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Everything posted by Jnr4817

  1. I tried both the Recruit and the Dismiss. I was able to recruit ai but could not dismiss. THanks again for your hard work on this. Reed
  2. I guess, it would be I join my dedicated server and am wanting to add 4 AI to my group to complete a Ghost task. I can just walk up to a medic, AT, AA, and Engineer and recruit them via addaction. Say I am done with them I can then Dismiss them as a group or individual. I am also using Duda's AIC. Thanks for helping me, Reed This is currently what we are using, but I am getting errors and am trying to improve it.
  3. Grumpy, How Could I edit this to include a leave option as well. Humbly, Reed
  4. I was thinking about this script and realism. Along with drag and carry, it would be nice to have the ability to have an AI or player join your group or squad. There are scripts that exist already but it would be nice to include here. For example, you rescue a downed pilot or POW. You can ask him to join your squad so now you have control of them.
  5. I fly AFM with hotas, pedals, trackIr and love it.
  6. Excellent feed back. I'd also add the 3 banger and 9 banger versions and decrease the max effectiveness from 18m to 7-10m in an open area. This can be increased when in a closed area and/or if it is dark. The flashbang is pretty unimpressive in broad daylight and when outside in the open. They really shine when inside any structure and when not in direct daylight. Great work by the way. Thanks
  7. Jnr4817


    If I am building a Vanilla template for a server and am using Zues to test some different aspects of the mod. Can I also use Achilles Mod without issue if I delete the Zues modules and take this mod away after testing before I export to PBO?
  8. From the aircraft I have seen on post, during training, and flying in and around my home airport, which is right next to Fort Campbell, they have been black. I have not seen any very dark green color. But there are multiple hangers full of many different aircraft with different configurations within the 160th. Access is very limited within the compound and I have only had the privilege to visit the training platoons area on post. Most of the training I have participated in were conducted at night so color appeared black, but the missions during the day I witnessed had black color aircraft. Thanks
  9. Grumpy, When this script pulls from the config for all of the weapons for allow all pylons, does this also include the de-mining bombs for the drones? I haven't been at home since the release and had some free time to lurk the forums. Thanks
  10. Jnr4817

    3den Enhanced

    Thanks for the update. Since the addition of the cluster bombs, would there be anyway to change the percentage of how many UXO are left after the bomb is dropped. For example, in the editor I could specify i want 0% UXO's for the cluster bomb's, thus when a cluster bomb is dropped all of the dispersed munitions explode or 100% and all of the munitions become UXO's. I know this would affect any and every cluster bomb dropped in the game. An additional option would be to set a range say 25%-75%, thus creating a true variable of possible UXO's with every cluster bomb drop. This is the only info i have been able to find about the cluster bombs so far, as I haven't been home since the release so the config viewer could show updated info. Taken from the munitions thread. Writing in the format cfgMagazines→cfgAmmo→Submunitions ammo (inc. probability) CBU-85: PylonMissile_1Rnd_BombCluster_01_F→BombCluster_01_Ammo_F→submunitionAmmo[] = {"Mo_cluster_Bomb_01_F",0.93,"BombCluster_01_UXO_deploy",0.07}; RBK-500: PylonMissile_1Rnd_BombCluster_02_F→BombCluster_02_Ammo_F→submunitionAmmo[] = {"Mo_cluster_Bomb_02_F",0.93,"BombCluster_02_UXO_deploy",0.07}; BL778: PylonMissile_1Rnd_BombCluster_03_F→BombCluster_03_Ammo_F→submunitionAmmo[] = {"BombCluster_03_UXO1_deployMine",0.25,"BombCluster_03_UXO2_deployMine",0.25,"BombCluster_03_UXO3_deployMine",0.25,"BombCluster_03_UXO4_deployMine",0.25};
  11. All of the 160th aircraft I've seen at Campbell and flying around Outlaw field are black, a very dull black.
  12. I am having trouble finding new "bomb run" function for the CAS module. How is this supposed to work after I have link all the support requester to the player and the CAS module to the support requester. I have tried the virtual and the live version. It appears nothing has change all the usual types of CAS plane support is there except bomb runs. What does bomb run mean actually mean. Is it multiple munitions are dropped at the same time or the typical one munition dropped. Does guided or unguided matter? Thanks Added: The CAS module now supports bomb runs (including cluster bombs)
  13. Jnr4817

    Laws of War DLC Feedback

    I am having trouble finding new "bomb run" function for the CAS module. How is this supposed to work after I have link all the support requester to the player and the CAS module to the support requester. I have tried the virtual and the live version. It appears nothing has change all the usual types of CAS plane support is there except bomb runs. What does bomb run mean actually mean. Is it multiple munitions are dropped at the same time or the typical one munition dropped. Does guided or unguided matter? Thanks Added: The CAS module now supports bomb runs (including cluster bombs)
  14. Jnr4817

    Tanoa Hospital Composition?

