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British 3 Rifle Infantry MTP

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Crewman WIP

Nice one mate, those look good. Can't wait to use them with the BAF vehicles! :D

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@John_Doe, which config are you using? Will get that fixed ASAP.

EDIT: right here is the link for a fixed OA config:

Just changed the model path for the lead scout.


The reason there isn't "cancarrybackpack = 1" written in the config of my units is because they inherit from Soldeir_EP1 which has "cancarrybackpack = 1" as defualt so there was no need to add it. If you are talking about the ARMA2 only config then its not in there because I removed the backpack proxy from the models as the feature from OA made A2 crash. Currently there is no ACE config so i wouldn't have expected it to work perfectly.


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i was using the config on the first page which says "Link to Updated config for new UKF Weapons OA".

With the cancarrybackpack code it seems that ACE has removed the ability for the units to carry the OA backpacks. probably to help them incorporate their own backpack system.

Anyway thats my bad cheers for the update

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Ah fair enough, well I might get round to doing some ACE versions at some point.

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I love these units in OA, but the lack of a heavy machinegunner puts them at a disadvantage.

Could you maybe make a machinegunner that uses the General Purpose machinegun from the UKF Weapons pack?

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I love these units in OA, but the lack of a heavy machinegunner puts them at a disadvantage.

Could you maybe make a machinegunner that uses the General Purpose machinegun from the UKF Weapons pack?

Planned in the next main update :)

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Got my computer working again after a week and discovered the new UKF weapons - just gave them a spin with your units. Looking nailsie does not even begin to cover it! Lose the occasional bit of Des/DPM left on the units and I think the official BIS pack will really struggle to compete when it comes out :)

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@John_Doe, which config are you using? Will get that fixed ASAP.

EDIT: right here is the link for a fixed OA config:

Just changed the model path for the lead scout.


The reason there isn't "cancarrybackpack = 1" written in the config of my units is because they inherit from Soldeir_EP1 which has "cancarrybackpack = 1" as defualt so there was no need to add it. If you are talking about the ARMA2 only config then its not in there because I removed the backpack proxy from the models as the feature from OA made A2 crash. Currently there is no ACE config so i wouldn't have expected it to work perfectly.

Sorry I'm a little confused, but is there a config where the troops use the new UKF weapons? or do I have to replace them myself?

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I have made a small config to have UKF groups in the editor, so here goes.

copy paste in a notepad or something and save it as config.cpp. Then pbo it using pbo tools. I use Eliteness.

Thanks for this great addon :)

#define true 1

#define false 0

#define TEast 0

#define TWest 1

#define TGuerrila 2

#define TCivilian 3

#define TSideUnknown 4

#define TEnemy 5

#define TFriendly 6

#define TLogic 7

class CfgPatches


class UKF_Groups


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.000000;

requiredAddons[] = {};



class CfgGroups {

class West {

name = $STR_WEST;

class UK_Forces {

name = "UK Forces";

class Infantry {

name = "Infantry";

class UKF_Squad {

name = "Infantry Section (Basic)";

faction = "UK_ARMED_FORCES";

rarityGroup = 0.8;

class Unit0 {

side = TWest;

vehicle = "STKR_BritMTP_TL";

rank = SERGEANT;

skill = 0.7;

position[] = {0, 5, 0};


class Unit1 {

side = TWest;

vehicle = "STKR_BritMTP_G";

rank = PRIVATE;

skill = 0.5;

position[] = {3, 0, 0};


class Unit2 {

side = TWest;

vehicle = "STKR_BritMTP_AR";

rank = PRIVATE;

position[] = {5, 0, 0};


class Unit3 {

side = TWest;

vehicle = "STKR_BritMTP_R";

rank = PRIVATE;

position[] = {7, 0, 0};


class Unit4 {

side = TWest;

vehicle = "STKR_BritMTP_SL";

rank = CORPORAL;

skill = 0.5;

position[] = {9, 0, 0};


class Unit5 {

side = TWest;

vehicle = "STKR_BritMTP_G";

rank = PRIVATE;

position[] = {11, 0, 0};


class Unit6 {

side = TWest;

vehicle = "STKR_BritMTP_AR";

rank = PRIVATE;

position[] = {13, 0, 0};


class Unit7 {

side = TWest;

vehicle = "STKR_BritMTP_R";

rank = PRIVATE;

position[] = {15, 0, 0};







DISCLAIMER: I dont know anything about the composition of a UK infantry section, so this one I just made it up.

[EDIT] After pathy contacted me about UK Infantry section composition, I revise the change in the code;

Basically it consist of:

1xSection Commander

1xSection 2IC



2xLMG Gunner

Thanks Pathy

Edited by Mr_Centipede

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So does this config use the newest UKF weapons?

See my first post in the thread, at the bottom should be links to configs using the newest UKF weapons for both OA and ARMA2.

Anyway, just wanted peoples opinions on this, I have (for lack of a better word) traced the BIS body armour and parts of the upper body, I have also UV'd it and weighted it so it looks ok in game. Basically I wanted peoples opinion on whether what I'm doing is acceptable or not, I know there is alot of confusion about reverse-engineering (brought most notably to the front with that new tool and Rock's legal issues for his models) so just felt I should ask everyone about it. Personally I can go from feeling very sure about what is allowed and what isn't to being very confused after reading another post/thread.

Right well here are some pics of the work but like I say, my main interest here is whether what I did is tolerated by BIS within the terms of their EULA for use in their own game.











So yeah, if people could post their opinions that would be much appreciated, I'd also like this to try and stay civil if possible (not that it would but I guess there is a risk lol). Its no biggy if everyone thinks this is a bad idea, I've still got all the older (current release) models.

Probably won't be able to answer any questions straight away as I will be away on business tomorrow (tuesday) but later that evening I will hopefully get a chance.


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The way I reckon it you haven't done it in an illegitimate fashion, so it's alright. It's like making a model based off of a photo reference, only it's a 3D model. It's a little shifty from a personal ethics standpoint when people do it for commercial purposes, but here I don't see any issue. Let alone that you're probably going to embellish and modify them to your own needs, I assume?

One comment I would have is the net on the helmet looks too thick, or if you want to keep it thick lacks depth

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Thanks - but how do i install the cfg so that it works? Do i just put it in an addons folder or do i have to do more? Or should i just dump it with my ACE config?

Edited by Jblack9

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Looks pukka Stalker! Can we assume from the lack of d/dpm that you're going for the full MTP look now?

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You're not going to sell them and are using them only in the same game so I can't see why it isn't acceptable. Looking great as always :)

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Thanks - but how do i install the cfg so that it works? Do i just put it in an addons folder or do i have to do more? Or should i just dump it with my ACE config?

It should overwrite whatever config you are currently using for my units, so if you are using STKR_BritMTP_OAcfg then overwrite that with the new config.

You'd do the same if you are using STKR_BritMTP_ARMA2cfg config.

@RabidStoat, yeah wont be any desert DPM on the units now :)

Cheers for the comments so far on my previous post guys :)


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Stalker, I put together a slideshow I thought you might find inspirational:

1 LANCS, Operation Tor Shezada, July/August 2010, Helmand Province


(click on picture)

Edited by akd42

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Some good pictures there akd42; some nice inspiration for Stalker.

Interestingly in the 8th picture, one of the soldiers is equipped with the L22A2 Carbine, Haven't really seen many pictures of it in deployments.......

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