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Everything posted by Flash-Ranger

  1. Flash-Ranger

    AI not moving when FSM is disabled

    Thanks man. Problem is I am using good old waypoints from the editor. I'm not scripting their waypoints and I don't change their behaviour/stance/formation all the time. Could it be the placing of my waypoints ? I moved them around but couldn't fix. What I observe is simple, they just run from waypoint to waypoint until they sort of reach a non-existing waypoint for no reason and just stand there without moving. Like they'd be stuck in a bugged loop of something. Then I reactivate FSM and they start following the path again...
  2. Flash-Ranger

    AI not moving when FSM is disabled

    Well I guess that's another thing the Biki can't explain with proper words because when I disable the FSM, they run into combat like they did in OFP. - No stopping every 5 meters to go prone - No taking cover altho no enemy is around - No slow progression ! Disabling FSM is the best thing I've done to my scenario... except it has this weird bug I need a fix for ! Can we please work together to find what's happening when : - FSM off for AI group leader - group still got active waypoints - AI group leader stops for no reason For now i've got a loop running to check if he is bugged and reactivates FSM if he stopped : _FSMon = false; while {!_FSMon} do { _currentGrpWaypoint = currentWaypoint grp; _noWaypoints = _currentGrpWaypoint isEqualTo 0; if (!_noWaypoints && (velocity leader aP) isEqualTo [0,0,0] && alive leader aP) then { sleep 30; if (!_noWaypoints && (velocity leader aP) isEqualTo [0,0,0] && alive leader aP) then { {_x enableAI "FSM";} forEach units grp; systemChat "Enabling AI FSM again because Arma 3 is broken..."; _FSMon = true; }; }; sleep 1; };
  3. Flash-Ranger

    AI not moving when FSM is disabled

    Edit : In my experience : AI without FSM is acts just like the original AI from OFP. Disabling FSM makes the AI take a bit more risks. The AI with FSM is slow, boring, and slow. Sure it brings realism but it is not what I want. Now if you guys have the explanations you need, i'm looking for a fix, not to justify myself.
  4. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

  5. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

  6. Flash-Ranger

    BIS Kill Cam

    onPlayerKilled.sqf does not prevent the vanilla Arma 3 death screen to happen. playerKilledScript.sqs take's it's place. _start would be to check is the death screen hasn't already appeared (but that is just me guessing - as I said, this script was made out of deductions since 18 years old commands like enableEndDialog don't work on their own anymore... Arma 3 is a mess.)
  7. Flash-Ranger

    BIS Kill Cam

    What ever the reason, this is a way to bypass Arma 3 BUGS ! Found my way around this bug with @POLPOX's help. If this can help future people like me that struggle with things BI broke : CUSTOM DEATH SCREEN : (Working but will probably need improving) playerKilledScript.sqs _player = _this select 0 _killer = _this select 1 [_player, _killer] execVM "deathScreen.sqf" deathScreen.sqf _player = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; #define CONTROL (_display displayctrl _n) disableSerialization; if (isNull _killer) then {_killer = _player}; _start = isNil "bis_fnc_respawnNone_start"; if (_start) then { bis_fnc_respawnNone_start = [daytime,time / 3600]; 3.5 fadeSound 0; sleep 2; if (alive player) exitwith {}; cutText ["","BLACK OUT",1]; sleep 1.5; BIS_fnc_feedback_allowPP = false; if (isMultiplayer) then {(findDisplay 46) createDisplay "RscDisplayMissionEnd";} else {enableEndDialog}; }; waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 58)}; _display = findDisplay 58; //--- Black fade in _n = 1060; CONTROL ctrlsetfade 1; if (_start) then { CONTROL ctrlcommit 4; } else { CONTROL ctrlcommit 0; }; cuttext ["","plain"]; //--- HUD _n = 5800; CONTROL ctrlsettext gettext (configfile >> "cfgingameui" >> "cursor" >> "select"); CONTROL ctrlsetposition [-10,-10,safezoneH * 0.07 * 3/4,safezoneH * 0.07]; CONTROL ctrlsettextcolor [1,1,1,1]; CONTROL ctrlcommit 0; _n = 11000; _bcgPos = ctrlposition CONTROL; _n = 5858; CONTROL ctrlsetposition [(((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40) + (safezoneX), ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) + (safezoneY), safezoneW - 2 * (_bcgPos select 2), safezoneH / 2]; CONTROL ctrlcommit 0; // CAMERA SCENE BELLOW
  8. Flash-Ranger

