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A.C.E. 2 - v1.2 stable (Advanced Combat Environment)

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Hang on a minute!!


Backpack system

•Cannot properly enumurate magazines in the backpacks, so cannot calculate weight

•BIS system is based on slots, as opposed to weight/volume

•Can't script-add the rucksacks into weapon crates

•Mass overload of rucksacks when too many rucksacks are put into crate manually

•BIS Backpacks will remain usable in missions that already use them

•Re-evaluate at a future patch


Does this mean NO ACE rucksacks with ACE system or does it mean

ACE Rucksacks WITH ACE System??

I dont get this one....

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Does this mean NO ACE rucksacks with ACE system or does it mean

ACE Rucksacks WITH ACE System??

It just means that we haven't replaced our own backpack system with the one from BIS, so all the ACE backpacks are still available

Our gear dialog also supports the BIS backpacks, if a mission uses them, but then you don't have the ACE features like weight, size, etc.


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Just a little update...

ACE for OA; Beta - Friday 9 July


P.S.: I do not need any help :) and because SB had to write the same over and over again was one of the reasons why he left BIF (you loose a lot of motivation and productivity with all that plus all the moaning).

This is very sad to hear. And I myself have ever moaned or bitched i sincerely apologize. I use the thread mainly for trouble shooting purposes and for offering suggestions on what I would like to see in future releases. These suggestions are more like hey here is something I thought would be call. But I guess it can come accross ass bitching like "why isnt this like this and that like that etc. etc."

I think we all owe it to Sickboy, Xeno and all the other ACE developers to let them do their amazing thing, which is supporting and improving this amazing game we have all come to love and show our gratitude through encouragement and thanks and just chill out with all the the speculation fear mongering

---------- Post added at 05:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 PM ----------

I'm really confused, where about does the userconfig file go? I've not found a guide that I've understood completely, and I really would like to place with the ACE mod.

Any help?

There should be a file in your main arma2 directory called userconfig. if there isn't create one. Then go to @ACE/Store and find a file that says something like userconfigs.tar unzip this file and you should then have 4 files that end in .hpp put all 4 of these into a new folder called "ace" now move that folder into the userconfigs folder in your arma 2 directory so for example in the end it should loook like this

arma2\userconfigs\ace\and here you will have your four files that u unpacked earlier one is a clientside file another is servierside and one is key mapping file, sorry dont remember the names.

Edited by Placebo

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I like the new idea with more modularity for ACEX!

ACEX_USNAVY, ACEX_RU, ACEX_M16_M4, etc sounds vrey nice.

Also this way, more can be added to ACEX if available in models.

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It's human nature to be anxious during a big change. But now is not the time for that. If I ( who has had a 'colorful' relation with the team ) see no reason to chew out ACE, then no one else should either.

Give them time to work their magic. After it's out we can discuss any issues rationally and calmly if needed.

Meanwhile, we should do our part by being good supporters of ACE. Help each other out, and not put ourselves or ACE in a bad light with poor behavior or attitudes.

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I'm quite used to the change now, at first I thought it meant it would ONLY work with OA and CO were fucked in terms of using ACE. Keep up the great work.

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Great news about the ACE2 OA beta! I do have a question about that though. The way it looks to me, we download/update it through Six Updater (or YOMA) as usual, right? If so, do I have to point Six Updater to my OA installation? I bought A2 and OA off of steam so they're in separate folders.

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It's human nature to be anxious during a big change. But now is not the time for that. If I ( who has had a 'colorful' relation with the team ) see no reason to chew out ACE, then no one else should either.

Give them time to work their magic. After it's out we can discuss any issues rationally and calmly if needed.

Meanwhile, we should do our part by being good supporters of ACE. Help each other out, and not put ourselves or ACE in a bad light with poor behavior or attitudes.

You said it. This thread has been so tense lately its scary. I think people need to keep in mind that the ACE developers play the game too!!! So naturally they are going to do whatever will make the game better and more fun to play, and they are obviously good at what they do, so instead freaking out about what they may or may not include or may or may not address, why dont we just chill out and see what wonderful gift they decide to grace us with!

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Great news about the ACE2 OA beta! I do have a question about that though. The way it looks to me, we download/update it through Six Updater (or YOMA) as usual, right? If so, do I have to point Six Updater to my OA installation? I bought A2 and OA off of steam so they're in separate folders.

I would have to imagine that when the new beta comes out you will only load it into the arrowhead directory. You would not download Ace 1.3 anymore. that just sits in your old A2 directory when you want to play A2 only

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Please refrain from posting using an obnoxious font style, it's not necessary, if your words are interesting they'll be read.

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You said it. This thread has been so tense lately its scary. I think people need to keep in mind that the ACE developers play the game too!!! So naturally they are going to do whatever will make the game better and more fun to play, and they are obviously good at what they do, so instead freaking out about what they may or may not include or may or may not address, why dont we just chill out and see what wonderful gift they decide to grace us with!

I've hardly seen anyone "freaking out", outside of the developers themselves. The ACE team are a large team by this community's standards, and have the largest and most popular mod out there. Therefore, they are going to be criticized, both constructively and unconstructively. How well they deal with the criticism is another story. Welcome to the internet.

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Apologies if this information is in ace.dev-heaven.net somewhere, I have not found it there if it is. I would like to know from an ACE developer what the folder stucture will be for ACEOA.

Will the content be located within the root folder i.e /ACEOA, /ACEXOA


will it be within the expansions folder i.e Expansions/ACEOA, Expansions/ACEXOA ?

It would be very useful to have a heads up on this so that we can prep the Yoma sync mirror. Many thanks.

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good news about the ACEoa beta. hey its Friday today!

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As for the wounding system, enabling it for missions that weren't designed for it is just asking for trouble. It's bad enough that missions that weren't designed for ACE can have all sorts of issues, but being stuck with a medical system that just doesn't work because it uses items that do not exist in the mission serves 0 purpose and can only do bad things. What exactly do you plan to do in a mission with ACE wounds enabled if it has no medical items?

Actually there is a very simple workaround to this, already built into Arma vehicles: onboard gear. I dont find it alltogether illogical that vehicles (hell, even tanks, helicopters and airplanes) have emergency medpacks that you can take.

This of course becomes much better with a single medpack you quickly grab rather than spending 30 minutes rummaging through needles, bandages, bloodpacks littering the trunk of your hummer and probably coming out of the ordeal with needles in your face, covered in blood and rolled up in bandages.

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We are also looking at possibly providing backward compatibility addons which will allow all previous ACE for A2 Missions to work without editing, please stay tuned...

thankyouthankyouthankyou :pc:

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