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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta *2*!

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What about ACE Wounds system initializing by default? It was scheduled for beta 2 release. When will it be availible, not only as a module but as self init addon?

Im asking because I would like to play all the mission with ACE wounds system and there is no information so far when it will be fully implemented.

Please dont do it... In some maps, which was created without ACE but which are very good with ACE, ACE Wounds not needed and may be bad for game-play. As example - Sniper TDM.

If somebody needs server addon which be always enable ACE Wounds on the server, I can create it for him. But I dont want create addon which will be disable ACE Wounds on Snipers TDM

---------- Post added at 10:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 PM ----------

Thunder666;1557560']@NouberNou : THX Guy now all fine : ). Maybe u have a Solution for the 2nd Question' date=' the [b']Chute Problem ?(jumping Guys stay in the Air after jumping [/b]?

THX and greetings

Yes, it is real BIG problem if you in cargo (not pilot or gunner or commander). Im hope it will be fixed soon...

And one more bug with this: if you land in water, you will be jumped as high, as is deep in this place...

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i cant use grenades? is the a feature of ace do u need to click specific button to switch to grenades i can only switch between the current weapons modes

also does the six updater thing automaticly update the ace mod if a new mode is released?

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Just experienced a real weirdie. UAZ - SPG9 Insurgent version had no sound from 1st person but is ok from 3d.

Only me? Will ticket if more people experience it. Using ACEX_SM + TRSM.

EDIT: Found TRSM seems to be a bit broken with latest ACE. Dont know who to tell though. TRSM's problem or ACE? It worked with all previous ACE version sicne TRSM came out.

EDIT2: TRSM and Mandoble Missiles seem to have been affected by the latest version. In the middle of testing this.

Edited by Alex72

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Can you reload saves after shutting down game now without losing ACE bindings? Thx

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Since the last update I am seeing this weird shadow object that follows me around everywhere...

The only other thing I've changed is the JTD stuff, but the entire JTD suite was disabled for this screenshot:


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See my post above mate. Seems other addons as well got affected by latest ACE. Middle of testing it all.

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Is it normal to be able to put in a 100 round G36 clip into an M16? A few more guns will now hold 100 round clips, which is nice, but is that right? The M4 doesn't. I thought they used the same rounds?

Apparently I don't know as much about guns as I think I do. I need to read more gun porn I guess.

Please excuse my ignorance... :rolleyes:

EDIT - Of course I wonder this for a few days, finally post my question... then try with just vanilla arma 2 minutes later, and find that it is same there... doh!

Although in ACE, the m16 defaults to 100 round clip, if that isn't available it defaults 20 round clip (in vanilla it defaults 30 round clip no matter what other clips are in crate)

Just learning new stuff... and thinking out loud... I'll go away now.

Edited by Mosh

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Since the last update I am seeing this weird shadow object that follows me around everywhere...

The only other thing I've changed is the JTD stuff, but the entire JTD suite was disabled for this screenshot:


Lol, I get that in Vanilla ArmA 2 with shadows on very high. :p

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What are the classnames for the nukes? I want the ai to bomb something but I don't know how to add it to the plane without EASA. I wasn't going to do it that way anyways, I was just going to use createvehicle, but I still can't do that without the classnames.

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What are the classnames for the nukes? I want the ai to bomb something but I don't know how to add it to the plane without EASA. I wasn't going to do it that way anyways, I was just going to use createvehicle, but I still can't do that without the classnames.

In short: you can´t.

Many pages back they explained why, but for now you can´t just nuke'em.

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ACE Medical system bug, you can load people in stuff when they are wounded but you are not able to take them out.

attached IR strobes in MP are not sync'd, it becomes a pain to co-ordinate with a fireteam that has IR strobes to all have theirs on and off amongst their members. Because it is not synch'd... For instance in 1 players screen it appears his strobe is on, but on other players screens it is off. and vice versa...

Also when using multiple thrown IR strobes, they are all activated only after the last strobe is thrown. IE until the last strobe is thrown all the strobes are off.

Also, the strobes are way too blinding and bright for use by ground forces as a form of IFF in between fireteams. Your own personal strobe you see on yourself looks decent but when u look at a strobe on a team mate it is completely bigger and brighter. From the air this is not a problem, as the IR strobes are highly visible. Maybe as a fix have the strobe have 2 seperate modes, a HIGH mode for air spotting. And a LOW mode for ground troops to IFF each other?

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I miss the M14 ACOG :(
Don't we all :) M14 / HK417, amazing weapons!
ACE Medical system bug, you can load people in stuff when they are wounded but you are not able to take them out.

attached IR strobes in MP are not sync'd, it becomes a pain to co-ordinate with a fireteam that has IR strobes to all have theirs on and off amongst their members. Because it is not synch'd... For instance in 1 players screen it appears his strobe is on, but on other players screens it is off. and vice versa...

