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Everything posted by BSN_19

  1. BSN_19

    Better's Mods

    Great mods! Very very please update, most of mods doesnt work properly nomore.
  2. There are some issues that with this mod almost all vehices' replaces vanilla cammo to its own cammo's (in zeus vehicle styler or virtual arsenal). So you can't paint for example datsun or btr90 to standart cup's faction camo's. Second noticed issue is that some units are missing, like "Iraq army"-units. And if you place this solder in vehicle - game crashes. Hope mod is still in developement and bug will be fixed?
  3. W-hen? W hen we 'll live better, playing great maps in arma?
  4. Just catched, as i thought, similarities between these two sound designes as a major-strong weapon mechanism sounds in last jsrs CE.20.0810 mod and 'reforger'. Anyway, waiting both Praire Fire updaite and Jsrs soundmod updaite. (any insides about when new Praire Fire version is comming? 😉 )
  5. Hey, howdy. I heard familiar sound design to JSRS in new 'reforger', seem like you've been working on this new title's sounds, aren't you?
  6. Glad to hear you back! Please dont let us starving too long)
  7. Best Arma soundmod. This just cannot be abandoned. Absence for such a long time Please tell us atleast you're good and everything is alright?
  8. BSN_19

    ARMAHOLIC website not working

    Still cant believe that this happened. All those day all those mods now ll remain in memories?! (
  9. Looks amazing! Keep it up pls!
  10. BSN_19

    RDS A2 Civilian Pack

    Wow... Great to hear that this awesome mod is still didn't lose an attention!
  11. First-class private BSN_19 reports: http://ww2ina3.com/wiki/index.php?title=WW2_Download site is functionating again. Hurray comrades !
  12. Pm-ed him, but i dont belive he'd read. Last seen November 14, 2020.
  13. Ok. Hoping to see it restored and hear a good news
  14. Hi everyone What happened to site http://ww2ina3.com ? or is it just me having problems accessing this site "Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties."
  15. BSN_19

    [WIP] =ARC= Tribute

    Wow thats an awesome & great map! Love it! PR2 knows how to make a neat city maps. Strange multi-axle truck wreck (three Urals one in other) is funny. Obviosly that is pity that there are still bugs with houses (Some of them are falling like fences, others have no collision for vehicles, transparent doors like necessary measure-an echo from OFP times). As İ understand these are Rso Buildings' problems. So bad such a cool buildings are unfinished. Hope that all these ae fixible. Best city skirmish map so far!
  16. T-62 in ArmA 3. Finally. Totally not a clickbait "Trust me... i'm a dolphin" © Some splendid gameplay Some splendid reveiw Yeah, so: as all of you know, unfortunately there is no such a cool & beautiful tank in Arma 3 that is called T-62. So I tried to make one. Buuut ... you see - because lack of knowledge in modding, weak computer specifications, lack of time & comprehensible tutorials ... and so on, I didn't able to finish such a difficult project for a newbie like me. But! At least I made some "decoration". Obviously you do not need such crap, and you'd like to see some playible vehicle. Oh well, me too...me too... Anyway, I hope I managed do something before RHS and CUP (not so high quality tho). As you see a standart T-55 model from Arma 2 was used. Just corrected a little in 3D max and then few days in O2... omg. Hope RHS CUP and/or other modders would make some awesome T62, and finish the job to the end, unlike me. And if you after all would like to test it out (very unlikely), you'll find it in requisite\facilities\village (simply write 62 in searchbox). Yes Arma thinks that it is a building, lol. Link given below. That's all folks. Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K_aX5yhs9Alqw0OfDDw5ecrZeLDNjSLM/view?usp=sharing
  17. BSN_19

    T - 62 tank

    Thanks. It's a bit hard to me, but i'll still make efforts in modding in future. ps: I should named it as "Fake T - 62 tank" or at least "Decorative T - 62 tank" not to confuse people around, tho for the first days I tried to point an attention of real&strong modders to this tank and all, and at least make some fun mood, cause understood that Im not able to finish it now. So Asking moderators to rename the tread, if they wish, again to not to confuse people.