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Everything posted by xon2

  1. @Imperator[TFD] Making the ai gunner in the gunships look at the target via 'target' sounds good, but in practice it seems only to work when your gunship is absolutely stationary. As soon as you drift a bit or climb/descend slightly, the gunner's laser will be displaced with the gunships movement in space. By the time your missile reaches said target, its way off. Is that how it has always been or is it broken atm?
  2. BTW; this is the exact issue on the feedback tracker which has been ingnored by the devs for almost 3 years now! Kudos for a game that leans towards the simulation genre! https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82394
  3. xon2

    Dualshock Confusion

    Same here, with Thrustmaster t.16000m and TM TWCS throttle. Before i can remap a keybinding on mouse or keyboard, i need to go to the controller settings and disable all joysticks/throttles etc. Really annoying. So it seems arma 3 is constantly reading each controllers position and adding that to each rebind action. Thing is, a lot of controller have no neutral position for some of their axis. If i understand corretly, in arma 2 and even up to some patch for arma 3, a controller had to actively moved or a switch or rocker pressed for its input to be registered as a keybind? If so, why was that changed? Any solution for this except for unplugging/disabling everything everytime i want to change a keybinding?
  4. @AZCoder ''They also switched from a passive to active reading of controllers, meaning that before a couple years ago, you would have to change a controller's position before it would be read in the keybinding (which was awesome). Now it reads it constantly, making it impossible to change keybindings unless I disable the controller or put them in as neutral a position as possible. I have Saitek pedals and there is no center position, so they always get included when I try to change or set any keybinding.'' Finally somebody else, i have the exact same problem and its driving me nuts. Each time i want to remap a key, i have to go to the controller settings and disable both my TM t.16000m and TM TWCS throttle. Not sure about the Warthog though, need to check that. Have you found a solution for this?
  5. Question concerning: ''Added: Top-down missile flight profile for Firefist, Titan, Scalpel, Macer and cannon-launched 120mm MARUK laser-guided missile variant'' With hand held launchers like the PCML you can switch between DIR and TOP with the F key. But i have no clue how to switch in vehicles between the two modes. For instance, the Kajman Scalpel fires in 'High Profile Flight Mode' by default now and it shows the same UI icon in the weapon settings icon in the top right corner like the top down mode for hand held launchers. So did the DIR for airborne missles like the Scalpen, Macer etc. got canned and its all TOP down attack from now on or did i miss something?
  6. I saw one goody in the changelogs: ''Added: Gunship helicopter pilots now have pilot cameras'' I tried self lasing with the new pilots camera by taking manual fire control. But it seems the laser pointing direction was still controlled by the gunner although i could activate/deactive the laser itself. Is that intentional? Yep, i have wished for proper SP capabale helos/gunships from day one and we are finally very close to the finishing line. For us SP players, give us the laser and we are all happy!
  7. Just out of curiosity; when have these two ai commands been added to the action menu, ''Lift Cargo'' and ''Move to and Drop Cargo''? I just found out about these two this weekend and i kinda can't believe they have been there since the helicopter dlc released. I searched the dev branch release log, but didn't find anything specific to theses to action commands.
  8. xon2

