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Everything posted by -Joe-

  1. DLCs: Global Mobilization Mods: CUP Terrains - Core, Majan, FTCW, FWA
  2. DLCs: Global Mobilization Mods: CUP Terrains - Core, CUP Terrains - Maps, FTCW, FWA
  3. Altian paratroopers engage communist revolutionaries in the streets of Pyrgos, 1967. Mods: AMF_AIO, DHI, Indochina, FWA
  4. KA's content had a fair few asset rips from other games in it, from what I've seen being discussed.
  5. Those building models are really something - I'm glad to hear you're back at it!
  6. -Joe-

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    As a general rule of thumb most if not all faction mods that aren't dependent on RHS / act as expansions to RHS content don't work well in conjunction.
  7. Members of CSAT's Scimitar Regiment undertake a patrol in Kujari, 2031. Mods: Kujari, Kujari: Livonian Lighting, GM CSAT North Africa, VME PLA
  8. -Joe-

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Something that I noticed a while back - there's dedicated RPK magazines in the ammo selection for some of the AK platforms in RHS. Was there an RPK planned to accompany them at one point in time, or was it simply a "well, might as well" situation?
  9. -Joe-

    GRAD Trenches

    Something that I've always been quite enamoured with is the ability to add camouflage to your trenches. It's such a minor detail, but it does help them blend in a little. Have you given any thought to allowing them to be further reinforced? i.e. 'add Sandbags', or something to that effect?
  10. The Royal Takistani Army parades through the streets of Takmyr, 1987. Mods: CUP Terrains - Core, DHI, RHSAFRF, RHSSAF, 3CB Factions
  11. You're a star - thank you drebin052!
  12. I don't suppose anyone has a template for the Tanks DLC AAF Tanker coveralls?
  13. Hey all. Got a bit of a problem - the custom groups I've stuck together are refusing to show up in 3den/Zeus at the moment (including the Faction), despite the individual units showing up elsewhere. I've double-checked the code twice now and I can't spot the error myself. Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong? class CfgGroups { class East { class 6CB_IGF2003 { name = "6CB Iraqi Ground Forces"; class Infantry { name = "Infantry"; class 6CB_IGF2003_infantry_platoon_hq { name = "Platoon HQ"; side = 0; faction = "6CB_IGF2003_Units"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\o_inf.paa"; rarityGroup = 0.5; class Unit0 { position[] = {0,0,0}; rank = "LIEUTENANT"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_Officer"; }; class Unit1 { position[] = {5,-5,0}; rank = "SERGEANT"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_TeamLeader"; }; class Unit2 { position[] = {-5,-5,0}; rank = "CORPORAL"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_Rifleman"; }; }; class 6CB_IGF2003_infantry_cmbt_grp { name = "Rifle Squad"; side = 0; faction = "6CB_IGF2003_Units"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\o_inf.paa"; rarityGroup = 0.5; class Unit0 { position[] = {0,0,0}; rank = "SERGEANT"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_SquadLeader"; }; class Unit1 { position[] = {5,-5,0}; rank = "CORPORAL"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_TeamLeader"; }; class Unit2 { position[] = {-5,-5,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_Rifleman"; }; class Unit3 { position[] = {10,-10,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_Rifleman"; }; class