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Everything posted by mickeymen

  1. In real life in war, instant death can be at any moment. So your offer looks unrealistic in my eyes. it all looks like witchcraft:) @tpw seems to me mod have a problem with the FALL module If player turn it on, then very often after the units fall to the ground, some part of them will turn from their backs onto their stomach into this position: They lose ability to rise again or shoot, It doesn't look like the unconscious, because they move their heads, they continue use radio communications. Such unit can be treated, but even after treatment they will never get back on their feet. Very similar to the unconscious ones from ACE3 who keep moving and talking. If I disable FALL module, then it doesn't happen Later Still, I was wrong! Now I met a problem with FALL disabled, so probably this is the problem of your BLEEDOUT medicine. I saw a wounded soldier lying on the ground. Then I came up and helped. But the treatment icon didn't disappear. Then I helped again, but again the treatment icon did not disappear! Only after the third time, the treatment icon disappeared and after that the soldier rolled over from his back to his stomach and froze in this position forever: @tpw unfortunately, your medicine creates such units
  2. Would love to hear from you how exactly? And what kind of "people" are you talking about? There are two types of player in Arma 3, the player (human player) and the AI-players. As far as I know, for many years there is no option in the ACE3 settings to disable the unconscious state for the human player, it can be done ONLY for AI players.
  3. I don't use the "Reduced Damage" or mods you listed. I'm only talking about vanilla heavy armor. And yes, this problem will remain with any settings. At least I haven't seen any other result. And it won't confuse you? I think in current Arma3 damage system - No armor should withstand 30 bullets, for example 7.62 AP I do not want to argue. Yes, perhaps the system can be tweaked to smooth out the problem of impenetrable armor. ok! But is this the only problem with ACE3 medicine? You talk like this is the only problem, but I told you above there are many other problems that cannot be influenced by settings: This is just what I could remember after I stopped using ACE3 medicine: > unconscious soldiers will talk and move. > in the medicine menu there is no an option to turn off unconsciousness for all soldiers. Can be off only for AI (player is ignored) > soldiers blood will look like red paint. > all heavy vests with Ace's medicine will no longer be penetrated by a bullet from a hand weapon. > after the explosions of tanks and armored personnel carriers, their crews will calmly get out of their burning vehicles alive, like terminators. > added fractures, but with broken legs you can sprint, jog, or at least stand on your broken ones! player can keep holding a weapon with a broken arm and reload it. > player singleplayer statistic will never be correct. At the end of the mission, you will not see correctly how many you killed and how many lost in your squad. > the weapon that killed you will no longer be shown in the upper left corner of the screen. > AI soldiers will be able to heal themselves or others without spending their own medical supplies or without regardless of the presence. > anti-personnel weapons with a HE (Hight Explosive) radius of destruction from tank shells / grenade launchers will no longer hit soldiers in their radius properly. > lack of the "Heal" command in the menu of the player and for subordinate medics. > ai commanders not will command to combat life saver heal their injured subordinates. As you can see, there are other problems as well. But still in general, I want to say that I can't imagine Arma3 without ACE3 mod! I just disable their medicine and some other features. About 70% of their content is very good stuff! But I must to recap - ACE3 medicine is not for a single player, its PvP project Thanks for this video, but I think that 13 minutes is too long a distance to demonstrate simple and understandable things. I'll take a look at it sometime later...
  4. Does the hit create problems for the combatant. Of course yes! But will every hit make it guaranteed not fire back every time, at every hits? - of course not! In real life there is no any guarantee that a non-fatal hit (especially into armored vest) to the opponent's body will cause him not to fire back. But what we see in PIR is a guaranteed lack of return fire at every hit and at every time! All I appreciate about Arma3 games or mods - is the absence of any guarantees! More random and less predictable, then Arma becomes better in my eyes! We would have seen the same thing in a real war, completely random. I would do a random reaction on any hit - this is exactly what I ask for @tpw to do. Ideally, I would like the AI that gets hit to shoot less accurately, or do random hit animations, instead of constantly playing predictable animation. like i said PIR anims last much longer 1 sek. Some anims