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Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?  

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  1. 1. Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes

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Very nice, thx for the new version!

Put it on our editing section at Assault Mission Studio.


Group Link 4 Special FX Edition v.1.1.75( Full ) by SNKMAN

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Thanks for the mirror Imutep. :)

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Thanks again for the info bud! I had a feeling the first entry was just an example but wasn't too sure. Now that makes a lot more sense. So Basically I can leave the ranks out and it will use the normal BIS rank setting?(Depending on what I make it via the Editor)

This Mod is genius!


Wow the HC addition is fantastic! I love how just the helo is added and not all the crew. And if you use norrin's fast rope with this you can really have some fun. This reinforcement thing is wicked fun. Excellent idea with the heli and flying height and a land command. That's a genius method! Hopefully more commands can be considered for future versions.

I can't seem to get the infantry reinforcements to work. It just says they are commuincating with reinforcements but nothing ever happens. If I try to ask again it says I have to wait for the other request to be confirmed. I have the proper Module on the map and it's sync'd to me and the AI reinforcement group leader.

Edited by Manzilla

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Yes, the HC addition is very nice!

But it shows me an script error when starting ArmA2. Have a look...


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I'm having even more problems with the infantry reinforcements. Even if the Module isn't on the map and it's turned off in the HC_settings.sqf it still appears in the Communication menu. I'd prefer if the option doesn't appear if I can't get it to work.

The HC Artillery example mission has the Reinforcement option and the Artillery option even though the Reinforcement Module isn't on the map.

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Sorry to sound a bit thick here (Btw awesome job Snakeman:)) If I want all of the features active in a mission either out of box or user created do I need to place specific modules in them or do all the features automatically work without me needing to.

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Thanks for the release SNKMAN :) I usually have to wait until one of the main ArmA2 hosters host it 'cos those uploader sites are just plain confusing. They seem designed to make you click the wrong thing, large images with just the word "download" takes you to... an ad site or something :)

I suggest losing those links just as soon as you get the "big" mirrors up ;)

Looking forward to seeing the improvements ingame :)

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Hey SNKMAN, I appreciate the adjustments made to the enemy planes, this works very well, and has fixed the initial issue I was facing.

However, my new issue is one where after said "plane" has been destroyed, and I dynamically create a new one, GL4 manages to take over again.

I would assume this is because I don't spawn and assign waypoints all in the same script. (?) Instead the plane is spawned and passed off to another script for flightpath information. (waypoint data)

Is there a way for me to perhaps rig things to avoid this "special case" scenario of mine? I have turned off the airstrikes in the global settings via mission inclusion, and I've tried using custom groups again to no avail.

Any thoughts would be helpful. I know I'm probably the only one with this concern, but I sure would like to keep GL4 in these missions for the ground guys.



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I can't seem to get the infantry reinforcements to work.

Yes shame on me... :o

I made a script error right bevore i finished the release version which killes the whole "H.C. Reinforcement" feature.

A "Hot Fix" will come pretty soon in the next few day's.

Even if the Module isn't on the map and it's turned off in the HC_settings.sqf it still appears in the Communication menu. I'd prefer if the option doesn't appear if I can't get it to work.

Normally it should not be there.

Make sure you read the description of the H.C. Settings very carefully.

Specially the first entry of each H.C. System.

For Example:

  // GL4 High Command Reinforcement:
 // ==============================================================
 // High Command Reinforcement Default:
 // Choose if the "High Command Reinforcement" feature should be initialized by default.
 // Warning: The default initialize do not work in multiplayer.
 // True / False, default is False
   // GL4_High_Command set [0, True];

If you remove the "//" in front of this "GL4_High_Command" variable then the "H.C. Reinforcement" feature will not be disabled it will be initialized automatically which means as soon as there are any friendly A.I. in a mission you will have the "H.C. Reinforcement" feature enable and working.

The default "High Command" initialize is disabled by default becouse it was coded to work with modules in the first place.


But it shows me an script error when starting ArmA2.

Yes just another damn thing i made right bevore releasing the latest version.

This will be fixed in the "Hot Fix" which will come pretty soon too.


