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Final release of CAA1

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Hm iam a little bit confused, from wich servers i had to download to get the standart pack?

(Standart means all islands (Sahrani,Porto,United Sahrain and small sahrani) with their normal objects)?

Thx for help :-)

said thousends times before but nevertheless, here again in detail:

1) download yoma addon sync from here

2) click on the tab "standard servers"

3) select your desired package and RMB to favourite servers

4) click on "Favourite Servers"

5) double click on your server for instance "CAA1 Full..."

6) click on tab "Download addons", "Check for addons", "Download addons"

step 1-3 must be done only once.

start the mod with the common start parameters. -mod=x\caa1;x\oac\oac_core

Edited by luemmel73

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Hm iam a little bit confused, from wich servers i had to download to get the standart pack?

(Standart means all islands (Sahrani,Porto,United Sahrain and small sahrani) with their normal objects)?

Thx for help :-)

Clawhammer, easiest and fastest way for me is to grab the Torrent at Gameupdates...



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How should Bohemia Interactive have supported you? I don't think it's good form to say that when they were the ones letting you convert Arma 1 content to Arma 2 in the first place.

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said thousends times before but nevertheless, here again in detail:

1) download yoma addon sync from here

2) click on the tab "standard servers"

3) select your desired package and RMB to favourite servers

4) click on "Favourite Servers"

5) double click on your server for instance "CAA1 Full..."

6) click on tab "Download addons", "Check for addons", "Download addons"

step 1-3 must be done only once.

start the mod with the common start parameters. -mod=x\caa1;x\oac\oac_core

How it works i know, i want to know wich server i had to select because there are several different servers:

CAA1 - FULL - AutumnPlants - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - ClassicPlants - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - AllWorlds - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - ArmA Worlds - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - Queen's Gambit Worlds - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - Extra Worlds - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - ArmA -ObjectsOnly - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - QG -ObjectsOnly - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - VehiclesOnly - YASDLS


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Massive thanks for this mod. It was priceless fun to get my ArmA1 missions to work in ArmA2. And I will spend many hours with this mod in future too.

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I think (hope) that Kju isn't actually leaving the community but is instead simply ending his work on this particular addon. It would be horrendous news if he really is moving away from Arma 2 as he has been omnipresent for a long time, not only with major and complex mods like CAA1 that only those of his expertise can handle but also in helping others with their editing/scripting/modding queries. His fingerprints are everywhere!

It's a shame Kju feels a bit PO'd with things after all his endeavours. All I would say to him (and it has been said already but I will repeat it as it is true) is that the number of happy and genuinely grateful users of your work vastly outnumber the small percentage of whining idiots who can't appreciate the amount of time (most of it painstaking) that it takes to do this sort of thing, but unfortunately it is these people who stand out the most due to their frustrating ignorance and aggravating opinions, and this often makes it appear that they make up more of the population than is really the case.

Anyway, thank you for the countless hours you have put into this and everything else.

/signed !!!

kju "closed the door and signed off"? It would be a sad first day in this new year. I cannot believe it.

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Kju thanks a lot for your effort, and I really apreciate your AMAZING work...

People like you make this community what it is, and please, dont give up on us!

Great year of 2010 for you!



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his main reason is because he didn't get support from bis(his frustration with consumerism is reflected in his citing of "bread and circuses" method of social control used by corporations and governments) and the fact that people were being flatterers, just waiting for the next thing to come out.

i love how you made this issue about people YOU dislike. this is a much bigger issue than some kids talking trash on youtube.

Lot's of assumptions in your post. From my mouth : "More people are more inclined to criticize rather than support because they either have nothing better to do or they have their own personal problems and venting without consequences helps". The actual consequence is the author thinking "wtf am I doing this for? These morons?" That's just one reason why I totally understand where kju is coming from. Not everyone is a moron! That's a given. And I'm not pointing fingers at anyone person in particular.

Also, the people who PM or Email hobbyists with "______ doesn't work" without explanation is through the ROOF! (Another reason I don't share some hobby work). It would be more helpful if they actually posted in the forums so more can help, but they don't for some reason. So that also contributes to a hobbyists frustration.

You know how many people still don't know to install a mod?? Even though it's posted 100 times?? It's insane! And what do they do? They PM or Email the mod-maker. :p Google search or forum search should give a the quickest answer.

Most of my hobby stuff stays at home, with just me and my friends playing it on LAN. I get better/useful input that way.

Here's what I assume is why kju discontinued work on this project. Other users discontinued support. Which is more important than BIS support. BIS have done whatever they can do to release tools and the OK to do it. It's more of a community responsibility to help kju than anything else. If I wasn't doing other projects I would help.

