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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. Hi Folks, I'm sure anyone who's used ArmA more than a couple times is quite familiar with the absurd landing flare helicopters utilize while approaching an LZ - honestly - you might as well just paint a bullseye on the bottom of your helicopter and wait to be hit... I'm assuming this happens because the aerodynamics modeled in the sim - honestly - aren't that great - and in order to bleed off speed BIS coded for the helicopters to climb... I really can't use the "unit capture" function as an alternative as that's a one time deal and I want this script to be modular... Has anyone experimented with "setVelocity" to control the flare making something resembling a combat approach to an LZ ??? Just thinking if this would work to bleed off speed a little better and perhaps limit the climb ??? Any insights on how to improve the flare would be appreciated... Thanks... Regards, Scott
  2. Hi GOM, Thanks - as always for the informative response... Yeah - I didn't state it above but I am talking strictly about AI Pilots... I'll look at the limitSpeed command - never used it - but if I recall correctly it needs to be in a loop to work... I also noted a reference somewhere that said flyinHeight has the floor set at 50 meters - would you know if it works below that altitude ? Interesting side note: In the US invasion of Grenada - IIRC we lost three helicopters at one LZ - the first pilot was hopped up being on his first combat mission and came in way too fast - hit the ground and exploded - the subsequent two thinking number one was hit by enemy fire came in just as fast or faster - with the same result... Controlling your energy into an LZ seems all important... Regards, Scott
  3. scottb613

    First Strike

    Nicely done... Regards, Scott
  4. Real flight hours ? Nice... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Hi Folks, I wholeheartedly concur - at least from an amphibious assault point of view (LSD, LPD, LHA, LHD) - - - from actual MOVING ships... For me - this is probably the most suitable form of Naval combat for ArmA and the one I am MOST interested in seeing included - but currently seems sadly neglected... GO NAVY ! Regards, Scott
  6. scottb613

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks - done... Regards, Scott
  7. Hi Folks, How do you test to see if the asset exits - in my case a helicopter named "slick1" ? The end result I need an array with only those helicopters that exist... I started with checking the distance from 0-0-0 - a kludge I know... { //@@@// hint format["slick = %1",_x]; sleep _debugTime; //@@@// _slkhold = getpos _x; _slkdist = _slkhold distance _slkzero; if ( _slkdist != 0 ) then { switch (_x) do { case slick1: { _slkGrp = slick1 }; case slick2: { _slkGrp = slick2 }; case slick3: { _slkGrp = slick3 }; case slick4: { _slkGrp = slick4 }; }; [_slkarr,_slkGrp] call BIS_fnc_arrayPush; }; } foreach _slkname; Then I tried isNull - which is not working at all: if (isNull slick4) then {hint "true"}; sleep 10; The problem is if I try to call an asset that doesn't exist - the script throws an error on the screen... So how do I get an array with only those helicopters that exist out of a given list ??? Thanks... Regards, Scott
  8. Just noticed this and was wondering why my Gunship just stopped moving - with my tail to the enemy - and well within gun range - how strange... Regards, Scott
  9. scottb613

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hi Folks, RE: RHS Helicopters AI Control Huge fan - obviously - of all your work and greatly appreciate your efforts... Been working on some scripts for an airborne assault - came across something during the process - that may or may not be my issue... I can repro without scripts... The RHS Apache and RHS Sea Cobra will take off and just continue to steady climb indefinitely (at least as long as my patience last) with simple MOVE waypoints - you can't force it low with flyinHeight - as it just ignores it and continues its perpetual climb... As a test - the Vanilla Comanche, 3CB Merlin's and 3CB Wildcat's behave normally and do not exhibit this problem... I tested the CUP Apache and 3CB Apache as well - they all have the same issue - while other helicopters behave fine... In addition - the slicks (MH-60's, and UH-1Y) seem to have a different issue... They seem easily confused at MOVE waypoints - randomly circle - arbitrarily - bounce up and down when landing - attempt to drop off troops kilometers from any UNLOAD or TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoints - although they do maintain proper altitude... Again tested the same assets against Vanilla MH-80, 3CB Merlin, 3CB, Wildcat, CUP SH-60 - which all behave normally without the issues... The issues seem widespread and the 3CB guys confirmed the Apache issues when I reported to them - they can reproduce... For example - some assets in CUP work - others do not... Vanilla seems to be the only one without issues that I've seen... So I can give fairly confident examples of which helicopters work (of the ones tested) and which do not - obviously - I haven't tested every helicopter... Posted below are (3) simple "repro" missions comparisons - identical in all aspects except for the assets used (RHS US Marines, RHS US Army, Vanilla) using my scripts that's not compressed - again - I can do the same without scripts - this is just a time saver to see the issue... You'll see the RHS gunships shoot for orbit - albeit - slowly... Same waypoint instructions issued in all scenarios - simple MOVE waypoints with flyinHeight = 50... Radio Trigger India launches the gunships. Radio Trigger Juliet issues an RTB for the gunships. Radio Trigger Alpha launches the slicks on insertion mission. I've spent a ton of hours testing this - hope the information is of some use to you... Thanks for all you do... Mission Repro Vanilla https://www.dropbox.com/s/y8g69dbw8ztpyyp/SCO_SctiptTestVan.Altis.zip?dl=0 Mission Repro RHS US Army https://www.dropbox.com/s/zd288k14whqfsfu/SCO_SctiptTestRhs.Altis.zip?dl=0 Mission Repro RHS US Marines https://www.dropbox.com/s/2uxj49pdcrrhvrw/SCO_SctiptTestRhsM.Altis.zip?dl=0 Mission Repro BAF 3CB https://www.dropbox.com/s/0p1ntka6eo407g1/SCO_SctiptTest3cb.Altis.zip?dl=0 Mission Repro CUP https://www.dropbox.com/s/h1jl3xns85h93dx/SCO_SctiptTestCup.Altis.zip?dl=0 NOTE: Added all my tests for reference - if desired... Regards, Scott
  10. Hi Folks, Thanks so much for all the great responses and the wealth of information - I didn't get to test last night and as usual I won't be able to test now until next weekend... GOM - yeah - I don't understand why you don't see the error's and I do - I don't know how to change the logging level in ArmA so I am set to whatever the defaults are... I'll see if I can rewrite my code during the week taking into account all the information gleaned from the above posts... LOL - it's tough when you can't test your changes right away... Again - thank you one and all !!! Regards, Scott
  11. scottb613

