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Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

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Paul: will check this issue this afternoon. Where did you download files from?

It seems there is an issue:

lingor_sounds.pbo_.lingor14 <--Manual Download/Portals

lingor_sounds_.pbo.lingor14 <-- SixUpdater

And Six is using "required addons" and putting them separately, although right files are all in @lingor\addons already. Including lingor14 V2 sigs.

Sickboy, can you please check this?

Hey ICE,

You reversed it, it actually was:

lingor_sounds.pbo_.lingor14 <-- SixUpdater

lingor_sounds_.pbo.lingor14 <--Manual Download/Portals

I changed it back in sixupdater to the same as manual download/portals.

The reason why it was that way was because I had renamed the file to proper name before as per your instructions, but the bisign file is simply not valid because it was probably created for an inexistent pbo (Renaming doesn't fix that).

Then I renamed it back to the original file name, but placed the underscore at the wrong place (my mistake), but it has no effect whatsoever in any case due to the bisign being invalid.

Other users reported these issues to me, and the only way they could get playing again was me adding additional six signs again...

That last file you linked, did you recreate it? If you only renamed it then it's probably still as broken, it has to be regenerated and this time with the correct file name from the get-go.

---------- Post added at 16:05 ---------- Previous post was at 15:59 ----------

As to splitting over modfolders, as mentioned previously;

You can have only 1 version of one PBO(prefix) active at a time, so if there are shared addons like ibr_plants, or brg_africa, then it only makes sense having the latest versions in separate modfolders just for that reason alone.

Not to mention the storage and distribution overhead by transferring the same file to different modfolders. On both ends; Distributor, and User.

SU provides this as a service to it's users, also to minimize bandwidth use - even with a worldwide network, there are storage and bandwidth limits :) (and it's all for free after-all)

In any case, all your files (incl bisigns and bikeys) are in tact as originally released.

Edited by Sickboy

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Sickboy, its not good because, somebody download Lingor in public, and others download it in Six - result: both have different versions and cant be connected on dedi servers!

- in Six all must be how in public variant, all requred files inside @lingor/Addons folder, fix it please, because lot of peoples now cant play on this island because have different variants - Six issue!

Thank you, waiting so mutch, we have events on Lingor in this days and we cant play! :)

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Are you sure about that? I thought as long as you had the correct signatures it didn't matter what Addons folder the pbos came from? Will try and test on the dedi...

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this has got metotally stumped

the "ibr_VAB_mephisto" does not respawn but all the other vehicles do... i've checked the naming and the scripts we use and it's all in place. how weird. is it configged different to other vehicles?

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Sickboy, its not good because, somebody download Lingor in public, and others download it in Six - result: both have different versions and cant be connected on dedi servers!

- in Six all must be how in public variant, all requred files inside @lingor/Addons folder, fix it please, because lot of peoples now cant play on this island because have different variants - Six issue!

Thank you, waiting so mutch, we have events on Lingor in this days and we cant play! :)

I just tested this. I split Lingor into two on my server (sig checking is on) @LingorTest1 and @LingorTest2 and divided the pbo's between them. I then connected to the server from my client using Six Updater using the @Lingor folder as provided by the Six network - joined no problem.

Where there is an issue is that Six uses the folder structure from the server to create a preset. So, it tries to load @LingorTest1 and @LingorTest2 on the client. They of course don't exist - so I added the standard @Lingor. This may be confusing if you have a public server I suppose and your server structure is different to that on Six. If you are playing privately you should be able to set up a custom repository in Six for your clan so they can download the correct folder structure. Probably best to check the Six thread for confirmation on this.

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Been testing with dedi now and no issues here using SU. However not to sure if the v2 signature check was activated.

Im really happy with the latest releases, and most things seem to work as it should. Lots of nice fixes too.

The few things i have spotted are some of the civilian shorts units have camo dirt in their face ?, feature or bug ?

Have quite a few maps on the sketch now and i will release them publicly right after our Clan is done with the Lingor campaign, expected release July.

Might have a smaller coop series released sooner tough :)

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@J-Guid; Perhaps inform yourself sometime, instead of writing bullshit all the time.

Ok, here is a hotfix file for dedicated servers running V2 checking. Remade it from scratch:

lingor_sounds bisign file

Thanks mate :) Updated on SU.

Edited by Sickboy

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Thanks Jerda, right words, for public servers its big trouble!

folder structure must be fixed in Six!

@J-Guid; Perhaps inform yourself sometime, instead of writing bullshit all the time.
^^^ §1) No Flaming/Flame-baiting/bigotry (hidden personal atacks) ^^^

@Sickboy, in this situation shit happend not with me now...

