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OC OfficialMikeJTv

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About OC OfficialMikeJTv

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    Private First Class

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  1. OC OfficialMikeJTv

    Can't get my map to fully upload

    @zeotrope I just got back from being away for work so I will look at this later today after i'm done work. I was waiting for a fix hoping that BI would do something about this if it is indeed a bug or some sort of issue with the world editor. Thanks for the tip I will have to move all my map assets into the "Default" Layer and do a Upload test to see if the file size changes. Mike.
  2. I have been stuck with my map only showing as a 2.9MB file size in the game workshop for over 2 months now can't seem to find a fix for this. Thought I would report this as a bug if this is the right place for that. as shown in my screenshot below It shows as a 2.9MB file size when My map is pretty large and should be a few hundred megabytes to at least 1 more gigabytes in size. this is not the case. If this is a bug I hope it gets fixed soon or if there's something I am doing wrong. Anyway I figured I would report this as a bug just in case it could be a one off bug that's persistent with my map or something else not too sure. the screenshot is below to show that it is indeed 2.9MB in file size. Screenshot of file size Mike.
  3. OC OfficialMikeJTv

    Can't get my map to fully upload

    Was not able to get my map to updated in the workshop in terms of file size. still shows as 2.9mb in size. I reimported the terrain.terr file as you said to do but nothing seems to be working at the moment @blackflagmedia Not sure what is going on if it's a bug or if it's something I don't understand. I want to be able to play and test my map locally in the new zeus mode so I can see where I need to fix things or add/remove assets etc. Doesn't seem to allow me to see my map when I'm subscribed to my in the workshop in-game. If you can help me figure out why this is the case would be awesome. Mike.
  4. OC OfficialMikeJTv

    Can't get my map to fully upload

    Thanks, Hopefully it'll work. I will let you know. Mike
  5. OC OfficialMikeJTv

    Can't get my map to fully upload

    I wasn't able to find an option to import whatever your talking about. Nothing when I right click shows reimport or anything on the .terrain file. Not sure what you mean exactly this is my frist map for Arma so I'm still new to this. Would need some more instructions how to fix this.
  6. OC OfficialMikeJTv

    Can't get my map to fully upload

    I will give that a shot and see if I can get it to work this time round.
  7. I have tried for a few weeks to get this answered in the discord but no one seems to know why this is happening or how to help me out. I am working on a map for Reforger/Arma 4. I am wanting to test it myself along with allowing others to test it to give me feedback on the map if it needs any changes done FPS wise etc. When I upload the map to the in-game Workshop it only shows my map as a 2.6MB File. The las time I tried to upload or update the map it was about the same file size, Might of changed by 1 or 2 megabytes but not much. It's a fairly large map with a lot of trees and some buildings. I would expect it to be at least a few hundred megabytes in size and not 2 to 3 Megabytes. If this is not the right forum please point in the right direction. Screenshot of the mod in the game and shows the file size: Screenshot OfficialMikeJ.
  8. Is this still being worked on ?. I would love to use it if so. @sadfrog17 your last posted update was August 9th 2021. Any word on another update for the Tool ?. Thanks Mike.
  9. OC OfficialMikeJTv

    [RELEASE] NO MODS Survival system

    hey @Sciirof have you made any further progress on this mod ?. was wondering if you did end up adding the XP/Leveling System ?. Mike
  10. OC OfficialMikeJTv

    [RELEASE] NO MODS Survival system

    When will the Traders be working ?. I would love to host a Server with this on it & Ravage mod as well. Would be nice to use something with Ravage that isn't Mod dependent.
  11. OC OfficialMikeJTv

    Universal Door Code Lock

    @WarhammerActual exactly what we need too. aseptically for Mods that are already out. The mod creators might use this in their systems.
  12. OC OfficialMikeJTv

    Universal Door Code Lock

    Cody you nailed it again bro. This will make our Mod so much better when it comes to Locking builds or when we (if we add) base building into the Mod later this year. I know your confident enough to do such stuff. reason why i asked you for help with all my missions. Thanks buddy for the help all the time putting up with my silly ass ha ha. Anyways keep em coming man we love your vids (tuts) man they help us noobs out quite a lot. Mike
  13. this dude is the best of all the tuts i have watched. me and him have been chatting on steam for the last hour or so. He has helped me a lot in the last day or more. i have lots more to learn and even got a alpha working version of my own twist of Battle Royal working in the Editor. and even MP as well. Thanks again bro. your so helpful even when i have a 1000 questions. Mike
  14. OC OfficialMikeJTv

    RH Acc pack

    RH i get an error when trying to add this mod to my Arma 3 Client with the "Local Mod" Option. unless you have uploaded this mod to steam workshop. I don't know why it's not working. the error tells me. "There is is mod in this folder" ! what can i do to fix this ?. Mike.