If I want all of the features active in a mission either out of box or user created do I need to place specific modules

There are two way's of how to initialize the features of Group Link 4.

By default and by using C.B.A. everything will be initialized without doing anything.

Another methode is to place specific "Group Link 4" modules in the mission and synchronize them with a player/enemy A.I.


Armaholic.com is hosting the latest Group Link 4 since several hours.

Check the first post with the latest community mirrors. ;)


However, my new issue is one where after said "plane" has been destroyed, and I dynamically create a new one, GL4 manages to take over again.

Hehe yes this really could be true that Group Link 4 will order the plane somewhen later to move to the combat zone.

I know I'm probably the only one with this concern.

Well it's something to improve. So i will try to get this working as soon as possible. ;)

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Well it's something to improve. So i will try to get this working as soon as possible.

Copy that.

Was hoping there might be an easy way to disable this for specific groups. Like we can with infantry/vehicle groups. Didn't want to create more work.

Thanks for the previous adjustment though. I'll keep an eye out for changes in later releases.

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Hi SNKMAN and thanks for the update :)

I'm still having problems getting AI to go after someone in a house. The're still planting outside the window looking right at each other, but don't fire :(

Enlosed is the sample house mission, in which Blufor positively sees Opfor enter a house (and sometimes kills him before he goes inside) but just can't get him. One time, they did enter the house next door, cleared all the rooms, and spotted Opfor in the adjacent building but still refuse to fire


I really hope BI fix that window-non firing bug!

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Don't worry this is something which doesn't need much time.

I can fix this in 5 minutes + 10 minutes testing.

Okay so you say it works with "Planes" which are already in the mission at mission start.

Your only problem is that Group Link 4 do take control of a spawned "plane" right?

This has something to do with the "Re-Initializing" system of Group Link 4 which will check if any new groups/units was spawned in a mission and then re-initialize them so Group Link 4 can use them as reinforcement too.

Anyway "Planes" should not be "Re-Initialized" i think. So i can simply fix this by skipping the "Re-Initialize" of "Planes".


Well the only thing i changed so far in the "House Search" feature of Group Link 4 was to reduce the building positions.

So far enemy A.I. will not directly search exactly the same house where you are inside, even if they had seen you running into the house.

But i will set this to high priority for the next version. ;)

Thanks for the mission. :) I will use it to enhance the "House Search" feature.

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By the way, the HQ radio really adds some immersion. Great work. :)

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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Sure you still can open the "Command Menu" even if there are no units in your group.

Simply press 0 - 8 to open the "Command Menu" if you have no units in your group or if you have used the "Force Move" feature. ;)

Edit: Oh now i get what you want. :)

Yes that's the way it works.

After using the "Force Move" feature all units leave your group with the only target to get to your position.

That's the only way to make units of a player ignore everything around them.

After you have used the "Force Move" feature go to the "Command Menu" / "Force Move" / "Regroup" and all units will re-join your group.

Edited by SNKMAN

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Thanks for the additional attention on this SNKMAN.

Anyway "Planes" should not be "Re-Initialized" i think. So i can simply fix this by skipping the "Re-Initialize" of "Planes".

You are correct, the re-initializing is current hurdle.

While this would fix things for me, I think it could maybe make things more challenging for other mission makers who like your very easy method of implementing death from above. :)

My situation is very custom from the start as the mission(s) are primarily for pilots. Thus inducing my need for special things. At the end of the day though, I need enemy aircraft (planes & helos) to do quite a few specific things, which is inheriently problematic in it's own right. :rolleyes:

I normally don't have any editor placed waypoints, it's all scripted. So for me, a way to avoid initializing GL4 on specific aircraft (planes/helos) would be ideal. But I can see after briefly following the code along where this would be a more difficult venture. Your proposed solution makes sense and I can appreciate only dropping the planes from re-init. But again, I fear this might make a reverse situation for others who might have large scale warfare in mind.

Hrmm... difficult the Gnome is... :p

I'm open to thoughts though, I'm not against rigging it. Maybe I can #include a modification or 2 into the mission? I'm not sure, not very helpful either!



