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Everything posted by NAS_Juno

  1. NAS_Juno

    Tier 1 Weapons

    I'm not gonna lie, I preferred the grip+bipod combo you implemented with the M110 and SR-25. That was a huge selling point with the mod for me. Now they seem more like RHS reskins... Impressive work on this mod overall, and I hope to not sound too critical. (EDIT) I now see the VFG/Bipod option in the attachments. My mistake! You've made this absolutely better! Thank you for all the work you put into this!
  2. That is some f**king love for ones work right there. I can appreciate that kind of pride and dedication to the process where many look for the easy way out far too often. Don't get me wrong... I'll always love the end results, but to see someone talk about the "journey" as opposed to the "destination" just makes me respect this project that much more. Salute.
  3. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I make custom units anyway, I just pair USAF pilots with the empty Super Tucano's and call it a day. Horizon Defense Force is in GREF, but they're BLUFOR anyway. Shouldn't stress too much about what unit it falls under. I'm just thankful to have such a nice little COIN CAS plane.
  4. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Rhino early detonation system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhino_Passive_Infrared_Defeat_System Creats a heat signature in front of the MRAP and would detonate IED's early.
  5. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Wait wut? (Hurriedly logs on.....) F*** yeah! Oh I'm sending a donation for this bad-boy. THANK YOU, RHS!
  6. This is getting ridiculous, @bludski Arma isn't supposed to look this good. You're out here turning water into wine....
  7. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Do y'all not realize that the Abrams engine is literally a jet engine? Yes it's loud, but that's pretty close to what those f**kers sound like. Lol. You're lucky they haven't made it so it blows your ears off during acceleration, or the over pressure that could collapse your chest when the cannon fires. To be fair, I do think it could be turned down a bit w/ earplugs/ear protection on, but we can't demand super accurate models/functionality/effects from these guys, then wince at the noise when the sound is accurate. Gameplay over annoyance could mean anything. 1-manning tanks, infinite ammo, god-mode.... c'mon people.
  8. You'll have to update to the current Arma build. The DLC's usually give you the assets, you just can't access the full map.
  9. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Sure thing. Just change the magazine to whatever you want. Tan PMAGs would be "rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_PMAG_Tan"; and etc...
  10. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Alternatively, you can copy the editor items and paste them init making sure the primary weapon item includes the magazine this addPrimaryWeaponItem "rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag_Pull"; This line will add the Stanag Puller magazine to your rifle.
  11. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    That honestly was my biggest fear. I'm donating out of a sense of just "you've already provided us with x-amount of free material, lemme buy you a beer" whereas some are going to think it is a pipeline for requests. I hope folks understand exactly what this is for, instead of what they want it to be.
  12. NAS_Juno

    NIArms Release Thread

    Got it. Thanks for the explainer! Pretty amazing guys like you are able to do so much with the limitations you're working with. Modeling and coding with a hand tied behind your back and one eye closed. I brought it up because prior to the update, the foregrips were built into the model/animation, and that seemed to allow the underbarrel attachment to deploy. Either way, I understand.
  13. NAS_Juno

