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Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?  

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  1. 1. Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes

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Thanks SNKMAN. I have just made the changes (replaced with Group Link 4: High Command Reinforcement) and requested renfiorcments but nothing happened?? I have the module synched with all groups included mine.

What am I missing?

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Thanks SNKMAN. I have just made the changes (replaced with Group Link 4: High Command Reinforcement) and requested renfiorcments but nothing happened?? I have the module synched with all groups included mine.

What am I missing?

That was doesn't work at the moment. That's how I understand it.

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True :) Script error. :p

---------- Post added at 19:06 ---------- Previous post was at 19:03 ----------


Some strange behaviour with the H.C. Helicopter. In the mission 4 of the seal team six campaign, eagle claw, I requested a helicopter. I was granted the helicopter, but no icon in the AI buddies appeared. I mean F6 for example or whatever. In the status it told that I (my group) is the helicopter...distance to me was 0. Then I requested again a helo and guess what happened?

Please give me some more informations about this.

You was already flying around with the helicopter? You was inside the helicopter then get out and cancel the helicopter request?

In the status it told that I (my group) is the helicopter.

Yeah after requesting the helicopter the driver ( leader ) of the helicopter do join your team so he's part of your team till you cancel the request.

Edited by SNKMAN

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I've been running into some problems since using GL4.

Using Zeus AI while running GL4 conflicts each other. When AI units are told to "hold fire" through user commands or by waypoints they don't. This makes ambushes impossible because once the AI sees an enemy unit it automatically starts firing. I want the enemy to get into a certain spot and then have the AI units open fire.

Once I stopped using Zeus AI units were now following commands but I ran into the problem again once I updated to the newst GL4. I have a feeling this has something to do with ACE 2 now.

Is there a way to turn off GL4's AI enhancements? I love GL4 and want to continue using this addon but AI problem is driving me crazy.

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Well there is only one part wich really changes the A.I. behaviour.

"Skill Array Types"

But i don't think that it's the fault of GL4 becouse it need some much more to make A.I. ignor player made orders.

Go to "UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Global.sqf"

Find and remove the "//" in front of the variable.

    // GL4 Enemy A.I. Difficult Level:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose False to disable this feature completly.
   // True / False, default is True
      GL4_Global set [38, False];

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Well there is only one part wich really changes the A.I. behaviour.

"Skill Array Types"

But i don't think that it's the fault of GL4 becouse it need some much more to make A.I. ignor player made orders.

Go to "UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Global.sqf"

Find and remove the "//" in front of the variable.

    // GL4 Enemy A.I. Difficult Level:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose False to disable this feature completly.
   // True / False, default is True
      GL4_Global set [38, False];

Thank you, SNKMan.

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Go to "UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Global.sqf" and remove the "//" in front of "(GL4_Global select 58) set [0, False];"

Should then look like this:

Thanks for this tip. Cheers :)

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Ok here the reconstruction of the situation with HC helicopters I experienced:

- at mission start I (group leader) and my 4 AI teammates, which are all playable (through teamswitch), are in a helicopter which moves to a drop zone.

- I give my teammates the disembark command before we reach the drop zone, because otherwise we get spotted, because the drop zone is too near of enemy position.

- We (I and my 4 mates) disembark, the helo takes off and heads to the predefined drop zone.

- After the helo returns from the drop zone and heads to the open sea (where a waypoint is) and the helo stays at this waypoint. (in the air)

- Before any enemy contact, I request control over the helicopter.

- The message is: request granted (or similar) the helo is heading to your position.

- the result is: no icon appears, in the bottom of the screen (where the AI teammates are, like 2,3,4...)

- Interestingly the marker (although I disabled it in the local settings, it still appears on the map..?) for my group gets the extension, (helicopter). When I check the status of the helicopter (in the 0-8 menu) It tells me: distance 0, units 1, and the flight height. Also it says the group name is SPECTER, which is my ingame name. So it seems like the system thinks that I am the chopper.

- If I give any orders: like land or fly high, fly low, there is no confirmation.

- I can still release the chopper with the 0-8 command. And it gets confirmed.

Next issue:

- After requesting the above chopper (before releasing it!), I requested another chopper again. (second one)

- The request got confirmed, and I got an icon (in this case it was 6, because my group had five soldiers) and I was able to give any commands, like fly high, fly low, land. Also the marker was on the chopper and not on my group. But the very strange thing was: That it was an enemy chopper. Mi17. Maybe its important to tell it was the Chedaki side. (Not Russian army). The pilot was speaking russian to me, and was calling out targets on the way to my direction. The marker for it was blue. The status told me: group name 1-1-M, 3 units, flight height, and distance - was all correct.

- This chopper crashed when I ordered it to land (it landed on a steep shore).

- I requested another chopper (still not released the first one). This time I got control over a friendly chopper (which supposedly was the extraction chopper?) and everything worked correctly like: the icon appeared, I could give the commands and release it again and it returned to its position.


