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Aliens vs Predator

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its fun and sucks at the same time, i dont quite know what to make of it...

I'm not overly impressed with it.

The SP campaigns take about an hour each and their are only 6 maps (plus 2 survivor maps) in MP.

IIRC, the Marine campaign in the original was ~7-10 hours (as were the others).

I can only imagine the board meetings -

Suit 1 - How can we milk the consumer this month?

Suit 2 - Let's release a game, based on a successful Franchise!

Suit 1 - How about Alien vs Predator?

Suit 2 - Brilliant idea.

Suit 1 - Now, forget about being creative or anything like that. How can we develop this game using the smallest amount of money possible.

Suit 2 - Let's use the formula they used in the first two games but lets downsize everything because people don't want to be playing for more than an hour or so.

Suit 1 - Excellent. So we'll have the 3 campaigns (that used to be several hours each but now we'll make them an hour each). Gamer's will be amazed that we can fit better technology into a smaller timeframe. Isn't science amazing?

Suit 2 - Yes, and another thing we can do that always makes money is talk and talk about multiplayer. Again, nothing new or creative, just the same tired shit repackaged so we can tack another $20.00 onto the MSRP.

Suit 1 - Another brilliant idea and let's also offer worthless preorder incentives because that always encourages the suckers gamers to get their wallets out.

Suit 2 - What about a story for the single player game?

Suit 1 - What about it?

Suit 2 - Well, we have to have something, don't we?

Suit 1 - Well, lets take parts of that shitty Paul Anderson project and mix it in with some other fluff and bob's your sister's brother.

Suit 2 - I'm going to the Porsche dealership.

Edited by BangTail

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I would imagine the word DLC pops up on the menu so much it won't be long before new multiplayer maps, sp missions and skins crop up for $5 a peice...it almost seems like they developed this and then cut it into peices to sell later. I'm having fun with the pred campaign but it just seems very much on the AVP "lite" side of things.

I miss the days when devs used to take your $30-$50 and say ok well you bought a product from us now i'm going to give you 2-3 years of service, patches and free stuff for it (BIS and Valve are great examples). AVP is broken...there is no DX10 mode?!?!? wtf and everyone i have talked to about it on steam is crashing out once every 15-20 mins. I haven't had that many crashes in sp but then again im playing in dx9 mode so i dunno.

EA and the sims really screwed over the PC gaming market for everyone but coming up with a lot of this mini expansion stuff for small amounts of money. All it means in a lot of cases, under it's new guise of DLC, is that we pay money for stuff the devs would have given us for free 5 years ago anyway.

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I would imagine the word DLC pops up on the menu so much it won't be long before new multiplayer maps, sp missions and skins crop up for $5 a peice...it almost seems like they developed this and then cut it into peices to sell later. I'm having fun with the pred campaign but it just seems very much on the AVP "lite" side of things.

I miss the days when devs used to take your $30-$50 and say ok well you bought a product from us now i'm going to give you 2-3 years of service, patches and free stuff for it (BIS and Valve are great examples). AVP is broken...there is no DX10 mode?!?!? wtf and everyone i have talked to about it on steam is crashing out once every 15-20 mins. I haven't had that many crashes in sp but then again im playing in dx9 mode so i dunno.

EA and the sims really screwed over the PC gaming market for everyone but coming up with a lot of this mini expansion stuff for small amounts of money. All it means in a lot of cases, under it's new guise of DLC, is that we pay money for stuff the devs would have given us for free 5 years ago anyway.

yep, gaming industry is going downhill....years ago it didnt really matter what game you got because it was pretty good and it was supported....now everyone just wants to rape the cash cow

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I would imagine the word DLC pops up on the menu so much it won't be long before new multiplayer maps, sp missions and skins crop up for $5 a peice...it almost seems like they developed this and then cut it into peices to sell later. I'm having fun with the pred campaign but it just seems very much on the AVP "lite" side of things.

I miss the days when devs used to take your $30-$50 and say ok well you bought a product from us now i'm going to give you 2-3 years of service, patches and free stuff for it (BIS and Valve are great examples). AVP is broken...there is no DX10 mode?!?!? wtf and everyone i have talked to about it on steam is crashing out once every 15-20 mins. I haven't had that many crashes in sp but then again im playing in dx9 mode so i dunno.

