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TF86 Navy SEALs Pack

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Version 1.2 Released! See first post for download link


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So... when we will have beards as a custom headgear... I mean, how more awesome this addon can be? Add beards. Lumberjack ones.


Just kidding. Downloading 1.2Waiting for mirrors, 6h to down 200mb, no way....,

No need to comment on the job quality. Superb ;)

Edited by Smurf

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6h to down 200mb
what kinda connection do you have? Because it took me less than 10 mins. to download.

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Thanks to all for the mirrors! Really appreciate it. Updated the first post.

If you have old missions that use version 1.0 SEALs and you want to update them to use version 1.2 all you need to do is go into your mission.sqm file and make sure the addon name is Ard_ACU_INF1 or Ard_ACU_INF1_ACE. This should replace all previous labels (for example: Ard_WDL_INF1, Ard_MCP_INF1, Ard_DCU_INF1, etc.) and your mission will work fine.

Edited by ardvarkdb

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what kinda connection do you have? Because it took me less than 10 mins. to download.

Megaupload faults, it have some limits to unregistered members and foreign countries.

Comming fast from others mirrors ;)

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Just would like to make a request for future updates: when you update these addons, don't change the variable or config, or whatever it is that detects that the user has the addons running when they go to open the mission in the editor.

As of 1.1 and 1.2 I cannot open any of the eight missions I've put together over the past month for a SP campaign. I love the quality work of these addons, but it really FUBARs things when this happens. I tried to reinstall 1.0 again, but its still not working, so now I have to tread through the mission.sqm to fix things. It would just really help out in the future not to have these head aches.

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Just would like to make a request for future updates: when you update these addons, don't change the variable or config, or whatever it is that detects that the user has the addons running when they go to open the mission in the editor.

As of 1.1 and 1.2 I cannot open any of the eight missions I've put together over the past month for a SP campaign. I love the quality work of these addons, but it really FUBARs things when this happens. I tried to reinstall 1.0 again, but its still not working, so now I have to tread through the mission.sqm to fix things. It would just really help out in the future not to have these head aches.

If you bothered to read the post just above yours, ardvarkdb explained the classname you need to change for it to open in the editor again.

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Unfortunately the merging of the configs led to the main classname issue, so there wasn't much I could do about it. Optimization won over consistency in this case. As stated, it can easily be fixed by modifying your mission.sqm. If you can't get it working pm me and I will help you fix it.

I went through and updated all of the TF86 missions and operations that we use for our campaign and training this way and they all work fine without any issues.

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If you bothered to read the post just above yours, ardvarkdb explained the classname you need to change for it to open in the editor again.

Yeah, Im really sorry, I did miss reading that. I've been out of town workin at a summer camp and am only home one day out of the week now, so I've had a lot of forum reading to catch up on.

Sorry for making such a fuss, but I got it all working :yay:

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@ Ardvarkdb need a class name to the face Description.EXT

@artek3333 try reading the previous post in this thread, everything you need is here already. Maybe throw in a please or thank you next time as well so you seem like a proper gentleman.

Edited by ardvarkdb

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I don't wanna bash or sound like I'm hating on this addon, cus I'm not I really like it alot, but would it be possible for you to maybe redo the textures ardvarkdb or have some one else redo them, right now they are just very low quality compared to most other units I've seen. The patterns and colors look good, they are just not that good looking, pretty blurry actually. I would LOVE to see these units with some redone textures. I'm just in love with the Models and helmets, but the low quality textures put me down a bit...Now I know this is ALOT of work and not everyone would agree with me, but I know me and alot of other people I talk to would be more than happy if the textures were better quality.

Please don't bash me for making this post, I'm just putting my criticism out there for the creator to see. I love the addon and all the work he put into it, especially all the variants you have to choose from, I would just love some better looking textures.

I could take some comparison screens of other units to show you what I mean.

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I can see where you are coming from. They do need work, lots of work.

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@Enad: I'm not sure what you mean when you say they are blurry, they look pretty sharp to me in game, but I think your computer is much higher spec than mine, as I only run the game at medium-highish settings. I've not really heard any complaints from my mates that run the game at ultra settings, and they look fine in screenshots they've taken so maybe it's a settings issue?

I'm more than pleased with how they have turned out and I think they fit really well into the game. As far as I am concerned they work pretty well like the real camouflages would and help the units blend into the environments and that's what matters to me. Ultra-sharp super crisp so they look good in screenshots is not what I was after.

I don't plan on redoing any of the textures or updating the models much more so you'll just have to get your sharper texture addon fix somewhere else I guess.

@Fox: Feel free to make something better bud. The only way the community will keep moving forward is if people keep making stuff, so load up that O2 and Photoshop and get cracking. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

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so load up that O2 and Photoshop and get cracking. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Fox is actually a really good texture artist. I wouldn't under estimate him...

And for the rest whatever, it's your choice. I was just putting it out there but expected a response like that. I guess I'll take a few comparison screenshots so you don't think I'm just trying to bash you.

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I have been doing my own work, with other people's units for practice. I'd post some samples but this is a thread of your work, so I won't continue.

enad and I run the game on a very high game settings, and the default units along with others do look a lot sharper and higher res than your units. This could be why we are one of the few who are complaining about this. We want your units to be all they can be, we're not trying to put it down just for fun.

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I can see where you are coming from. They do need work' date=' lots of work.[/quote']

Fair enough to have an opinion, but just stating it like that with no help or tips to improve just makes it sound like your having a shot at them.

Apprechiate what you get fella's, help out if you can, by all means criticise, but make it constructive when you do, no point making little throw away statements that can get taken the wrong way.

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now that you quoted my post, you're right :(

my apologies.

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Apprechiate what you get fella's, help out if you can, by all means criticise, but make it constructive when you do, no point making little throw away statements that can get taken the wrong way.

I do appreciate what I have. They are very nice units....I just feel the textures aren't as good as they could be.

I thought I was pretty constructive in my post, but if I wasn't, then I guess these comparison shots will be enough...

Now I don't mean to compare your skill to other authors work....I'm just using them as a comparison for your textures. Please don't hate me..:(

Here they are.





AOR1/Desert Marpat:


AOR2/Woodland Marpat:


Know I'm not telling you to make new textures, I just want you to see what I see.

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Didn't have a problem with your post mate, hence why I didn't quote it. :)

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