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Everything posted by Imperator[TFD]

  1. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    @killzone_kid Is it please possible to have this updated in dev before 1.58 hits release? Probably not but I can only ask.
  2. Compositions are coming in the next patch mate and will do pretty much exactly what youve asked for.
  3. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Has the Hide/Show object module been updated to use show/hideobjectglobal instead of it's localised variants? The module currently only has a local effect and clients can see units that are supposed to be hidden while the host cannot. On a dedicated server this issue obviously doesn't exist as the module is server side.
  4. Imperator[TFD]

    3den Enhanced

    R3vo, is it possible to have a "Remove First Aid Kits" option available in the Object: Gear Inventory Cargo section where you have other options such as "Remove NVGs"? I'm asking because in some instances a mission can be more easily balance by removal of every enemy soldier carrying a FAK.
  5. Imperator[TFD]

    CO-8 The Dead of Night

    I've had this mission up on the Steam Workshop for quite a while now but have recently gone through and edited the mission with Eden. I thought I'd post the mission here to get some more exposure and feedback. A small AAF special forces team must infiltrate Oreokastro to eliminate the FIA logistics commander and destroy a fuel truck. A sniper team assists via an overwatch position. Utilise the UAV flying overhead to feed intel to the assault team. Features: Farooq's revive VCOMAI CQB Random patrols Quick paced tactical firefight This mission is designed to run on a dedicated server and may have slight anomalies if run locally hosted. Mission is also intended for at least Veteran difficulty and preferably Elite difficulty as that is how the enemy force ratio and equipment has been balanced. Steam workshop link Direct link
  6. Imperator[TFD]

    Werthles' Headless Module

    In my experience with using both WHM and DAC you need to give DAC time to run its scripts and generate units and waypoint. Try setting a delay of about 120 seconds or so with your WHM so that the DAC units are spawned, waypoints generated and un-needed units are cached before the mission tries to pass them off to the HC.
  7. Imperator[TFD]

    Slingload as an objective

    Why not just have a trigger linked to the object in question where the object must be present as a condition?
  8. Imperator[TFD]

    [MP] Rescue Dawn [CSAR]

    All I did was grab the Workshop variant, place the pbo into the dedi and launch. Players joined running only TFAR and CBA. Mission completesas soon as it is launched. Might be something to do with CBA?
  9. Imperator[TFD]

    Using Zeus as ad hoc FOB creator?

    Ive got it to the point Im happy with but if your team mate can specify how to add specific objects via class name rather than by config type that tould be brilliant.
  10. Imperator[TFD]

    Using Zeus as ad hoc FOB creator?

    G'day Tankbuster, I was wondering if perhaps you could share some of what you've learned? Like you I'm looking to have a FOB style system but based around a Huron cargo container and a specific player slot (Engineer). So far I've managed to limit the availability of Zeus to within a certain radius of the container but now I'm stuck at my next two points: 1: Limited the types of objects placable by Zeus - really only fortifications 2: Define a set number of resources available so that Zeus closes once those resources are expired The idea being to have to airlift this crate to a certain spot, build the FOB and then later defend it against an attack. Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated. :) EDIT: Nevermind, I have successfully figured this out and implemented it via some tricky trigger work and the Zeus modules.
  11. Imperator[TFD]

    UAV on Standby?

    1: Using the Eden editor place down the UAV you want in the area you want it to start loitering. Hold ALT + Left mouse button to raise the height of the UAV and it will start the mission flying at that height. By default the UAV will just fly in a circle until told what to do. 2: Set the UAV variable name to “drone†3: Ensure that the unit you want to start connected to the drone has a UAV terminal that is the correct faction type. Name that unit’s variable name as teamlead 4: Copy + paste the following code into the init field a game logic placed on the map bool = teamlead connectterminaltouav drone; 5: Preview – your teamlead unit will already be connected to your drone UAV flying where ever you put it. If any of this doesn’t make sense let me know.
  12. Imperator[TFD]

    Eden Objects

    Don't suppose that you'd include the few custom uniforms/vests/hats from Resist into a pack at any point either? I absolutely love the vanilla story line and it's place in the Armaverse so your extra insignia other items in Resist are fantastic.
  13. Imperator[TFD]

    Tasks Overhaul

    zozo, just to confirm the highlighted dot point; does this mean that Task Enhancement changes will come to the Create/Modify task modules that exist currently in the editor/Eden? If so, yay!!
  14. Imperator[TFD]


    I know the F88 is our standard issue rifle but I'd like to hope that in another 14-15 years we're using something else. Plus Arma 3 has 3 out of the 4 primary factions using bullpup weapons so you know....variety is the spice of life.
  15. Imperator[TFD]

    Eden Objects

    Just wanted to drop in and say that this is some top notch stuff and that I loved your Resistance campaign. Look forward to playing around with these!
  16. Imperator[TFD]

    Werthles' Headless Module

    Do you plan to update your script based version with this latest hotfix? Edit: I've just toyed around with your module based version and still cannot have any units transferred to the HC. The HC is present and named and connected but units just won't transfer.
  17. Imperator[TFD]

    EDEN destroying Headless Client setup

    Does not seem to be working for me either using DAC and Werthless HC transfer script. All units remain local to the dedi.
  18. Imperator[TFD]


    Incorrect; it is the Cessna TTX http://cessna.txtav.com/single-engine/cessna-ttx Biggest giveaway is that the Cirrus has a rear window while the Cessna does not. The aircraft in the preview does not feature this window. Additionally, see imgur link to what I believe may be a small airstrip at the end of the Tanoa trailer (after the Tanoa airport bit). http://imgur.com/hELCFWH
  19. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Issue was already raised on the Feedback tracker before it went down.
  20. Imperator[TFD]

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Agreed, as a mission maker there is nothing I love more than variety. Skins allow variety...moar pls BIS!! :)
  21. Confirmed. Noticed this last night.
  22. Imperator[TFD]

    BIS, any work being done on Voice Over Network?

    Just disable System chat in the description.ext?
  23. Animation scripts need to be executed globally.
  24. Imperator[TFD]

    APEX Drakon Jet-Powered UAV

    In my testing I found I can narrow it down further to simply 3: ace_javelin ace_laser_selfdesignate ace_missileguidance I look forward to trying out this new UAV.
  25. Imperator[TFD]

    A3 Campaign - Continuation for Tanoa?

    I always steal their watches.