    NIArms Release Thread

    Hey @toadie2k, let me know if you ant me to leave a bug on Github, but I found an issue with your SAWs now that you've allowed RHS (and your own) grips to them. When the grip is attached, the bipods will not deploy. You lock into the ground as if you had no bipod. Love the mods and appreciate all you do! Thank you for everything!
  14. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Random AF, but I never knew about the animations you guys added for the passengers in the UH-1Y! Makes sense that someone sitting in a helicopter wouldn't have a static "hands on their knees" look about them. I can't believe I missed it, and I just wanted to show some love for this mod. You guys have been putting little touches here and there that I'm still discovering!
  15. Perfect, and I understand the limitations you have with Arma. Just incredible scripting, @pierremgi, really fine work. I can't thank you enough for this.
  16. Hey @pierremgi. Once again, this mod is incredible. Really does wonders for my singleplayer missions. I think there's an issue with the Respawn modules. The West seems to work fine when you create a marker labeled "MGIRespWestAI", but the Ind seems conflicted with the Vehicles and AI. The vehicles seem to respawn on markers called "MGIRespInd" while the soldiers respawn on Markers labeled "MGIRespIndAI". This is fine, but the drop down shows MGIRespInd. Also, the OPFOR AI only respawn on start position. None of the markers allow them to respawn elsewhere. Lastly, is there a way to allow vehicles to spawn later than personnel, because what'll happen is if you set vehicles to respawn for say 30sec, but AI to respawn 15sec, the AI from the vehicles will respawn first, then the vehicles will respawn empty. I usually just have the vehicles respawn earlier than the AI, so that they will have AI in them. Anyway, thanks for the quick responses, and again, thank you for this great mod!
  17. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I'm not going to go back and forth with you on what you did or didn't say, just again, how it was probably perceived. @da12thMonkey responding to your question "without problems" does not mean your initial question wasn't "problematic." I'll just offer this advice, @-Lucas, just be mindful and respectful with how you ask questions, bro. Maybe you don't feel like you were being rude in your post, but again, what you think you sound like and how others perceive it are two different things. I'm dropping this now.
  18. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Before this all gets nuked by a mod anyway, let me offer some advice... Commenting on a free mod that you have (I assume) contributed nothing to having texture issues that you yourself are seeing is typically done in a fashion that is not along the lines of "hurr durr, do better." Under normal circumstances, you would take your concern to their feedback board (feedback.rhsmods.org) and really you'd only do that on the finished product, not the dev build. They literally state this is not the final product. The tone in which you typed your response betrays someone that is ungrateful and critical, rather than constructive and supportive. Maybe you should look at your phrasing on your first post to see why the devs would take such issue with your comment. But you do you, homie...
  19. NAS_Juno

    CAG/Delta Force Faction

    For the life of me, I will never know why with those beautiful Ops Core helmets did they put the boom mics on the right side. With many shooters being right handed (hell because most ejection ports being on the right forcing right-handed shooting), anyone that looks down the scope of their weapon would be beyond annoyed having the mic in between their cheek and the stock. I know it's nit-picking, but these look incredible, then I see minor stuff like that and think perfection would have been the more common boom mic placement. There's a mod I'll link to when I get off work that actually has the black PMAGs. Was another retexture of the Gear mod, but @harveydent, you might want to take a peak at it to see if it is what you're looking for.
  20. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Of course. Wasn't intimating that a request should be made, just that from a logical standpoint, it wouldn't make sense. More so wishcasting on my end. Appreciate all you do!
  21. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THOSE! Good sh*t. Thanks for reminding me! Lol
  22. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yeah, still so edge case, wouldn't be worth the polys. But now that @cpt.ghost has put it out there, a 50rd drum would be quite sexy. Practicality/usage be damned. Lol I'm just thankful for the project in its entirety. RHS could stop making new things today and it would still be more than what we ever could have asked for.
  23. NAS_Juno

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Why? There is no logical use for it if it even exists, as the 7.62 rounds are heavier than the rounds used by operators that are not Teamleaders/Marksman. Simple issue with weight/size where having a 30 round magazine would be unnecessarily bulky. If you look around, most DMRs or battle rifles generally only have max 20rd magazines. Not trying to speak for RHS here, but this seems like a weird request for a super edge-case scenario that doesn't even seem to be produced by anybody. I mean, at least ask for the 50rd X-25 drum if we're talking about more rounds. Lol
  24. NAS_Juno

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    At some point, the question is going to have to be asked if the rules regarding this forum are being fairly applied. If the thread starter/mod creator is complying, yet there are generic statements of ripped content and public declarations of thread closure, then communication is not being effectively utilized. I'm nobody but a forum user, but from the outside looking in, issues would be better resolved in PM's rather than folks airing grievances in public, whether they be moderators or content creators.