    Help to find a good Texture Program

    Hi Folks, I won't pay subscriptions - Paint Shop Pro has served me well for more than a decade and does Vector... Regards, Scott
  12. scottb613

    3CB BAF Equipment

    Hi Folks, Thanks for the interest and my apologies about the wrong thread - didn't realize you had one for each pack... Do you guys share info with CUP and RHS on similar platforms if you find a solution - or do you think I should report the issue to them as well... I've done hours of testing lately... OBTW: The RHS Sea Cobra does it too and the Vanilla Comanche does not - lol - countless hours... Regards, Scott
  13. scottb613

    AI helicopter doesn`t know how to land !!!

    Hi Pierre - I'm finding it's a mixed bag - try one of the ones I mentioned as good - bet your issues go away... It's really odd - the bad ones will plop down a kilometer from any waypoint and try to let off some troops - noticed the bouncing... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Hi... OMG - is it that easy - I'll give it a shot... Funny - I had noticed that my getmarkerpos - needed the items in quotes - had meant to try it - LOL - oops... Thanks - I'll post when I have a minute to test... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. scottb613

    AI helicopter doesn`t know how to land !!!

    Hi Folks, Been testing helicopters exclusively for days... The issue posted above does indeed exist - however - it depends on the helicopters used... For Example: Use Vanilla MH-80 - no issue... Use RHS MH-60 - has issues... Use RHS UH-1Y - has issues... Use 3CB Wildcat - no issues... Use CUP SH-60 - no issues... At least this is what I've found - spent many hours on it... Regards, Scott
  16. Hi GOM, LOL - thanks for your patience with me - I'm running this in the editor - instead of a full blown mission - perhaps that's why I am getting it ??? The error shows up on any line where I try to reference a nonexistent slick... I'm trying to make these scripts very modular - so I can slap them down anywhere - without having to edit a script... So - depending on the mission - the number of required slicks could vary... The vanilla mission I posted above has the concept... Slap down a few slicks and respective chalks - with some markers to reference desired path - wam bam - instant air assault on an LZ anywhere you want it... No messing with waypoints - the script handles the rest... Here's a screenshot (Shows the Error Message and the Contents of the ARRAY in the chat - slick5 is only referenced once in the whole script for testing and the error line referenced is the isNil statement posted above): https://www.dropbox.com/s/sspkd4c4s4ezhjn/arma3_x64 2017-08-27 10-47-52.png?dl=0 Thanks for your time !!! Regards, Scott
  17. Hi Folks, Note: Update the above link for true VANILLA - realized initially I had some other content - now corrected... Also tried this: _slicks = [slick1,slick2,slick3,slick4,slick5] select {not isNil "_x" and {not isNull _x}}; diag_log _slicks; Same issue - had slick1-slick4 existing - slick5 did not - same error: Resulting array shows [slick1,slick2,slick3,slick4] - but throws ERROR slick5 is an "Undefined Variable" ? LOL - this seems like it should be an EASY task - identifying content that exists in the mission... Anytime I try to reference a global variable that doesn't exist I get the same error... Arrrgh - I've spent SOOO many hours on this... Thanks... Regards, Scott
  18. scottb613

