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Does OA AI walk through walls / fences still?

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Does OA AI walk through walls / fences still?

Like in Arma2, on many occassions i've seen AI walk right through fences and walls. Just wondering if this is fixed in OA.

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Nope, still there, and will remain until a better solution arises.

It's not something that needs to be fixed. Helps a lot with keeping your AI together.

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I haven't played much yet, but they seem to do this less. At least I haven't seen them do it yet. However I never see them "climb" over fences or stone walls so I assume they just run straight through them but I haven't seen them walk through walls and buildings yet.

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Nope, still there, and will remain until a better solution arises.

It's not something that needs to be fixed. Helps a lot with keeping your AI together.

.... And kills any realistic atmosphere.... :rolleyes::o

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I haven't played much yet, but they seem to do this less. At least I haven't seen them do it yet. However I never see them "climb" over fences or stone walls so I assume they just run straight through them but I haven't seen them walk through walls and buildings yet.
You have not seen this because the engine tries to make A.I. only move through walls as long as it's out of the Players FOV.

Low fences are always walktrough for A.I. since the A.I. does not do the step over animation.

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Happened in the very first OA mission - AI kept walking through walls instead of crawling through the holes in them. For me it was a "ahh, welcome back to ArmA :D" moment.

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Happened in the very first OA mission - AI kept walking through walls instead of crawling through the holes in them. For me it was a "ahh, welcome back to ArmA :D" moment.

I guess for AI exist only 2 possibilities: can go through or can't go through.

A door: obviously can go through (here ignoring state of the door so goes through closed doors aswell)

A wall: obviously can't go through. AI takes the long way around the wall

A wall with a hole near the ground. Player can crouch through the hole. For AI it is simple "can go through". Required stance to pass the object isn't taken into account.

Although it would be really nice if AI would take required stances into consideration or movements (step over obstacles) for now i think i prefer AI goin through obstacles than AI being stuck behind a small stone.

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Imo it's a nasty hack. For how much cpu scripting takes already bis may aswell make ai stance + object aware.

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I havent seen it in OA yet, but while playing the first mission of arrowhead my AI guys were walking through the camo nets on the field and throught parts of the pup tent.

No big deal though just some small collision detection faults, AI in general is alot better in OA for me so im happy.

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Myke, that's quite inaccurate afaik, they can walk through non-enterable buildings sometimes. It seems that it's more about them having different levels of approximation that they use - Sometimes they will check everything (and even open a door when needed) and sometimes they will walk through anything. Of course they're supposed to approximate less when a player is nearby but as we all know it's not working all that great.

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.... And kills any realistic atmosphere.... :rolleyes::o

Is it more realistic if AI walks against a fence/wall/closed door until the end of days (or mission) - I doubt it.

Of course it looks stupid if all of the sudden they come through a concrete fence but the alternative wouldn't be any better.

Edited by W0lle

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I saw some a.i walk right through a small bunker yesterday.. but i would rather the a,i walk through it than get stuck on it.

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Is it more realistic if AI walks against a fence/wall/closed door until the end of days (or mission) - I doubt it.

Of course it looks stupid if all of the sudden they come through a concrete fence but the alternative wouldn't be any better.

But AI can path around those walls, as I've seen them do it, but sometimes they seem to just not want to regardless. Usually they try to not cheat when you're looking/in combat with them, but that doesn't always work very well.

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Not only AI, if you go to a warehouse and stand next to it the 'v' to step over you actually step through... this only occurs with a warehouse with a raised running the length outside, well the only one I did it to plus u need to be on the raised area. Very minor issue and not a problem for me tbh.

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Not only AI, if you go to a warehouse and stand next to it the 'v' to step over you actually step through... this only occurs with a warehouse with a raised running the length outside, well the only one I did it to plus u need to be on the raised area. Very minor issue and not a problem for me tbh.

Yeah this only happens in a select few situations, definitely not the norm (unlike AI who very normally walk through stuff).

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I've seen it with low fences... not a biggy, though the step over animation would be better.

Never seen that with any other objects like walls and fence since a long long time in Arma 2... Rest of the time, they open doors, go around obstacles etc...

Note : Regarding players passing through some stuff, I think that's because the step over animation is somehow a hack with a setpos...

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I've seen it with low fences... not a biggy, though the step over animation would be better.

Never seen that with any other objects like walls and fence since a long long time in Arma 2... Rest of the time, they open doors, go around obstacles etc...

Note : Regarding players passing through some stuff, I think that's because the step over animation is somehow a hack with a setpos...

The AI purposefully walk through those walls with a small hole in them the player can crawl under. The AI just doesn't crawl through them.

Ive never seen them walk through low fences when they are in combat mode, which is a good thing IMO.

I have also seen them go trough some solid high walls but it seems to be very rare, and it seems to happen most often when they are fleeing. They also seem to do it if they are locked in and cannot find a way out but do have a waypoint outside of their 'prison'.

But except for the last option, its all pretty hard to recreate for testing.

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Had an AI walking trough a tank one day in the editor.

Not nice, but also not the biggest problem.

MfG Lee

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