    Zeus Feature Request Thread

    God do i miss the sling load and sling release functionality from zeus. I don't understand why only the bare minimum waypoint types exist in zeus. I mean, all this functionality is there in Eden editor, why not in Zeus? Arma 3 could be such a great sandbox if we could actually use the tools properly that are already coded. Was this left out intentionally because it would not work properly in Zeus mode, or is this just half baked? The vanilla sling load functionality works pretty well (and way better than the various ways mods try to implement it), but we have no access to it when actually playing a mission.
  9. hrm, i use CHVW for viewdistance stuff wich decouples infantry, car and air repsectively. But with the uav/drone example, if you set air viewdistance to 12k/12k and actually look through the uavs turret, everything is fine and dandy. But when you release that uav turret and go back to your normal infantry view (which often is quite lower, mine usually is 5000/2500), these latter view distance settings are applied for the PIP feed from the uav-turret. Would be nice if that would stay 12k/12k for the PIP window only.
  10. just stumbled upon enhanced soundscape and dynasound 2.0 again, used the former quite some time ago. I am not sure though, didn't BI add pretty much the same thing to the vanilla sound effects sometime in 2016 or last year? I am asking, dynasound 2.0 sounds really great, but i am a bit on the edge concerning enhanced soundscape. Does it still add ''better or different echos and reverbs'' than vanilla arma 3 does? Edit: just looked it up, the vanilla sound update came with the Eden update. Again, does enhanced soudscape do something fundamentally different that is worth it? I compared ES vs vanilla in various locations, but did not conclusively felt one better thatn the other, though i didn't invest too much time into it.
  11. very nice, great work! If it was possible to uncouple the pip viewdistance from your own viewdistance setthings this stuff would be insane. You could keep your infantry viewdistance at a nice performance friendly 5000/2500, but increase it for air vehicles to 12k/12k and receive a perfectly clear UAV pip looking way out into the distance without impacting your direct infantry performance. You think this might be possible down the line? But its really great: you can track your own vehicle driving with a drone that is locked onto your vehicle and have that display in the pip drone AV camera...great stuff!
  12. This is not specific to the new launchers but goes for all. I feel its quite distracting that the reload notification pops up right after launch while you are still looking down the sight or even tracking to actually hit the target in the case of the new Vorona launcher for instance. I think i'd be better and sufficient to have that notification to pop up only after the missle has impacted. Especially the manual tracking of the Vorona launcher would benefit from that small change in timing. Can you change the code so that the pop up is called only after missle impact?
  13. xon2

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    you are absolutlely correct; what i mean is, this little thing about the boats missing for four years shows that the lights in the AI department have been pretty much out for a very long time. You simply can't use boats in a mission for dropping off and picking up troops on the beach if u don't drive them yourself. I can't believe it would take one dev more than 1-2 days to add this functionality. Still here we are. And getting convoys to do their thing in cluttered urban terrain would probably take much longer to code in a proper way. Alas, if there ain't time to fix small things, probably there ain't resources to tackle the elephant in the room.
  14. xon2

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    we'll see after the patch on 11th April, but probably boats will still be oblivious to something called 'going backwards'. Now, if the devs don't take or have the time to add this little thing that every other arma 3 vehicle is capable of since launch in 2013, why would they have the resources to work on something bigger like proper path finding and object avoidance on land!
  15. xon2

