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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta *2*!

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Do you know if I need to disable first aid action or simulation or both?

All 3 BIS FA Modules if you use them. s I remember Xeno said the ACE2 wound system is not compatible with any of the BIS FA modules.

Did not see any difference to beta 1. Can anyone tell me how it is supposed to work?

How can I enable to get the wounds system working by default?

I don't really see any difference either. At least, if I'm reading the changelog properly, I don't see any of the changes reported.

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@Kroky; You activate the medic system the same way you activate the BIS Medic Systems; By adding the module to a mission.

With a simple addon you should be able to activate the system in any mission.


What kind of simple addon do I have to use to activate the system in any mission?

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@Kroky; I was meaning you make one or someone else. If Xeno can share the info, it should just be a global variable set to to true.

@Crashes; http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/ace-mod2/Bugz, Thanks!

(Can't fix unreported, logless issues)

Edited by Sickboy

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@Kroky; I was meaning you make one or someone else. If Xeno can share the info, it should just be a global variable set to to true.


Can you share some of your wisdom, how to set this global variable and where, please?

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@ EvilEcho The Nuke looks much better now. The only Tingh missing is a visible shockwave. Liek dust kicked up or so

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@Kroky; You activate the medic system the same way you activate the BIS Medic Systems; By adding the module to a mission.

With a simple addon you should be able to activate the system in any mission.

What about the listed changes to the wound system? What exactly does this mean?

# AI medic handling for sys wounds [Xeno]

AI Medics in my team still do nothing when I order them to heal another team member. I may be wrong here but this seems to me to say the AI medics use the wound system now. Is this the case and am I doing something wrong?

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hmm i have some problems with my AI squad they cant disembart when i am in chopper or tank , but i remember it was a bis problem in arma1 ,im right or is it ace ?

Forgive me that i am lazy

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@ EvilEcho The Nuke looks much better now. The only thing missing is a visible shockwave. Like dust kicked up or so.

Thank you.

I'd wanted to do this sooner, however first had to finish some more pressing chores for the team.

Shockwave is on the queue of things I'd like to do as well.

But even though eye-candy is nice, there are much more cool things coming to make ACE very interesting if you want to experience warfare under NBC conditions. :smiley-evil:

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I have a friend who is not very computer minded.

He has vista, and is trying to install ace, he says he gets the red GUI, he clicks main, selects ace mod vanilla, clicks execute, a new black screen opens, and says arma install detected, then says mod already installed? and then says click enter.

It makes no attempt to download or install after that, any suggestions?

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I have a friend who is not very computer minded.

He has vista, and is trying to install ace, he says he gets the red GUI, he clicks main, selects ace mod vanilla, clicks execute, a new black screen opens, and says arma install detected, then says mod already installed? and then says click enter.

It makes no attempt to download or install after that, any suggestions?

maybe uncheck auto skip.. then clear skip and then press execute

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Could someone please explain to me again how exactly do i get the radio voice-overs to work again?

It's so annoying having to read every sentence if you want to be a bit aware of your surroundings when your teammates report in enemy presences.

Sometimes i even miss radiocalls from HQ giving me a SecOp because they are no longer audible.

I found the userconfig.

Apparently the feature works when there is no // for the correct sentence.

This is the case, so the feature started to work.

Now i tried putting a // in front of that sentence, but still no audible radio messages.

So, what exactly does the sentence in the userconfig have to look like?

Right now it looks like this: #define ACE_NOVOICE

Second thing: the PLA look great, except for their necks which are to thin, and look a bit twisted.

It makes the head look too small and pretty weird in general, while the rest of the model is great.

Anyways, don't want to complain, just observing :)

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I am having some serious issues that need fixing. I updated today to 1.98 and now none of my missions are working, it locks up on the difficulty screen whenever i try to start a mission. I saw someone else post the same thing in another thread

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Thanks for the new AKM sounds, I confess to having hated the old ones but these ones are great :)

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Thank you.

I'd wanted to do this sooner, however first had to finish some more pressing chores for the team.

Shockwave is on the queue of things I'd like to do as well.

But even though eye-candy is nice, there are much more cool things coming to make ACE very interesting if you want to experience warfare under NBC conditions. :smiley-evil:

Sounds loads of more fun. I saw the ace_sys_nuke being added, but how exactly do I use it? Script launcher or should find "1337-nukz0r" form editor somewhere? :p

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NBC eh? A little VX and Sarin action? Some Bigeye/Weteye bombs (oh that'd be awesome to see simulated)? MOPP gear?

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I am having some serious issues that need fixing. I updated today to 1.98 and now none of my missions are working, it locks up on the difficulty screen whenever i try to start a mission. I saw someone else post the same thing in another thread

http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/ace-mod2/Bugz Please

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How do u check the latest ACE version installed?

when u start the game on the main menu, in the lower left corner of the screen u see what version mod u have there :)

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I just noticed that i lose 15 FPS with ace, just tried same settings in 2 servers that run the same mission, only difference is that one has ace the other doesnt, ACE = 20 fps, vanilla = 35 FPS, exactly the same settings (including viewdistance) :confused: is this normal ?

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Sounds loads of more fun. I saw the ace_sys_nuke being added, but how exactly do I use it? Script launcher or should find "1337-nukz0r" form editor somewhere? :p

Use an EASA module trailer, load up. Fly to target. Click. Boom

Details in BI wiki pages for ACE.

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I see that you guys removed the stick together module? Any plans on its return?

I'm curious about that as well. I'm also curious as to what has changed with the wound system. I can't seem to get medics to do a damn thing still.

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Where can I find a download for the ACE sound mod? I followed the link on page one but I couldn't find anywhere to download it from there.

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