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Everything posted by kremator

  1. kremator

    Para drop scripting issues.

    This does need to be moved to Q&A rather than in missions. Welcome back
  2. This is just like driving through London ! Hot and sweaty and everything grinds to a halt :)
  3. That could be the source of the problem. Anyway Psychobastard has rewritten AIS so that should hopefully fix it. Right, back to sprint opening of doors :)
  4. kremator

    Twitch Ban Appeal

    LOL I've just looked at the date ! Why did @Olivie OLIVIE necro the thread ?
  5. kremator

    How's 2017 ArmA 3 ?

    I tend to play alone (or with a couple of people) on my dedi so I am more or less fully AI.
  6. kremator

    [Release] Auto Run Script

    If you can run up hills without penalty it needs to be renamed IRONMAN or HERCULES script :)
  7. I'll ask ... cheers! That must be correct however, as I can still enter doors, just not that helicopter. Something else weird was that after about 10 minutes (of me dodging zombies the chopper took off (yikes those are talented zombies!) then crashed. Thanks for removing the standard action menu items - really helps - although I did notice that one of the military buildings (green one - single floor - not sure of classname) still have the door icon.
  8. kremator

    How's 2017 ArmA 3 ?

    I'm running the latest server and client binaries from Dwarden. AFAIK they have all the goodies inside the RC already.
  9. kremator

    Twitch Ban Appeal

    @Olivie OLIVIE I don't fully understand why you were banned but it does sound like you are breaking rules all over the place! Also please post in ONE post - not three.
  10. kremator

    How's 2017 ArmA 3 ?

    Performance is good ... 192 AI and I get 48FPS (full server FPS). Infantry AI is passable but AI driving is still not really any better (vehicles can't negotiate obstacles) DLCs have added quite a bit of content. Overall I still play Arma3 every single day and love it (even with its foibles!)
  11. More than happy to 'science the shit out of it'! Shower thought .... I could imagine a scenario here where you get a random starting point (at one of the airfields etc) and you are then given a mission to extract a VIP / assassinate a leader / carry out guerrilla actions in the SKIRMISH town. With the battle raging all around this would be quite a challenge.
  12. Yes all normal entry points were gone. I had just landed the chopper and got out ... couldnt get back in again. I wondered if it was not init'ing again on the chopper.
  13. Was playing on the new Zombie Survival Course mission and I'm not sure if there is a bug with the misison or with OBE. I got into a Huron as copilot and took controls. When I got out (using action menu) the engine remained on, and I couldn't get back into it (OBE or even the action menu didnt show any entrances). Will investigate further, but was crapping myself with zombies trying to eat my brains !
  14. Oh I know that.... this is why I would like to use my dedi's power.
  15. I've bound the open button to left shift. This is also my run button.... So I run up to a door and it automagically opens! Brilliant for fast entry to a car too!
  16. IMHO tpw, the only thing really missing from this is the dedi side of things for skirmish. I know it would prove difficult but a constant war in a random area would be amazing. So instead of being based around a player position it would be 2 or 3 random areas chosen on any map. I'm in no way an expert on this but I'm happy to help test things out for you.
  17. kremator

    Zombie Survival Course

    Thanks George. Back in the past there was an issue with turning music off completely as it disabled beeps or clicks. I'll just turn it off in the params. I'll like my zombies musicless :)
  18. kremator

    Zombie Survival Course

    Ahhh that will be the problem then ... I run the dedi on autoinit, so it would have taken default params.
  19. kremator

    Zombie Survival Course

    Hi George. Played it for around 30 minutes ... I didn't see ANY zombies but there were enemy soliders patrolling the marked waypoint. We also need an option to turn off the ingame music - I normally don't listen to it.
  20. Happy to help investigate the slowdowns ZK. Just ask.
  21. kremator

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    So the onedrive links are the 2017 ones and not 2015 as shown in the flename ?
  22. I don't get any CBA errors when I use it with Battlezone. I run vanilla AND modded.