    3CB BAF Equipment

    Hi Folks, RE: 3CB Helicopters AI Control Been working on some scripts for an airborne assault - came across something - that may or may not be my issue... I can repro without scripts... The Apache will take off and just continue to steady climb indefinitely (at least as long as my patience last) - you can't force it low with flyinHeight - as it just ignores it and continues its perpetual climb... The Merlin's and Wildcat's behave normally... I tested CUP and RHS as well - same issue with Apache - while other helicopters behave fine... Posted below is a simple mission with my scripts that's not compressed - again - I can do the same without scripts... The Wildcat stays on the deck and the Apache shoots for orbit - albeit - slowly... Same waypoint instructions issued... Radio Trigger India launches the gunships. Radio Trigger Juliet issues an RTB for the gunships. Radio Trigger Alpha launches the slicks on insertion mission. Repro Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0p1ntka6eo407g1/SCO_SctiptTest3cb.Altis.zip?dl=0 Thanks - quite the fantastic bit of kit you have here - much appreciated... Regards, Scott
  19. Hi... I haven't had time to work on it yet - swapped out and tested with all vanilla - still throws the same two errors on the following two lines - yet actually seems to run properly: _slkArr = [slick1,slick2,slick3,slick4] select {!isNil "_x"}; _wpSlkUn synchronizeWaypoint _wpChkUn; Mission is ready to launch as is... You can 1-4 slicks with respective 1-4 chalks... You can 1-4 or no inbound waypoints... You can 1-4 or no outbound waypoints... You will insert chalks at marker labeled lz1, lz2, lz3, lz4... Fire trigger for Radio Alpha and the mission will run autonomously - no other action required... Debug switch at start of script - currently off... MISSION LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y8g69dbw8ztpyyp/SCO_SctiptTestVan.Altis.zip?dl=0 //============================// // SLICKS - SCO Launch Script // //============================// // Note: Only tested in Single Player // Given: 1 to 4 helicopters preloaded with crew - units named in assets. // Given: Infantry squads (chalkx) will be loaded as cargo into helicopter (slickx) with respect to number when _loadChk = 1. // Given: Helicopters will assault LZ with defined helipads - drop troops - RTB to home helipads. // Given: User can define manual path with up to four inbound markers "inb1-inb4" if desired - else direct to LZ pad. // Given: User can define manual path with up to four outbound markers "out1-out4" if desired - else direct to BS pad. // Given: Example Flight Path - [BsPad1 -> inb1 -> inb2 -> inb3 -> inb4 -> LzPad1 -> out1 -> out2 -> BsPad1]. // Given: In order to have outbound waypoints work - you need at least one inbound waypoint specified. // Given: Even though helicopters are individual units - they will maintain a diamond formation along flight path. // Named Asset: [OPTIONAL] ("s1" - player unit) // Named Asset: ("slick1" - slick helo) ("slick2" - slick helo) ("slick3" - slick helo) ("slick4" - slick helo) // Named Asset: ("chalk1" - inf squad) ("chalk2" - inf squad) ("chalk3" - inf squad) ("chalk4" - inf squad) // Named Marker: ("lz1" - lz pad marker) ("lz2" - lz pad marker) ("lz3" - lz pad marker) ("lz4" - lz pad marker) // Named Marker: [OPTIONAL] ("inb1" - inbound marker) ("inb2" - inbound marker) ("inb3" - inbound marker) ("inb4" - inbound marker) // Named Marker: [OPTIONAL] ("out1" - outbound marker) ("out2" - outbound marker) ("out3" - outbound marker) ("out4" - outbound marker) // Classname: ("Land_HelipadEmpty_F" - invisible helipad) // Classname: ("Land_HelipadCircle_F" - visible helipad) Thanks... Regards, Scott
  20. Hi Pierre, Hah - sorry - yes - because without the "case" statement I don't need the test that throws the error on me... I see said the blind man... Let me see what I can do now that the coffee has kicked in... Regards, Scott
  21. Hi Grumpy, Thanks as well - what started out as a simple question has turned into a pretty comprehensive learning experience for me... I'll keep all this in mind as I'm working on a few other scripts right now as well - and once I clear the errors - I'll go back through this one optimizing it a bit more... I still have more plans for this one as well - as once the "insertion" is over - there's the "extraction" to worry about... Much appreciated - sir... Regards, Scott
  22. Hi Pierre, OK - think I understand - it's more efficient ? I'll see if I can rework that part as well after clearing the remaining errors... Thanks... Regards, Scott
  23. Hi... I believe it's a known issue slated to be fixed in Echo... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Hi Folks, It's all good and appreciated - some of the changes like the isNull I added this week before I had some new information - never tested - now that I think I've got a better grasp on it and have some new things to try - thanks to all the help I've been getting here... LOL - god knows I'm a hack and my code is far from elegant... Pierre - I'm not sure I follow with the case stuff yet - I'm short of time but I'll read it over more carefully tonight... The bottom line is we can have a random number of helicopters assigned to the mission - that's up to the mission creator - I just need the option to handle any number though 4... Each one has it's own unique set of variables that need to be set - so I'm not exactly sure what you're saying to get around it - again - I'll read more closely tonight and see if I can figure it out... Again - if you see something I'm doing badly - - - your wisdom, insights, and experience is most welcome... This is my first Arma script... Regards, Scott
  25. Hi Gunter, Hope it didn't come across like I was trying to belittle your effort - as I greatly appreciate all you've done on the WWII front... Just trying to pass along what I've discovered... You have to be careful how you list multiple factions on the Military Commander module to get it to work right - with quotes and such - not in front of me - just what I recall... I don't think the syntax for multiple entries is uniform throughout the mod...Looking forward to whatever you produce... Regards, Scott