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TF86 Navy SEALs Pack

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Wondering also if you're thinking of ripping the shemaghs off the KSK guys and possibly adding those to the customization features? Make the various ones for the various environments, including a snow camo.

Don't they have em? Damn I thought they did for some reason. Silly me. ;)

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I meant add the shemaghs to the customization features for the SEALs. Have the various colors that'd be there for said environments.

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So. Just for Clarification. If I have BOTH...ARMA2 and OA....These guys still work and look fine?...Correct.

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yes, if you have them set up as combined operations.

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Do you have any plans to release maybe a Navy Seal marksman/ghillie suit in a future update ?

Love them by the way

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Working on a small update to add some OA features to the SEALs. This will add proper thermal textures and backpacks for OA. Right now the units work fine for me in Arrowhead, but I also have Arma 2 installed, so I do not know if they work with just OA. The update will fix that issue, probably with multiple configuration files, one for Arma 2, one for ACE Arma 2 and one for OA.

Not sure on the time frame, but it will be out sooner or later.

May i suggest a config for OA ACE as well ?

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@713th FireBird: Doubtful. The upcoming update will just add OA features and configs and not much else. I"m working on a new project now.

@Verde13: I believe the only difference between Arma 2 ACE and OA ACE are the weapons included, so it is just a matter of choosing the right weapons that fit in both. This way there will only need to be one ACE config. Everyone kits up with new gear when they start anyway and I never play single player so I'm not terribly concerned with the weapons the AI have.

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Any more images of the seals? Specifically, more images of the UCP/ACU seal.

Edited by AMS AGENT 000

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There should be a readme which will help you with the install preocedere.

Basicly its just dropping the Modfolders into the Arma2 Directory. If you are unfamilier with those @modfolder procedere, you should look for an howto on Armaholic.com.

@shemagh, those who hasnt them (:cool:), just wait for the next project :yay:

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Great skins ardvarkdb! But does the "team leader" SEAL model really need a canteen? I mean, doesn't he already have a camelback?

Edited by AMS AGENT 000

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Great skins ardvarkdb! But does the "team leader" SEAL model really need a canteen? I mean, doesn't he already have a camelback?

Sure he needs water in an other place than his Camelback... Washing his head, brushing his teeths, using water for the MRE and other stuff. A bottle of Water (if its Nalgene or a canteen) is allways a good thing. High flow of water for a short time, which a camelbak only could deliver with much affort.

But if the camelbak is your only issue on the Seals, ardy can be proud :yay:

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Well i guess your right but i would still like the option to remove the canteen. Its OK though, I'm just nitpicking. All the skins are really good! BTW anyone else notice that when you put on the NVG, the helmet gets replaced with a bandanna?

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Well i guess your right but i would still like the option to remove the canteen. Its OK though, I'm just nitpicking. All the skins are really good! BTW anyone else notice that when you put on the NVG, the helmet gets replaced with a bandanna?

I carried at least two extra canteens plus my camelbak when I was still working for Uncle Sam.

And which model are you talking about? My helmets are still there when I put the NVGs on.

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I'm assuming its either the MP or ACE MP units you're using to allow you to make use of the customisable headgear correct? The "issue" you're having is down to the headgear using the glasses proxy, which is also used by the nightvision goggles proxy when you put them on. Ergo, when you put them on, they replace whatever glasses you're wearing. Ardy made a compromise and added several different custom NVG proxies, some with different headgear, so they didn't completely remove their headgear to put on their NVGs.

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Thanks for the info jackal. Although i would like like to personally edit some of the SEALs i don't know how to edit models. But apparently things like changing ammo pouches is really easy.

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Not for certain - But I've had AI teammates lose their weapons lasers while playing OA/CO and using this SEALs mod. It has only happened 3 times......but all three times I've had AI teammates who are part of this SEAL add-on........just an FYI.

Love this mod!

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Has anyone worked on a replacement pack for this addon? Possibly to replace either the standard Force Recon marines or the Force Recon Assault Rifleman/Grenadier for ArmA 2, or the perhaps even some to replace the US Army Special Forces in Operation Arrowhead?

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So is this project dead?

Yeah it's probably dead. No one is ever going to work on it ever again.


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No it's not dead. Enad be nice to the new people now.

Edited by Big Mac

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