Also when using multiple thrown IR strobes, they are all activated only after the last strobe is thrown. IE until the last strobe is thrown all the strobes are off.

Also, the strobes are way too blinding and bright for use by ground forces as a form of IFF in between fireteams. Your own personal strobe you see on yourself looks decent but when u look at a strobe on a team mate it is completely bigger and brighter. From the air this is not a problem, as the IR strobes are highly visible. Maybe as a fix have the strobe have 2 seperate modes, a HIGH mode for air spotting. And a LOW mode for ground troops to IFF each other?

Cheers! http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/ace-mod2/Bugz

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ACE Medical system bug, you can load people in stuff when they are wounded but you are not able to take them out.

attached IR strobes in MP are not sync'd, it becomes a pain to co-ordinate with a fireteam that has IR strobes to all have theirs on and off amongst their members. Because it is not synch'd... For instance in 1 players screen it appears his strobe is on, but on other players screens it is off. and vice versa...

Also when using multiple thrown IR strobes, they are all activated only after the last strobe is thrown. IE until the last strobe is thrown all the strobes are off.

Also, the strobes are way too blinding and bright for use by ground forces as a form of IFF in between fireteams. Your own personal strobe you see on yourself looks decent but when u look at a strobe on a team mate it is completely bigger and brighter. From the air this is not a problem, as the IR strobes are highly visible. Maybe as a fix have the strobe have 2 seperate modes, a HIGH mode for air spotting. And a LOW mode for ground troops to IFF each other?

The strobes are a bit tuned down from what i'ved heard. In reality the strobe blinds out your NV so you can't see shit.

You could use the IR chemstick instead and only use the strobe when dealing with CAS or two close fireteams.

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Hell on of my friends have a problem with the six-updater (see below) should I open a ticket or post elsewhere ?


Edited by luckyhendrix

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wahts up with the objects Grass_Cutters can you actualy use them? i tried puttin on map but i didnt saw it

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wahts up with the objects Grass_Cutters can you actualy use them? i tried puttin on map but i didnt saw it

I think the grass cutter is added by Isla Duala. It's an invisible object that removes grass on the area you place it on :)

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oh lol never seen it i thought it was ACE addon :P that would be great though For snipers cut grass so u have perfect sniper position :P

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Up until this week I had just used Arma2 with no mods and had updated it to version 1.05. Now I have put on the Ace2 with the Sixshooter GUI and tried that.

When I select "update and start game" then I get some problems, I had set up a small mission in the editor to practice artillery strikes as the gunner and also have a "Designated Marksman" as a forward observer to watch the fall of shot. I start as the DM and the view from him is normal, then I team switch to the M119 gunner and fire off a salvo then switch back to the DM to watch the fall of shot, but, when I go to the DM the image is Black and White and kind of posterised. I can team switch back to the gunner and the view is normal then back to the DM and it is still B&W and posterised. Also when I fire the DMR the shots are about half a scope width out from where I was aiming, this happens if I just startgame from the GUI too.

I don't get the "posterisation" and black and white image if I just use the startgame option from the GUI.

When running Arma2 without the Ace2 mod the game behaves normal and I have no problems with maksmanship either.

The game is an original and genuine boxed version I bought new from Amazon.co.uk.

Thanks for any help or sugestions.

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I'm having problem with the six-updater, When I select install or update it stays stuck on the dowloading of .rsync and doesn't move further.

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@Alicatt - The thermal (IR?) issue is due to ACE key being the same as the team switch. If you press T again, it should go back to normal? You could just click back then to remove the box or alternatively change the ACE keybind in ace_keys.hpp or the team switch within the Arma 2 control options.

The bullet drop is normal - wind direction can also have the impact to the left/right of the sight. You can see wind direction with shift+k and can manually change the sight adjustment with shift+v to and then adjust the range. I can't offer you a precise guide on this, I normally adjust to a certain extent with the rest being trial and error.

@luckyhendrix - Are you using the latest version of the six updater? You also need to make sure it's running as administrator if you have the option. I've had issues in the past with it, although to be fair for the most part it's worked well. For the 234 update I to delete the whole @ACE directory before it would actually update properly.

I'm now using the Addon Sync with KH's repo which works well.

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oh lol never seen it i thought it was ACE addon :P that would be great though For snipers cut grass so u have perfect sniper position :P

The grasscutter wich came with Isla Duala 1.2 is for mission editing. When you build a base for example you can place those out around in the base to get rid of grass wich isnt realistic if you had a base set up for some time.

It was in the Isla Duala changelog posted everywhere.

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The grasscutter wich came with Isla Duala 1.2 is for mission editing. When you build a base for example you can place those out around in the base to get rid of grass wich isnt realistic if you had a base set up for some time.

It was in the Isla Duala changelog posted everywhere.

It's also been added by ACE i found out in a topic in the editing forum :)

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Hey little question, theres goggles and earprotection , but how do i use them? i heard something about editing a config? can anyone explain to me please?

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