If more converted older missions (including myself) I think it would have been a more user supported project.

I'll try to convert some of my older missions over. I planned on doing it but never got around to it.

The way I'm playing CAA1 is:

1. Updating/installing by Yomas Addon Sync 2009 (set to run as administrator in Windows7)

2. Copying the ArmA2 shortcut on the desktop with the Target

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -mod=@CBA;x\caa1;x\oac\oac_core -world=empty -showScriptErrors

I have @CBA to clear out the extendedeventhandler error when you first run it.

It took me 15min to write this blab. I hope it was useful lol. Everybody should keep in mind, let's all be helpful to each other because at the end of the day we all just want to play a GREAT long mission with our friends! Right!? :yay:

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How it works i know, i want to know wich server i had to select because there are several different servers:

CAA1 - FULL - AutumnPlants - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - ClassicPlants - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - AllWorlds - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - ArmA Worlds - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - Queen's Gambit Worlds - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - Extra Worlds - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - ArmA -ObjectsOnly - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - QG -ObjectsOnly - YASDLS

CAA1 - FULL - VehiclesOnly - YASDLS


take the first one: CAA1 - FULL - AutumnPlants - YASDLS

it includes all.

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Lot's of assumptions in your post. From my mouth : "More people are more inclined to criticize rather than support because they either have nothing better to do or they have their own personal problems and venting without consequences helps". The actual consequence is the author thinking "wtf am I doing this for? These morons?" That's just one reason why I totally understand where kju is coming from. Not everyone is a moron! That's a given. And I'm not pointing fingers at anyone person in particular.

Also, the people who PM or Email hobbyists with "______ doesn't work" without explanation is through the ROOF! (Another reason I don't share some hobby work). It would be more helpful if they actually posted in the forums so more can help, but they don't for some reason. So that also contributes to a hobbyists frustration.

You know how many people still don't know to install a mod?? Even though it's posted 100 times?? It's insane! And what do they do? They PM or Email the mod-maker. :p Google search or forum search should give a the quickest answer.

Most of my hobby stuff stays at home, with just me and my friends playing it on LAN. I get better/useful input that way.

Here's what I assume is why kju discontinued work on this project. Other users discontinued support. Which is more important than BIS support. BIS have done whatever they can do to release tools and the OK to do it. It's more of a community responsibility to help kju than anything else. If I wasn't doing other projects I would help.

If more converted older missions (including myself) I think it would have been a more user supported project.

I'll try to convert some of my older missions over. I planned on doing it but never got around to it.

The way I'm playing CAA1 is:

1. Updating/installing by Yomas Addon Sync 2009 (set to run as administrator in Windows7)

2. Copying the ArmA2 shortcut on the desktop with the Target

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -mod=@CBA;x\caa1;x\oac\oac_core -world=empty -showScriptErrors

I have @CBA to clear out the extendedeventhandler error when you first run it.

It took me 15min to write this blab. I hope it was useful lol. Everybody should keep in mind, let's all be helpful to each other because at the end of the day we all just want to play a GREAT long mission with our friends! Right!? :yay:

i have very much subfolder´s does that work with only 2 parmameter´s?

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i have very much subfolder´s does that work with only 2 parmameter´s?

It is described on dev-heaven.net (look here). Create a batch file.

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It is described on dev-heaven.net (look here). Create a batch file.

i know that but i want to know why he uses only 2 parameter´s

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I understand where youre coming from on the negative stuff. Sh!tty feeling. But some of us are happier than pigs in sh!t playing the maps all weekend long...I cant thank you enough for this awesomeness...you have no idea


