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Sorry, bit of a noob still with Arma2. I've downloaded this and put it in my mods folder where its being found OK by SpiritedMachines' launcher (it appears along with a couple of other mods I'm using). So, I *think* its being loaded by Arma.

I can't find them in the editor though - I've been through every menu when adding a new unit to the map and don't see them. What am I missing? Should unit mods be put in some other folder and not where I've put other stuff, like AI tweaks etc?

This is what Arma's being launched with:

-mod=c:\users\myname\documents\arma 2\mods\cba_v0-2-0\@cba;c:\users\myname\documents\arma 2\mods\warfxparticles1.3\@warfxparticles;c:\users\myname\documents\arma 2\mods\sjb sas v1.02;c:\users\myname\documents\arma 2\mods\@zcommon -nosplash

Is this your target line for your shortcut?

-mod=c:\users\myname\documents\arma 2\mods\cba_v0-2-0\@cba;c:\users\myname\documents\arma 2\mods\warfxparticles1.3\@warfxparticles;c:\users\myname\documents\arma 2\mods\sjb sas v1.02;c:\users\myname\documents\arma 2\mods\@zcommon -nosplash

That's probably why it isn't working.

Try this:

-mod=@cba;@warfxparticles;@sjb;@zcommon -nosplash

Try putting the AS .pbo's inside a mod folder named @sjb, make sure they go in an AddOns folder. @sjb should be in the main A2 directory just like the other mod folders.

Only the mod folder name is needed in the target line. Not all the other stuff you had added.

Try this link for a better Mod folder setup:


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Thanks for the replies.

Well, after an hour of messing about I gave up on trying to have my mods in My Documents and put them in the Addons folder in the main A2 program directory instead. I also had to remove the spaces I had in the "sjb sas v1.02" folder name I had originally - as either my launcher, Win7, or A2 didn't like them.

All working fine now. Great models btw :)

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hey great units, but.....

i run ace and when i place the Ace units on the map, apart from the squad leader they dont carry weapons, backpacks fine but no weaps...prob my error. what weap pack is used for the ace units? i am being dumb, but then i dont have a clue about configs and what not, so help would be much appreciated

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I forgot to mention, the units also require ACEX, the eXtra eXpansion for ACE (ok, thats enough X's). I completely forgot about ACEX being seperate until someone raised the same issue with me on MSN.

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Sweet update, thanks. Also thank you for the separate "ACEX" config. ;).

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The more I use these units, the more I like them. Epic work, well done.

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I've just released v1.03 of the Units. The changes are mainly to a few of the textures, as well as the config.

The new version can be downloaded from the first post in this thread - Mirrors welcome.

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Very nice units! Easily the best around!

Got a problem with the ACE versions, like other people... Got the latest version 1.03 and ACEX installed and running:

-mod=beta;ACE;@ACEX@ACEX_SM;@CBA;@units -nosplash

And for the regular v. 1.05 ARMA:

-mod=ACE;@ACEX@ACEX_SM;@CBA;@units -nosplash

Where I put your units in my "units" folder. Everything ACE related should be up to date as I use the Six Updater.

Whenever I select some SAS (ACE) units in the editor the following error appears:

No entry 'bin/config.bin/CfgWeapons.ACE_M4A1.ACOG'.

And when going to actual "play" they are only equipped with grenades and some with pistols. Guess it can't find the ACE stuff...

Any ideas?

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Got a problem with the ACE versions, like other people... Got the latest version 1.03 and ACEX installed and running:

-mod=beta;ACE;@ACEX@ACEX_SM;@CBA;@units -nosplash

And for the regular v. 1.05 ARMA:

-mod=ACE;@ACEX@ACEX_SM;@CBA;@units -nosplash

Any ideas?

Yep, a missing semicolon: @ACEX;@ACEX_SM

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Are there any plans to update or do more units of a similar type?

Not to be a total ass about this, but do you think you would be interestedin doing something like modifying Schnapsdrosel's beret troopers to a bereted UK marine/para/dutch marine/russian marine?


I think that is a type of trooper that hasn't been done yet.

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Great work, mate. These units are top notch and go very well with the other american SOF units that others have released. Will be great for making joint missions between british and american forces.

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Are there any plans to update or do more units of a similar type?

Not to be a total ass about this, but do you think you would be interestedin doing something like modifying Schnapsdrosel's beret troopers to a bereted UK marine/para/dutch marine/russian marine?


I think that is a type of trooper that hasn't been done yet.

Simply put, no.

Whilst SafetyCatch and myself do plan on updating these units further, eventually adding support for the forth coming (and a while off) SJB Weapons Pack as well as a few other updates, there are NO plans for any other types of units to be added.

That said, plans do change...

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Just a quick update to let you guys know I've just released v1.031 of the pack. This is mainly bug fixes, nothing really new added in. The change-log can be found in the first post of this thread.

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Thanks to you for tweaking these, and making them better than ever (a hard job) really love these units........


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Just a suggestion/question, what about an SAS sniper? with an L96 (or AWM, not a big weapon geek here..) and a spotter of course.. ghillie and no ghillie :D the patrolleader's current gear looks a lot like the snipers ive seen on Militaryphoto's.net :D

anyways, great addon and its my #1 atm! props.. seriously <3

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