Unit4 { position[] = {-10,-10,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_AntiTank"; }; class Unit5 { position[] = {15,-15,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_Rifleman"; }; class Unit6 { position[] = {-15,-15,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_MachineGunner"; }; class Unit7 { position[] = {20,-20,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_Grenadier"; }; }; class 6CB_IGF2003_infantry_cmbt_team { name = "Fire Team"; side = 0; faction = "6CB_IGF2003_Units"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\o_inf.paa"; rarityGroup = 0.5; class Unit0 { position[] = {0,0,0}; rank = "CORPORAL"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_TeamLeader"; }; class Unit1 { position[] = {5,-5,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_Rifleman"; }; class Unit2 { position[] = {-5,-5,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_Rifleman"; }; class Unit3 { position[] = {10,-10,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_RiflemanLight"; }; }; class 6CB_IGF2003_infantry_cmbt_teamAT { name = "Fire Team (AT)"; side = 0; faction = "6CB_IGF2003_Units"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\o_inf.paa"; rarityGroup = 0.5; class Unit0 { position[] = {0,0,0}; rank = "CORPORAL"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_TeamLeader"; }; class Unit1 { position[] = {5,-5,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_Rifleman"; }; class Unit2 { position[] = {-5,-5,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_Rifleman"; }; class Unit3 { position[] = {10,-10,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_RiflemanAT"; }; }; class 6CB_IGF2003_infantry_cmbt_teamMG { name = "Fire Team (MG)"; side = 0; faction = "IGF_Units"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\o_inf.paa"; rarityGroup = 0.5; class Unit0 { position[] = {0,0,0}; rank = "CORPORAL"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_TeamLeader"; }; class Unit1 { position[] = {5,-5,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_Rifleman"; }; class Unit2 { position[] = {-5,-5,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_Rifleman"; }; class Unit3 { position[] = {10,-10,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "6CB_IGF2003_MachineGunner"; }; }; }; }; }; }; Cheers. \o
  14. I'm sad to see ya'll go. I'd only just found out about the Indochina project earlier today as well. 😥 Wish you all the best. \o
  15. Some really handy tools there!
  16. Several Livonian People's Army infantrymen interview a suspected anti-Soviet partisan, 1959. Mods: Northern Fronts, Northern Fronts - Terrains, Forgotten Fronts, CUP Weapons, CSA38.
  17. Interesting concept, but there's definitely a few places I'd take it in a different direction. With the Horizon Islands being a former French colonial possession Soviet equipment doesn't quite make sense for them. Imported German and American equipment should work well enough, and there are plenty of "attribution" models on SketchFab and beyond that may prove suitable, should you choose to go down that road. Syndikat aren't founded until some time in the early 2000s-2010s. Replacing them with a "Communist" insurgency of some description would probably roll better with the era, at least as a "pre-cursor" to Syndikat. CUP, on top of GM, would prove to be an incredibly solid base - after all, it provides a more than fair selection of era appropriate arms and vehicles.
  18. -Joe-

