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Best Sniper Simulator

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About Best Sniper Simulator

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    Lance Corporal

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    sniper's hide
  • Interests
    Sniper, Long Range Precision Shooting, Hunting, Bolt Action Rifles, Precision Rifles, Music, Gaming, etc.

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  • Biography
    I'm a professional Long Range Precision Shooter in real life and an expert sniper in Arma 3.
    I play Arma 3 with ACE3 mod for the most realistic sniper experience in this simulator.
    and i just wanna share my knowledge about Long Range Precision Shooting & Sniping with Arma community.
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  1. Best Sniper Simulator

    Arma3 Videos

    Been trying the latest JSRS Soundmod... omfg it's insanely beautiful! Hats off to @LordJarhead for the wonderful sound!
  2. Best Sniper Simulator

    Arma3 Videos

    ARMA 3 INSANE SNIPER KILLSTREAK (100 KILLS, ALL ONE-SHOT ONE-KILL) ARMA 3 AWESOME SNIPER MONTAGE Please leave some like and subscribe for more badass Arma 3 Sniper videos! ;)
  3. Best Sniper Simulator

    Arma3 Videos

    ARMA3 REALISTIC PiP (PICTURE IN PICTURE) SCOPE TESTING (with Red Hammer Studio M40A5 Rifle) Finally we have some proper PIP (Picture In Picture) Scope for ARMA3! Spread the good news!!!
  4. Best Sniper Simulator

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Dear @reyhard , I respect your opinion and decision, and I won't insist you on implementing this in RHS. I guess the creator of that PIP scope has to go Solo then. best of luck - Best Sniper Simulator- p.s.: In the video below, I'm testing that PIP Scope. I put the Scope on your M40A5 rifle & shoot some M118LR ammo. And yes I'm running ACE3 Advanced Ballistics. And I don't see any problem at all with this PIP technology :/ It looks really good & It works really damn awesome even with ACE3 Advanced Ballistics. With this scope and your rifle, I can land dozens of long range shots without any issue at all. I can even hit 1000 yard target flawlessly. Well perhaps PIP Scope is not really that bad after all ;) cheers mate!
  5. Best Sniper Simulator

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Dear Red Hammer Studio devs, I just stumbled upon this beatiful PiP Scope video and now I'm wondering if you guys are interested in implementing this PiP Scope into your mod. Please consider having this kind of scope in your mod. It would be tremendously great to use this PiP Scope for realistic long range shooting in this Milsim. Without any doubt, PiP Scope is the future of ARMA. Other shooter games already successfully adopted dual render scope. Now imho it's time for us to do the same. So I humbly suggest you to contact the scope maker and involve him in your project. So what's your thought on this? Many thanks! -Best Sniper Simulator-
  6. Best Sniper Simulator

    Arma3 Videos

    Best ARMA3 Sniper Montage for sure ;) It's called DEAD ZERO Wanna request any sniping / long range shooting video? Just comment in the video ^_^ My channel will fulfill all your sniping fantasy :)
  7. Omfg mate, I would really love to see Wimbledon Cup in Arma Community! ^_^ That would be insanely awesome! \m/ Can anybody pass on this suggestion to the BI Devs? Let's make this happen! Count me in, buddy! We shall see who's the best marksman in this simulator ;)
  8. Best Sniper Simulator

    New World Record for Longest Sniper Kill Shot (3540 m)!!!