takes 2-3 sec and even more For this reson, PIR animations make AI opponents less dangerous to the player, making Arma3 is more predictable and making it impossible to fire back with every hit! I would like to smooth this issues as much as possible. about what mods you are speak? Talking about hit reactions, I was only trying to discuss the hit reaction animations of one mod - PIR you won't be able to avoid bulletproof vests. I tried it many times. It looks like bug at any ACE3 setting With any ACE3 setting, the bulletproof vest will remain! And it doesn't matter if the opponent falls into the unconscious or not. The vest must not be bulletproof at any setting. A simple example of 10 machine gunners must pierce the bulletproof vest at once, without introducing the target into the unconscious, but that won't happen. but at ACE3 medicine machine gunners can only kill such a fighter by hitting other parts of the body. And the vest will remain impenetrable
  5. As far as I know the same can be done in vanilla game Many times I didn't try to use ACE3 medicine, I was forced to give it up each time. It's just that a ton of bugs prevented me from using it. Dude, they just have bullet proof vests! You can't play with these vests. I don't think this will solve all problems. I already wrote to you that their settings are not ideal. You can turn off unconsciousness for the AI, but you can't turn it off for the players. OMG! Is it normal settings? This is an opportunity for gaming disbalance, that no one from ACE3 dont cares about. Also, it annoys that the AI does not spend its medicaments and simply does not take into account the current inventory. The AI never heals allies or accepts commands! Add bulletproof vests here, unfortunately ACE3 medicine for me is not usable content. Because this all cannot be fixed in the settings. Yes, I agree with you that hit reactions from PIR look pretty good. This may even be the best A3 hit reaction animation, but it has a downside( Note that the animations for hit reactions from PIR are not short. It always takes 2-3 seconds, some anims, like - bend/unbend of the torso or or jumping on one leg, if bullet hitting the other leg, take even longer! What I'm trying to say is that PIR hit-reactions will make enemy AI-opponents less dangerous for the player, because when hitting the AI (but not kill them), instead of returning fire, these AI will play their hit animations! AI will play several seconds, but not shoot in you! Much more dangerous is the enemy that shoots back at you. That's where the problem is... Next problem - these animations do not have randomness - on/off. This will occur at every hit, if it switched on in the settings. This can only be enabled or disabled. Hence my question - do you not have the ability to do a random hit activation? Wouldn't it be nice if the player could adjust the probability for these animations - for the limbs/torso/head? For example 60% chance would mean that at 60% chance they would play animations on hit. It would be possible to minimize the problem of AI not returning fire by setting a lower probability. Or else it would not be bad to make the probability with the degree of damage. For example, if the leg is > 80% damaged, then the character plays the hit animation for the leg. @tpw Could you add something similar for TPW?
  6. Why do you think so? Today my Arma3 experience on Steam is 8.863 hours and I have been trying to use Ace3 medicine since 2013 and every time it seems to me that it was done by a mentally ill person. I see blood that reminds me of a children's cartoon in color! The person who created these textures has never seen what human blood looks like. I see unconscious people which radio talking and even moved or I see ugly animations (simular a turrets gunners death) before falling into the unconscious/ In ACE3 there's a bunch of settings to turn on the unconscious for the AI, but there is no option to turn off the unconscious state for the player. It looks like an imbalance, because by turning off the unconscious for AI, you will still fall into this state. It is their medical system (not their cook off system) prevents tanks from instant exploding at heavy damages, the tank crew will always and always run outside and be always safe before the tank explodes. This system kills the medical AI-support (no command for medic, injured AI not will spent his current FAK after self treating), deprives the medic of his unic class. Etc. etc - there are a lot of nuances I think ACE3 Medicine only is a PvP project that kills the singleplayer gameplay. For these and many other reasons, I use ACE3 but without a medical system and would not advise this to anyone who plays singleplayer. As for hit reactions and sounds, they can be given by other popular mods that exceed the quality in these details of the Ace3 mod Thanks for info
  7. Could you explain in more detail exactly which namely PIR medical functions should be disabled? The PIR mod has a ton of settings and it's not entirely clear which ones will conflict with TPW and which won't.
  8. mickeymen