Edited by J-Guid

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Thanks Jerda, right words, for public servers its big trouble!

Must be fixed in Six!

Again you are reading what you want to read, as Jedra wrote - there is NO problem! Split up, or not split up, it works all the same!

The last situation Jedra mentions in his post describes a non standard situation, and is only about SU's mod detection mechanism than anything else - SU works just fine with @Lingor on the server, or @Lingor + @Brg_africa, and so on.

It doesnt matter where addons reside on the client or server! The only thing that matters is having the same version, and having signatures that are allowed on the server, since all original bisigns are intact, it's all just peachy.

If there was any issue, it was because of the broken bisign file that Icebreakr just recently fixed.

In any case, this thread is about Lingor, not Six Updater.

---------- Post added at 10:27 ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 ----------

Thanks Jerda, right words, for public servers its big trouble!

folder structure must be fixed in Six!

^^^ §1) No Flaming/Flame-baiting/bigotry (hidden personal atacks) ^^^

@Sickboy, in this situation shit happend not with me now...

Its not a personal attack, it's an observation. It's getting rather tiring too.

Please stop making up problems that don't exist. And this is Icebreakr's thread and about Lingor.

Edited by Sickboy

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yes its Lingor threat, but lot of peoples dowload this island in SU and cant use it because SU config is wrong, when dowloading he put requred addons in personal folders

- in 1.4 main idea its keep all requred addons in @Lingor folder, not as separate, omg! in public archives, requred pbos inside @Lingor, Sickboy, its SU miss, fix it please! :)

Again: all requred files and keys must be inside @Lingor/addons folder! When users download island by SU

Just rewrite repository config...

Edited by J-Guid

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J-Guid, you're wrong and it seems you cannot see the truth. I don't have time for these kiddy games. I've added you to the ignore list, please stop bothering this thread about your SU/mod misconceptions, thanks.

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ok just try start game only with @Lingor downloaded by SU! you have errors on start...

ps: you are not a god, and humans arround you not idiots, dont forgot about this in future...

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can we get back on topic here please. take it offline please JG.

new mission released today - Lingor Evolution RACS - lotsof little fixes including R3F logistics and revive


---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ----------

hey IBR

I've been looking into why my vehicle respawn script in evo does not work with yout VAB's (although it does work with all your previous addons and everyone elses too)

the key part is this:

_type = TypeOf _x;

switch (_type) do

case "ibr_VAB_127":

_unit = [_x,_type,"VAB",position _x] spawn {[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2,_this select 3] call BIS_EVO_VecR};

basically a script here calls this line with _type mapping to _class

_class = _this select 1;

_name = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> format["%1", _class] >> "displayName");

_vcl = _class createVehicle _respawnpoint;

now in most addons the line above would return the vehicle type "ibr_VAB_127" and respawn it but for some reason in lingor VAB units although the names do get called from the config ok and the cfgvehicles displayname "VAB VTT 12.7mm" is created as a blue marker at the damaged vehicle location, the new vehicle does not spawn...

it may be that if (_posasl select 2 < 1.0) this is failing - is the VAB defaulting below 1m off the ground or something? this might make the vehicle respawn after 3200 secs - i'll check - thiswas designed in to deal with "lost at sea" vehicles... it may be this...

		if (not alive _vcl) then 
		{_x setpos position _vcl} forEach crew _vcl;
	        Sleep 10;
		_respawnpoint = position _vcl;
		_posasl = getPosASL _vcl;
		_vecup = vectorUp _vcl;
		_vecdir = vectorDir _vcl;
		deleteVehicle _vcl;
		if (_posasl select 2 < 1.0) then 
			sleep 3200.0;	
			_vcl = _class createVehicle _oldpos;
			_vcl setpos _oldpos;
			_vcl setdir 0.0;
			_vcl = _class createVehicle _respawnpoint;
			_vcl setfuel 0;
			_vcl setpos _respawnpoint;
			_vcl setVectorDirAndUp [_vecdir,_vecup];
			sleep 1.0;
			_vcl setdammage 0.60;		
			deleteMarker _markerobj;_markerobj = "";				
			[] call _vecmarker;
			WaitUntil{damage _vcl == 0 or not alive _vcl};
			[] call BIS_EVO_Frew;