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Frankly speaking and for what its worth, I think had you not used the Yoma method of distribution, more people including myself would of been more than happy to offer help and encouragement. I simply do not need a server client for one mod. I dont like them, as much as I dont like client side download interfaces like STEAM. Adding mods was simple enough with @folder system. I liked the initial release without the Yoma client, that was very much appreciated but you lost me once Yoma became involved, I simply found it unnecessary and just another program taking up space and only for one small specific need, CAA1 so I stopped following the mod. My opinion, release it through regular channels, and I am sure with more exposure you will receive more help, but the little knock toward everyone in your post wont have people running to your door. I hope you reconsider, but I have one word of advise, and its something I tell every modder that I know. Mod for yourself not the community. Mod things that you can personally be proud of instead of seeking public ego stroking, you will be disappointed. There are 3 types of people out there, ones who will thank you endlessly, those who enjoy your mod and think its the greatest thing since slice bread yet are not really into posting on forums, and lastly those who you will never make happy, and usually lack any skills what so ever to create so much as a paint by numbers piece of artwork. So dont mod if your looking for accolades, mod because you want to educate yourself and get better at what you do, mod becuase its a hobby you really enjoy, and most important find a core group of people who you can work with and do it just because you enjoy their company and sharing of knowledge. Thats how we at JTD do things, just 3 guys who like to encourage each other to become better, and just enjoying personally each persons achievements. Community accolades are a bonus, but it really shouldnt be your primary reason for modding. Do it for yourself, your feeling of reward should come first, community accolades on my personal list comes last. Its appreciated, but Im not looking personally to have my ego stroked. If you do decide to come back, please drop the Yoma client. Although easy for most of us, not many are as advanced in working with such things so your client base becomes smaller. Thank you for the initial release, I thought it had great promise, but honestly, I didnt follow it once Yoma became involved. Seems everyone wants to develop their of client server now, and I simply wont muck up my pc with countless utilities when for years, its was very easy to add addons to ArmA. Going by my post count, you can see how much I feel I need to post anywhere, I am more a reader just as many others are.

Edited by ReconPathFinder

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I agree to an extent with the comments that Yoma is not where it should be. Its a great idea, but it needs to be so easy you can tell your grandma how to do it over the phone.

I spent almost 3 years doing pretty much just interface design and SIX and Yoma are not where they should be for most of the community to accept it. SIX is getting there, but the web interface I think is a big disconnect for a lot of people.

These need to be as easy as starting an app, searching for the mod they want to install via a search bar or directory structure, and clicking install. They should not have to worry about anything else. It should be totally transparent.

I am not saying this is what anyone needs to do, it is just merely an observation from someone who has done this before. Of course UI design is something that people can argue about for years over the simplest thing, and really its up to someone to just go and implement what they think is best. Since I find most UI stuff to be a horrible pain in the ass, and I am not getting payed to do this I leave it to the people with the gumption to do it and say more power and respect to you. On the other hand if you are doing it just to make it easier for you, then your priories are not where they should be.

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i have very much subfolder´s does that work with only 2 parmameter´s?

I'm not understanding the question, but the way I'm doing it works perfectly.Yoma Addon Sync updates it like normal. I don't use Yoma to run it I manually made the shortcut if that's what you're talking about. If you don't have @CBA addon it will give you a missing extendedeventhandler error if I remember correctly. UPDATE: OK I understand. Yes it seems to work ok with just @CBA and the two other params. if I use the long arma2.exe -nosplash -mod=@CBA;x\caa1\ArmA_PlantsClassic;x\caa1\ArmA_Campaign_Animation;x\caa1\ArmA_Objects;x\caa1\ArmA_ObjectsCTI;x\caa1\ArmA_VehicleFeatures;x\caa1\ArmA_Vehicles;x\caa1\ArmA_WorldIntros;x\caa1\ArmA_Worlds;x\caa1\Extra_Worlds;x\caa1\QG_Objects;x\caa1\QG_Worlds;x\oac\oac_core -world=empty -showScriptErrors via a bat it CTD's (crashes to desktop) when I run the Editor. So I'm gonna stick with the two param for my shortcut.

I just ported over the old Tied Up mission. It's not too hard to do. I just changed the names of vehicles and units to new ones, changed "sara" to "oac_core" in the mission.sqm, then changed the music triggers to ArmA2 music, and updated Norrins revive script to the new one and everything works great. Even some of the things I missed were easily changeable in the Editor.

Totally NouberNou. Yoma is the easiest I found to stay updated, but it could be simplified for sure.

Edited by Rexxenexx

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I would like to thank Kju, but for a different reason..

Kju created the mST ( modular Sound Templates ). Without which I could not of continued work on HiFi or released anything for Arma2.

Kju, I totally understand your reasons for packing up, but I'd like to thankyou personally for all the help you've offered myself an anyone else who's asked over the last few years. Its a simple fact that without the mST I would have stopped making addons myself some time ago...

I just hope that some of the new guys 'man up' and put some effort into learning, because without Kju to help guide us, the road just got alittle darker....

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Hm, so should I feel guilty now for kju abandoning CAA1 because I don't have a clue on how to create addons?

Because I am barely able to place some units in the editor?

What exactly did he expect from the community or BIS. Did he want a job from BIS? Well, it would have turned into a "job" instead of a "hobby". Soon he would be doing only what BIS told him to, and someone else would become the next kju to create unmanaged community content.