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara

    Good day! Thanks for the update, I just wanted to report an imbalance of new weapon, that seems to me. It seems to me that the AA-40 12G shotgun has an imbalance in its capabilities. For this reason It looks like an super-strong and super universal weapon . I noticed that the Slug ammunition type can kills with one hit, even into limb and it type ammo pierces all body armor the first time. When player using a sniper scope, such a shotgun turns into a sniper rifle, because his bullet (Slug) does not have a close fall, at long distances. It flies almost like a sniper rifle bullet! Also, when I using HE Ammo, such ammo can kills with one hit several opponents, within a radius of several meters!!! It seems that he kills even in a radius of more than 3 meters! For these reasons, such a weapon looks like a universal, superior, against the background of other types of weapons, it looks like an Imbalanced wapon. I would prefer HE ammo types not to kill at non-direct hits, but only cripple enemies. Yes, maybe he should kill without armored soldiers, but as seems to me only at a very close hit (<1 m, not more), in other cases, it should only hurt(random degrees), but not kill. Also, the Slugs ammo type should have fewer armor damage impact, smaller balistic range. Thanks for your continued work. I hope to see a new, much larger map in future updates.
  9. My friend, this topic is no less detailed. I created this before update 2.10 for only one reason - so that the BIS takes into account the current time of day and the current weather, because in my deep conviction these nuances should have a decisive influence on the result of the thermal imager. In fact, I have only one claim to the new thermal image - Everything I have listed above has no effect on the thermal result. Many users are not happy with overly luminous parts of the landscape, but they do not specify why exactly they should not be in specific scene. I sure, the luminous parts of the landscape can be, but only when they are heated by the sun and only at certain times of the day. I ask all who is interested to leave a comment or discuss in this thread exactly the influence of current weather/current day time/current year time on the result of a thermal image.
  10. Ideally yes! But I think, initially before thermal repair, they did not plan to bind to the current temperature and time of year. I always dreamed about it, because this is how a thermal imager should work. Seems to me, at this late stage of Arma3 life in this they do not care about the correct operation of the thermal imager, they only care about a new thermal picture, not more. obvious thermal downgrade? In fact, there is no obvious thermal downgrade in your picture. There temperature downgrade in curent landscape, but on the thermal imager the grass and trees are still burning. Let's take a closer look. What do we see here? The grass still glows, the tree trunks also burn. the foliage on the trees is also light, but still thanks for not burning! This is the wrong result for Dec6 2am! Really, by Dec6 2am the grass and trees should be cool by now from even if not great, but the influence of the Sun. Since there is no sunshine for a long time and the night in December is cold. So the whole landscape must be dark, while the human body should be brighter than all this landscape. That would be the correct result for Dec6 2am. I don't think they even tried to link to the current temperature/time of day/time of year. All this repair of the thermal imager does not make any sense. I think so - It would be better if they directed their forces to other issues that are still present in the game, and the thermal imager would be left the same Sad story
  11. mickeymen

    Update 23/08/2022 Thermal

    We can't judge it from one single picture! We don't know what time of year this photo was taken. What weather, what time of day! I'm sure it must depend on the current location and time of year, time of day and the current weather! For example If the grass and trees are heated in under the sun, in the July after noon, then they will just glow, because it was heated in the sun and therefore radiates heat. And at the same time, in the late evening, it should lose its warmth and fade towards the night. Everything is simple and logical here I agree that the new thermal system is crappy, but I think the main problem is that it has nothing to do with the current weather and time of day.
  12. Yesterday I received update 2.10 and unfortunately I saw a complete disappointment in the changes in thermal vision. You can open reviews of SPOTREP #00105 in Steam and see a lot of dissatisfied with the new thermal system. Many reviewers would prefer the old system over the new one. I think thermal update is a complete failure/ Some of my personal notes here: 1. The main problem is the complete lack of binding to the current day time/current weather. This is complete mismatch. The game doesn't care if the sun is bright at noon or it's night and it's raining. Are the stones and buildings hot from the sun, or have they cooled down in the dead of night. No matter! For example, on a rough night we can see shining roads! They will burn as if heated by the sun at noon and will burn in deep night. Wow! No difference!? The player will see more or less shining objects regardless of any day time dependencies. The simplest test - Set in the editor the time multiplier in the as X12 put yourself on the map and go into spectator mode in your game. Switch to thermal vision and you will see, how over time, the thermal vision will not have a cooling in the evening/night and will not again warm up to the maximum at afternoon. Instead, you will see burning stones and roads at night! You will see randomly changing color grass! It just looks like uncontrollable chaos without reference to time of day without reference current temperature! All this does not look natural in places, even silly. 2. The thermal horizon will have clear ugly lines. New thermal view has problems with fog/haze and smoke FX. On the horizon where the haze will always be strange lines: The distant parts of the landscape will be divided into lines! What this in general? What lines? Also pay attention to the smoke from the engines/wheels/tracks of vehicles. It looks the same as haze horizon above, like it's without anti-aliasing, no blending, no gradient, too noisy: So the new thermal has problems with fog/haze/smoke. 3. The same landscape with the sea horizon can look completely different with NVG and with thermal vision. This is what the image looks like in NVG: The same angle on the same position but in Titan Launcher thermal will look like two completely different places: Why is this semi-island burning like a torch? Is he warm under the sun? In this screenshot a deep night, it should not glow, by night, this semi-island had already cooled down, for this reason he should not radiate heat, at least it should not be as maximum bright. 3. In the new thermal, the grass color is significantly lighter than the its ground color, but actual, within a gameplay this is one same surface Due to the fact that grass is a limited render distance from the player, we see light grass near us and in the distance we see a black strip of ground: In fact, dividing the same surface (grass) into two different colour lines, but in reality this imposible because it's the same surface whether the player sees the grass or not. Thus, land without grass should not differ from grass in terms of heat release. So way the player should not get two strupes with wild contrast for one surface. I hope that the developers will see this post and make thermal vision in Arma3 adequate. I would just take the image configs from the @A3 Thermal Improvement mod and bind them to the current time of day. The picture in this mod looks awesome, but they do not have turn on the engine, do not have cooling/heating vehicles and there is no other cooling/heating objects. I also noticed that their corpses cool down in 10 seconds, which looks stupid. Their mod needs some improvements. I sure, such formula - Image configs from @A3 Thermal Improvement + daytime binding + heating/cooling objects = Arma3 would get excellent thermal vision.
  13. mickeymen