		[] call _vecinit;			

some other rpt feedback - from v 1.337 - my bad

Array tex in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ibr_van_CIV/Damage/ not even
class HitPoints::HitRGlass not found in ibr_van_CIV
class HitPoints::HitLGlass not found in ibr_van_CIV
class HitPoints::HitBody not found in ibr_van_CIV
class HitPoints::HitFuel not found in ibr_van_CIV
class HitPoints::HitLF2Wheel not found in ibr_van_CIV
class HitPoints::HitRF2Wheel not found in ibr_van_CIV
class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in ibr_van_CIV
class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in ibr_van_CIV
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57_arl.p3d missing driver get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57_arl.p3d missing driver get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57_arl.p3d missing cargo get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57_arl.p3d missing cargo get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57_arl.p3d missing cargo get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57_arl.p3d missing cargo get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57_arl.p3d missing cargo get in direction point
Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/zsu57_ARL/Turrets/MainTurret/Turrets/CommanderOptics/: Turret body ObsTurret not found while initializing the model ibr_zsu57\zsu57_arl.p3d
Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/zsu57_ARL/Turrets/MainTurret/Turrets/CommanderOptics/: Turret gun ObsGun not found while initializing the model ibr_zsu57\zsu57_arl.p3d
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_armed.p3d missing driver get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_armed.p3d missing driver get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_armed.p3d missing cargo 0 get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_armed.p3d missing cargo 1 get in direction point
lin_pinz_adventure: HideGlass1 - unknown animation source glass1
lin_pinz_adventure: HideGlass2 - unknown animation source glass2
lin_pinz_adventure: HideGlass3 - unknown animation source glass3
lin_pinz_adventure: HideGlass4 - unknown animation source glass4
lin_pinz: HideGlass1 - unknown animation source glass1
lin_pinz: HideGlass2 - unknown animation source glass2
lin_pinz: HideGlass3 - unknown animation source glass3
lin_pinz: HideGlass4 - unknown animation source glass4
Array tex in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ibr_van_AMB/Damage/ not even
class HitPoints::HitRGlass not found in ibr_van_AMB
class HitPoints::HitLGlass not found in ibr_van_AMB
class HitPoints::HitBody not found in ibr_van_AMB
class HitPoints::HitFuel not found in ibr_van_AMB
class HitPoints::HitLF2Wheel not found in ibr_van_AMB
class HitPoints::HitRF2Wheel not found in ibr_van_AMB
class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in ibr_van_AMB
class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in ibr_van_AMB
Array tex in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ibr_van_BNK/Damage/ not even
class HitPoints::HitRGlass not found in ibr_van_BNK
class HitPoints::HitLGlass not found in ibr_van_BNK
class HitPoints::HitBody not found in ibr_van_BNK
class HitPoints::HitFuel not found in ibr_van_BNK
class HitPoints::HitLF2Wheel not found in ibr_van_BNK
class HitPoints::HitRF2Wheel not found in ibr_van_BNK
class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in ibr_van_BNK
class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in ibr_van_BNK
zsu57_GAL: hlaven2 - unknown animation source fire_anim
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57.p3d missing driver get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57.p3d missing driver get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57.p3d missing cargo get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57.p3d missing cargo get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57.p3d missing cargo get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57.p3d missing cargo get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_zsu57\zsu57.p3d missing cargo get in direction point
Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/zsu57_GAL/Turrets/MainTurret/Turrets/CommanderOptics/: Turret body ObsTurret not found while initializing the model ibr_zsu57\zsu57.p3d
Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/zsu57_GAL/Turrets/MainTurret/Turrets/CommanderOptics/: Turret gun ObsGun not found while initializing the model ibr_zsu57\zsu57.p3d
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350.p3d missing driver get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350.p3d missing driver get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350.p3d missing cargo 0 get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350.p3d missing cargo 1 get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_pol.p3d missing driver get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_pol.p3d missing driver get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_pol.p3d missing driver get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_pol.p3d missing driver get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_pol.p3d missing cargo 0 get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_pol.p3d missing cargo 1 get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_pol.p3d missing cargo 0 get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_pol.p3d missing cargo 1 get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_pol.p3d missing cargo 2 get in direction point
In Vehicle: ibr_as350lingor\ibr_as350_pol.p3d missing cargo 3 get in direction point
ca\misc3\camonet_east_var1.p3d: house, config class missing
ibr\lingor_bank\ibr_bank.p3d: house, config class missing
Addon ibr_arl2 (entry ibr_arl_pilot) not found in the list of active addons.
Addon ibr_arl2 (entry ibr_drg_pilot) not found in the list of active addons.
Addon ibr_arl2 (entry ibr_drg_pilot) not found in the list of active addons.

sorry for lots of different stuff in here - has anyone else managed to get their lingor VAB's to respawn?

Edited by eggbeast
being a numpty

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ok just try start game only with @Lingor downloaded by SU! you have errors on start...

ps: you are not a god, and humans arround you not idiots, dont forgot about this in future...

