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Stalker Units 0.5a

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Stalker Units 0.5a ported by Icewindo




Contains Units for ArmA2 converted from the PC game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl" of GSC Gameworld with their permission (see credits).

Changes to the models were done in the following:

-Created named selections for animating the units

-Added blood textures

-Added Several LODs

-added models with ArmA2 heads

The units will animate in general ok, but as they're completely different models than stock ArmA2 and as a limit of my skills,

the units will look funny from the side when kneeling and have stretching issues in some death positions. So, consider this a WIP release.

Also keep in mind most of the models rank only 3.5k polys (with added ArmA2 hands, ex. head) while a ArmA2 Russian Soldier has 7.5k polys (ex. head).

Still, they look pretty cool imo.

See a video of them in action at Namalsk (great place to play with these units):









V 0.6a (new release @27th July 2012 - needs Combined Ops)

- replaced Stalker and military hand models with BIS ArmA2 arms so the arms should animate better now, legs will strech though as I didn't change them

- added glass rvmats to the scientist, military and stalker models for nicer look (see pics)

Mirror 1


Mirror 2


Thanks for these mirrors :)




Copy the pbos to the modfolder of your choice, start the game.




GSC Gameworld - Permission to port based on this quote:

"According to Anton Bolshakov the project manager, on 2007-05-29, GSC grants users rights to modification and non-commercial use of the game content.

Users retain ownership of their contributed materials, but require GSC's permission for commercial use.

If GSC decides that it wants to publish a mod, it will negotiate royalties with the mod author."

See Google to verify (Direct links doesn't seem to work for this forum)




You are free to modify this addon and release modifications of this one, afterall, these are GSC's Models and not mine.

If you release your modified work to the public you will have to grant access to your MLODs if requested, after all, in the spirit of modding I'm doing the same.

Mlod (dont download this one for playing, that's the one further up in the post) :


[Mlod Updated - 18th September 2012]

Edited by Icewindo

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awesome dloading now!

nevermind link working now!

Edited by Aeneas2020

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Hmm, I really miss those "aliens" from A1 ;) (hint,hint)

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they are fuckin shit hot them mate, we gonner see bandits and the different types of stalker models like the guys with bandanas an hoodies an stuff?

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Hmm, I really miss those "aliens" from A1 ;) (hint,hint)

vilas released those units from A1 like the marine troopers and even the APC, i have it on my PC some where

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Drew I know about the USCM marines, i'm talking about the actual aliens that were able to bash your skull in ;)

Icewindo, great work. My team enjoys it and says kudos.

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man these are cool. thanks! love gsc games - always buy them and with gsc so cool to share i add them to devs i support always just like bis.

oh, imagine porting the monsters and animals. then we could have stalker with arma2 gfx!


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Very cool, thanks for the release

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Awesome units!

- but the soldiers right arm looks kind of wierd.. :s

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sweet units, downloading!!! Never really played stalker, but i guess i dont need too now :P

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The units look fantastic, i played STALKER and these will be fun to play with in ARMA2

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WOW! Badass. I've always wanted these. Never thought I'd see them! Great job Icewindo! Looking forward to more of your work!!! :D

Any chance of putting these on Ofpor and/or Blufor so we can use them with the Undead Mod zombies. :(

Edited by Enad

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Really really cool, thanks for these. Brilliant that GSC let community members do this.

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Thanks guys glad you like them :)

they are fuckin shit hot them mate, we gonner see bandits and the different types of stalker models like the guys with bandanas an hoodies an stuff?

Yep probably, I'm working on the models one after another in no particular order and timeframe. If you would like to change the order I'm open for suggestions :p .

So far I converted:

Scientists (SSP-99M)


Military Stalkers (Bulat)

"Noob" Stalkers/Bandits (leather jacket, current WIP):

which leaves out:

Spetznaz Model (basically bulat, but more advanced)



Clear Sky Armor Light and Heavy (this one has more polys than the usual stuff, but also resulting in more time to spent on)


Leather coat

For pictures see:



Any chance of putting these on Ofpor and/or Blufor so we can use them with the Undead Mod zombies. :(

Hm, might change that, as a quick workaround just create an BLUFOR unit and set it's possibility of presence to 0%, then group all Stalker Units to it. This way the whole group will appear as Blufor.

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The selections are a bit off, particularly with some of the gear, you should try and keep most single objects (such as the pistol, where this is most noticeable) in a single selection. There's also a slight issue with the headgear, which causes it to become detached from the torso.

Any chance of weapons? I'd kill people for the LR300.

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Well damn, I've missed a lot.

This is the SHIT. Downloading as soon as possible :inlove:. Now, hopefully I get the time to play...

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