1.So the problem is apparently when starting in a chopper at mission start already.

2.It seems that the script looks for ANY availible chopper on the map and joins the player group.

If you need it, than I can depbo the campaign and send you only the concerned mission. Although you have to have ACE installed in order to get it to work.


Hope this was enough precisely and hope you can fix this SNKMAN.

Thank you for reading this long post :)

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Awesome. :)

Thanks you so much for this very detailed feedback Kroky. ;)

Yeah i'm sure now i can find some points in the "H.C. Helicopter" feature which i should check to get ride of thouse problems.

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One mystery is solved. The one with the Mi17 "enemy chopper".

After replaying the mission I figured out that it was friendly. It was a enemy chopper, but stolen through some kind of civilians, or resistance. The mission designer put them obviously in this chopper and they are friendly to the BLUEFOR. So this isnt a bug. I just didnt know that the crew was friendly.

Still the first bug is reproducable.

One more info, maybe this helps:

This time the chopper (the first one, not the MI17) crashed after we disembarked. Still the marker stayed on the map. The chopper was totally destroyed and exploded several times. Still I could call it in...? Of course it didnt move anywhere :D.

One more thing I noticed. When getting control over a chopper through 0-8 and then getting the icon, when order the chopper to do something through:

F6 - 6 - land, and not through F6 - 0 - 8 - land, it will say roger and on the icon you will see "action", but no confirmation (green text) will appear and it will do nothing. The F6 - 0 - 8 - land, fly high, fly low method works although.

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I have some questions, maybe they are answered already, but running a fast "sweep" over these more than hundred pages helped me not. I'd take the time, but right now I'm using my dear Girlfriends laptop, and she has to write her diploma work on it, so I don't have time to search thoroughly.

I made a mission using ACE wound module along with BI First Aid modules, and I recently tried it with GL4. Some things surpassed my greatest hopes in the variety and the difficulty of the mission, such as the squad breaks into fireteams (seemingly), in-city enemy patrols investigating our landing place ~1km from the city, and I could go on.

Some glitches of course are present:

-On the map, I can see the exact position of enemy formations with dots over them, writing "reinforcement" or "garrison", even if I didn't have contact with them yet;

-medics/soldiers can be stucked in healing/first aid animation, trying to revive unconcious/agonized person;

This might be not GL4 or ACE related:

-I try to get some enemy AI surrendered, and not to massacre every last of them, or at least have them flee the place, but to no avail (tried "Surrender" module, set allowfleeing to higher values). I tried mainly GL4 because I couldn't get them surrendered, but no luck so far :( (does it have to do something with that I use Sahrani?)

Also is there a way to force some AI to garrison buildings for longer periods? And to make assigned AI static gunners to disembark their CWS and surrender?

Thank you in advance!

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Oh well thanks a lot but i guess i already fixed all problems.

You have helped me a lot with your detailed description about the situation.

Many thanks for this.

So in the next version there should not be any problems like you had discovered.

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Oh well thanks a lot but i guess i already fixed all problems.

You have helped me a lot with your detailed description about the situation.

Many thanks for this.

So in the next version there should not be any problems like you had discovered.

Awesome, incredible! So fast?

You are really like Neo in the Matrix :)

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-On the map, I can see the exact position of enemy formations with dots over them, writing "reinforcement" or "garrison", even if I didn't have contact with them yet;

That's the debug markers and only needed if you are a mission designer or interested to see how Group Link 4 is working.

How to disable them:

Go to "UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Global.sqf" and remove the "//" in front of "(GL4_Global select 58) set [0, False];"

Should then look like this:

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Map Marker Debug:
// ================================================== ============
// Choose if the "Map Marker Debug" should be used.
// Note: This debug creates a marker at the map for each enemy A.I. group and gives several informations about the group behaviour and moving direction.
// True / False, default is True
(GL4_Global select 58) set [0, False];

-medics/soldiers can be stucked in healing/first aid animation, trying to revive unconcious/agonized person;

May this is a A.C.E. 2 problem becouse i do nothing that could have such an effect.

-I try to get some enemy AI surrendered, and not to massacre every last of them, or at least have them flee the place, but to no avail (tried "Surrender" module, set allowfleeing to higher values). I tried mainly GL4 because I couldn't get them surrendered, but no luck so far (does it have to do something with that I use Sahrani?)

Yes Group Link 4 got a "Surrender" feature which is very random.

Enemy A.I. do only surrender if they are fleeing know's something about a enemy and if they are catched in the right time from the "Surrender" feature.

You can change the surrender settings in the "GL4_Global.sqf" settings to make enemy A.I. surrender way faster and way more often.

Also is there a way to force some AI to garrison buildings for longer periods?

No there is no way. The only command to make A.I. stay at their position is "stop" which will disable the whole A.I. moving.


Awesome, incredible! So fast?

Well only 2 little script changes which made the trick. ;)

I never tested any of the H.C. features if a mission starts in a vehicle so i had totally ignored this.

