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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta *2*!

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can someone please answer me? is it sopposed to always delete the whole version of Ace etc then reinstall the latest one? cant i just update it? i dont like always having the sixupdater delete the whole thing then download the latest one! cant it just update? lol

Hello Darkxess, what is the problem with deleting the previous PBO's in order to replace them with the new? Im guessing that is how it has to work. Deleting files is a very fast process that i personally doesnt notice when im updating ACE. Unless you want to keep the old version i dont understand why you dont want it to delete the previous? Mind you this is created by people in the community so the ways we have to deal with the game isnt always the same the developers do. However if you have an addon and a new version comes out you, or windows by replacement, delete the old version and replace it with the new. Thats just how addons work. ;)

Also please, you know who you are, do i have to remind you that this is created by other players - for free - without pay? It starts to annoy the crap out of me seeing people throw hard words at the people working full time to please the rest of us. Cut them some slack and read the information on the first page of this thread regarding the obvious questions. Its all there from installation to userconfig files and what you need to do with them. Classnames and everything else. If you cant find the information you need then ask. In a civil manner. Please.

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can someone please answer me? is it sopposed to always delete the whole version of Ace etc then reinstall the latest one? cant i just update it? i dont like always having the sixupdater delete the whole thing then download the latest one! cant it just update? lol

Though a lot of files seems to get deleted, I don't think the updater makes a complete new download of everything every time, does it? Updating for me takes only a few minutes, but when I once deleted all of ACE and reinstalled it, that took something like at least 20 minutes.

Edited by Johan S

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Hello, It seems that in the most recent patch of ACE the nuke has been broken?

All three of the nukes just make a "Poof" of smoke and then are gone. No damage or anything. Does anyone know what is causing this issue?

I tried delievering the nuke 3 different ways.

1) Via script. Nuke still just made a little "Poof" of black smoke and that was it.

2) Via AI dropping the bomb. Same thing happens.

3) Dropping the bomb myself. Same "Poof" of smoke and thats it.

Is this a problem with just me?

Edited by Minizzzile
Forgot something

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Not sure, but if you think its a bug (which it looks like it probably is) then: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/ace-mod2/wiki/Bugz

Thanks for the quick response!

I tried registering but I never got my e-mail confirmation (This is 2 hours later mind you) and it says my email is already in use when I try to re-register.

Maybe someone else can test to see if they have this bug and report it from there?

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Ok, the WP grenade problem was due to a conflict with AAW, the Australian weapons mod. This apparently interferes with the ACE grenades. So if anyone is using that and can't use ACE grenades, you know why. It's going to get fixed in the next AAW update.

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Johan S is right, six updater wont delete the whole ACE2, it only deletes the old files wich needs to be updated (and then it of course will D/L and unpack/install the up to date files) so no worries Darkxess! :)

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Johan S is right, six updater wont delete the whole ACE2, it only deletes the old files wich needs to be updated (and then it of course will D/L and unpack/install the up to date files) so no worries Darkxess! :)

Small correction :)

It deletes old files that don't exist anymore in the new version, however, it will real-time delta patch the packed files (.rsync/.pack/**/*.gz) that still exist, but were changed in the new version. Saving massive amounts of bandwidth on changed files.

Everything just looks double because it is removing/adding/patching the packed files, while it is removing/unpacking to the addon folders.

I'll be improving on the progress display in the future :)

Thanks for the quick response!

I tried registering but I never got my e-mail confirmation (This is 2 hours later mind you) and it says my email is already in use when I try to re-register.

Maybe someone else can test to see if they have this bug and report it from there?

There was an issue with outgoing emails, resolved now, and have activated your account.

Last week issues with non-standard characters have been resolved also, should resolve most of the registration/localization issues.

Edited by Sickboy

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Ok ive got six updater working i think but ihave two questions.

1. Its downloading now but every so often it will say "connection unexpectedly closed" and then it goes through a few procedures and starts downloading again. Does this happen normally?

2. And if not will it affect the downloaded files?

Edited by DRoberts69

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How can i load ammunition to a CSW ?

I build up a M2, press the right winows key and click on "load", then i enter the M2 but the ammo is not there, i cant shoot !

What do i do wrong ?

Tried it again with other weapons, nothing works, i just cant load them.

I have version 242.

Edited by Wiggum

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Ok ive got six updater working i think but ihave two questions.

1. Its downloading now but every so often it will say "connection unexpectedly closed" and then it goes through a few procedures and starts downloading again. Does this happen normally?

2. And if not will it affect the downloaded files?

Fixed in six-rsync-0.3.5 library:

~ Changed: Cloning will now like Updating, exhaust all mirrors to complete the clone, and will only abort if all fail.

If you close and restart the web-client/gui, the library should auto-update.

How can i load ammunition to a CSW ?

I build up a M2, press the right winows key and click on "load", then i enter the M2 but the ammo is not there, i cant shoot !

What do i do wrong ?

Tried it again with other weapons, nothing works, i just cant load them.

I have version 242.



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Try using the "Console" not the "GUI". It wont ask you for that or bring up the web server. But if you do use GUI, simply select N every time it asks you.

I am indeed using the console :)

---------- Post added at 03:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------

Yeah, just answer no.

Yep that's what I've been doing :)

But does anyone else get this activity?

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Hello, It seems that in the most recent patch of ACE the nuke has been broken?

All three of the nukes just make a "Poof" of smoke and then are gone. No damage or anything. Does anyone know what is causing this issue?

I tried delievering the nuke 3 different ways.