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    I am not on dev branch atm: but has ai boat driving improved? Last time i checked the ai was not able to back-up from the shore and drive a bit rearwards. Sending the ai anywhere within 100 meters of a shore or rock almost always ended up with the ai getting stuck. Any improvements on this one in the lates dev builds?
  16. Hey guys, Mainquestion: where are the ai command functions, which the 'command action menu' executes, stored inside arma 3? Some of you might know about voice control for arma 3, especially for commanding ai. Voice Attack and Articualte come in mind. These are directx key based and translate your spoken commands into virtual keyboard presses which are then send like your real keyboard presses to arma 3. This makes commanding ai way easier than jumping all over your keyboard by hand. It has some drawbacks like keyboard layout and timing issues when the game experiences strong fps variations. The holy grail would be to access the ai commands directly via script completely bypassing directx keys and thus bypassing the key based command action menu. The problem is; we cannot find all commands from the command action menu on the wiki. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_Arma_3 For instance: there is the 'commandmove' script command (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/commandMove), but no such script command for 'commandheal' or 'commandregroup'. So where and in what form are all the commands from the command action menu stored? Are only some of these script based and the rest is somewhere hardcoded and simply cannot be accessed? There must be a way to find out how the command action menu links to the commands. Bypassing the directx keys is already working, but again, we miss many commands that seem to be not on the wiki. Any ideas on how to get access to the commands is greatly appreciated. Best, xon2
  17. Maybe we should setup a discord chat for this endevour. Seems to work quite well for other mods including C2 or hte AH-64 project. Maybe we could even invite Hollywood whos doing the VAICOM project for DCS, he sure could elaborate on how to approach this. @SGCommand What resources or website do you use for your research concerning programming in and VA plugin stuff in particular?
  18. Probably issues related to the last game update 1.78....it bugged a bunch of mods. Wait a couple oft days, i am sure mad_cheese is fixing it soon enough.
  19. Just like in science,...''no result is a result afterall''....no news is better than no news at all :)
  20. Hey kimi, is there a post with an updated list of all the changes made to the weapon systems of the various helos and wipeout (Kimi_Weapons_Helos/Wipeout.pbo) compared to vanilla? Just asking to figure out whether this goes well with running Ace3 in parallel and whether both mods try to change or overlap on some weapons. I know i can simply remove the weapon pbos if i so desire. By the way, i think at least the Blackfoot does not show this, is it feasible to add HUD symbology for the wheelbrake on/off?
  21. Hey, little new project for you :) You may have heard of Feint's sharks addon. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=911433699 They have proper behaviour already (hunting, swimming, attacking etc.) but you need to place them in the editor for each mission seperately. Do you think you could do something similar like your civilians module with sharks when the player enters the water swimming or as a diver? Have sharks radomly and in random number spawn in the players vicinity? Underwater immersion 2.0?
  22. Hey lads, just wanted to mention what i have come across at the official DCS forums yesterday. I think at least two aspects might pertain to gripes/limitations you have pointed out when it comes to VA and arma 3. In case you are not familiar with VAICOM for DCS, its been the go-to VA plugin to speak to JTACS and ATCs as well as general AI commanding and ordering your wingman. But since DCS exists as two different versions right now, beta and alpha (big 2.5 merge coming), and a lot fo stuff is changing all the time, there were some issues getting it to work correctly. Keyboard configs, ingame keycommand menu changes etc. It essentially had (if i am not mistaken) the same problem as all VA profiles for arma have, that it depended on window's directx keyboard commands to integrate with the game. It seems VAICOM's dev. Hollywood_315 has been busy rewriting the code to directly integrate with DCS via lua files. Post 728 outlines whats planned for his next big release. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3219532&postcount=728 Second, the same question about ''fluidity of commands'' came up. Atm, VA is not as powerful as the program 'articulate' in this regard, although i have not checked your latest release thouroghly as of yet. If i recall correctly, you mentioned to have made some progress on that front as well. Anyway, apparently VAICAOM 2.5 will have a new algorythm to discern commands from whole phrases. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3226313&postcount=738 Hollywood is a nice enough fellow, so maybe he might share his experience and give you guys a pointer or two how he achieves the direct integration into a game via lua to bypass the virtual windows keyboard and how his algorythm for fluid phrases is set up. Interested what you think of this. Getting both to work for arma as well would really make VA a robust thing for ai commanding. Woofer, you were going through the troubles that happen with arma 3's framerate drops and how this affects VA's keyboard inputs. You were mentioning that direct game integration would be the dream to overcome all kinds of issues. And, different keyboard layouts should not be an issue anymore, too.
  23. xon2

    New to modding

    Huh...i was totally oblivious to this. When i come to think of it, i can't really recall a mod that ''really touches'' a current arma vehicle concerning the actual model. So all this stuff like a turret added to the Hunter or a refueling boom i have seen for the Ghosthawk are additions made from scratch for these arma 3 assets? These are then probably not 'baked' into the vanilla asset but standalone and when you load the addon, it is 'placed or attached' to the vanilla asset via config i reckon? Is that the way its mostly done?
  24. xon2

    New to modding

    Along the same lines. I always wished Arma 3's gunships internal cockpits were of higher quality for instance. Exporting these to blender and enhancing these (polys and textures) without rebuilding the entire module from scratch, is that even possible? I read in another post that we don't have the proper p3d files to work with. Is that why you referred the op to arma II assets sample files? I am just trying to gauge whether one has to start from scratch or simply can de-pbo a vanilla arma 3 vehicle and touch things up a bit. Adding proper nuts and bolts and 3d switches and stuff with higher res. textures for the Kajman and Blackfoot for instance.
  25. Got ya. Could easily be solved with a mark as hostile keybinding i reckon. Which of course means you better have no bums on your team falsly marking greens as reds of course!