    ArmedForces:UK Vehicles

    Stumbling across this mod recently was a delight - it's nice to see more vehicles for the BAF, on top of those delightful Virtus uniforms. I suppose it's time for me to learn Blender and take a whack at the Challenger 2 then.
  19. Morning all. I've been encountering the "Cannot Load Material File" error when trying to apply my new .rvmat's to some textures I've been working on. I've checked, double-checked and triple-checked that the pathing is correct several times now to no avail. When creating the .rvmat, I utilised the original (in this case, from CUPs Dev Branch for the HIL ACUs), changed the extension to a .bin, utilised the A3 Tools CfgConvert to convert it into a .cpp, made the necessary changes and then did the process in reverse to turn it back into an .rvmat file. Here's an example of the uniform code below. class ALT_AR_Lizard_Uniform_Naval: CUP_U_B_HIL_ACU_Rolled_CCE { author="Joe"; scope=2; scopeCurator=2; displayName="ACU (Lizard - Naval)"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2", "camo3", "flag", "clan", "insignia" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Blouse_LizardNaval_co.paa", "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Pants_LizardNaval_co.paa", "\CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2_od_co.paa" }; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]= { "ALT_Units\data\uniforms\blouse.rvmat", "ALT_Units\data\uniforms\pants.rvmat", "CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2.rvmat", "" }; class ItemInfo: UniformItem { uniformClass="Altis_Man_Army_RIF_Naval2"; containerClass="Supply150"; mass=40; uniformModel="-"; }; }; }; The "code" button has thrown it a little out of place, but you can see the gist of it. Any help would be much appreciated. \o
  20. Now that I'm actively looking into this again, I'll drop a copy of the full config for viewing, in case anyone can spot the... well, the issue. I'm either blind or stupid, because as far as I can see the pathing is as it should be. class CfgPatches { class Altis_AR_Retextures { units[]= { "Altis_Man_Army_RIF_WoodlandLight", "Altis_Man_Army_RIF_WoodlandDark", "Altis_Man_Army_RIF_Naval", "Altis_Man_Army_RIF_Naval2", }; weapons[]= { "ALT_AR_Digital_Uniform_WoodlandLight", "ALT_AR_Digital_Uniform_WoodlandDark", "ALT_AR_Digital_Uniform_Naval", "ALT_AR_Lizard_Uniform_Naval", }; author="Joe"; requiredAddons[]= { "a3_characters_f", "a3_characters_f_blufor", "a3_data_f", "a3_weapons_f", "a3_characters_f_exp", "A3_Characters_F_EPB", }; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class AAFJoe_GF { displayName="AAF Joe"; }; }; class CfgEditorSubcategories { class AAFJoe_Categ_Infantry { displayName="Infantry"; }; class AAFJoe_Categ_Cars { displayName="Cars"; }; class AAFJoe_Categ_Tracked { displayName="Tracked"; }; class AAFJoe_Categ_Tanks { displayName="Tanks"; }; }; class CfgWeapons { //inherited classes class CUP_U_B_HIL_ACU_Rolled_CCE; class UniformItem; class HeadgearItem; //code begins here //uniforms class ALT_AR_Digital_Uniform_WoodlandLight: CUP_U_B_HIL_ACU_Rolled_CCE { author="Joe"; scope=2; scopeCurator=2; displayName="ACU (Digital - Light Woodland)"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2", "camo3", "flag", "clan", "insignia" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Blouse_DigitalWoodlandLight_co.paa", "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Pants_DigitalWoodlandLight_co.paa", "\CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2_od_co.paa" }; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]= { "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\blouse.rvmat", "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\pants.rvmat", "\CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2.rvmat", "" }; class ItemInfo: UniformItem { uniformClass="Altis_Man_Army_RIF_WoodlandLight"; containerClass="Supply150"; mass=40; uniformModel="-"; }; }; class ALT_AR_Digital_Uniform_WoodlandDark: CUP_U_B_HIL_ACU_Rolled_CCE { author="Joe"; scope=2; scopeCurator=2; displayName="ACU (Digital - Dark Woodland)"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2", "camo3", "flag", "clan", "insignia" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Blouse_DigitalWoodlandDark_co.paa", "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Pants_DigitalWoodlandDark_co.paa", "\CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2_od_co.paa" }; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]= { "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\blouse.rvmat", "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\pants.rvmat", "\CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2.rvmat", "" }; class ItemInfo: UniformItem { uniformClass="Altis_Man_Army_RIF_WoodlandDark"; containerClass="Supply150"; mass=40; uniformModel="-"; }; }; class ALT_AR_Digital_Uniform_Naval: CUP_U_B_HIL_ACU_Rolled_CCE { author="Joe"; scope=2; scopeCurator=2; displayName="ACU (Digital - Naval)"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2", "camo3", "flag", "clan", "insignia" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Blouse_DigitalNaval_co.paa", "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Pants_DigitalNaval_co.paa", "\CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2_od_co.paa" }; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]= { "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\blouse.rvmat", "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\pants.rvmat", "\CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2.rvmat", "" }; class ItemInfo: UniformItem { uniformClass="Altis_Man_Army_RIF_Naval"; containerClass="Supply150"; mass=40; uniformModel="-"; }; }; class ALT_AR_Lizard_Uniform_Naval: CUP_U_B_HIL_ACU_Rolled_CCE { author="Joe"; scope=2; scopeCurator=2; displayName="ACU (Lizard - Naval)"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2", "camo3", "flag", "clan", "insignia" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Blouse_LizardNaval_co.paa", "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Pants_LizardNaval_co.paa", "\CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2_od_co.paa" }; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]= { "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\blouse.rvmat", "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\pants.rvmat", "CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2.rvmat", "" }; class ItemInfo: UniformItem { uniformClass="Altis_Man_Army_RIF_Naval2"; containerClass="Supply150"; mass=40; uniformModel="-"; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { //inherited classes class CUP_Creatures_Military_HIL_Man_Base; //code begins here //composite class Altis_Man_Army_RIF_WoodlandLight: CUP_Creatures_Military_HIL_Man_Base { author="Joe"; scope=2; scopecurator=2; //editorPreview="REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"; displayName="Rifleman (Light Woodland)"; faction="AAFJoe_GF"; editorSubcategory="AAFJoe_Categ_Infantry"; side = 1; uniformclass="ALT_AR_Digital_Uniform_WoodlandLight"; model = "CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_USArmy\ACU\CUP_ACU_1_rolled.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2", "camo3", "flag", "clan", "insignia" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Blouse_DigitalWoodlandLight_co.paa", "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Pants_DigitalWoodlandLight_co.paa", "\CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2_od_co.paa" }; linkedItems[]= { "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch" }; respawnLinkedItems[]= { "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch" }; }; class Altis_Man_Army_RIF_WoodlandDark: CUP_Creatures_Military_HIL_Man_Base { author="Joe"; scope=2; scopecurator=2; //editorPreview="REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"; displayName="Rifleman (Dark Woodland)"; faction="AAFJoe_GF"; editorSubcategory="AAFJoe_Categ_Infantry"; side = 1; uniformclass="ALT_AR_Digital_Uniform_WoodlandDark"; model = "CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_USArmy\ACU\CUP_ACU_1_rolled.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2", "camo3", "flag", "clan", "insignia" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Blouse_DigitalWoodlandDark_co.paa", "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Pants_DigitalWoodlandDark_co.paa", "\CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2_od_co.paa" }; linkedItems[]= { "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch" }; respawnLinkedItems[]= { "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch" }; }; class Altis_Man_Army_RIF_Naval: CUP_Creatures_Military_HIL_Man_Base { author="Joe"; scope=2; scopecurator=2; //editorPreview="REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"; displayName="Rifleman (Naval)"; faction="AAFJoe_GF"; editorSubcategory="AAFJoe_Categ_Infantry"; side = 1; uniformclass="ALT_AR_Digital_Uniform_Naval"; model = "CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_USArmy\ACU\CUP_ACU_1_rolled.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2", "camo3", "flag", "clan", "insignia" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Blouse_DigitalNaval_co.paa", "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Pants_DigitalNaval_co.paa", "\CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2_od_co.paa" }; linkedItems[]= { "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch" }; respawnLinkedItems[]= { "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch" }; }; class Altis_Man_Army_RIF_Naval2: CUP_Creatures_Military_HIL_Man_Base { author="Joe"; scope=2; scopecurator=2; //editorPreview="REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"; displayName="Rifleman (Lizard Naval)"; faction="AAFJoe_GF"; editorSubcategory="AAFJoe_Categ_Infantry"; side = 1; uniformclass="ALT_AR_Digital_Uniform_Naval"; model = "CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_USArmy\ACU\CUP_ACU_1_rolled.p3d"; hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2", "camo3", "flag", "clan", "insignia" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Blouse_LizardNaval_co.paa", "\ALT_Units\data\uniforms\ALT_ACU_Pants_LizardNaval_co.paa", "\CUP\Creatures\People\Military\CUP_Creatures_People_Military_Russia\data\oakley_2_od_co.paa" }; linkedItems[]= { "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch" }; respawnLinkedItems[]= { "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch" }; }; };
  21. -Joe-

    S & S

    TFAR is required, afaik. I'll push my compatibility mod shortly. \o
  22. Weirdly enough, I believe the source files for Rosche itself are available for download via WA Lancer's Google Drive - he might be up for sharing some of the assets, with due credit, as BeastHunter has pointed out.
  23. -Joe-

    S & S

    I was silently working on a compatibility mod for TFAR, however I haven't pushed it to the workshop as of yet - I'd rather wait until I can perform some final testing and run everything past simcardo to see if it's kosher or not.
  24. I'll sort these out in a wee bit. \o That seems to have had... some effect, to say the least. I'm getting an entirely new error now. Cannot open object cup\creatures\people\military\cup_creatures_people_military_usarmy\acu\cup_acu_1_rolled.p3d
  25. I've had a look at downloading them a few times before, however I was never entirely certain which tools I needed to download for packing and so forth.