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    AI still can get stuck in rock even now (v2.08). I run into this problem all the time if I carelessly place AI units on the map. If one of the units will placed over the rock, then it will be spawned on the ground surface, under rock and stays there forever. Yet it seems to me very strange to me that BIS does not turn off the collision mesh for big stone, in which the AI can get stuck forever, but disable the collision mesh for houses and fences, which ai has a big chance to be passed. It would be great if someone from the modding community could turn on the collision mesh, blocking them from passing through wall/fence and create a some code, where the stuck AI could switched to special mode/path and could be abble move to the rescue markers, inside any building (for example near door portals).
  14. mickeymen

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Are you saying that the reason the AI goes through walls is because the quality of the houses is not enough? I often see this on Stratis and Altis, are the houses on these base maps really of poor quality? Doesn't look like the truth, because these are the oldest and exemplary quality maps from Arma3 developers. Throughout the life of Arma3, I have been worried about the problem of AI being able to pass through fences and walls of buildings. I still can't imagine why this shame is still present in Arma3? I don't think it's a problem of the lack of super ai-intelligence. The question arising before me - why is the Collision Mesh model unable to block their physical passage through, as it does with players? Yes, I've already heard that BIS gets rid of cases, where the AI would get stuck inside the building, but I would rather this option than the option where the enemy AI goes through the walls and shoots me in the back. In addition, AI still has a chance to get stuck in buildings, passing through walls and whistling in a swimmer's pose, which looks even more stupid, if AI just stayed indoors. Questions: * is it really so difficult to prescribe predefined paths for AI inside any buildings, so that they do not deviate from their paths and could not pass through the walls? * how can user explain the passage through the fences? There is no chance for the AI to get stuck forever, but the AI will still not have impact from fence Collision Mesh models. Сonclusion: I have not seen a single mod that can solve the problem of AI passing through physical barriers. Moreover, I use LAMBS Danger mod. It's a great mod, but I think it exacerbates the problem of AI going through walls. It happens more often. All this upsets me and I'm already losing faith, that someday in Arma3 AI will stop passing through walls. @pierremgi I would like to know what you think about it?
  15. Hello GM team! Yesterday I installed the Global Mobilization DLC and I was surprised, how buggy the tracked vehicles are in this DLC. Just place a Shilka in an open field and control it. You will jump, jump, jump on the flat place and eventually even you will have a chance to do a somersault! How can a user shoot constantly while jumping? The player can't aim because he periodically jumps! This will annoy the player. I tried other tracked vehicles. Any tracked vehicles will bounce endlessly to varying degrees and roll over on level ground! Even after this flip, they will keep twitching and bouncing: I want to tell, that today and unfortunately, after three year life and support this DLC the tracked vehicles in the Global Mobilization DLC are completely unplayable content, while it's paid DLC! I don't understand how this happened? Can anyone tell me why, as of 2022 this still hasn't been fixed? Maybe after this post, someone will notice it? Yes, in Global Mobilization DLC, from utside, all tracked vehicles look on the highest level, but are functional, against the background of the vanilla quality of tracked vehicles, it looks as not playable. For comparison, I did tests with vanilla tracked vehicles in same Weferlingen map and it worked stably, without any problems. I checked hard it again and again, trying to see the any bug, but it didn't happen! I know that in the past, vanilla tracked vehicles could also sometimes bounce, but fortunately, I have not observed such bugs for a long time. Probably BIS still fixed this problem, also I use the Anti-Bounce System (ABS) mod (which smoothes but does not completely fix the problem) and I completely forgot about such a problem, for vanilla tracked vehicles! After what I saw, a purely spontaneous question arises - why don't you guys just copy the configs from the vanilla vehicles and paste them into the Global Mobilization DLC tracked vehicles? It seems to me that this would save your DLC from problems. GM team, I think you need to neutralize this problem, otherwise your beautifully modeled vehicles are simply not usable( What's the point of them if they can't be used without problems? I hope you take care of this problem since vanilla vehicles have already forgotten about this problem, this is a solvable question. If you don't believe me, then put on your map vanilla tanks vs your tanks and compare their stability.
  16. mickeymen

