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A.C.E. 2 - v1.2 stable (Advanced Combat Environment) Old

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Well, the only thing I dont like on ACE, or better said ACEX_SM is the M4A1 sound, I would say its too weak. But thats only my humble opinion. :)

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ok from the main site i did this once and was like wtf why aint it working :P

To get the earplugs, gasmask, tactical glasses etc to work there are a couple of things you need to do.

1. Go into your Arma 2/Userconfig/ACE folder. (NOT to be confused with @ACE/userconfig folder)

2. Then open ace_clientside_config.hpp in notepad or similar and scroll down to class Identity.

3. Replace name = "John Doe"; with name = "<your_profile_name>";

Example: if the name of the profile is "VKing" then you would add => name = "VKing";

If you did it right the masks and goggles should be working in-game.

Pick them up from the ace special weapons crate, and activate them from the action menu.

Sorry, that's what I have been doing. Under the "Arma 2/Userconfig/ACE folder" I have this as my Userconfig folder and still ear-plugs and etc don't work.

This is a really strange problem for me. Those items have always worked for me and now they just kinda randomly broke...

I have tried reinstalling ACE, running without a single mod except ACE, and tried changing my account name. Still a no-go.

Does anyone else have any clue as to why this is happening?

Thank you again.

EDIT: It might be worthy to note that anything else I do within that folder will take effect. (e.g. If I re-enable the crosshair it will work in game)

And, this is my launch line (If that matters?)


Edited by Minizzzile

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Can you please give the Speznaz GRU AS VAL ? Fantastic that you guys are using the RH AKS now. The SVD AKSU and AN-94 from RH would be great to see in ACE.

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We've got an answer for most situations, even how to disallow the mod :D

How can I disallow ACE mod on my Server :cool:

thanks for the info Sickboy.

i tryed this two commands:

onUnsignedData = "name_test=toArray (_this select 1);name_cut=[];for '_l' from 0 to 4 do{name_cut set [_l,name_test select _l];};name_test=toString name_cut;if(name_test==""@ACE\"")then{kick (_this select 0);}else{unsigned set [(count unsigned),[(_this select 0),(_this select 1)]];};";


onUnsignedData = "name_test=toArray (_this select 1);name_cut=[];for '_l' from 0 to 4 do{name_cut set [_l,name_test select _l];};name_test=toString name_cut;if(name_test==""@ACE\"")then{kick (_this select 0);};";

both commands didn't work. :confused:

maybe there is something wrong in my server.cfg ?

passwordAdmin = "****";

password = "";

hostname="Austrian ArmA2 Server by serverline.de";


{ };





onUnsignedData = "name_test=toArray (_this select 1);name_cut=[];for '_l' from 0 to 4 do{name_cut set [_l,name_test select _l];};name_test=toString name_cut;if(name_test==""@ACE\"")then{kick (_this select 0);};";





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any idea if there will be updates to the PLA? havent heard anything about them in a while

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I thought the PLA guy was MIA which is why they are still completely off in how they are configured?

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I had my M4 RCO switched to CQB when i entered a helicopter for extraction. When i got off to go on the next mission i couldnt get back to scope mode. Anyone had this happen? Im asking because it might been the missions fault wich was a bit weird to say the least.

And cheers for the update ACE team. :)

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"Script x\cba\addons\COMPONENT_F\fleximenu\function_keydown.sqf not found"

Still having that error anyone know? :<

I tried looking for that but I cant find it, can someone try to help me please?

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Probably got some old CBA version snooping around im guessing, please make sure only 1 CBA modfolder and set of CBA_ addons is active at one time (latest version).

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Have a few questions

How can I make it so the AI chatter isnt turned off by default when using ace2?

How can I make the ingame map compass smaller?

Why do I start out with my grenades out all the time?

Oh and where can I find the new weapons like the mp5A4 I've looked in the ACE crates and for some reason cant find it.

Thanks, btw using stable version 1.0 for now.

Keep up the great work guys!

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Have a few questions

How can I make it so the AI chatter isnt turned off by default when using ace2?

How can I make the ingame map compass smaller?

Why do I start out with my grenades out all the time?

Oh and where can I find the new weapons like the mp5A4 I've looked in the ACE crates and for some reason cant find it.

Thanks, btw using stable version 1.0 for now.

Keep up the great work guys!

1 - FAQ\Game Issues\Point X (10). Direct link don´t seems to work: http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Documentation#How%20do%20change%20the%20amount%20of%20chatter%20from%20the%20AI?

