (economy-focused) left being dead in 21st century, and right moving further into liberal ideology, the only political group who stands against this new world order are radical nationalists. Once a fringe/marginal group, but today going into mainstream thanks to votes of millions who are dissatisfied with Europe ran by few elites. It's almost like 1930s Europe again, but this time people are voting for nationalists to fight the totalitarian state, not to establish it.
  23. krzychuzokecia

    Vilas addons in A3 w.i.p.

    Regardin weapons in CfgVehicles - yes, they are here exactly for the reason you said. In fact, it was possible to add editor-placeable guns already in OFP (by WeaponHolder class), but few addons made use of that. Edit: since those are meant for LDF faction, it might be a funny easter egg to replace FB factory logo with Livonian Sila!
  24. krzychuzokecia

    Vilas addons in A3 w.i.p.

    Happy days are coming! Thanks for bringing your stuff to A3!
  25. krzychuzokecia

    Does the ECPMod modify the AI ?

    That's not true, however people often forget that AI can also hear vehicles and other infantry units. I guess that in case of ECP both AI sensitivity (including hearing) and their loudness is enhanced. Additionally ECP (just like many other mods) introduces scripted sharing of information between AI units. I'm not sure how it exactly works in ECP, but it's possible that some unit close to the enemy may see it, and then shares this information with all the allies, ending in weird behaviour even for units far from the threat.