EA and the sims really screwed over the PC gaming market for everyone but coming up with a lot of this mini expansion stuff for small amounts of money. All it means in a lot of cases, under it's new guise of DLC, is that we pay money for stuff the devs would have given us for free 5 years ago anyway.

Oh yeah, I see DLC in AvP's future, and lots of it.

Sulaco DLC

Hadley's DLC

Fury 161 DLC

LV 426 DLC

South American Jungle DLC

LA Subway DLC

etc etc etc

All conspiculously missing from the retail game.

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The demo is crap, but im not particularly into online gaming anymore anyway, but I am interested in having a go at the single player campaigns if they are worth a play through?

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I played the multiplayer demo, and it's fun (about the same as the first AvP), but the one thing that concerns me is that there is no duck, run or aim down sights (iron-sights) keys.

The fact that all the AvP fanboys try to justify the lack of these features is just as upsetting.

And yea, the demo was just plain awful. Not in the sense that I think the game is terrible, but that it doesn't give you a good impression of what the full game is like. Therefore, I'm still curious about the game.

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I only found a multiplayer demo that wouldn't connect to any games. :rolleyes:

My mistake then...i thought a saw a pop up for an sp demo...odd

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They should have scrapped this title and instead focus on colonial marines. To me this is a simple FPS - Tekken with guns and aliens, just like the movies.

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Actually I quite enjoyed the demo despite some console porting issues, the bad choice of MP mode and the annoying other players mic issues. And even though I have not played the full game yet (it seems that here in Canada we are not getting the PC version until the 22nd, which is yet another mess up) I also heard that there are only like 6 mp maps and that the SP campaigns are short. It seems on par with the sad reality of mainstream games today, few mp maps to be complemented by DLCs and short sp play (although to be fair BangTail "one hour each" is a bit stretching it, I heard it is at least longer than MW2 which again i did not play and may not mean much but it is how most games are today it seems).

However I am a nice guy lol, so I am willing to forgive all this for one thing. I know they are already planing to milk customers with some DLCs. Fine, I might even be willing to give them the extra 5$ or whatever for something i should get for free. But I HOPE to god that after that they would release some sort of map making or mod tools. After all it is mod tools that helped their original AVP and Monolith's AVP 2 to keep on going for so long. So if they really hope that their game would last even 25 % of the time that the last two games lasted they really must release mod tools or the fans wont forgive them........

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Played it for a little bit. So far very reminiscent of the first game. Lot of fun, but played the pred campaign for 15 mins then saved it and it said "12% completed", so it's looking like it'll be pretty short. Multiplayer is still pretty fun though.

Graphics are odd. Sometimes they have you thinking "wow, that looks pretty good", then you notice things like the grass that makes Dragon Rising look epic. Characters look like slightly rounder versions of Doom 3, and the marines are annoying to listen to. While playing the pred campaign they repeat the same line over and over again every 20-30 seconds and it just makes you want to kill them as quickly as possible just to shut them up.

Marine campaign feels lifeless. Still got the tense moments but you just feel disconnected. Still can't duck or aim down sites though, which makes it feel a little lacking. Funny that I read one review that said "You really feel the fear when you're ducking behind a crate firing blindly into the darkness", I'd like to know how they ducked without a duck key.

Pred and Alien are a lot more fun, but by looking at the percentages and my time played, I figure it'll be over soon, and the multiplayer doesn't have enough new stuff (actually, doesn't really have anything over the original) to make it worth the price tag.

If they release DLC it may be more worth it, but I've noticed of late that companies are taking the route of "no DLC for the PC version", so I'm afraid this may go the same way.

Edited by Bulldogs

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is there naked Sigourney Weaver in this game, yaaaamyyyy ?

she should be there for realism , yaaaamy :)

i hope when i will have time i will get this game :D nevermind good or bad - i am fanboy of AVP too

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I think it's over priced, but it's still good. Way too short though, and no replayability.

Some little annoying things too, like how when you harvest with an alien the animation takes a long time to go through, and if you get attacked you can't fight back til the animation ends and you can't cancel it.

