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About DA TO

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  1. DA TO

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Inshallah [Insurgency]

    There are not too many enemies.
  2. When do you release? I want to do it too~
  3. DA TO


    What parts need to be modified to increase the enemy? I would appreciate it if you could help me. I am so funny and I want to fix it. // ========================================================================================================= // SPAWNING ENEMIES // ========================================================================================================= private ["_maxWaves", "_currentEnemyWaves"]; aliveEnemies = []; if (assignedTask) then { for "_i" from 1 to (ceil random 12) do { // LOOKING FOR A VALID POSITION (THAT IS FAR ENOUGH FROM VILLAGE AND PLAYERS) private ["_checkPos"]; _checkPos = _locationPos; while {(_checkPos distance _locationPos < (_locationSize + 500)) || ({_checkPos distance _x < 500} count (playableUnits + switchableUnits) > 0)} do {sleep 0.1; _checkPos = [[[_locationPos, _locationSize + 2000]], ["water"]] call Gemini_fnc_randomPos}; // SPAWNING SQUAD private ["_squad"]; _squad = [ _debug, // (BOOL) debug (true/false) enemy_side2, // (STRING) squad side (can be: "west" or "east" or "indep") [ "infantry", "infantry", "infantry", "infantry", "infantry", "infantry", "infantry", "infantry", "infantry", "infantry", "motorized", "motorized", "mechanized","mechanized", "armored" ], // (ARRAY) squad types (can be: "infantry", "motorized", "mechanized", "armored") _checkPos, // (POSITION) center of spawning area 50, // (NUMBER) maximum radius of spawning area "attack", // (STRING) squad mission (can be: "defend" or "attack" or "patrol" or "hold") _locationPos, // (POSITION) squad's destination _locationSize + 1000, // (NUMBER) radius around destination (used only for patrol mission) enemy_skill, // (ARRAY) skill range [0.25,1], // (ARRAY) ammo range random 360, // (NUMBER) squad azimuth [5, 0.5 + (random 0.5)], // (NUMBER) amount of mandatory units 1.00 // (NUMBER) probability to spawn squad (0.0 = 0% / / 0.5 = 50% / 1.0 = 100%...) ] call Gemini_fnc_spawnSquad;
  4. DA TO


    bug report. 1. PATA - Protect the village - I created the mission but it fails as soon as I arrive. - The enemies will not move. 2. altis - Protect the village - The enemies will not move. ver1.102
  5. DA TO


    and.. I want to fix the mission. Where do I need to change to increase mission units? I enjoy having fun thanks to you.
  6. DA TO


    taskObjective_07 bug report.. Protect the village I created the mission but it fails as soon as I arrive.