    The new edit and hide terrain object modules are great. What is the best way to place the hospital for performance and dedicated server. Would the Game Logic be a good solution I linked earlier.
  15. This is excellent. I also love its addon-free and script based. Keep it up. I am willing to test if need be. FlashBang is something we are definitely missing.
  16. Jnr4817

    Ghost Missions

    How can I add this to the Ghost Supports Added: The CAS module now supports bomb runs (including cluster bombs) Thanks
  17. Jnr4817

    Tanoa Hospital Composition?

    @breech99 That's exactly where I was going to place mine. Give the helipad a nice view of the bay. Why did you need to use so many game logics? Yo wouldn't mid uploading your solution would you? Thanks
  18. Jnr4817

    Ghost Missions

    Got it sorted. Thanks
  19. Is there anyway to add the new mines (cluster) and UXO's from the Laws of War DLC into to the rotation of spawned IED's? This would give a better overall diversity of threats players could encounter. Thanks for the hard work on this script. Reed
  20. Jnr4817

    Tanoa Hospital Composition?

    Excellent, Thank you.
  21. Jnr4817

    Tanoa Hospital Composition?

    That is awesome and a great spot. You mind sharing your solution? Thanks
  22. Jnr4817

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Genesis92x, Is there anything in this mod that helps the AI react to being injured, healing each other, healing their player squad mates, and care under fire. Kind of like INS revive did? Thanks,
  23. Jnr4817