    2400 m Killshot by an unknown British SAS Sniper A British SAS Sniper has shot an ISIS Jihadi from 1.5 miles (2400 M) away in Iraq using the Cheytac M200 Intervention rifle. here's the real shot --> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4527436/SAS-sniper-shot-ISIS-jihadi-dead-1-5miles-away.html All I know is that SAS Sniper was shooting a CheyTac M200 Intervention rifle. The rifle could be chambered in .408 CheyTac cartridge (loaded with CheyTac 419 gr Lost River ammo) or It could be chambered in .375 CheyTac cartridge (loaded with CheyTac 350 gr Lost River ammo). Here's the spec of his weapon: *) If chambered in .408 CheyTac Rifle = CheyTac M200 Intervention (in .408 CheyTac) Ammo = CheyTac 419 gr Lost River Ballistics Coefficient = 0.880 (G1) / 0.434 (G7) Muzzle Velocity = 880 mps Rifle Specification & Handload of CheyTac M200 Intervention & CheyTac 419 gr Lost River ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIMkpsblJXLURuTVU/view Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIMFFKS0ZoWEN5c1U/view *) If chambered in .375 CheyTac Rifle = CheyTac M200 Intervention (in .375 CheyTac) Ammo = CheyTac 350 gr Lost River Ballistics Coefficient = 0.790 (G1) / 0.397 (G7) Muzzle Velocity = 915 mps Rifle Specification & Handload of CheyTac M200 Intervention & CheyTac 419 gr Lost River ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIei0xT2xjcDgxOVk/view Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIMFFKS0ZoWEN5c1U/view Atmospheric Condition of his Final Firing Position: Altitude: 1500 m above sea level Air Pressure: 850 hPa Air Temperature: 10°C - 20°C As you can see in my 1st video (when using .408 Cheytac), that SAS Sniper had to deal with: BULLET DROP = +/- 31.3 MILIRADIAN As you can see in my 2nd video (when using .375 Cheytac), that SAS Sniper had to deal with: BULLET DROP = +/- 32.0 MILIRADIAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "1 SHOT 6 KILLS" from 850 m away by an unknown British SAS Sniper A British sniper in Afghanistan killed six Talibans with a single bullet after hitting the trigger switch of a suicide bomber whose device then exploded. here's the real shot --> https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/10735666/British-sniper-in-Afghanistan-kills-six-Taliban-with-one-bullet.html That SAS Sniper was shooting an Accuracy International L115A3 rifle (chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum cartridge & loaded with Lapua .338 cal 250 gr Lockbase ammo). The shot happened in a small village in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Here's the spec of his weapon: Rifle = Accuracy International L115A3 (in .338 Lapua Magnum) Ammo = Lapua .338 cal 250 gr Lockbase Ballistics Coefficient = 0.625 (G1) / 0.310 (G7) Muzzle Velocity = 890 mps - 930 mps Rifle Specification & Handload of AI AWM L115A3 & Lapua 250 gr Lockbase ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIdkxTNW0ya0lUM1U Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZUk5R0ZnRzVzZ3c/view Atmospheric Condition of Helmand Province, Afghanistan: Altitude: 1000 m above sea level Air Pressure: 846.3 hPa Air Temperature: 5°C - 10°C As you can see in my video, That SAS Sniper had to deal with: BULLET DROP = +/- 6.2 MILIRADIAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "1 SHOT 2 KILLS" from 1562 m away by Sgt. Jon Weiler Jon Weiler was shooting a Barrett M107 rifle (chambered in .50 BMG / 12.7x99 mm Nato cartridge & loaded with Raufoss MK211 mod 0 ammo). The shot happened in Baghdad, Iraq. Here's the real shot --> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2091413/ Here's the spec of his weapon: Rifle = Barrett M107 (in .50 BMG / 12.7x99 mm Nato) Ammo = MK211 mod 0 Raufoss Ballistics Coefficient = 0.660 (G1) / 0.330 (G7) Muzzle Velocity = 846 mps - 890 mps Rifle Specification & Handload of Barrett M107 & MK211 mod 0 Raufoss ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxISkZjQWwtbjJoWHc/view Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZ3NDa3FRRXBIMG8/view Atmospheric Condition of Baghdad, Iraq: Altitude: 40 m above sea level Air Pressure: 1005 hPa Air Temperature: 30°C - 40°C As you can see in my video, Kremer had to deal with: BULLET DROP = +/- 21.9 MILIRADIAN
  9. Best Sniper Simulator

    New World Record for Longest Sniper Kill Shot (3540 m)!!!

    1200 m Headshot by an unknown British SAS Sniper A British SAS Sniper has beheaded an ISIS executioner with a single shot while the militant was teaching jihadis how to decapitate prisoners. here's the real shot --> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3447581/ISIS-executioner-beheaded-SAS-sniper-s-special-bullet-demonstrated-decapitate-prisoners.html That SAS Sniper was shooting an Accuracy International L115A3 rifle (chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum cartridge & loaded with Lapua .338 cal 250 gr Lockbase ammo). The shot happened in a small village in northern Syria. Here's the spec of his weapon: Rifle = Accuracy International L115A3 (in .338 Lapua Magnum) Ammo = Lapua .338 cal 250 gr Lockbase Ballistics Coefficient = 0.625 (G1) / 0.310 (G7) Muzzle Velocity = 890 mps - 930 mps Rifle Specification & Handload of AI AWM L115A3 & Lapua 250 gr Lockbase ammo --> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-evVfZruOxIdkxTNW0ya0lUM1U Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIZUk5R0ZnRzVzZ3c/view Atmospheric Condition of northern Syria: Altitude: 1000 m above sea level Air Pressure: 925 hPa Air Temperature: 30°C - 40°C As you can see in my video, That SAS Sniper had to deal with: BULLET DROP = +/- 12.8 MILIRADIAN
  10. Best Sniper Simulator

    New World Record for Longest Sniper Kill Shot (3540 m)!!!

