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[OA]Tier One Operators V3.x (now with heavies!)

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Thanks very much all of you, :) Your kind words makes it all worthwhile, and the thought of all of you using these in your missions etc. just brings a smile to my face, I'm glad I can contribute. :)

(I just came home from a great concert which made me sentimental, haha)

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need more mission to play this cool addon!!!

In the works ;)

@McNools, the heavies are a really good addition. It's wonderful to have so much variety :thumbsup:

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McNools; will you also do some for other than desert climate... in woodland, urban envirorments.

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Great work McNools. Those heavy operators are awesome. I like them more than the stock Delta Force. :D

Also, I added the updated pictures on the dl page. :)

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Great work McNools. Those heavy operators are awesome. I like them more than the stock Delta Force. :D

Also, I added the updated pictures on the dl page. :)

Thanks mate! :)

And about woodland-versions or others, it has been discussed many times, and the answer is still "maybe". :) Right now I don't feel like it, but you never know what the future holds.

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can we get a link to some clarification here. Cause last i asked as long as we were not backwards porting anything it was OK.....

I need to know if i have to delete project RACS as it is heavily dependant on BIS textures and model componets.

Please have some patience. I suppose it is no shock to some BIS is trying to catch up with something that has been taken for granted all these years. I'm sure they will adress any issue's when they have a statement for it (it isn't all black and white). Forgot about BIS beer market approche already? New roads needs good fundation...but i'm sure at the end it will be an 'autobahn' ;).

->B.O.T (back on topic).

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v3 is nice like that new soldiers but because of you i have to rework mission =/ XXD

wanna add some of this neww guys.

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McNools; will you also do some for other than desert climate... in woodland, urban envirorments.

seen SF use DCU in urban, seems to bee better than the darker woodland.

maybe pilot coveralls would be good as they are used by CT units because of the fire resistant qualities.

but about the woodland... the operators wouldnt wear takistani clothes and hats, wear green uniforms and equipment, camo on their faces.

maybe just try this:

great addon too.

at first I didnt see but I found the CCT! outstanding! it was the only thing is was still missing but it was there all along ;)

dont wanna give you more work but I just thought about flags/patches/flashlights/strobes(dummy) on helmets, would that be possible without to much trouble?

Edited by pre-Vet
helmets :)

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at first I didnt see but I found the CCT! outstanding! it was the only thing is was still missing but it was there all along ;)

dont wanna give you more work but I just thought about flags/patches/flashlights/strobes(dummy) on helmets, would that be possible without to much trouble?

Glad you found the CCT. :) I figured it needed atleast one unit with a LD (now go create missions where your small team of Tier One Operators call in airstrikes and arty-strikes against takistani fortifications and accidentally wipe out a couple of villages along the way!), I was thinking about adding an AA-operator aswell, but I feel like I hardly ever use AA-operators in my missions atleast, and it's pretty easy to just add a javelin to the AT-operator instead using the addweapon-commands etc.

I'm not sure really, I have no idea how to do it myself, haha. :) (atleast not flashlights etc. retexturing helmets wouldn't be a problem though)

Edited by McNools

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(now go create missions where your small team of Tier One Operators call in airstrikes and arty-strikes against takistani fortifications and accidentally wipe out a couple of villages along the way!)

Way ahead of you ;)

FYI, Tier 1 plus Mando Missiles = pure awesome. Its like watching God smite the earth . . . its not even fair for the bad guys haha.

It will be a feature in my upcoming campaign hehe

Oh, and theres a javelin too ;)

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Way ahead of you ;)

FYI, Tier 1 plus Mando Missiles = pure awesome. Its like watching God smite the earth . . . its not even fair for the bad guys haha.

It will be a feature in my upcoming campaign hehe

Oh, and theres a javelin too ;)

Haha, fair is for pussies (I hope that isn't too explict for this forum, I mean small pussycats ofcourse, kittens, baby cats, nothing else). ;)

I'm looking forward to it mate! Give me a link when you release the campaign. :)

Edited by McNools

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Haha, fair is for pussies (I hope that isn't too explict for this forum, I mean small pussycats ofcourse, kittens, baby cats, nothing else). ;)

I'm looking forward to it mate! Give me a link when you release the campaign. :)

Hey dont blame innocent kitten!


We lost enough kittens (and chickens as well) to people here that cannot wait for mods....

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I hope that isn't too explict for this forum...

If you give a woman a gun in Arma 2 the game will crash. I think it's too late to worry about sexism. :D :rolleyes:

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Glad you found the CCT. :) I figured it needed atleast one unit with a LD......

I'm not sure really, I have no idea how to do it myself, haha. :) (atleast not flashlights etc. retexturing helmets wouldn't be a problem though)

the CCT is an exelent addition, when the US liberated afghanistan they had CCT in almost every SF team and they played a significant role in the succes of OEF. tacticly and moraly that is.

the flaslights can be dummys to but you see a lot of guys having all sorts of things on their helmets like these for instance (CCT too btw)

I like the MSA-sordin comms too :)

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Just to passing to say thank you! Impressive work. Kind of simple but "effective".

Keep up the good job.

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the flaslights can be dummys to but you see a lot of guys having all sorts of things on their helmets like these for instance (CCT too btw)

If not wrong those are NVG batteries (and offcourse IR beacons), but true they can have all sort of goodies on their helmet.

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If not wrong those are NVG batteries (and offcourse IR beacons), but true they can have all sort of goodies on their helmet.



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