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Everything posted by amon11

  1. amon11

    [SP/MP]Advanced Fierce Combat System

    thx update 12 Apr ,but some problem , enemy dont attack.tested with rhs afrf and 2035: Russian Armed Forces mods
  2. nice colt collection ! HLC_WP_M16A2.rar 03-Mar-2017 138MB colt ro 727 commando colt ro 733 commando m4 carbine xm177e2 m16a2 m16a2(m203)
  3. amon11

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    hi I found https://mods.ahoyworld.net/enhanced.php sma mod update 18-Nov-2017 and there have sma_weapons and sma_vanilla_ammo updated ?????
  4. thx nice work !!! how about rk62m ? Replace rk62
  5. hi after tanks dlc update some tanks wont show hud icon(blue/orange)
  6. amon11


  7. amon11

    Redd'n'Tank Vehicles

    hi can ai units use fuchs milan missile or machine gun?
  8. amon11

    ARMSCor Mod

    could you add alternate download link
  9. saiga...If you shoot 5 bullets to target how many hits?perhaps there is random hit generator
  10. and here other http://www.toadie.updatedtuesdays.com/PubSharbse/Mods/?C=M;O=D
  11. I found only this tankTurnForce=300000;
  12. hi how to decrease custom pmb-2 [APC_Tracked_02_base_F] turn left/right [cfg]
  13. amon11

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    good mission if it Works
  14. amon11

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    tanoa mission - I Bought new group but all units died a couple seconds later...what the f...k
  15. amon11

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    thx very enjoyable mission.i played in editor and get couple of time this messages 'DissensionAltis.Altis\functions\cfgDisFunctions.hpp, line 158:'
  16. hi nice mod but cannot sell nothing weapons or items or anything
  17. I've played before but seems to look cannot play more too weak machine for your mission (i5)
  18. could u please add some faster download link(google,mega)