    540 m "Moving Target" shot by Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle (the American Sniper) According to American Sniper book, Chris Kyle was shooting a NSWC Crane MK13 mod 0 rifle (chambered in .300 Winchester Magnum cartridge & loaded with MK248 mod 0 ammo). This is one of the Chris Kyle's luckiest killshots in his military career. One day Chris Kyle saw some insurgent in a car moving toward the Marine convoy. The driver was a suicide bomber going to explode himself and the Marine convoy. Chris Kyle shot the driver through the windshield of his car. The driver got killed at 540 m and the car instantly stopped before reaching the Marine convoy. Here's the spec of his weapon: Rifle = NSWC Crane MK13 mod 0 (in .300 Winchester Magnum) Ammo = MK248 mod 0 (with Sierra .308 cal 190 gr HPBT MK projectile) Ballistics Coefficient = 0.523 (G1) / 0.268 (G7) Muzzle Velocity = 890 mps - 920 mps Rifle Specification & Handload of Crane MK13 mod 0 & MK248 mod 0 ammo --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxISzEwSXEyLXdpVW8/view Internal Ballistics Calulation using Quickload --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIdk43bTRUb21Wa2s/view Bullet Drop, Wind Drift, & Hit Probability --> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-evVfZruOxIMnI4ZFlPNGYwWlk/view Atmospheric Condition of Ramadi, Iraq: Altitude: 50 m above sea level Air Pressure: 1004.7 hPa Air Temperature: 30°C - 40°C As you can see in my video, Chris Kyle had to deal with: BULLET DROP = +/- 3.2 MILIRADIAN MOVING TARGET LEAD = +/- 8 MILIRADIAN
  11. Best Sniper Simulator

    Arma3 Videos

    Can a sniper really shoot someone through Windshield accurately? Yes, this simulation video shows us how a sniper can actually shoot a target sitting in his moving car ^_^ SNIPE A TARGET IN HIS MOVING CAR (SHOOT THROUGH WINDSHIELD) IN ARMA 3 In this video, the Sniper shoots NSWC Crane MK13 mod 0 rifle (chambered in 300 Winchester Magnum cartridge & loaded with MK248 mod 0 ammo). The in-game rifle is actually a Custom Remington 700 (from Dagger mod @quickdagger) but i modified the ballistics to exactly imitate the MK13 mod 0. The rifle has some suppressor & Harris bipod attached to it. The scope used by the sniper is Leupold Mark 4 ER/T 6.5-20X50mm M5 (from Red Hammer Studio.
  12. Best Sniper Simulator

    Arma3 Videos

    This simulation video shows us how lethal a sniper can be. In this video, a sniper kills 29 enemy troopers quickly & stealthily. Snipers are force multipliers. A force multiplier is an individual or small team that can do the damage of a much larger force (through the use of special tactics, weapons, & ability) What's really amazing about snipers is that they're really capable of force multiplication without ever directly engaging the enemy. One sniper can easily kill dozens of enemies from a far away without ever getting detected. ARMA 3 SNIPER KILLING SPREE / KILLSTREAK In this video, the Sniper shoots NSWC Crane MK13 mod 0 rifle (chambered in 300 Winchester Magnum cartridge & loaded with MK248 mod 0 ammo). The in-game rifle is actually a Custom Remington 700 (from Dagger mod @quickdagger) but i modified the ballistics to exactly imitate the MK13 mod 0. The rifle has some suppressor & Harris bipod attached to it. The scope used by the sniper is Leupold Mark 4 ER/T 6.5-20X50mm M5 (from Red Hammer Studio @soul_assassin). The Sniper aims at their targets using some Milliradian Ballistic Reticle called Horus H58 Reticle to quickly engage targets without ever needing to dial his scope adjustment at all. With that reticle, the sniper can easily do holdover for bullet drop & wind drift. This video also shows how realistic ACE3 Advanced Ballistic really is (thanks to @ruthberg)
  13. Best Sniper Simulator

    How far a shot can go in Arma 3? :\

    What i really meant was: I increased the bullet velocity just a lil bit to decrease the bullet drop, to make the trajectory flatter, and to make the bullet travel faster (so it has faster Time of Flight and won't get deleted by the lifetime config parameter) ^_^ Good shooting! -Best Sniper Simulator-
  14. Best Sniper Simulator

    How far a shot can go in Arma 3? :\

    Try to use M200 Intervention & its .408 CT ammo instead, coz they got better ballistic performance than the GM6 Lynx APDS :) And use some Miliradian Ballistic Reticle (such as Horus H58 reticle, etc), it'll help you holdover for the extreme bullet drop. Good luck, mate ;) p.s.: to be perfectly honest, yes I actually increased the bullet velocity just a lil bit to make it able to fly further.
  15. Best Sniper Simulator

    Arma3 Videos

    Simo Hayha in Arma 3 (shooting steel target at 1640 m with No Scope / Iron Sight only) Simo Hayha in Arma 3 (shooting steel target at 1050 m with No Scope / Iron Sight only) Navy Seals Sniper Mildot Holdover (for MK13 mod 0 rifle & MK248 mod 0 ammo) --> can be used for other 300 Winchester Magnum guns! US Army Sniper Mildot Holdover (for M24 SWS rifle & M118LR ammo) --> can be used for other 7.62x51mm Nato guns! Navy Seals Sniper Mildot Holdover (for MK12 mod 1 SPR & MK262 mod 1 ammo) --> can be used for other 5.56x45mm Nato guns!