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara

    Hi @lexx! Does the user have any chance to get some updates for this DLC or will there be no more updates? If updates are planned, then would be interested to know when approximately they will be and is it possible to hope for additional content(weapon/vehicles/map) ot it will be only bug fixes? I really liked Sefrou-Ramal map, but its main drawback is its small size. Essentially a desert - it not have many objects, for this reason, the current size of the map seems small. An additional larger map would be a great addition to this DLC. Do you have any plans to add a new map for this DLC as it was later added to Prarie Fire DLC?
  17. mickeymen

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    No special steps needed. You have asked a good question. I decided to test this, because I had never tried it before. I placed in the editor on the military base one BLUFOR squad and gave to one soldier a radio-backpack. I also placed 4 BLUFOR squads at a great distance (>= 1 km), and also gave them radio-backpacks. This four support squads units were placed without waypoints. Next, I placed some OPFOR groups and gave them waypoints to the BLUFOR military base. I watched what was happening - after the fire contact, all four the distant BLUFOR squads moved towards the BLUFOR base and supported their allies, getting involved in the battle! LAMBS support works great! You can run your tests with or without diferent specific waypoints. I don't know if the current waypoints will influence the decision of the AI to advance towards the ally, but you can try this and tell us about your observations Try some like my test and you will see how it works.
  18. mickeymen

