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Everything posted by kremator

  1. kremator

    HAFM Submarines V2.0

    That 's not a very nice way to put it. These mod makers put in all this time for free. Perhaps a litle more appreciation and less of being a dick and you'll get along just fine here.
  2. kremator


    Wonderful news !
  3. kremator

    Arma 3 - Top 25 MP games

    Well deserved indeed. Close(ish) to perfect.
  4. kremator

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    As we’ve just had tanks DLC I would have expected some MAJOR improvements to the driving of tanks. If you cannot get to where you want in a battle, what difference does it make if they look wonderful inside or have an improved damage model. Hell, for that matter, if they CANNOT reverse away from a threat (keeping max armour facing the enemy) what is the use of them??
  5. kremator

    SEAD missiles by VTI

    Ummm I really doubt that BIS will be doing anything else regarding Arma3 unfortunately. The game has come to the end of its development. There is NO roadmap, you are standing at the end of the road!
  6. kremator

    [MP] co40 Domination!

    Thanks xeno ... will try it now. Interestingly I found that if VCOM_AI is running on the client (but not on the server) you cannot join the dedi server. Wierd. EDIT Something wierd now. I can fully recruit into my team (8/8), then put them into HC (and they disappear from my squad - good so far!) Now if I try to recruit a new team, the HC squad disappears :( Any way around this as it kinda negates HC.
  7. kremator

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    @Grumpy Old Man the second vehicle is waiting for the release of Arma4 !! I'm afraid all we are going to get (and this is soo regretable) is the 'sorry, we aren't going to fix it' response :(
  8. kremator

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    YES PLEASE! Arma4 devs take note!
  9. kremator

    [R3F] Logistics

    Calling @madbull
  10. Is that the right ammo you are using in your code ?
  11. This would go quite nicely with https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/216712-release-atmos-gem-generic-expression-monitor/
  12. @rossoe you need to drag the userconfig folder out into the main Arma3 directory.. Edit it then with how you want it. You will then need to add @VCOM_AI onto your command line. EDIT: @Moon_chilD beat me to it.
  13. Hi @kaicooper87. If you are new to modding Arma3 then it may seem quite complicated. All the information you need should be in the first post here, but I’ll summarise for you.... Copy the @tpw_mods folder into your Arma3 main directory. Inside @tpw_mods folder you will find a userconfig folder. Drag that out into the main Arma3 directory Now go into the userconfig folder (that you’ve just moved) and edit the settings file inside there to you liking (turning options on or off) In your command line to start Arma3 (I recommend using a launcher as it is easier - Spirited Machine’s one is my favourite) then add @tpw_mods into it Play game WIN Hope that helps. Krem
  14. kremator

    [MP] co40 Domination!

    Aye. You select the team members in your squad that you want to put into HC, then press a button on the C2 interface. You also have the ability to remove them from HC, back into your team, if you wish on button press. C2 is a really amazing system for AI control.
  15. VCOM_AI ... the first AI mod that encourages human shields :)
  16. It was dead but it is good to see this again.
  17. I think that you can press C when the map overlay is up and that disables it for the rest of the mission (or until you press C again)
  18. kremator

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Is anyone else seeing this problem ...... Set a vehicle (wheeled or tracked) and place a waypoint 180 behind them (distance doesn’t even really matter!). Watch them NOT moving at all - even after quite a while.
  19. kremator

    [MP] co40 Domination!

    Thanks xeno. Would it be possible to expose an option in parameters for this deletion to not occur?
  20. kremator

    [MP] co40 Domination!

    hey @xeno. Enjoying Domination so far! I run madCheese's C2 mod (which really adds tons to the game) but everytine I recruit AI into my team THEN put them into a high command team, they all poof! Would it be possible to keep a certain amount of HC teams, as I tend to play alone and this would really help.
  21. ^^ this is cool. Hopefully OP will take you up on the offer @Belbo
  22. kremator

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    VERSION 3.0 is now out ... I repeat ... VERSION 3.0 is out.
  23. Hey @pierremgi ! Thanks for the script. I too was surprised that Tanks DLC didn’t address some of the more fundamental areas of tank combat. Tell me, would this be possible to put into a mod version so that it could apply to all tanks ? If so it would be a wonderful addition to my ‘always on’ mods !
  24. WONDERFUL news ! Many thanks @genesis92x ! Will test this when I get home from work.