    BIS Kill Cam

    Yes. Because BI still does. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Event_Scripts
  9. Flash-Ranger

    BIS Kill Cam

    @moricky I'm trying to use the enableEndDialog command but I get a 90% black screen when it triggers ... is it broken ? Help please ! playerKilledScript.sqs
  10. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

  11. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

  12. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

    Radio Arma - Fight News EP #08 - Arma Commander Hosts: @Flash-Ranger Guest: @frankforsyth
  13. Flash-Ranger

    Default Team/Side

    @chronicsilence This is really weird behavior in Arma. The unit you place first into the map as playable, will be selected by default in the mission. So if you placed Opfor first and other roles later, Opfor will be default selection. Answer provided by @FrankForsyth.
  14. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

    Radio Arma - Fight News EP #07 - crCTI Hosts: @Flash-Ranger Guest: @Muecke
  15. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    CHANGELOG : (Send FeedBack : flashrangerarma3@gmail.com) 06/03/2019 : - [DM] MAZED first release. - All DM Fixed
  16. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

    Radio Arma - Fight News EP #06 - Fly in PvP Hosts: @Flash-Ranger Guest: @CallMehTOMMEH
  17. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

    Radio Arma EP #06 - Paramarine Task Force unit Hosts: Stef & Syhrus Guest: Hawkins & Yerger
  18. =SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE= PvP Clan in the Arma series since 2003. We only hire the best. We only play PvP. We are =S.O.F= and we have the reputation of crushing our enemies. If you think you have the skills, you can apply. We do not require exclusive membership to =S.O.F=. BIOGRAPHY Arma 3 2019 to today Reborn in the beginning of 2019, =S.O.F= has the objective of rebuilding it's past reputation. We participate in all TvT and PvP events we can find and train regularly to prove that we are the best at what we do. Game modes we play : - Capture the Flag - Sector control - (Team) Deathmatch - Capture & Hold - KoTH (Not often because it's for campers lol) - Advance & Secure And a lot more... Operation Flashpoint 2003 - 2010 We have spent many years spreading terror in Capture The Flag / Deathmatch etc ... Our fellow members will never be forgotten : =S.O.F= BAD'nFEARLESS =S.O.F=I.S._RUS =S.O.F=Zoran =S.O.F=Ice_Cold =S.O.F= »Dio«™ =S.O.F= DimanOFP™ =S.O.F= SpecOp =S.O.F=Reno =S.O.F= GeeZeR =S.O.F= Pavel™ •»KÂ¥VÅÅÑ §HRÎKÊ«• =S.O.F= † §. † And many more ❤️ LINKS Unit page : https://units.arma3.com/unit/sof-ofp Discord : https://discord.gg/8hGseNt HALL OF FAME
  19. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

    Radio Arma EP #05 - 15th MEU Unit Hosts: Stef & @Flash-Ranger Guest: Col Penny
  20. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

    Radio Arma - Fight News EP #04 - Frontline Hosts: @Flash-Ranger Guest: Gunther
  21. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

    Radio Arma EP #04 - The Shermanator Hosts: Stef & @Flash-Ranger Guest: @ShermanatorYT
  22. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

    Radio Arma - Fight News EP #03 - SPECTRUM: Neon Madness Hosts: Flash-Ranger Guest: @CJ
  23. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

    Radio Arma EP #03 - RealLifeRPG Hosts: Stef Guest: @vabene1111
  24. Flash-Ranger

    Radio Arma

    Radio Arma - Fight News EP #02 - WAR MACHINE Hosts: Flash-Ranger Guest: @IvosH_cz