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What the HQ radio do? How do I use it? I know how to turn it on but what is it used for. I checked the readme but it doesn't really explain it. Sorry if this is dumb question :-)

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What the HQ radio do? How do I use it? I know how to turn it on but what is it used for. I checked the readme but it doesn't really explain it. Sorry if this is dumb question :-)

Its for immersion. Like the radio chatter in vehicles.

Its supposed to simulate you have contact with HQ, and so you can request reinforcements or artillery through 0-8.


A question: After trying the demo mission with artillery (friendly) I noticed the shells are actually shot. (very good solution, with the at least 100m away from the position of the arty!). Does this mean that enemy artillery now also actually shots the rounds, or are they still spawned?

Another question can the radio chatter be turned on/off also for player, or only for AIs in the players group?

PS. It was just a quick try, so not much feedback right now, but it will follow.

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Sorry if this is dumb question :-)

There are no dumb questions only dumb answers. ;)

Kroky have already explained it pretty good.


Does this mean that enemy artillery now also actually shots the rounds, or are they still spawned?

Yes they are still spawned with a delay given to the distance.

The longer the distance the longer the delay.

I don't think you can script any A.I. to fire directly to where you want.

Or may it is possible but only with a lot of maths calculations.

I'm not the biggest friend of all this atan sine and cosine stuff.

Alway's makes my head smoking while using it. :D

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Absolutely great! GL4 is my favourite AI mod. It makes missions so much more dynamic and immersive. :bounce3:

@SnkMan: Would it be possible to add something like the urban patrol script functionality to the GL4 suite? This would really boost things. Currently I use UPS in my missions together with GL4, but I am not sure, whether they cooperate. E.g. both introduce AI functions like house search.

And with the enhanced skill system of this new version, does it still make sense to use ZeusAI?

Thanks a lot!


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Group Link 4 Work In Progress Videos:



Well look's like A.I. will not be killed that easy anymore by a "Backblast".


Thanks :)

Would it be possible to add something like the urban patrol script functionality to the GL4 suite?

No i will not add things made by others. Also i have no clue how things are made coded by others.

And with the enhanced skill system of this new version, does it still make sense to use ZeusAI?

Well i really can't tell much about the different between the Zeus A.I. "Skill Types" and the Group Link 4 "Skill Types" becouse i do not use Zeus A.I.

Zeus A.I. is config based which makes it very static Group Link 4 is script based and can be modified in a way larger range.

So it's up to everyones personal taste.

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I really like the behaviour of the AI with GL4 mod...but they can't hit stuff anymore.

we use ACE2 on our server ad everything runs fine.

when i start the server with ACE2 and GL4, the AI shooting is horrible.

sometimes an AI MG gunner sneaks up to you...start shooting in full auto mode from 5m away...and you will be able to turn around....switch weapons...reload...talk to your mates...grab a new beer from the freezer and then kill the AI. something seem to be wrong here.

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I really like the behaviour of the AI with GL4 mod...but they can't hit stuff anymore.

we use ACE2 on our server ad everything runs fine.

when i start the server with ACE2 and GL4, the AI shooting is horrible.

sometimes an AI MG gunner sneaks up to you...start shooting in full auto mode from 5m away...and you will be able to turn around....switch weapons...reload...talk to your mates...grab a new beer from the freezer and then kill the AI. something seem to be wrong here.

Are you using any other Mods/AddOns? That does sound a bit weird. I normally have most of the GL4 AI skill stuff off cause I use Zeus with ACE2 and GL4, and in that case the enemy AI is pretty damn hard. I'll have to try it without Zeus to see if my AI is bad too.

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when i start the server with ACE2 and GL4, the AI shooting is horrible.

Really? Well to since i have increased the "Skill Types" in the latest release A.I. if fiering like hell and they hit me pretty good.

Put "this allowDamage False" in the init of your player create a enemy A.I. group 100 meters away from you and you will be hit every single second. :)

Do the same with a tank instead of a group and you will be hit that often that you get problems to move anywhere.

May it has something to do with A.C.E. 2? Did you ever tryed Group Link 4 stand alone?

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