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Hi @zooloo75 ! Just some my notes about issues/wishes. I discovered that the setting - "Obliteration Triggering Ammo Class Names" has no obvious result. It just doesn't work. At first I wanted to exclude the hand grenade as a trigger for Obliteration and I removed 'GrenadeCore' from your list but that didn't work! Next, I turned off the entire list: ['MissileCore', 'RocketCore', 'TimeBombCore', 'GrenadeCore', 'ShellCore', 'BombCore'] as [] and I saw that even without your trigger list, the Obliteration would still occur! So exception/adding a obliteration trigger won't work. Next issue. If the player uses the Enable Blood Pooling setting, he will get a flickering texture every time. This looks strange, because vanilla blood not have any flickering problems. Also my notes about the bleedout effects. Two settings of your user are very much required: a) Dropped Blood scaling Your blood drops are too small and have a high spawn rate, which negatively impacts performance. If user will reduce the frequency for the drops, then he gets a performance gain but the blood is barely noticeable, because the drops are very small. If the player had the ability to scaling dropped blood texture, then any user can found better balance could be found - bleedout effect scaling/game performance. b) Checkbox for choose the vanilla blood texture. As for the vanilla texture, it looks better in my opinion, because it has some transparency. Transparency creates effect of absorption into the ground. And most importantly, vanilla blood does not have a flicker glitches. Please try fix issues and give to the player the above mentioned two setting, if this possible/ Thank you!
  19. Good day @tpw I found a few issues with the BLEEDOUT module, Please fix these details if possible. 1) It looks like the damage model in your module is distorted. For example, if a unit gets bullet hit in the leg, then after a few seconds, its visual wound may disappear without any reasons. This looks strange at least and unnatural in general. In addition, after second hitting the leg, the hands are very often damaged also, and later without any reasons the head also gets damaged! I can assume, the bleeding in TPW damages all parts of the body, that visually does not look natural. Seems to me each wound should have its specific consequences, but not more - A hit in the leg should cause a slowdown and eventually lameness. Hitting the hand should increase weapon sway, so the player or NPC should be less accurate/effective. And of course hits to the limbs should not affect the head. Could you rethink bleeding systems so that it doesn't damage all head and torso, if only the limbs were injured? For example, instead of increasing damage to the entire body, wouldn't it be better to use a timer for blood loss, after which the character first slows down and then dies. 2) I use AI self-healing in settings. But this happen far from stable. I see a lot of tests, where the AI just dies from blood loss and does not even try to heal itself, despite the checkbox - "AI attampt to stop own bleeding". It seems to me that self-healing should depend on the mode the NPC is in. If he currently is in Safe, Aware, Stealth modes then he should treat wounds stable, with a small random delay (to avoid synchronization of animations for several NPC). While in combat mode, it should self-heal with a greater delay, since it can be attacked while healing itself. 3) If after falling into unconsciousness, the AI will fall on its stomach and after it rolls onto its back, its final animation will not match the position of the body in which it comes. The position that the AI comes to is a mirror copy of the position that is required in this case. All three points are demonstrated in my one video. time codes: disappearance of the wound and wrong damage model NPC will not self-heal wrong mirrored position after anim of turning on the ground
  20. mickeymen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Good Day RHS team. I read the info from your site, in the Documentation/FAQ section Let me pour out just a few thoughts about... The fact is that I was always upset that there were no interiors for heavy armor in the RHS. Since this fact will always downplay the RHS quality, making it somewhat lower than the quality that a vanilla game is able to give the player. Yes, outwardly many RHS vehicles are superior in quality to vanilla game vehicles, but due to the lack of interiors they lack immersiveness and in some cases (damage to the rotating parts of the optics), even functionality. After all, it is very boring to look into a small black hole (here I meant most russian tanks) throughout the game if you are a tanker. Besides the player sees only 20-30% of the entire screen and can see just ahead/ I cannot agree that the tank interior is not functional, even if RHS don't use the modern dashboards. For example, every time when the gunner's turret or the commander's rotating optics are damaged, they sink to the ground and lose their ability to rotate. In this cases the tank becomes unusable for player on the commander and gunner places, due to the lack of opportunity to see something. While with the presence of the interior and damage to the rotating optics, it was still possible to monitor the situation/path by mean rotating your head to observe via observation windows! In general, I will not ask you to make interiors for all heavy armor, as I understand that this is a hell of a job. Other than that, at this point in Arma's 3 life, it's unlikely to happen... I just want to ask - why didn't you guys at least make black 3D interiors like they did in the Global Mobilization DLC? In this case, detailed modeling and texturing of the interior are not needed. What matters only is the shape of the cabin and its functional viewing windows. and thus the community would receive at least a partially functional interiors for heavy armored vehicles! It would look ten times better than what it is today. And modeling black 3D interiors would take a lot less time. I think such an addition would be great for the RHS. Just a question + food for thought...
  21. mickeymen

