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About EfytheAce

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  1. Will the EWP pods be available on the legacy hornet? I saw them on the F-14 and was wondering if you were gonna make them back compatible. The screenies are looking fresh!
  2. Hey, I've been using your planes for two years now and congrats on the new releases! I make custom skins to fit my squadron, and we just transitioned to your new hornet. I've just managed to get the configs to work as far as getting the plane and the skin in the editor, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get my skin in ADES. It seems to be a different way than the way you did it on the 16 and 10. Any help would be much appreciated.
  3. Vanilla has great assets and great models and four great maps. Vanilla practically, is great for a quick mission with your friends while mods offer more coordination between your friends. Other than that I think they are both great options to play.
  4. EfytheAce

    [Poll] Arma 3 Third-Party DLC

    I would like to see a new campaign like the east wind in length... The only expansion I would pay for would be a total faction that fits in with the lore of the Armaverse (maybe for use in a campaign?) I would pay 10 euros for all of that..
  5. @ProjectZenith @LandCruiserVXR2017 @FHQAccesories
  6. Usually when this happens to me I either just retry opening the mission and then I restart the game. Both usually work. If not you can probably open a new account in the game (go to the top right of the home screen) and just replay the first two missions.