Speaking of such, doesn't anyone else find that harvest animation overly disturbing?

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Someone mentioned 5-6 hour singleplayer? That's shocking, should be illegal to produce such short games IMO :(

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If that Placebo, i myself have done about 3 hours and have completed 53%. I'm playing it on nightmare difficulty to try and make it last. Anything on less than hard and you will breeze through the game in no time. But i've had to force myself to stop playing, otherwise im gonna have it done and then have nothing to do.

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There's 3 campaign. 1 per species (alien, human, pred). I isn't rush and completed all 3 in a little over 4 hours. Very depressing. It is fun but it feels like you're playing a demo of something else.

There is a survival mode, but it's only for the marine.

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Survival mode it fun the 1st time you play it, it was one of the reasons i bought the game. Because it was advertised as "coop", but it has 2 maps and thats it. Rather crappy if you ask me, why they didnt include more maps is beyond me. But i suspect one of the reasons for this is to force DLC onto us, that seems the done thing nowadays (f'in money grabbin gits).

I will be playing this game for one thing only, thats for maybe 2/3 hours a week. To have a private game with my mates for a laugh, but it definatly wont keep you entertained for long.

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There's 3 campaign. 1 per species (alien, human, pred). I isn't rush and completed all 3 in a little over 4 hours. Very depressing. It is fun but it feels like you're playing a demo of something else.

There is a survival mode, but it's only for the marine.

I'm with you on this.

WTF is with these 1 to 2 hour campaigns lately?

I bought the original AvP on steam for $4.99 and I've been playing the Marine campaign for over 3 hours now and IIRC, I'm only about half way through it.

Bioshock 2, 2 hours, another piss take.

Of course, as I said earlier in this thread, the DLC will appear before long with all the maps that relate to the films (Hadley's, Fury etc).

AvP feels like half a game. A small uninspired campaign, 8 pathetic and generic MP maps and not one of them based on any of the films (and there were SE maps promised for release that never showed up).

At one point in the Predator campaign, the objective is "Escape from the Refinery". I expected this to take at least 20 mins. Instead, I ran down a corridor and the level ended. That's one serious "escape" they have there /sarcasm off

I was looking forward to Metro 2033 but honestly, if AvP and Bioshock 2 are anything to go by, it'll be another 2 hour campaign with MP tacked on.

It seems the business model is now a "2 hour long interactive movie" as opposed to the sometimes "weeks long" affair that single player gaming used to be.

Note to devs/publishers - You want to sell movies, they were about ~$10.00 the last time I checked, not $50.00.

Edited by BangTail

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I was looking forward to Metro 2033

10 hour linear campaign according to the Eurogamer preview :(

Personally I'm playing Stalker COP on PC and loving it.

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10 hour linear campaign according to the Eurogamer preview :(

Personally I'm playing Stalker COP on PC and loving it.

Man, I hope so. I can deal with Linear as long as it lasts more than an hour. The only problem is that I think 2K was claiming Bioshock 2 was ~10 hours and it wasn't. Maybe if you play it after a bottle of Absolut.

I've tried to get into STALKER a few times but it just doesn't take. Maybe I'll give it another try :)

Edited by BangTail

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10 hour linear campaign according to the Eurogamer preview :(

Personally I'm playing Stalker COP on PC and loving it.

My copy should be here on Monday, filling the wait with Clear Sky.

OT. My brother in law has said much the same thing about AvP, good, but very short. I don't think I'll bother.

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My copy should be here on Monday, filling the wait with Clear Sky.

OT. My brother in law has said much the same thing about AvP, good, but very short. I don't think I'll bother.

On AvP,

It's not awful but it is VERY short and the MP is weak (especially since there is no Dedi yet and no definite date on when there will be).

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I got the first 2 stalkers off seam cheap. Not actually played them yet, keep telling myself i will start once ive completed GTA IV.

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I got the first 2 stalkers off seam cheap. Not actually played them yet, keep telling myself i will start once ive completed GTA IV.

You should try them, one of the best series of games on PC, nice to see another developer actually bringing out ambitious, openworld games to any platform, was hoping to see White Gold get an English release after the hugely ambitious and fun (but flawed) boiling point but it seems the dev is having big problems and has either closed or is about to :(

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