No errors here so perhaps something you have done... and i don't who you are aim the other comments to, but either way they aren't very nice. And in all respects try to stay on topic.

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Back on topic no probs with Lingor 1.4 LOL Majors is now Green!

Just wondring Ice if there was a Lingor island Outro (or whatever you call them) in the pipeline? Would stop the game looking for sqfs & stuff no longer running when the mission ends. You did have one for your original Lingor maybe you could use that? would be the IceBreaker Iceing on the cake re Lingor.:jump_clap: Tks again..

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Some fun on the race track, thanks for this great map,

Truly is a work of art:

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Bit of a problem after the last update on the 6 updater which included Lingor & mbg_buildings2:( missions made using mbg buildings no longer load, says cant find the buildings!

Promt reply from sickboy Tks

MBG buildings split in to 2. New one is mbg_buildings_2_eu which is on the six.

Edited by jgaz-uk

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hi Icebreakr.

just wanted to let you know that I'm working on my last big campaign on you island.

thank you very much for the island and the units! i love both of them!

I'll let you know when the campaign is finished.



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Yeah, EU is an editor-addon for buildings.

Wiki: great news, can't wait to test it out with my guys.

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what i meant by my post above in short is:

where _x is a VAB (either of the four ibr_VAB, ibr_VAB_mephisto, ibr_VAB_127, ibr_VAB_pol (i think),

_type = TypeOf _x;

_type does not appear to return the classname... so my respawn script (and indeed any respawn script) does not work. can anyone outthere confirm they can get these vecs to resapwn using typeof? I'm going to make a small mission to quote their names, or try to edit my script so that it returns the correct name and does not rely on "typeof" responses just for these vehicles...

weird huh?


ok after some more research I think I have found the problem

the following vehicles are managed at destruction by scripts - an example is pasted in below for the ibr_VAB_mephisto:








sleep 0.3;

_vehicule = _this select 0;
_vehicule setVehicleAmmo 0;
_objet = "HEXA_VAB_Mephisto_Wreck";
_pos = getpos _vehicule;
_dir = (getdir _vehicule) +180;

deletevehicle _vehicule;

_epave = _objet createVehicle _pos;
_epave setdir _dir;
_epave setpos _pos;
_epave setdammage 1;

So these vehicles use one of the special scripts below which are built into ibr_vblvab.pbo






the script deletes the vehicle and replaces it with a wreck. This destroys any init lines or XEH placed on the vehicle by the mission maker. It is unusual and applies to these vehicles only.

This is why my mission placed VAB and VBL's do not respawn normally with my script.

I can work around it by creating a map-sized trigger that detects the wrecks






and after a delay replaces them with a new working unit.

This is not ideal though. Perhaps you could take a look at the units and see if there is a better way of managing the wrecks that aligns with the rest of the arma addon world...?

At the moment, the units have a one life limit! so we can't enjoy them as much as we'd like to. Rock's F16 was like this in arma1 - we had to write a custome script to delete the wrecks or else they clogged up the airfield after a while.

cheers - and sorry to be appearing to complain on such a small note - we LOVE your work as you well know!


Edited by eggbeast

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while i'm at it - if you edit your mission you get "ibr_arl" added to the list of required addons. this triggers in joining clients an error message

"you cannot edit or play this mission because it relies on downloadablecontent that has been deleted ibr_arl2"

deleting the "ibr_arl" from your mission.sqm and re-pboing itremoves the problem.

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Great work Ice! New Units and Island are very well implemented.

Check my BRDM2IMP police units for a police light/siren solution. The script I use sets objecttexture and light brightness in a loop. The trick is that the objecttexture is switched between a "normal" and "bright" texture to simulate flashing on/off. You'd have to edit those models to add the selection for the light bezels to make it look right in daytime. If you can't then I'm sure you could still use my script with a bit of tweaking. Script waits for the light switch to animate "on", again you'd have to tweak that condition in the script or add the animated switch to the model.

Also agree with the comment about the arabic signs... distracting but certainly not a big problem! I suspect these are from OA. I wonder if these building textures can be switched via hiddenselections?

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found som AI driving problems: If you tell an ai to drive from San Arulco to Mairango, he will mostly try to make a route through Elcanto putting the car in the water where the road ends. I guess you have the same problem with the road ending in water south of Fernando. Dunno if these are WIP roads to be laid, but i think it would be better to end the roads a couple of meters from the shoreline not to confuse the AI.

Noticed some drug or rebel AT guy having the president model. I would also personally prefer to have the drug and rebel leaders to have a bit more toned down fashion not looking like the president himself

Otherwise great work!

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