That's the best of thing of the public releases. You get errors and mistakes way more often and with such a detailed description like you have made i can fix things within a few minutes. ;)

You are really like Neo in the Matrix

:D yeah sometimes i really feel like this. :)

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One more detail SNKMAN:

When getting control over a chopper through HC helicopter, I can only control the pilot, not the gunner(s). Hmm, I think it would be good to get control over all the units. For disembarking or helping in an attack, otherwise they will stay in the chopper and never leave it.

Will you release the new version as a hotfix, so we dont have to wait so long for the next update, please?

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Group Link 4 Special FX Edition v.1.1.77

What's New:


Added: Settings to ( UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Global.sqf ) to define enemy A.I. ranks which are allowed to request artillery.

Fixed: "High Command Reinforcement" script error.

Fixed: "GL4_Skill_Types.sqf" settings script error.

Added: Settings to ( UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Global.sqf ) to set different enemy A.I. "Reinforcement Request" distances for specific vehicle types [ ["Man", 3000], ["Car", 7000], ["Tank", 10000], ["Air", 30000], ["Ship", 30000] ].

Fixed: "Skill Types" script error.

Enhanced: A.I. will try to get out of the "Backblast" angle.

Re-Wrote: Players will no longer start burning if too close to a burning camp fire.

Enhanced: You can "Force Move" units of your group to specific positions via Map - Click.

Re-Wrote: Large parts of the "Force Move" feature into functions.

Added: Dialog to the "Force Move" feature.

Enhanced: "H.Q. Radio" is only available if more the 1 unit is in a player group.

Changed: "Default Markers" with "Millitary Markers".

Added: 3D group markers to all "High Command" features. Special thanks to Karel Moricky ( Author of B.I.S. H.C. ) where i could see how to create them.

Fixed: "RscMiniMap" entry in .rpt.

Fixed: "Reinforcement High Command" position bug.

Enhanced: All "High Command" features which use Map - Click do only open the "Mini Map" if the main map is not open.

Fixed: "Helicopter High Command" bugs. Hopefully...

Fixed: "High Command" default initialize.

Re-Wrote: Only units of the original player group and/or recruited units can be ordered to "Force Move".



Download the Group Link 4 Special FX Edition v.1.1.75 ( Full )


Overwrite the GL4_System.pbo v.1.1.75 with the GL4_System.pbo v.1.1.77 ( Update )


Group Link 4 Special FX Edition v.1.1.77 Update ( filefront.com )

Like always feedback and reports are very welcome. :)


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Thank you so much! Installing now...and testing :D

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Not a problem. :)

When getting control over a chopper through HC helicopter, I can only control the pilot, not the gunner(s). Hmm, I think it would be good to get control over all the units. For disembarking or helping in an attack, otherwise they will stay in the chopper and never leave it.

The use of the "H.C. Helicopter" feature should be to get a unit/group from a to b not more.

Also all the "H.C." features are really brain killer features with many many way too many thinks to take care about ( Locality, Groups, Group Id's, many arrays and conditions which have to be set in the right time and on the correct machine )

Also i think i would not like to have the whole helicopter crew in my group unit list. ;)

I don't think that i will go very much deeper in the "H.C." features or improve them with much more things may a detail here or there.

Like you have seen there are still bug's in some parts of Group Link 4 and i seriously should kill thouse bugs bevore adding even more features.

So now i will spend the next days for testing and debugging only.

Edited by SNKMAN

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Oh thank you very much SNKMAN, some of the problems are connected to bugs (???) with the SRRS module, seems like it doesn't apply to 3rd party classes.

And seems as you said that stucking soldiers in the first aid anim might be ACE problem.

About the map icons: ok, then if I put the mission into pbo and mission folder they won't be visible? That's good then, because I saw it in the editor, my bad, sorry

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hi SNKMAN, thx for the update, only thing i noticed is that enemy AI only will support each other when attacked by player,not when attacked by other AI,

even when you switch players in SP via Teamswitch,they will react to you but no reinforcments are called, AI vs AI that fight each other and calling in support would be great, dont know if its intended only for player(i guess so for MP)but would be great for in SP.

anyway great stuff,

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Yes that's right you will never see West A.I. fighting against EAST A.I. and using the Group Link 4 A.I. features.

Group Link 4 do force all it's magic to the player ( units of a player group ) only.

Just think about how much resources would be needed to run the Group Link A.I. Enhancement on all units and each side.

It would kill the ArmA 2 engine after 3 - 5 groups would fight each other.

One of my biggest targets is to keep Group Link 4 as resource/engine friendly as possible and this defenetly would be the wrong way. ;)

Edited by SNKMAN

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Major problem SNKMAN...the HC reinforcements and helicopter features, are simply gone in the 1.1.77 version. And yes I enabled them in the userconfig.

What happened?

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Thanks yeah the "Force Move" feature is on a totally new level now. :)


Well to me everything works fine with the "Default" initialize of the "H.C." features.

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