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Hi LAMBS developers! @diwako @nkenny Long time no news from you. I hope LAMBS danger is not dead. I discovered the one problem of Lambs AI. At first, I was sure it was a vanilla problem, but when I several times disabled LAMBS, I couldn't reproduce the problem. Please fix this! Problem description : Enemy AI of opfor side, will always knowsAbout of the player/other soldier of blufor side, who put the explosive, if enemy unit of opfor side will be explouded by this explosive. Or vice versa. I added factions to the description, to make it easier to understand me. Explosives can be anything. It could be a anti-personnel mine, C4, anti vehicle SLAM-Mine, etc. If this happens, then: 1) any detection trigger (by default or scripted) will be activated, even with such max values as knowsAbout > 3.8 (as far as I know the maximum value is 4.0) 2) enemy AI of explouded side, will always know the location of such soldier, even if the player currently was not visible for any enemy, even if the player is hiding behind buildings, terrain of other obstracles. 3) enemy AI commander will order to his subordinates attack such a hided soldier, and subordinates will go to the point of his location. In fact, after laying any explosive the player becomes visible to enemy AI! As far as I can guess, the AI treats an explosive attack in the same way as a firearm attack, in which the AI sees fire point and immediately detects the enemy. It seems to me that the AI does not understand the difference between this and the two attacks, so it reacts the same way and instantly detects the enemy. Unfortunately this will break any stealth mission, even if the mine/explosive was placed far from current the player's position. Expected AI behavior: - AI should not know about the enemy, whose mine it was detonated on. Repro here: 1. Place a player in an urban environment as an explosive specialist. 2. Place an enemy full squad - 8 soldiers. 3. Make sure that the enemy AI squad will not see the player. 4. Set a waypoints for the enemy AI patrol with a slow movement and safe behavior. 5. Start the game, so that the enemy AI patrol does not see the player. 6. Place a bouncing mine in the path of the patrol so that he does not detect you, better around the bend for patrol waypoint, the mine should not be visible to the patrol (can be behind the building corner) 7. Hide inside the remote building. 8. Switch to spectator mode and observe the AI patrol. 9. As soon as the patrol explodes on a mine, the survivors of this squad will order to attack the player and will move to his location. repro example on the Stratis:
  22. mickeymen

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    I had simular problems with AI detection. After I deleted the lambs_range.pbo and set my AI level to 1.0 I was happy. I got strong yet realistic opponents. File lambs_range.pbo makes the AI incredibly sharp, it doesn't look natural especially at nights (using NVG)
  23. mickeymen

    Western Sahara CDLC Unofficial Discussion

    Now, once again, I restarted the entire scenario from the beginning, and in the !first mission, my subordinate AI again failed. I want to say to the developers of Western Sahara DLC - The AI problem is simply impossible to play this DLC In singleplayer mode, ufortunatelly this is not playable content. Before I assumed it: but I was wrong. This time the AI issue occurred without switching the player. Subordinate AI freezes in one place, refuses to move or follow orders. This will happen first with one then with another unit, etc But I noticed the following - In most cases, my problem arose after the commands - "get into the vehicle" or "get out of the vehicle". Exactly - that moment, when I select ai-subordinate and point to the vehicle to enter. Or when, I select ai-subordinate and choose exit command (4/1 keys) Those. AI need to run and get into the vehicle - AI froze or AI need to get out of the vehicle - AI got out and froze In both cases, the AI subordinate can have a chance turned into a statue (freezing in place), unable to respond to the orders of the Player -commander. The problem does not seem to be a big one, but it is for this reason that I still (since the release) have not been able to complete this DLC! For me, the problem of immunity to damage is not the main one. Still, you can get back to the base and restart the task or start a new one. Much worse than paying the last money to hire an agent and when at the most crucial moment, such an agent will let you down during the mission. Maybe playing alone, without subordinate AI? It simply not possible. It seems to me that the main problem of the single player mode of DLC Sahara is a broken AI. I totally agree, It needs a cure I still hope that this DLC is not dead and the authors will fix its errors.
  24. Alleluia! Finally, after 4 years problem solved. Better late, than never, thank you BIS!
  25. Dear Devs! Please fix it finally a bug which was added after the release of Tanks DLC. The player wants to enjoy the gameplay, instead of annoyance, but when he come across this again and again, player want to break up monitor. This bug appeared after Tanks DLC and it is extremely annoying to the player! I checked the mods do not affect the problem. I have repeatedly reported this on feedback, but this is just infinitely ignored. Description: 1) Player shot from Launcher at enemy vehicle 2) Immediately after this shot, player want to save your virtual life from the enemy return fire (since after shooting from AT-launcher, the whole map sees you and wants to kill) and player press the prone-button, to lie on the ground. 3) After that, the player’s game character falls to the ground, but again automatically rises to its full height again and switching to launcher! After this - the last thing a player has time to see - it as dozen of bullets fly into his face! The problem occurs only with Titan-Launcher in the hands. In order to reproduce this bug Fire Mode from Titan Launcher must be ONLY TOP. I tried to reproduce this problem ten times in Direct mode but I never succeeded. As soon as I switch my launcher from Direct mode to Top mode, I reproduced it the first time! Direct mode is used by default, probably for this reason, many users cannot reproduce this problem at the run game. Note! Direct / Top modes were added to Tanks DLC As I said, the problem initially appeared in the release of Tanks DLC