    Ghost Missions

    I updated to the newest ghost mission. Ghost is using an fsm to respawn vehicles now and I have been trying to get Devas_Autopilot to work in a Base helo spawn code in the server init. I tried placing after createVehicle but isn't working. It is giving me errors. Thanks for any help. [this] spawn DEVAS_AutoPilot; //Spawn Base helicopters if (true) then { private ["_helolist","_markarray","_namearray","_air","_marksel","_VarName"]; _helolist = ["B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F","B_Heli_Transport_03_F"]; _markarray = ["heli_1spawn","heli_2spawn"]; _namearray = ["heli_1","heli_2"]; { _VarName = _namearray select 0; _namearray = _namearray - [_VarName]; _marksel = _markarray select 0; _markarray = _markarray - [_marksel]; _air = createVehicle [_x,(getmarkerpos _marksel), [], 0, "NONE"]; _air setVehicleVarName _VarName; missionNamespace setVariable [_VarName,_air]; publicVariable _VarName; _air setdir (markerdir _marksel); _data = [missionNamespace,_air] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; nul = [_air,1,false] execfsm "scripts\ghst_vehrespawn.fsm"; } foreach _helolist; }; Error 20:38:37 Error in expression <ipts\ghst_vehrespawn.fsm"; [_air] spawn Devas_AutoPilot; } foreach _helolist; };> 20:38:37 Error position: <Devas_AutoPilot; } foreach _helolist; };> 20:38:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: devas_autopilot 20:38:37 File C:\Users\Jason Reed\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\[SA]Reed\mpmissions\SA%20Template%20Tanoa%209%2e1%20Reed.Tanoa\initServer.sqf, line 83 20:38:37 Error in expression <ipts\ghst_vehrespawn.fsm"; [_air] spawn Devas_AutoPilot; } foreach _helolist; };> 20:38:37 Error position: <Devas_AutoPilot; } foreach _helolist; };> 20:38:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: devas_autopilot 20:38:37 File C:\Users\Jason Reed\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\[SA]Reed\mpmissions\SA%20Template%20Tanoa%209%2e1%20Reed.Tanoa\initServer.sqf, line 83
  24. Hello, My team runs a vanilla server. Stay Alive Tactical. We only utilize scripts or server side mods, so nothing is needed to play with us. We utilize Ghost mission to assign task and missions within the game. Ghost comes with its own vehicle spawner. I am wanting to use Devas awesome Autopilot script. I can not figure out how to implement as spawned aircraft must have this code ran. I have looked at the script Ghost uses to spawn the vehicles, I just do not know where to put this code. Or if a function would be better for all spawned aircraft. Thanks for any help. Here is ghost air vehicle spawn script /* V2.3 Script by: Ghost (Original dialog from Kronzky) create a marker and name itand put this in the object initline - ghst_spawnveh = station1 addAction ["Spawn Vehicle", "spawn ghst_fnc_spawnair", ["spawnmarker",dir], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"]; */ #include "def_VEHsel.hpp" _host = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _paramarray = _this select 3; _spawn = _paramarray select 0; _dir = _paramarray select 1; _spawn = getmarkerpos _spawn; _check_radius = 10;//radius for vehicle spawn pad check and delete if (not alive _host) exitwith { hint "Vehicle Spawn Closed"; _host removeaction _id; }; if (isnil "ghst_aircraftlist") exitwith {hint "Spawn list not ready yet";}; _vehiclelist = ghst_aircraftlist; _PARAM_PlayerVehicles = "PARAM_PlayerVehicles" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue; {if (count crew _x == 0) then {deletevehicle _x};} foreach (nearestObjects [_spawn, ["AllVehicles"], _check_radius]); {deletevehicle _x;} foreach (nearestObjects [_spawn, ["Slingload_01_Base_F","USAF_MOABdisplay"], _check_radius]); {deletevehicle _x;} foreach nearestObjects [_spawn,["CraterLong_small","CraterLong","WeaponHolder","GroundWeaponHolder"], _check_radius]; {if (!(alive _x) or (! canmove _x and count crew _x == 0)) then { deletevehicle _x; ghst_local_vehicles = ghst_local_vehicles - [_x]; };} foreach ghst_local_vehicles; if (count ghst_local_vehicles == _PARAM_PlayerVehicles) exitwith {hint format ["You can only spawn %1 vehicles", _PARAM_PlayerVehicles];}; #ifndef VBS disableSerialization; #endif // fill dialog with vehicle names createDialog "Selectvehicle"; sleep 0.1; _ctrlList = findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_LIST; private ["_index","_lstidx","_lstpos""_i"]; for "_i" from 0 to (count _vehicleList)-1 do { _vehicle = _vehicleList select _i; lbAdd [DLG_VEH_LIST,format["%1",_vehicle select 1]]; lbSetPicture [DLG_VEH_LIST, _i, _vehicle select 2]; lbSetValue [DLG_VEH_LIST, _i, _i]; }; lbSort (findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_LIST); // put the selection somewhat in the middle of the displayed listing _index = -1; _i=(_index -9) max 0; lbSetCurSel [DLG_VEH_LIST, _i]; lbSetCurSel [DLG_VEH_LIST, _index]; // preview controls _ctrlPic = findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_PIC; _ctrlName = findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_NAME; _ctrlDesc = findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_DESC; _VEHidx = lbValue [DLG_VEH_LIST, _index]; _lstidx = _index; _lstpos = -1; DLG_VEH_SELECTED = false; while {ctrlVisible DLG_VEH_LIST} do { _index = lbCurSel DLG_VEH_LIST; _posidx = _index; #ifdef VBS if !(isNil "DLG_VEH_SEL") then { if (DLG_VEH_SEL select 3) then { _posidx = _ctrlList lbPosIndex [DLG_VEH_SEL select 1,DLG_VEH_SEL select 2]; }; }; #endif if (DLG_VEH_SELECTED) then { _VEHidx=lbValue [DLG_VEH_LIST, _index]; closeDialog DLG_VEH_IDD; }; if (_posidx == -1) then { _posidx = _index; }; if (_lstpos != _posidx) then { _lbidx = lbValue [DLG_VEH_LIST, _posidx]; _wDName = (_vehicleList select _lbidx) select 1; _wPic = (_vehicleList select _lbidx) select 2; _wDesc = (_vehicleList select _lbidx) select 3; _ctrlPic ctrlSetText _wPic; _ctrlName ctrlSetText _wDName; _ctrlDesc ctrlSetStructuredText parseText (_wDesc); _lstpos=_posidx; }; sleep 0.1; }; if (_lstidx == _index) exitWith {}; _VEHsel=(_vehicleList select _VEHidx) select 0; if (isnil "ghst_vehsel") exitwith {_caller groupchat "Nothing Spawned";}; if (ghst_vehsel != "none" && DLG_VEH_SELECTED) then { _veh_name = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> (_vehsel) >> "displayName"); //_spawnpos = _spawn findEmptyPosition[ 2 , 10 , _vehsel ]; //if (isnil "_spawnpos" or count _spawnpos < 2) exitwith {_caller groupchat "Spawn Pad not clear";}; _padempty = nearestObjects [_spawn, ["LandVehicle","Air"], _check_radius]; if (count _padempty > 0) exitwith {titleText "Spawn Pad not clear";}; _veh1 = createVehicle [_vehsel,_spawn, [], 0, "NONE"]; _veh1 setdir _dir; _veh1 setposatl [_spawn select 0, _spawn select 1, 0.1]; _veh1 setvelocity [0,0,0]; _veh1 setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosatl _veh1) select 0,(getPosatl _veh1) select 1]); if !(_vehsel iskindof "Slingload_01_Base_F") then { ghst_local_vehicles pushback _veh1; }; //_veh1 addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execvm "scripts\ghst_vehdelete.sqf"}]; [_veh1, "ColorGrey", _veh_name] spawn ghst_fnc_tracker; //cutText [Format ["%1 Spawned", _veh_name],"PLAIN",2]; //hint format ["%1 Spawned", _veh_name]; titleText [format ["%1 Spawned", _veh_name], "PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 5; } else {titleText ["Nothing Spawned", "PLAIN DOWN"];}; Gives autopilot functionality to every air vehicle at mission start automatically Gives loiter (Pylon Turn) functionality to every fixed-wing at mission start automatically For spawned airplanes and helicopters autopilot functionality should be given via following command [this] spawn DEVAS_AutoPilot; For spawned airplanes loiter functionality should be given via following command [this] spawn DEVAS_Loiter;