1) Via script. Nuke still just made a little "Poof" of black smoke and that was it.

2) Via AI dropping the bomb. Same thing happens.

3) Dropping the bomb myself. Same "Poof" of smoke and thats it.

Is this a problem with just me?

From the changelist...

•New graphics for nuclear weapons. Permissive Action Links functional. [Evil_Echo]

From wikipedia....

A Permissive Action Link (PAL) is a security device for nuclear weapons. Its purpose is to prevent unauthorized arming or detonation of the nuclear weapon.

The United States Department of Defense definition is:

“A device included in or attached to a nuclear weapon system to preclude arming and/or launching until the insertion of a prescribed discrete code or combination. It may include equipment and cabling external to the weapon or weapon system to activate components within the weapon or weapon system.â€

The earliest PALs were little more than locks introduced into the control and firing systems of a nuclear weapon, that would inhibit either the detonation, or the removal of safety features of the weapon. More recent innovations have included encrypted firing parameters, which must be decrypted to properly detonate the warhead, plus anti-tamper systems which intentionally mis-detonate the weapon, destroying it without giving rise to a useful nuclear explosion. It is presumed that modern PAL designs don't include self-destruction mechanisms.

I have posted on BIF REPEATEDLY.

  1. Don't bypass the EASA system. It's there so eventually mission makers can impliment weapons authority control.
  2. Don't try hacking the nukes, the results would be "unfortunate".

Right now, IF you use the EASA system the PAL codes verify automatically. Eventually there will be an option for the mission maker to allow a battlefield commander to control who gets access to a nuke via EASA and what value to set for the current PAL code. Then the commander can issue that code to only those authorized to use. All realistic and also helping gamers prevent nuclear team-kills.

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@ Sickboy

Ah ok, it's a known bug. I hope it will be fixed soon, the CSW are one of the best things in ACE2 !

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Hi Guys!

Ì have a probkem with my other pc with the sixupdater :o i tried to search but its a bit weird , i always don`t have problems but now i cannot update ,

Sixupdater just start but if it want to open webbrowser it says "the webpage connot be displayed"

I uninstalled everthing of the six-updater and installed a new and did a restart but it didn`t worked.

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Does anyone else not like the sound mod? Whenever I have 2 squads fighting each other the gun sounds like go together or something and it sounds bad.

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Does anyone else not like the sound mod? Whenever I have 2 squads fighting each other the gun sounds like go together or something and it sounds bad.

Tried it with the official ArmA 2 Beta Patch (v1.06) ?


It includes some changes for sound spatial problems.

Hi Guys!

Ì have a probkem with my other pc with the sixupdater :o i tried to search but its a bit weird , i always don`t have problems but now i cannot update ,

Sixupdater just start but if it want to open webbrowser it says "the webpage connot be displayed"

I uninstalled everthing of the six-updater and installed a new and did a restart but it didn`t worked.

Please check Documentation/FAQ/Known issues, otherwise create a ticket and we'll get right on it:


Edited by Sickboy

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Does anyone else not like the sound mod? Whenever I have 2 squads fighting each other the gun sounds like go together or something and it sounds bad.

That's not directly attributable to the sound mod. The effect your hearing is called phasing and occurs when two identical sounds are triggered at almost (fractions of a second) the same time. There's a discussion on it in Mark XIII's 'Hi-Fi' thread.

This can happen with the vanilla sounds as well - it occurs more prominently when fielding large numbers of units with similar weaponry. The effect is exacerbated by using AI units as they have pre-programmed firing patterns, (firing in bursts with a uniform gap in between shots). Hope that helps.

Edited by Das Attorney

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Tried it with the official ArmA 2 Beta Patch (v1.06) ?


It includes some changes for sound spatial problems.

Please check Documentation/FAQ/Known issues, otherwise create a ticket and we'll get right on it:


i already get it done , six updater went to http://www.localhost.com:16633

but i changed it in :

and it worked ..


tnks anyway

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Ok six updater has finally downloaded everything from the starting group mean ace, acex, acex pla, acex sm and cba. But now how do i get them to work? if tis a case of just starting the game it hasnt worked. And also if you do have to do something please explain it to me like im an idiot because im not great at computer things or installing mods. :)

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Ok six updater has finally downloaded everything from the starting group mean ace, acex, acex pla, acex sm and cba. But now how do i get them to work? if tis a case of just starting the game it hasnt worked. And also if you do have to do something please explain it to me like im an idiot because im not great at computer things or installing mods. :)

I think ACE/Six updater has made a link inside you arma directory which you can load arma with ACE :)

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I think ACE/Six updater has made a link inside you arma directory which you can load arma with ACE :)

ok and at the risk of sounding stupid lol where is my arma 2 directory? lol :o

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x:\Program Files\Bohemia Inc.\ArmA2

I think is that.

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alright i thought it was that but what will the link be because there are only two applications in there and they are "arma 2" and "arma 2 server" are either of these it?

---------- Post added at 07:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 PM ----------

Tried both links in the directory still hasnt worked, is there anyway i can manually install?

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I know the question of how to turn the radio chatter back on has been beat to death in this thread and I'm sorry ahead of time, but I have a problem. I've researched on this forum and went to the ACE2 FAQ's and I'm still stuck. I know to get them back on you have to add "//" in front of the #define ACE_NOVOICE string. My problem is that my computer will not let me save after I edit it with notepad. I keep getting and error message that says file name or destination invalid (or something similar). This is my first mod and I may be missing something simple, but does anyone know how to get past this? Thanks.

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