2 - Dunno, maybe others mods or double click in it or drag it to the side of the screen.

3 - What?

4 - They all are under some of the crates (maybe AE Special..) but you can use the MagicBox (which load all weapons\equips) or use the classlist\addweapon: http://browser.dev-heaven.net/configclasses/weapons

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Okay quick question here: I'm assuming @ACE_PLA means Peoples Liberation Army AKA China? If not, please call me a retard and tell me what it means.

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Okay quick question here: I'm assuming @ACE_PLA means Peoples Liberation Army AKA China?
Yep, you're right on the money there. ACEX_PLA has Chinese army units. :)

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1 - FAQ\Game Issues\Point X (10). Direct link don´t seems to work

Thanks Smurfbr this helped alot! :yay:

Wish to have the textures in the ingame map though :(

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Probably got some old CBA version snooping around im guessing, please make sure only 1 CBA modfolder and set of CBA_ addons is active at one time (latest version).

I only have one and I'm not sure how I would check the addons, I check the CBA and I have one addons folder.

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Yep, you're right on the money there. ACEX_PLA has Chinese army units. :)

That's what I thought. Why am I not seeing any PLA units then? I've been using this mod for a long time now and it just occurred to me I'm not seeing any Chinese forces.

---------- Post added at 11:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 PM ----------

On a completely unrelated subject: When I'm in a helicopter my hellfire missiles seem to completely miss their target and instead just fly up into the sky, ignoring their would-be flightpath. Thoughts?

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1. Open editor and insert PLA troops and vehicles

2. ???

3. Profit!

On the other hand, PLA seems unfinished, especially the sounds.

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So I used the startup parameter @ACE_PL instead of PLA. Typos are so much fun! Thanks for all the help guys. :D

Now the only problem I'm having is with step four of slinglifting. I can't seem to access the option to hook it. I must be in the wrong spot? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

"1Equip yourself with a slingrope.

2Go to a vehicle or object you want to sling.

3Press the interaction menu key. Select "Attach slingrope" (This will tie the slingrope to the vehicle or object).

4When a helicopter with cargo capabilities is available and hovering close enough over the 'cargo object', press interaction menu key again and select "Hook slingrope" (This will attach the slingrope to the cargo hook of the helicopter)

5Object can now be transported. Pilot will have the ability to release the cargo at the destination"

Where do I go if I want to make a suggestion to the mod team? We need colored flares along with our smoke grenades and glowsticks!

Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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Now the only problem I'm having is with step four of slinglifting. I can't seem to access the option to hook it. I must be in the wrong spot? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I have the same problem. In the fisrt versions was easier to do.. =\

Where do I go if I want to make a suggestion to the mod team? We need colored flares along with our smoke grenades and glowsticks!


Create an Acc and (search...) create a Ticket.

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A.C.E. 1.1 Update #4 Released! (rSync mirror network in sync and awaiting your requests!)

  • Release Notes
  • Please see the first post for additional information.


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United Global Armed Force [uGAF] @ACE Server & YAS Repo updated to b356

Auto config url:


or just use this link bellow and select save when yoma opens.


For a guide and info to use YOMA's addon sync to join our server follow this link:http://www.ugaf.co.uk/forum/viewthre...d=591#post_591

Please make sure the userconfig folder is checked, to ensure you have the up to date files.

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Allright , the 'six updater' is now no longer working ?

I have to 'update' the 'updater' or something ?

I'm so f^cking sick of this mod crap . I haven't played ace for a little while (because i think it kind of sucks) , but now i had to, ran 'six updater' and nothing . Still can't join .

Anyone know what's up this time ?

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Kellys ACE Server & YAS Repo updated to ACE b.356

**Kelly's Heroes ACE2 YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper


**Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper


Alternatively you can click on this link to access both Repos directly from YAS-> Kelly's AddonSync Repos

Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above.

Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.

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Allright , the 'six updater' is now no longer working ?

I have to 'update' the 'updater' or something ?

I'm so f^cking sick of this mod crap . I haven't played ace for a little while (because i think it kind of sucks) , but now i had to, ran 'six updater' and nothing . Still can't join .

Anyone know what's up this time ?

Just give up then? Oh no, better to insult people I guess.

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1. Dont use the mod

2.you wont get help asking like that any way

But I will help because im nice like that.

1. Go to start control panel

2. Click add/remove programs

3. Find Six updater in the list high light and then click remove program.

4. Enjoy a stress free life.

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