Did he want help from other community members? Well, sorry that I am not a modder. Did he ASK for help from others? Don't expect help if you don't ask for it.

Is he disapointed because there are only a handful of old maps being converted? Maybe this is because people have no interest in any other maps? Maybe the most popular ones got converted and the rest..., well rest in peace?

Aside from that, I only recently installed CAA1 (using Yoma, which is a very nice tool, imho) and I like it. I will keep using the latest release whenever a mission asks for it, but I won't use it for converting old maps to Arma2, simply because don't know how to do it and I don't have the time to learn it.

So, you did some nice work there kju, thank you for that. But please spare us the drama.

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Salah ad Din;1532399']

So' date=' you did some nice work there kju, thank you for that. But please spare us the drama.[/quote']

You have no right to ask him to spare his opinion.

Q you've done a great job and a lot of people are very thankfull for it.

Have a nice 2010.

I think I'll be taking a break myself.

You're a great guy and I think you'll excell at whatever you'll be moving to.

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You have no right to ask him to spare his opinion.

I'd like to agree with you, but Q has been like this from the OFP days, quitting one of his projects or affiliations with a dramatic rant until he makes a comeback with an equally dramatic entry. If it's not for the enjoyment of seeing public reactions (much like you see here), why make it a big deal then? The claim of BIS not supporting him is arrogant because the devs don't support other mods either apart from granting them permission to content BIS made for a previous game, which is already more than you could ask from many companies.


  • CAA1 did not get any support from Bohemia Interactive.
  • This job should have been done by a paid contractor
    in the fist place in my humble opinion.

It is sad that despite the lack of good ArmA II campaigns

and SP missions, apart from a few gems, virtually no one

is interested in playing great OFP and ArmA missions

and helping out to polish them.


It is astonishing how ungrateful, lazy and stupid so many people have become.

Without question you are a product of society and what power want you to become.

The almighty consumer without decency and personal responsibility.

It is saddening how many are unable to understand and reflect their own actions and behavior.


Only a change in people's attitude, to compensate hobby developers by donating,

to take time to read the provided documentation and to familiarize with Your hobby,

might be elements to balance the situation somewhat.

As sad as it is to have a talent like Q stop one of his mods, he's basically demanding monetary support from BIS and dissing every one of you for not praising him and his work enough when he was still developing the mod, because he sure as hell wasn't getting criticised for making CAA1 and OAC. And knowing him he will make a comeback within the next few months expecting a king's welcome just as he had a king's goodbye now for who knows how manieth time.

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hello kju

First thanks for all your efforts over all the time bringing content to the OFP/ArmA community. Without your hard work none of the Armed Assault content would be available in ArmA II.

I sincerely hope that you won't leave this community, that would be awful in my thinking. It is that people like you and all the addon - mod makers is what makes this community such a great thing imho. I guess a lot of people just takes it granted that people are making new content for this game.

I can understand your bitterness it's just that it's more easy to complain than giving constructive feedback for people. They expect to be served on a silver plate whatever they want.

Now I don't know you personally only as a fellow community member. You definitely have a great knowledge of this game code and I do respect this, moreover I do respect your constant advice and help in hundreds of threads on this forum and on others too if I'm not wrong.

Just take a break and enjoy yourself. Believe me your work has been appreciated by a lot of people myself included. There are only a minority of people who are giving feedback unfortunately and even less who are saying thanks.

I opened a thread a couple of days ago where I expressed my gratitude to all active addon and mod makers here.


I just felt the urge to say simply thanks. As you can see a lot of views 6 replies.

In any case have a great 2010, take a break from ArmA modding/coding in case you can. LOL:D

My best wishes



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It is even sadder to see some people interpreting kju's post from their a$$es as if he was asking for money for what he had done. As if support he mentioned can only be in monetary terms.

Many will see the probable reason he quit by looking at the mirror,.....always demanding but never appreciating or investing the time to learning/helping improve community projects/efforts.

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Salah ad Din;1532399']...

Who made you read it? You you can't help being a prick, you can try not to post around here.

He never demanded money for his work around BIS games (WGL, ACE1, Proper Addons, CAA1, ACEIP, OFPIP, etc etc etc, including CIT and dev-heaven.net together with Sickboy), even though ALL of his modding skills and projects had greatly changed the way those game are being played.

And then some of the user come here and tell him how to run his things? Or what he can do and what he can't? Great, you could do that when you have contributed in the same way he did..which will never happen.

Cheers Q for all your work and time you invested in BIS, OFP, A1 and A2. I'll catch you next time mate! ;)

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