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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. Purely coincidental my paranoid friend! Trust me!!!!
  2. johnnyboy

    Medievac graphics

    George is right: its pretty easy. I made the custom shirts and helicopter texture below using a very crude technique. This is how I did it. You either find the original vehicle texture and convert it to jpg first (or use your own pattern texture as base texture). In the screenshot below I have a basic tiger stripe texture set to prowler on left, and a crude number reference texture set to prowler on right: I want to place the Madagascar Flag texture on the back of the guy's shirt (below the 15), and on the right front door panel of the prowler (a little to the left of the backwards 6). You can see how the numbers texture gives me an idea of where to put the small texture in the picture file. You can do the same thing with the helicopter texture. In the Editor setobjectTexture to the numbers.jpg to get a good idea of where you want to place the red cross. Then make a copy of your base texture and cut and paste a red cross image in the location you want it, and size it. Then view it in-game to see if the red cross is exactly where you want it. It will take 4 or 5 tries to position exactly where yo want it. Here's my crude numbers.jpg file (you can download this from this link and use it if you like): And here's the Leapard pattern jpg after I pasted a Madagascar flag near the backwards 6 (to place it on door of Prowler): Here's the Leopard pattern with flag applied to position left of 15 to place it on back of shirt: In Editor, I update the init lines for the Prowler and the Unit to setObjectTexture to the new .jpg files, and view it in game, and they look like this: The above is my first attempt at placing the flag where I want it. The above needs work to be perfect (I need to rotate the flag images, and move the one on the shirt to the right to center it better). But you get the idea. I just used Windows 10 Paint for this example, but GIMP is better because you can have the small image on a layer to move around and resize. So that is Johnnyboy's super crude re-texture method. Hope that helps you or someone else.
  3. I have a situation where player takes some unarmed AI prisoner. There is a 30% chance per AI unit that they will run. I use the following to make them run: _victim forceSpeed -1; _victim setSpeedMode "FULL"; _victim allowFleeing 1; _victim moveTo ([_victim, 150, (random 360)] call BIS_fnc_relPos); My problem is that very frequently, AI runs a few meters, and then is stuck in place but playing the running animation (not moving forward). They are not blocked by any objects. This is a terrible immersion breaker. Is there someway to prevent this from happening? Edit: Haha, turns out I posted a similar topic awhile back, and @AzCoder suggested adding forceWalk false before setSpeedMode "FULL"; It seems to happen less frequently after adding that, but still happens sometimes. Does anybody have an airtight solution?
  4. Great script, and great instructional video. Thanks for making it easy for mission makers to use!
  5. Hello. For my suggestion, all you need to do is put this in your description.ext file: respawn = "Group"; And set the 4 units to be playable in the editor.
  6. johnnyboy

    Help! Mission SQM lost

    The SQM is the source file for your mission in the Editor. If you named your mission myMission, then you would have a folder called myMission in your Editor missions directory. Inside that folder would be your mission.sqm file (I'm sure you know this if you were editing your mission sqm). From the editor, when you save to MP, all the mission files in the myMission folder (including the mission.sqm) are packed into a file called myMission.PBO, and stored in your MP missions directory. On my Windows 10 machine, this is where MP .pbos are stored: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions If you see your PBO file in that directory, you can unpack the PBO to get your mission.sqm back. Google for "Arma 3 unpbo" to find tools to unpack it. If your friend got your mission from Steam, he might find the PBO here: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\John\Saved\steamMPMission And you can have your friend search his hard drive for the myMission.pbo file (replacing "myMission" with your mission name first of course). Good luck.
  7. johnnyboy

    Help! Mission SQM lost

    Have you ever saved to Single Player or saved to Multi-Player? If so, you should have a PBO file for your mission in your playable MP or SP folders. You can then use an UNPBO tool to unpack the mission to restore to your editor mission directories. Perhaps your friend has the PBO in his MP mission directory also. Good luck dude. Losing hours of work ain't no fun!
  8. Congrats on publishing your first mission FEL! Welcome to the club. Is this mission using "Respawn To Group"? If so, then advertise your mission as SP/COOP 1-4. If not, consider changing to "Respawn to Group" so you can advertise it as SP/COOP 1-4 (telling player to take Leader slot). That will increase your audience to include SP folks. A single player can then run it under MP and play solo. Of course this will only work if you your mission supports commanding the AI. Best of luck.
  9. @CHICKENLICKEN This is all you have to put into the init of a barrel for it to be burnable/explodable: this addeventhandler ["hit",{ [_this] execVM "JBOY\JBOY_barrel_boom.sqf";}]; The script won't start barrel burning until the barrel's damage reaches 1 (on a scale of zero to 1), so it will take multiple shots in the above case before it burns. If you want it to burn with one shot then add the setDamage statement to the init: this addeventhandler ["hit",{ [_this] execVM "JBOY\JBOY_barrel_boom.sqf";}]; this setdamage .08; With the above, the damage is initialized to .08, so one shot will start it to burn. For the demo mission I varied the amount of initial damage per barrel just for fun. Some start burning after 1 shot, some take a few shots. The BIS_fnc_setPitchBank line below will place barrel on its side instead of standing upright, and the setMass helps it be heavy enough to roll down hill. Use this if placing on a hill and you want them to roll. You don't need these statements for regular barrels that stand upright. [this, 0,90] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank; this setmass 500; In the case below, there is additional call to another script that will respawn the barrel after it is destroyed after some wait period (some people wanted that feature): this addeventhandler ["hit",{ [_this] execVM "JBOY\JBOY_barrel_boom.sqf";}]; _nul = [this, 2, 1] execVM "barrelRespawn.sqf"; Good luck and have fun with it!
  10. johnnyboy

    PIP on TV monitor help

    Is it because both _screen1 and _screen2 are set to same tv1 object?
  11. johnnyboy

    Heli Extrac

    I don't think you googled too hard dude, as this is one of the most commonly asked questions... :)' Its been a few years since I did a heli extract, but I found this video to be the most foolproof method: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/195290-confusing-ai-heli-waypoint-behavior/?do=findComment&comment=3101752
  12. johnnyboy

    [Release] MIL_Mirror

    Haha. I took a year off to travel many years ago, and spent 2 months in Oz. Loved every minute of it. Yanks may not be too popular around the world, but at least back then Aussie's loved my yank "surfer dude" accent (I'm not a surfer, but have the california accent). And the opposite is true: I love the Aussie accent. One of my favorite sayings I learned was "There's only two states to be in: Queensland or pissed!". Hahaha.
  13. This is a beautiful map. I really like the navigable rivers flowing through it. Thanks much! I'm hoping to write a script that allows AI boats to navigate under bridges and thru narrow passages, which this island is great for. And AI can already navigate much of the wider river ways.
  14. johnnyboy

    Goko Ballistic Impact add-on

    I just found this now, and think its awesome. That firefight around metal buildings and pipes looked fabulous. Nice work. I really like the metal surface effects personally, as it creates a greater intensity in a firefight. Can you post the particle effects code for creating broken glass shards? @beno_83au just created a very cool mirror script, that could benefit from a broken glass effect when shot. Here's the link to his mirror script topic:
  15. johnnyboy

    [Release] MIL_Mirror

    That is very cool and creative. You bloody Aussies are pretty smart! I guess I have to work on a mission like this now: Idea for enhancement: Add handleDamage EventHandler to the white board object that spawns broken glass fragments (like when windows are shot), sets texture to original whiteboard texture, and plays breaking glass sound. It would be awesome if the mirror is destructible.
  16. The mass (weight) of the two objects may come into play. If ship/platform that is doing the raising weighs less than object on sea bed you are raising, you will likely have a problem. This can be solved by setMass to reduce mass of object you are raising. Good luck. And please post your solution when you get it working. And most importantly: Welcome to the forums and the wonderful world of Arma Editing!
  17. Are you trying to attach a rope to a crate? My experience with attaching rope to objects, is the object you attach to must be a vehicle. I used the following technique to attach a rope to an ATM object, then drag the ATM: I created a Darter drone vehicle and attached ATM to it. Relative position had darter inside ATM so player can't see it. The smallest vehicle object I know of is the Darter drone. Hopefully the Darter is smaller than the crate you wish to raise. If so, attach the crate to the Darter, with the crate positioned so that the Darter is inside the crate (not visible to player). You then attach the wrote to the darter and raise it. Since player can't see the darter, it looks like rope is attached to crate. You can then manipulate the rope to raise the crate. I've been planning a similar marine salvage mission, and that is how I intend to achieve it.
  18. Is this using your camp spawn scripts? I fast forwarded this vid and saw it took 20 minutes before they made contact. They seem like a cohesive coop team that was enjoying it, but I personally don't have the patience for 20 minutes of hiking before something happens.
  19. Good point TB!
  20. Yep that's the way to do it. Yay, Grumpy is back! :)
  21. Thanks for reporting the feral dog whimper issue (that's not complaining, that's reporting a real issue, and I appreciate it). Sry, but I don't have any ideas regarding your zombie suggestions.
  22. Good point. Dogs whimper when injured, which makes sense when its a player controlled dog (because it cues player to heal the dog). But it does not make sense for feral dogs as there is no one to heal them. I will fix this in the next JBOY Dog release. But that may be weeks out as I have little time for ARMA in the near term.
  23. johnnyboy

    [FOX] Advanced Urban Zipline

    Nice work DeathFox. That is very slick!
  24. I'm sure pierremgi's suggestion will work. But you can also use setVelocityModelSpace. In my Razing Cane mission, I have an AI driven car that I want to force to accelerate quickly to 100km. In an EachFrame eventhandler, I have the following code. This incrementally increases forward motion (y velocity) smoothly until desired cruise speed reached. The condition "and getposatl _veh select 2 < .1" prevents this code from making vehicle fly if it bounces off the ground. if (speed _veh < 100 and getposatl _veh select 2 < .1) then { _veh setVelocityModelSpace [0, (velocityModelSpace _veh select 1)+.06, 0]; // accelerate incrementally to reach cruise speed };